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Q35 A 42 year old man presented with a firm fixed swelling in the right preauricular region

which had been enlarging over the last month. He had also developed a right sided facial
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Adenoid cystic carcinoma-----------
B. Squamous carcinoma
C. Sebaceous cyst
D. Branchial cyst
E. Pleomophic adenoma

Q56 A 46 year old female presents with a slowly enlarging painless firm swelling in the hard
palate to the left of the midline.
The most likely diagnosis is:
A. A dental abscess
B. Torus palatinus
C. Osteoma
D. Pleomorphic adenoma
E. Canalicular adenoma

Q112 A 60 year old female attends your surgery complaining of soreness affecting her
gingivae. No other area of her oral mucosa is affected but she complains of occasional
bleeding and crusting inside her nose and itchiness affecting one of her eyes. She is fit and
well and is not taking any medication. On examination intra-orally a desquamative gingivitis
is present. Her left eye looks inflamed and there is some evidence of scarring giving rise to
symblephron formation between the conjunctiva lining her lower eyelid and that covering the
surface of her eye itself.
Based on the above findings what is your diagnosis?
A. Mucous membrane pemphigoid---------
B. Lichen planus
C. Pemphigus vulgaris
D. Erythema multiforme
E. Lichenoid drug reaction

-The most possible cause of rampant caries?

The lack of fluoride in water; bad socioeconomic background; lack of hygiene

Lack of Oral Hygiene. Dental Education is paramount and should be emphasized and
reinforced especially in very young children with prolonged and frequent use of sugary
drinks or those with inappropriate nursing habits like for example kids who are left with a
bottle in the night etc

Adult patient 35yrs old with severe learning difficulties attends with carer. On examination no
obvious caries but OH is poor. What is the best first line treatment?
Options –
OHI TBI with patient,
OHI TBI with carer,
refer to hygienist for full mouth debridement,
do full mouth debridement yourself,
ask who provide OH care for patient and plan some changes in the routine

TBI-tooth brush instructions

Ans- B

Which of the following findings shows that the person has an immunity to hep B.
-The absence of AntiHbs antibodies..
-smth abt Hbc
- presence of antihbs antibodies

Presence of HbsAb (Anti- hep b surface antibodies without anti-hep b core antibodies shows immunity due
to vaccination and if it has anti hep b core antibodies too with anti-hep surface ab then immunity following

What neurons are associated with the movement of muscles of mastication or through what
neurons the muscles of mastication are activated


A patient has a tumour based in an enlarged jugular

foramen , what is the most likely presentation?
a. Eight cranial nerve palsy
b. Ninth cranial nerve palsy….
c. Tenth cranial nerve palsy
d. Eleventh cranial nerve palsy
Surgical findings showed schwannomas of the glossopharyngeal nerve in seven patients and tumor
involvement of both the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves in one patient. All tumors were partially located
within the jugular foramen. Growth extending within the temporal bone was typical. Tumor extended into the
posterior cranial fossa in all nine patients and produced mass effect on the brain stem and/or cerebellum in
seven patients; in five patients, tumor extended below the skull base

The heart of an embryo first begins beating at which of

the following ages?
a. 2 weeks b. 3 weeks….
c. 4 weeks d. 6 weeks

3rd week 15-21 days

The heart is formed at 20 days and starts to beat at 21 to 22 days. A primitive intestine a neural tube is also
visible at this age. The circulation system for the brain has begun. By the end of the third week, the backbone,
spinal column, and nervous system are forming

1. Patient on warfarin had a simple extraction of a grade II mobile LL4 but continues
bleeding after having socket packed with oxidised cellulose - B
2. Bleeding starts again 4 hours after extraction of LL7 – bleeding coming from buccal
plate – E or F
3. After excision of fibroepithelial polyp from attached gingivae – G?
4. (some other but can’t remember them)

a. bite pack
b. bite pack soaked in tranexamic mouthwash
c. oxidised cellulose
d. vicryl suture
e. whiteheads varnish
f. bone wax
g. electrocautar

Most common type of non accidental injury

A. Burnt tip of lip
B. Ulcer on gingiva
C. Lacerated frenum---------

wht should be added to beta lactamase to make if effective against anaerobes

Clavulanic acid to destroy b-lactamase; Aminoglycosides(recheck this)

1-pt. comes after 4 hrs after extraction still bleeding
2-after removing pyogenic granuloma from interproximal upper premolar area
3-extraction of lower molar in pt. with low platelet count
4-sever pain after 2 days of extracting lower wisdom tooth for heavily smoker
5-after extraction of tooth you discovered thet the pat is haemophilic

A-tight sutures and hospitalization

B-white head varnish back
C-oxidized cellulose
D-local measures with tranexamic acid
E-suturing with resorbable sutures
F-bite pack
G-refer to hospital immediately

Ans: 1 e
2 f
3 d
4 b
5 a

What disease is a fully qualified, fully immunised dental nurse most likely to catch from a
needlestick injury
Hep A,
Hep B,---------------
Hep C,

RCT was carried out in a molar which had a MOD amalgam

restoration. What would be your choice of restoration.
Full gold crown------------, cast inlay, gold inlay, repeat the amalgam, leave it as
it is.
A prophile photo of a man with actinomicosis on the skin in the region of his mandible. The
question is: what organism causes it?

Ans: A.israelli

best interdental cleaning for perio patients: interdental brushes or dental floss or tooth picks

interdental brushes(cpcd pg 214)

the long axis of the tooth should be parallel to the tip of the probe.
true or false?

False, 40-45 Degree angle

If pt will have two bitewings,--it is equivalent to how many hours of background radiation?

Page 38 cpcd – 8 hrs

Complaints response procedure – as soon as possible, within 2 days by a nominated member

of staff, within 2 days by the practice manager, within 10 days by nominated member of staff,
within 10 days by practice manager

Pink page650 says 2 working days but should be ASAP

Complicated crown fracture exposing 1mm pulp and it is bleeding. 10yr old boy. Options –
direct pulp cap, pulpectomy, coronal pulpotomy, cvek partial pulpotomy, extraction


Upper 5 deep cavity, you place a composite. Most likely initial complication – contamination
with moisture, shrinkage--------------, wear due to insufficient strength etc

what can you prevent by putting the probe before filling amalgam in a proximal cavity?
options were: fracture, marginal shortage--------, over hang, open contact point,

Most malignant potential?

1) smoker keratosis-------
2) lichen planus

which of the following is most effective part of an antibacterial mouthwash? biguanide,phenol,

quarternary ammonium compounds, triclosan--------
How would you dispose a well tied bag of wastes? Incineration-----, landfill, burning

Single best way to identify active root caries

Root surface caries, in its early stages, appears as one or more small well-defined discoloured areas located
along the gingival margin. Active lesions are soft, plaque-covered, and close to the gingival margin (Fig. 1.18).
Arrested lesions are hard and shiny, plaque-free, and some distance from the gin- gival margin (Figs. 1.20 and
1.34). As with enamel caries, great care should be taken when using a probe on these lesions; otherwise,
healing tissue may be damaged. However, it is essential to feel these lesions to determine their activity

This nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome is very important. New update on OKC.

A keratocystic odontogenic tumour (also keratocystic odontogenic tumor), abbreviated KCOT,

[1] is a rare and benign but locally aggressive developmental cystic neoplasm. It most often
affects the posterior mandible.

It was previously called odontogenic keratocyst and abbreviated OKC.[1][2]

Electric instrument to be tested after 3yrs/ 1yr/ 2yr/ 6 months

All earthed equipment and most leads and plugs

connected to portable equipment should have an
occasional combined inspection and test by an
appropriately trained (competent) person to identify
the faults that cannot be found by the visual check. The
HSE suggests intervals of up to five years in low risk
environments depending on the type of equipment
used. For dental practices every two or three years will
be more appropriate 3years is ans

Disposal of impression trays??

Single use orange or yellow

Which one has more and which has less modulus of elasticity?
cobalt chromium--------- , gold?( As such, a stiffer material will have a higher elastic modulus)

Nurse sends a doctors letter in saying she is unable to work for 4 weeks due to
back problems, what do you do – send her your practice sickness
policy, arrange a back-to-work meeting, assess her past attendance
record, send her a written acknowledgement that you have received
her letter

Sarika Yadav Bland Arrange a back to work meeting.

Moka Moka Is it the same as review meeting and is this LONG sick leave any where to read from

Sarika Yadav Bland No it's not a review, it's a normal employment procedure. Every employee who
comes back after a long sick leave, they have to go thorough this. Check direct gov.

Which vaccine is more common with inactivated virus? Polio----

Patient has hypersensitivity reaction to wearing an acrylic P/- what type of

hypersensitivity is this – I, II, III, IV------type IV------

How would you dispose a well tied bag of wastes? incineration, landfill, burning

Black beg- land filled, clinical- incineration, some goes for recycling facilities. The uk landfilled items
transfer to Indonesia. They dump it there

Diet advise to a child. Most effective method:

1. Tell parents not to giv child sweets
2. Dentist tells child about good and bad foods
3. Nurse talks to child---------(preventive in pinky)
4. Send child o a dietician

flap design for apicoectomy for

lower premolar
Enveloppe,two sided-----------------,three sided

Employer asking whether his employee has visited the practice to the receptionist,wht
shd the receptionist do?

o information should give to the employer about their employee,,,data protection sheet

what are tramlines

tramline is the id nerve track seen on an opg whn we have t assess how close the roots are to the nerve
in an impacted molar...u can easily read abt them while going thru molar impaction assessment

a. a man ,unshaved with inappropriate dresses coming to the surgery, and

complaining that gets up early in the morning?

Options : schizophrenia, mania, depression, anxiety, neurosis, obsessive disorders

b. A man that is putting a plate at dinner time for his dead wife? Option were as

A-DEPRESSION (get up in the morning is clue) B. OBSESSIVE (he doesnt accept that hs wife is dead is

external carotid artery and its branches

Some American Ladies Find Our Pyramids So Magnificent.....Superior thyroid artery-(arise

from anterior aspect)
Ascending pharyngeal artery-(arise from medial(deep)aspect)
Lingual artery-(arise from anterior aspect)
Facial artery-(arise from anterior aspect)
Occipital artery-(arise from posterior aspect)
Posterior auricular artery-(arise from posterior aspect)
Terminal branches
Maxillary artery
Superficial temporal artery

A 15 year old female patient has a 8mm overjet and bilateral impacted

a) The patient would be placed in the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need

DHC grade 5-------------------------

b) The patient is at an appropriate age to commence functional appliance


c) The canine position is best assessed by using a lateral cephalometric


d) The canines are almost certainly buccally placed

e) Bilateral impacted canines are seen more frequently then unilateral

impacted canines

Bud stage of upper 1st permanent molar begins at??

8 weeks. BB

How many months leave for a pregnant employee and how many months pay is she
entitled to from the 1st april 2007?
52 weeks, 39 paid weeks

Pain control
A 65 year old male on antihypertensive drugs after extraction of lower7
A patient under antidepressants after surgical extraction of lower wisdom
An old drug abuser after apicectomy
A child with severe pulpitis of 6
Paracetamol,diclofenic ,NSAID,codeine,combination of paracetamol and Brufen

1- paracetamol
2- diclofenic or combination
3- codeine
4- paracetamol
Any correction welcome

Colour coding mops for general cleaning,

blue, - office
yellow, - clinical room
green – kitchen

Periapical xray F speed film- equivalent back ground radiation?

6.4 hours

A 60 year old female attends your surgery complaining of soreness affecting her
gingivae. No other area of her oral mucosa is affected but she has noticed an
itchy rash on the flexor surface of her forearms. She is fit and well and is not
taking any medication. Scattered purple/red papules each about 4mm in greatest
dimension are present on the flexor surface of her forearms and on intraoral
examination a desquamative gingivitis is present.

Based on the above findings what is your diagnosis?

A. Mucous membrane pemphigoid B. Lichen planus--------- C. Pemphigus vulgaris

D. Erythema multiforme E. Lichenoid drug reaction

Cigarette smoking is considered to be the most important factor next to microbial

plaque in periodontal disease progression.

Which of the following is the most important factor in the disease progression in

A. Smokers have drier mouths than non-smokers B. Smokers have poorer oral
hygiene than non-smokers. C. Nicotine will impair the chemotactic and phagocytic
properties of PMNs. D. The gingival blood flow is reduced in smokers.------------- E.
Smokers alter the oral environment encouraging the growth of anaerobic bacteria

An 80 year old patient presents with an ulcer in the floor of the mouth. This has
been present for several months and has not responded to conventional
treatment. An incisional biopsy is taken.

Which of the following histological changes in the epithelium confirm a diagnosis

of squamous cell carcinoma?

A. Hyperkeratosis B. Acanthosis C. Dysplasia D. Invasion----------- E. Discontinuous


5-Question on which ion is released when there is a low gastric ph.

H+ ions ??
8-What binds irreversibly with Oxygen
Iron(Fe2+) atoms?or what--maybe someone knows exactly??
2- how you describe saliva in relation to plasma?-options, hypotonic, isotonic,

Osmolarity of Saliva far below 100 mOsm/kg
Normal human osmolality in plasma is about 275-299 mOsm/kg

11-What makes saliva, isotonic, hypotonic?

Saliva secretion occurs in two steps
primary saliva-- has an electrolyte composition similar
to that of plasma-that is isotonic.
As the saliva passes through the excretory ducts it is modified into
hypotonic secondary saliva-- because Na+ and Cl- reabsorption is
greater than K+ and HCO3– secretion and the ducts are
relatively impermeable to water
13-Principle substances controlling Ca2+ metabolism; options- calcitonin,
PTH, Vitamin D, etc
Calcitonin—produced by C-cells,located in thyroid gland. Function
—lowers the blood calcium and blood phosphate levels. Supresses
bone resorption and enhance bone formation. Also promotes the
excretion in the urine of phosphate, sodium and calcium by
decreasing their reabsorbtion in the kidney tubules.
Parathyroid Hormone(PTH)-is secreted in the parathyroid gland—
increases bone resorption---->release of calcium and phosphate
into the blood plasma, decrease calcium excretion and increase
phosphate excretion in the urine. Increases the absorbtion of Ca
2+ in the gastrointestinal tract.
Vit D3 (cholecalciferol)--is not biologicaly active, but is a precursor of an active molecule 1,25-
dihydroxycholecalciferol. The most prominent actions of this active molecule are to regulate the plasma
levels of calcium and phosphorus.

1. COPD - Barrel-Chested
2. Pneumonia - Greenish Rusty Sputum
3. Pernicious Anemia - Beefy Red Tongue (Schilling's Test)
4. Kawasaki Disease. - Strawberry Tongue
5. Typhoid - Stepladder Fever
6. Typhoid - Rose Spot
7. Tetany - Chvostek Sign (Muscle Twitching Face)- Trosseau's Sign (Jerky
8. Pancreatitis - Cullen Sign (Bluish discoloration preumbilical area)
9. Appendicitis - McBurney's Point (rebound tenderness)- Rovsing Sign (RLQ pain
w/ palpation in LLQ)- Psoas Sign(pain on lying down putting pressure on MB pt)
10. Thrombophlebitis - Homan's Sign
11. Hepatitis - Icteric Sclera (yellowish discoloration of sclera)
12. Meningitis - Burdzinski Sign (Pain on nape)- Kernig Sign (pain on leg/ knee
13. Pyloric Stenosis - Olive-Shaped Mass
14. Hyperthyroidism - Exopthalmus
15. Addison's Dse. - Bronze-like skin
16. Cushing Syndrome- Buffalo Hump
17. Cholera - Rice Watery Stool
18. SLE - Butterfly Rashes
19. Leprosy - Leoning Face (contracted face)
20. Bulimia Nervosa - Chipmunk Face
21. Liver Cirrhosis - Spider Angioma
22. Asthma - Wheezing Inspiration
23. Hyperpituitarism - CAROTENEMIA (Discoloration of skin)- XANTHAMIA
24. Down Syndrome- Single Crease on Palm
25.TOF - Clubbing of FingernailsVentricular Septal DefectPulmonary
StenosisOverriding of AortaRight Ventricular Hypertrophy
26.Cataract - Blurry Vision / Hizzy Vision
27.Glucoma - Tunnel-like Vision
28. PTB - Low grade fever in a ternoon
29. Cholecystitis- Murphy's Sign (pain RUQ)
30. Myasthemia Gravis (MG) – Ptosis (inability to open upper eyelids)
31. Dengue - Petechiae
32. Parkinson's Dse. - Pill Rolling Tremors
33. MI - Levine's Sign (Clutching of the chest)
34. Measles - Koplick's Spots

ppe includes : disposable clinics gloves,household gloves,plastic disposable aprons,face-

masks,eye protection and adequate foot wear.

This condition was first described by von Recklinghausen in 1891

A. Apert Syndrome
B. Botulism
C. Cleidocranial Dysostosis
D. Fibrous Dysplasia
E. Mc Cune Albright Syndrome

The answer is D. The lesions are tumour like that replaces medullary bone with fibrous tissue. It
is linked to E and can be monostotic or polystotic



Multiple muscle fibre

Best radiograph in 13 year old child to locate unerupted permanernt canine and
retained primary canine. The unerupted teeth cannot be palpated in the buccal
sulcus and you are unsure if it displaced palatally or in line of the arch!!

a. bitewing b DPT c. Lateral oblique----------(E.whaites) d. Single periapical e. upper

anterior occlusal

Swollen gingiva around a crown. Patient wearing it for many years. Papillae were
specifically enlarged what could be the important cause due to the crown?
Material, occlusion, Proximal contour----------------, Labial contour, surface finish

You want to evaluate the effectiveness of using tetracycline as an adjunct to

scaling and root planing for the treatment of chronic periodontitis.
What type of primary study design would be most appropriate for addressing this

A. Cohort study B. Non-randomised controlled trial C. Randomised controlled trial

D. Case-control study E. Case-series

Ans: Its RCT. C. Can use case-control too. But its lesser in the hierarchy of evidence. And cohort
will have just one intervention and you will look into pre and post intervention effects

In a flouridated toothpaste with 0.304% sodium fluoride the amount of flouride

ions is
A.400 ppm
B.1000 ppm
C.1500 ppm
D.4000 ppm

0.304% NaF 0.304/2=0.152%F =1.5 mg/ml =1500 ppm coz 1mg= 1000ppm how abt this?

A 42 year old man presented with a firm fixed swelling in the right preauricular
region which had been enlarging over the last month. He had also developed a
right sided facial palsy.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Adenoid cystic carcinoma----------- B. Squamous carcinoma C. Sebaceous cyst D.

Branchial cyst E. Pleomophic adenoma

R adiation protection of patients is partly dependent upon equipment factors (x-

ray set and film or digital system). The different factors that can be changed vary
in financial cost to the dentist and in their effectiveness in cutting x-ray dose.

Which of the following provides the most cost-effective means of minimizing

patient radiation dose in dental intraoral radiography?
A. Constant potential (‘DC') x-ray set B. Rare earth filtration C. Lead apron D. D
speed film E. F speed film------------------

A patient has a tumour based in an enlarged jugular

foramen , what is the most likely presentation?
a. Eight cranial nerve palsy
b. Ninth cranial nerve palsy--------------
c. Tenth cranial nerve palsy
d. Eleventh cranial nerve palsy

The heart of an embryo first begins beating at which of

the following ages?
a. 2 weeks b. 3 weeks--------
c. 4 weeks d. 6 weeks

Which one is is non developmental?

A. incremental line of von ebner
B. perikymata------------
C. Cross striations
D hunter bands

What type of cell junctions are seen in oral mucosa? is it desmosome ??

yup...desmosomes...i had searched it out alot n in the end it was desomones or hemidesomoes if
the option is given...n tight n gap junctions are seen in odontoblasts..

Desmosomes are the predominant type, gap junctions start appearing in stratum granulosum of
oral epithelium but given the options I ll go for desmosomes as their proportion is greater.
Master dentistry volume 3 pg237

1. Fluoride treatment for a child with high caries rate

a. 2,800 ppm Tooth paste
b. 5,000 ppm toothpaste
c. Application of 2.2% duraphat 2 time yearly
d. Application of 2.2% duraphat 3-4 times yearly--------

For a 70 yr old with high caries,

if it's abt fluoride application than C

If abt tooth paste than B

A. Clubbing
B. Erythematous palms
C. Evidence of widespread scratching

D. Flattened nails (koilonychias)

E. Keratotic striations
F. Pittednails
G. Purpura
H. 'Target' lesions.

For each of the following clinical scenarios identify the most appropriate
skin/nail condtion from those provided. Each option may be used once,
more than once, or not at all

1. A 45 year old woman with known liver disease. B

2. A 56-year-old psoriasis. sufferer. F
3. A woman with a. hypochromic microcytic anaemia. D
4. A heavy smoker with haemoptysis. A
5. A patient with a history of. Gall stones presenting. with dark urine


Answer : by k-lilraziq :
a- Sodium fluoride or acidulated phosphate fluoride (concentration 5000 ppm).
b- Stannous fluoride (0.4%).
These can be applied using special tray or applied directly to teeth by toothbrush.
Applied for 1- 5 minutes, then expectorate.

Refrence: Professor Dr. Sulafa El Samarrai-Topical fluoride therapy here is the link:
http://www.codental .uobaghdad. lectures/ 5th%20class%
20prevention/ Professor% 20Dr.%20Sulafa% 20El%20Samarrai- Topical%20fluori
de%20therapy. pdf(only reference I could find )

The order of tooth number which provide best retention to least is .......
MAXILLA : 6. 7. 4. 5. 3. 1. 2
MANDIBLE:6. 7. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1

Pephigus and pemphigoid which one has subepithelial antibodies?

Pemphoigoid subepithelial, pemphigus intraepidermal

Antimicrobials should be prescribed for one of the following clinical scenarios:

a) After apicectomies b) If there is a sinus present c) After periodontal surgery d)

For surgical removal of mandibular third molars e) After surgical removal of
retained roots and teeth where there is a history of dry sockets------------
Secondary research papers in which all the primary studies on a particular subject
have been hunted out and critically appraised according to rigorous criteria are

a. Randomised controlled trials b. Case control studies c. Systemic reviews and

meta-analysis------------ d. Cross sectional surveys e. Cohort studies

Pia Garg
• In the early stage a periapical abcess can be differentiated from a lateral
periodontal abcess
o Pain
o Type of exudates
o tenderness to percussion
o response of pulp to electrical stimulation
o radiograph examination.
Like · · Unfollow Post · 2 hours ago

 Seen by 39

Hawar Al response to electrical ?

2 hours ago · Like

Michelle Eustaquio Radiograph examination

about an hour ago via mobile · Like

Divya Itteerah Response of pulp...electric stimulation

35 minutes ago via mobile · Like

Pia Garg thanks guys but dun know ans is response to electrical stimulation ...but the qestion is 'early
stage' wont it be tender to percussion as there is a difference of apical and lateral tenderness to

34 minutes ago · Like

Sarika Yadav Bland Response to electrical stimulation. The periapical abscess has non vital pulp and
lateral periodontal abscess is related to vital tooth. Pink book says you can't rely on percussion

Most dangerous route of drug administration that can adversely affect vital
A. Intra arterial
B. Intra thecal
C. Intravenous------------------
D. Intramuscular
E. Intraoral

Intrathecal is commonly used in CS and surgeries, and though Intrarterial can cause ischaemia
of the periphery, there are more casualties with IV drug administration that any of these drug
route administration and vital functions like digestion, respiration, and circulatory functions was

Test for Bell's Palsy nerve: ASK THE

A. Px to look upwards and downwards
B. Px to look left to right
C. Px to close their eyes
D. Px to smile
E. Px to stick out tongue
F. Px to purse lips and whistle
G. Px to wrinkle forehead
H. Px to allow you to shine a light on his eyes to check for papillary response
I. Px to detect blunt or sharp sensation in various positions over the face

Right answer is D. as this is a lower motor neurone lesion unlike the upper motor neurone seen
in stroke that they can't wrinkle their forehead

A 4 yr old boy comes to dental surgery . He doesn't want to eat and he has been vomiting for few days.
The biggest concern is gingival bleeding and a persistent fever
(About 37c) that has lasted for several weeks. The skin is very pale and boy seem to be sleepy.
In clinical observation one can find:
Bruises in the mouth, gingival bleeding, and pallor, enlargement of nodes.
The child probably surfers from :
A. Difficulties in tooth eruption
B. Leukemia ( right answer)
C. Mercury poisoning
D. Haemophilia
E. Viral hepatitis

Regarding swelling of salivary glands, which of the following statements is true

a. Sjogren's syndrome is a common cause of salivary gland swelling in elderly

men b. Chronic sialadenitis rarely follows duct obstruction c. Mumps is the most
common cause of parotid swelling d. Salivary calculi never occur in the parotid
duct e. Dry mouth may result from obstruction of a submandibular duct due to a

53. How to disinfect a bridge before sending to lab?

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