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Question 1
Sudarshan lake was built and reconstructed by-
सुदर्शन झील का ननर्ाश ण और पुनननश र्ाश ण नकसके द्वारा नकया गया था-

1. Pushyamitra shunga
2. Pushya Gupta
3. Chandra gupta
4. Ashoka

Answer – Pushya gupta

Sudarshan lake was built on orders of Chandragupta Maurya by his
governor Pushyagupta in the middle of Urjayant Hill hill at Girnar in
Saurashtra. The Junagarh rock inscription of Rudradaman-I says that
dam on the Sudarshan lake for irrigation was constructed by
Question 2
Who was appointed to look after the grazing area-
चराई क्षेत्र की दे खभाल के नलए नकसे ननयुक्त नकया गया था-

1. Vivitadhyaksha
2. Koshadhyaksha
3. Akaradhyaksha
4. Panyadhyaksha

Answer – Vivitadhyaksha

1. Koshadhyaksha – Suprintendent of treasury
2. Akaradhyaksha – mining and metallurgy
3. Panyadhyaksha- Head of trade and commerce
Question 3
Which inscription gives information that Pushyagupta constructed a dam on sudarshan
नकस अनभलेख से यह जानकारी नर्लती है नक पुष्यगुप्त
ने सुदर्शन झील पर बााँ ध का ननर्ाश ण करवाया था=

1. Junagarh Rock inscription.

2. Mahrauli Inscription / Garuda Pillar.
3. Allahabad Pillar Inscription (Prayag Prasasti)
4. Nasik Inscription.

Answer – Junagarh inscription

Question 4
Main trade items during mauryan empire was-
र्ौयश साम्राज्य के दौरान र्ुख्य व्यापाररक वस्तुएाँ थीीं-

1. Indigo
2. Cotton
3. Silk
4. All of the above

Answer – All of the above

Question 5
The income from the kings own land or estate was known as –
राजाओीं की अपनी भूनर् या सींपनि से होने वाली आय को कहा जाता था -

1. Bali
2. Bhaga
3. Sita
4. None of these

Answer - Sita
Question 6
The eighteen chief handicrafts of the time such as wood-work, metal- work and jewellery,
etc. were organised in guilds called-
उस सर्य के अठारह प्रर्ुख हस्तनर्ल्प जै से लकडी का कार्, धातु का कार् और आभूषण आनद को
नगल्ड र्ें सींगनठत नकया गया था-

1. Workers
2. Shrenis
3. Labour class
4. All of the above

Answer – shrenis
Question 7
The president of shrenis were know as-
श्रेनणस के अध्यक्ष के रूप र्ें जाने जाते थे-

1. Pramukha
2. Jetthaka
3. Both 1 and 2
4. None

Answer – Pramukha

Shrenis -> alderman were known as Jetthaka

Question 8
Match the following-
1. Silver coins Nishka
2. Copper coins Mashaka
3. Gold coins Karshapana or pana

ननम्ननलखखत को नर्लाएीं -
1. चाीं दी के नसक्के ननष्क
2. ताीं बे के नसक्के र्ार्ाक
3. सोने के नसक्के कषश पण या पान

Answer –
1. Silver coins- Karshapana
2. Copper coins- mashaka
3. Gold coins- Nishka
Question 9
How much tax was paid by the peasants in the Mauryan administration?
र्ौयश र्ासन र्ें नकसानोीं द्वारा नकतना कर अदा नकया जाता था?

1. 1/3rd of produce
2. 1/4th of produce
3. 1/6th of produce
4. 1/8th of produce

Answer – 1/6th of produce

Question 10
Which of the following refers to tax paid only in cash during the Mauryan period?
ननम्ननलखखत र्ें से कौन र्ौयश काल के दौरान केवल नकद र्ें भुगतान नकए गए कर को सींदनभशत करता
है ?

1. Bhaga
2. Bali- religious tax
3. Hiranya
4. Kara

Answer – hiranya
Question 11
The tax paid in kind by group of villages was known as –
गााँ वोीं के सर्ूह द्वारा वस्तु के रूप र्ें भुगतान नकया जाने वाला कर कहलाता था -

1. Pindakara
2. Bhaga
3. Prakriya
4. Shulka

Answer -Pindakara

1. Bhaga – LAND TAX
2. Prakriya – ROYALTY
Question 12
The monopoly tax during Mauryan empire was known as-
र्ौयश साम्राज्य के दौरान एकानधकार कर के रूप र्ें जाना जाता था-

1. Parigha
2. Vartani
3. Parsvam
4. Pranaya

Answer – Parigha

1. Vartani – road cess
2. Parsvam - surchages
3. Pranaya- gift of affection
Question 13
Which section of vinay pitaka contains direct evidence of ‘ARTIFICIAL IRRIGATION’ in
नवनय नपटक के नकस खीं ड र्ें र्गध र्ें 'कृनत्रर् नसींचाई' का प्रत्यक्ष प्रर्ाण नर्लता है ?

1. Jatakas
2. Mahavagga
3. Khandhakas
4. None of these

Answer – Mahavagga
Question 14
the villages exempted from taxation during Ashokas reign was known as-
अर्ोक के र्ासनकाल के दौरान कराधान से र्ुक्त गाीं वोीं को कहा जाता था-

1. Mashaka
2. Hiranya
3. Pariharaka
4. None of these

Answer - Pariharaka
Question 15
Those villages, who paid their taxes in the form of grains, cattles, gold, or raw material
were known as –
वे गााँ व, जो अनाज, र्वेर्ी, सोना या कच्चे र्ाल के रूप र्ें अपना कर अदा करते थे, कहलाते थे -

1. Kupya
2. Ayudhiya
3. Pariharaka
4. Shulka

Answer – Kupya

Ayudhiya- Village that supplied soldiers
Question 16
According to kautilya Linen manufacturing centers were at-
कौनटल्य के अनु सार नलनन ननर्ाश ण केंद्र थे-

1. Kasi
2. Pandra
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Ujjain

Answer – both 1 and 2

Question 17
Arthashashtra states that the state appointed ______ superintendents mostly to regulate
the economic activities of the state-
अथशर्ास्त्र कहता है नक राज्य ने ज्यादातर राज्य की आनथशक गनतनवनधयोीं को नवननयनर्त करने के नलए
_________ अधीक्षकोीं की ननयुखक्त की-

1. 27
2. 28
3. 29
4. 15

Answer -27 superintendents

Question 18
Kalpasutra book was written by-
कल्पसूत्र पुस्तक नकसके द्वारा नलखी गई थी-

1. Bhadarbahu
2. Mogaliputta tissa
3. Kautilya
4. None

Answer – Bhadrabahu

Question 19
Crowning Animal Site
1. Quadruple Lion Basarah – Bakhira Lauriya – Nandangarh, Rampurva, Vaishali
2. Single lion Sarnath
3. Elephant Rampurva
4. Bull Sankissa

क्राउननीं ग एननर्ल साइट

1. चौगुनी र्ेर बसरा - बखखरा लौररया - नीं दनगढ़, रार्पुरवा, वैर्ाली
2. एकल र्ेर सारनाथ
3. हाथी रार्पुरवा
4. बुल सींनकसा

1. Quadruple Lion - Sarnath
2. Single Lion -Basarah – Bakhira Lauriya – Nandangarh, Rampurva,Vaishali
3. Elephant -Sankissa
4. Bull - Rampurva
Question 20
Which among the following statement is correct regarding Rampurva pillar, Bihar-

1. Is a hybridization of Persian and Indian elements.

2. The abacus shows Greek influence and has beautiful floral designs.
3. Zebu bull is depicted as the crowning animal.
4. All of the above

रार्पुरवा स्तींभ, नबहार के सींबींध र्ें ननम्ननलखखत र्ें से कौन सा

कथन सही है -
1. फारसी और भारतीय तत्ोीं का सींकरण है ।
2. अबेकस ग्रीक प्रभाव नदखाता है और इसर्ें सुींदर पुष्प नडजाइन हैं ।
3. जे बू बैल को र्ुकुट पर्ु के रूप र्ें दर्ाश या गया है ।
4. उपरोक्त सभी

Answer – all of the above

Question 21
The words “the village lumbini was exempted from bali (a tax) and bhaga
(royal share of the production) was reduced to one-eighth” was inscribed
on which one of the following Ashokan Pillars?
ननम्ननलखखत र्ें से नकस अर्ोक स्तींभ पर "गाीं व लुींनबनी को बाली (एक कर) से छूट दी
गई थी और भागा (उत्पादन का र्ाही नहस्सा) को घटाकर एक-आठवाीं कर नदया
गया था" र्ब्द अींनकत नकया गया था?

1. Lauriya Nandangarh
2. Nigalisagar
3. Rummindei
4. Allahabad

Answer - Rummindei
Question 22
Which among the following statement about Barabar caves is correct-
1. Oldest surviving rock cut cave in India.
2. These caves were granted to Ajivika sect by Ashoka. Ashokan inscriptions have been found in
this cave.
3. Barabar Hill contains four caves, namely, Karan Chaupar, Lomas Rishi, Sudama and Visva Zopri.
4. Sudama and Lomas Rishi Caves as are the earliest examples of rock-cut architecture in India
ननम्ननलखखत र्ें से कौन सा कथन बराबर गुफाओीं के बारे र्ें सही है -
1. भारत र्ें सबसे पुरानी जीनवत रॉक कट गुफा।
2. इन गुफाओीं को अर्ोक ने आनजनवका सींप्रदाय को प्रदान नकया था। इस गुफा र्ें अर्ोक के नर्लालेख
नर्ले हैं ।
3. बराबर नहल र्ें चार गुफाएीं हैं , नजनके नार् हैं , करण चौपर, लोर्स ऋनष, सुदार्ा और नवश्व जोपरी।
4. सुदार्ा और लोर्ास ऋनष गुफाएीं भारत र्ें रॉक-कट वास्तुकला के र्ुरुआती उदाहरण हैं
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 4
c. 1, 3 and 4
d. All of the above
Answer – all of the above
Question 23
Which nikaya states that-”if a shudra multiplied his wealth, he was entitled to hire as a
servant not only another Shudra but also as vaishy, a khatriya or even a brahmana”?
नकस ननकाय र्ें कहा गया है नक- "यनद एक र्ूद्र ने अपनी सींपनि को कई गुना बढ़ा नदया, तो वह न
केवल दू सरे र्ूद्र के रूप र्ें बखि वैश्य, क्षनत्रय या ब्राह्मण के रूप र्ें भी नौकर के रूप र्ें कार् पर
रखने का हकदार था"?

1. Digha niakaya
2. Majjhima niakya
3. Anguttara niakaya
4. Samyutta nikaya

Answer –Majjhima Nikaya


The Pali Sutta Piṭaka is divided into five main collections called nikāyas
--- Dīgha Nikāya (a collection of longer narratives and discourses),
Majjhima Nikāya (a collection of middle-length narratives and
discourses), Saṃyutta Nikāya (shorter texts arranged thematically),
Aṅguttara Nikāya (shorter texts arranged by the number of items
mentioned within them), and Khuddaka Nikāya (miscellaneous, often
shorter, texts).
Question 24
Vrajabhumika was appointed for-
व्रजभूनर्का को ननयुक्त नकया गया था-

1. Social works
2. Tax collection works
3. Fort protection
4. None of these

Answer – social works

Question 25
Yaksha and Yakshi figures – Life size figures have been found from-
यक्ष और यक्षी की आकृनतयााँ – जीवन आकार की आकृनतयााँ प्राप्त हुई हैं -

1. Vidisha
2. Patna
3. Mathura
4. All of the above

Answer –all of the above

Question of the day
The punch-marked silver coins, called pana-the imperial currency of mauryans, carry the
symbols of –
पींच-नचनित चाीं दी के नसक्के, नजन्हें पना-र्ौयों की र्ाही र्ुद्रा कहा जाता है , के प्रतीक हैं –

1. Peacock
2. the hill
3. Crescent
4. sun

a. 1 and 2
b. 1, 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1,2,3 and 4
Answer -1,2 and 3

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