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The Dangerous Plastic Bag

It seemed to be choking. It tried to cough out the thing that can cost its life. But
then, it stayed as still as a statue. Could it still be saved, or was it too late?

Earwyn is a boy who likes the sea. He lived in a house not far from a beach with
the big, blue sea he loved so much. He would go visit that sea almost every day. He
thinks observing the sea is as interesting as solving mysterious cases. Arthur is one of
Earwyn’s best friends. Arthur is a bit chubbier and likes eating.

One afternoon, Earwyn asked Arthur if he wanted to see the sea with him. Arthur
agreed to go there. Upon arrival, Arthur immediately went to one of the food stands to
buy some fried rice. Earwyn, on the other hand, wanted to see his favorite animal, the
turtle. He named it Toto. “Oh no, I should’ve brought my binoculars so that I can see
farther,” Earwyn just remembered. He went to his house nearby to take it.

After finishing his food, Arthur searched for a trash can to throw the plastic bag
that was given to him. “Maybe I will just throw it at the shore. The waves will wash it out
anyways.” The waves were chasing each other, eating whatever they could take on the
shore, including that plastic bag. The plastic bag was carried far away.

Toto was swimming in the sea, quite far away from the shore. “I am so hungry.
Let me find some food,” he thought, his stomach grumbling. On the food search, he
found a red fish-like structure that looked mouth-watering. He ate it. Suddenly, Toto felt
like he couldn’t breathe anymore. He tried to cough out whatever he had swallowed but
failed to do so. His whole vision started to be black.

Earwyn just came back to the beach. “Finally, I can see my beloved Toto,” he
smiled while thinking about Toto. He zoomed in using his binoculars to Toto’s favorite
spot to be, only to find Toto floating on the sea, not moving a single inch. “Oh no! What
happened to you Toto?” he shouted loud enough for Arthur to hear. “Oh no, let’s go
save him!” Arthur exclaimed. They swam to where Toto was and brought him to the
shore. They carried Toto to a pet clinic.

The vet took out the plastic bag. Toto started breathing normally again. “Oh thank
God,” Earwyn exclaimed. Earwyn was on cloud nine seeing Toto like this. Arthur, on the
other hand, was crying. “What happened, Arthur? Why are you sad?” Earwyn asked. “I
think that plastic bag that Toto swallowed was the plastic bag that I threw at the shore. I
didn’t know it could cause this much harm. Please forgive me.” Arthur said
apologetically. “It’s okay, just don’t do that again.” Earwyn beamed. “Okay!” Arthur said
with high spirits.

“It feels so good to know that fewer animals are going to die because of plastic
bags,” Arthur thought. From that day on, Arthur never threw plastic bags wrongly
anymore. They both always remind themselves, “The sea is so beautiful to see. The sea
is like a treasure chest, while the animals are like the gold coins in it. We must protect it
from any danger.”
Title: The Dangerous Plastic Bag
Earwyn: Likes the sea, knows a lot about animals
Arthur: Likes to eat, likes to throw trash in the wrong place

Place: At the beach, at the pet clinic
Time: A sunny afternoon.

Problem: A plastic bag was carried to the sea. A turtle choked on it.
Solution: The turtle was saved. Arthur promises he will never throw trash again.

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