A Study On Brand Awareness of Financial Products With Special Reference To Agile Capital Services

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"A Study On Brand awareness of financial products with

special reference to Agile Capital Services"

Industry Internship Project

Submitted In Partial Fulfilment of the

RequirementsFor The Award of the Degree Of
Submitted by:
Enrolment No.: G0017
MBA (iConnect) 3rd Semester

Guided by:
PROF. Shradha Gupta
Assistant Professor Management Department

Submitted to:


Declaration by the Candidate

This is to declare that this report has been written by me. No part of the report
is plagiarized from other sources. All information included from other
sources has been duly acknowledged. I aver that if any part of the report is
found to be plagiarized, I shall take full responsibility for it.

PUJA PAL Signature of the Candidate

Enroll Number: G0017



Date: 27 Dec, 2022

This is to certify that

Ms. Puja Pal

has successfully completed her Summer Internship with project title
"A Study On Brand Awareness Of Financial Products With Special
Reference To Agile Capital Services"

Under the guidance of

Ms. Shivani Sharma

Project duration
15 Jul, 2022 to 15 Dec, 2022

The internship assessment fulfils the stated criteria and student findings are her original work.

We hereby certify her work excellent to the best of my knowledge with an aggregate
Grade 90

Location for internship-

New Delhi
We wish her all the best for future endeavours.
Warm Regards

Signatory) HR
Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

RG Trade Tower, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura, New Delhi- 110034

Email: info@agilecapitalservices.com

This is to certify that this project report entitled "A Study On Brand Awareness of
financial products with reference to Agile Capital Services " is a bonafied work
carried out by PUJA PAL of MBA (iConnect) of School of Commerce,
Management & Research for fulfilment of MBA degree course of ITM University

Date: Head of the department (SCMR)

Place: signature

This is to certify that the project entitled entitled "A Study On Brand Awareness
of financial products with reference to Agile Capital Services", submitted by
PUJA PAL, Enrolment No.: G0017 has been examined by the undersigned as a
part of the examination for the award of Master of Business Administration degree
of ITM University, Raipur (C.G.).

Name of the Examiner Signature of the Examiner


I would like to express my special gratitude to the Head of the Department of School of
Commerce, Management and Research, DR.YASIN SHEIKH, who gave me the golden
opportunity in ITM University to do the wonderful IIP project at “ AGILE CAPITAL
SERVICES, ” which helped me doing a lot of research and I came to know about many new
tactics whichcan be used in the marketing field. I dealt with lots of circumstances which also
helped me realize how to tackle any situation.

I would like to express my deepest thanks to MR. HIMALAYA SHETTY, Director of AGILE
CAPITAL SERVICES , for giving me an opportunity to work in his esteemed organization and
also sharing his vision which gave me an insight into the working of the Corporate organization
and acted as a constantsource of motivation for me.

I would like to express my gratitude to MS. SHRADHA GUPTA, who constantly helped me
with his valuable time and inputs during the project duration. This project consumed huge
amount of work, research and dedication. Still, implementation would not have been possible if
I did not have a support of my company mentor MS. SHIVANI SHARMA and my faculty
mentor PROF. ARIJIT GOSWAMI and my class mentor DR.BHAVNA PRAJAPATI.
Therefore, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to them. I wish to express my sense of
gratitude and indebtedness to for his inspiring guidance, constructive criticism and valuable
suggestions throughout the project work.

I would like to extend my regards to the entire AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES Team. This
internship was a learning and enriching experience for me to carry out the project. With this
internship I got exposed to the functioning of the Corporate Organization for the first time. I got
acquainted with the various situation, where you to undergo all your comfort zone and work for
the organization needs. I learnt from this project that if you want to prosper in any of the field,
firstyou must come out of your comfort zone.

I would thank the entire AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES Team for their support and guidance
throughout the project. Lastly, I would take this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks to my
loving parentsand friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limit time

The main purpose of this research report is to analyze demographic and other factors, that impact
the consumers in order to access Brand Awareness of Financial Products. The research was
conducted with reference to Agile Capital Services for the duration of 5 months, from July 2022
to December 2022.

This research was conducted to know the impact of Brand Awareness of Financial Products on
customers. The reaction of consumers, regarding the brand awareness of various types of
financial services in order to improve one’s wealth management.

This research was conducted to understand various financial products with reference to brand
awareness. This research was conducted as to understand what are the various factors which
affect the brand awareness of financial products and how much people are aware of the financial
products and the related owner brands to it.


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives of the Study

Company Profile

III Review Of Literature

IV Research Methodology

Data Analysis And Interpretations (For Survey &

Interview Method)
5.1 Analysis of data
5.2 Interpretation of data

VI Result & Findings of The Study

VII Conclusion

VIII Suggestions & Recommendations

IX References / Bibliography


- Questionnaire
- Responses
Brand Awareness of Financial Products
AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES is a BFSI sector. AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES is the one stop solution
provider for all customer’s financial needs. ACS’s objective is to serve the customers with the best
solution to direct their finances in the most profitable way. Financial Planning is a dynamic process and
in our day to day lives financial goals may evolve over the years due to changes in lifestyle for which ACS
is an independent financial services firm committed to help customers in improving their long- term
financial success my managing their wealth. AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES provides specialized advisory
services to cater the Investment Management needs of affluent clients. Their principle is to deliver high
returns to the clients through the network with government sector banks in India. AGILE CAPITAL
SERVICES believe that when it comes to Investment Portfolios, there's no such thing as 'one size fits all'.
It also brings job seekers and Employers together through their Recruitment Services.

Agile Capital Services is the choice of many reputed Multinational Organizations and businesses because
of its commitment to deliver best results. ACS pride itself with the reputation of being the trusted and
reliable talent acquisition partner as well as providing expert guidance towards achieving financial
independence to its clients.
AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES are having experts who are providing consultancy services regarding
financial and investment sector to individual so that they can secure financial future of themselves and
their family. Providing the professional and expert advice in wealth maximization, career planning and
bridging the gap between the job seeker and talent seeker. Experts in ACS provide financial advice in the
simplest way possible because they believe in managing wealth in less complicated way. Agile Capital
Services Is One of India's Emerging Consulting Firm. At Agile Capital, they provide Wealth
Management Services to High and Ultra High-Net-Worth Individuals (Hnis & Uhnis).

Our highly trained and specialized team engage with clients from across the country as well as those
based abroad. In addition to their custom-designed solutions, they focus on 'un complicating' the entire
process of investment for each client. Their focus is on building long-term relationships that defines their
business. Their advisory is backed by a strong product and research team, which underscores the
unmatched value of the ACS proposition.

AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES asserts that “At AGILE CAPITAL, we cater to financial needs of
individual and corporate clients.”
Products that are owned by AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES are: Bank of Baroda India First Life Maha
Jeevan Plus and Bank of Baroda India First Life guaranteed benefits plan which are further divided into
three categories: Child, Youngsters, Retirement Plan.

Services that are provided by AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES are: Consulting Services, Portfolio
Management, Recruitment Services, Taxation Services, Financial Analysis, Internship Program and
Professional skill Development.
AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES is comprised of several smart investment plans that are: Real Estate,
Insurance, Gold, Stock Market, Mutual Funds and Fixed-Income Invest.
Branding is one of the most important strategic instruments used in differentiating competitive products.
Strategic communication via advertisement could assist in building a brand for an organization. Brand
awareness that stands at a higher level will be able to influence the purchase decision of a customer and
this has been confirmed by researchers and it has been proven to be true. Brand awareness creates a
great picture in the mind of the customers about a certain product brand and assists in purchasing
decision. However, customers will generally put the brand of the particular product into consideration
while making a purchase decision in-

order to purchase the product. Brand knowledge plays an important role when referred to brand
awareness which consists of whether the customer knows the brand, when and how the customer
associates the brand in regarding with awareness. Brand images means how a customer resembles a
brand. Customers typically decides to undergo a repeat purchase when they are normally satisfied with
the brand and is in the last stage of post purchase behavior of the consumer buying process. Brand
awareness is a primitive level of brand knowledge which involves identification of name of the brand or a
structure which is been developed. In any kind of brand related search brand awareness is the
fundamental and foremost limitation which states it is the ability of a customer to recognize and recall a
brand in different related situations. Therefore, in all together repeat purchase decision and intention
actually takes place within buyer’s when the consumer decides whether to continue with the same
product of the brand or not. Brand awareness is defined as brand knowledge that ranges from simple
recognition of brand name to highly developed cognitive structure based detailed information regarding
any brand. Here recognition of brand is considered as the process of perceiving a brand as encountered
earlier. Therefore, the distinction between the brand awareness and brand recognition is a very subtle

In this study it is found that brand awareness serves as a dominant choice among all the inexperienced
consumers. Comparatively, the known brand may be chosen on first hand occasion because of the belief
that it is the best. When the customer has no prior knowledge or awareness of any brand in their choice
then its less likely to occur the process of repeat purchase which ultimately states that when no known
brand is available in the choice set of customers the perception of quality of others brands doesn't
matters and their buying decision is unaffected as they are more likely to detect true quality differences
between the brand and non-brand product. It is a fact that awareness is measured rather than
manipulated variable that open a possibility of other psychological variables that can be correlated with
awareness and repeat purchase decisions.

AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES comprises of financial products and services. Financial products are, in a
nutshell, contracts that are bought and sold on a marketplace. This is a very general definition as
financial products, also called financial vehicles, are diverse and come in several different forms. The
central concept behind a financial product is that it lets you convert your fiat currency into something
that can be bought and sold with others on a market. When it comes to financial products, there are
several possible ways to classify them. In this article, we will divide financial products into categories
based on the technical features that each product demonstrates. Keep in mind though that there may be
other ways to divide and classify financial products, depending on which features of those products are
relevant for your current interests.
Under this analysis, there are 4 major types of financial products bought and sold on markets:
Securities, Derivatives, Commodities, Currencies.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Some financial products might not fit neatly into these categories,
but this article serves as a general overview of the main ones you’ll come across.
Securities- A security is a type of instrument that is used to directly finance companies, banks, public
entities, or governments. Essentially, securities represent an entitlement to something, like an asset or a
contract. In that sense, you can kind of think of securities as a type of promise: the holder of a security is
promised something proportional to the number of securities that they hold. Securities can be short-term
or long-term, and the money used to purchase securities are used to directly finance various entities. It
consists of further four subparts: Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds.

Derivatives- A derivative is a type of security whose value is derived from an individual or group of
individual securities. Derivatives represent a contract between the buyer and seller, and the price of
derivatives changes depending on price movements of the underlying asset (known as the benchmark).
Derivatives are commonly used to speculate on market movements or leverage their holdings. Another
way to think of a derivative is that they give an investor the right to buy or sell some security at a specific
price or a specific time. derivatives are usually considered to have high risk in capital markets.
Derivatives are further divided into three subparts: future, options, swaps.

Commodities - A commodity is a type of financial product that represents ownership or a share of some
physical good or raw material. In general, commodities trading involves things like precious metals (gold,
silver, platinum) or natural resources (coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) but can also include so-called ‘soft’
commodities which include agricultural products or livestock. Commodities are usually included in
portfolios as a hedge against inflation. Since the exact quantity of a given commodity is (generally) fixed,
there is less risk of inflation, unlike with fiat currency which is in principle unlimited.

Currencies- Currencies are generally not considered a distinct asset class or financial product, but we are
including them here, simply because currencies can be traded on a market. Currencies are traded on
foreign exchanges (or crypto exchanges), and let people convert one type of currency into another.
Currency trading is practically a necessity as different countries and entities from different nations need
to trade with one another. An interesting feature of currency trading is that there is no centralized
marketplace for trading, as there is for securities. That means that the majority of foreign currency
transactions occur between individual investors. Investors can make money on forex markets by trading
currencies as the relative price changes.

Final Thoughts- A financial instrument is a useful concept to have a grasp over. Virtually every aspect of
the economy depends on the assets and contracts that financial products carry. All financial products
hold risks, so it is up to the individual investor to determine the kinds of financial and cash instruments
and products. In the trading industry, it is important to understand these instruments for navigation in
the stock market. When investing and trading your money in the economy, there is always an incentive to
have several sources of income through multiple investments.

Objective: -
 To find out the awareness of financial product of AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES among
 To find out how many people are interested in purchasing financial products.
 To find out whether customers suggest the company’s financial product to others or
solution provider for all customer’s financial needs. ACS’s objective is to serve the customers with
the best solution to direct their finances in the most profitable way. Financial Planning is a
dynamic process and in our day to day lives financial goals may evolve over the years due to
changes in lifestyle for which ACS is an independent financial services firm committed to help
customers in improving their long- term financial success my managing their wealth. AGILE
CAPITAL SERVICES provides specialized advisory services to cater the Investment Management
needs of affluent clients. Their principle is to deliver high returns to the clients through the
network with government sector banks in India. AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES believe that when
it comes to Investment Portfolios, there's no such thing as 'one size fits all'. It also brings job
seekers and Employers together through their Recruitment Services.


Agile Capital Services is the choice of many reputed Multinational Organizations and businesses
because of its commitment to deliver best results. ACS pride itself with the reputation of being the
trusted and reliable talent acquisition partner as well as providing expert guidance towards
achieving financial independence to its clients. They are having experts who are providing
consultancy services regarding financial and investment sector to individual so that they can
secure financial future of themselves and their family.

Providing the professional and expert advice in wealth maximization, career planning and
bridging the gap between the job seeker and talent seeker. Our experts provide financial advice in
the simplest way possible because we believe in managing wealth in less complicated way
Professionals and experts are working around the clock to provide best HR and financial solutions
to our clients and organizations in order to give them edge over their competitor. They are
committed to provide best opportunities for the job seekers.


Company DIRECTOR: Mr. Himalaya Shetty

Year of establishment: 2017

Total no. of employees: 11-50 employees

Ownership type: Private Limited Company

Company Mission: We thrive to provide best and simplest wealth management advice through
honest financial solutions as well as inspire the candidates to explore job opportunities across
various industrial sector.

Company vision: Our vision is to significantly increase the wealth of our clients by providing
best financial services as well as most valuable recruitment service provider.

Services: Consultancy services: “As a niche specialist financial services consulting firm we have
very deep and broad expertise and only employee consultants who share the same credentials.”

We gaining importance as world economic engine and with the introduction of the idea of
International Business, each business in each country is making an attempt to induce connected
with one additional despite of the regional variations? We strongly believe that ACS brings a
unique insight into industry trends and challenges. This is based on the experiences of its
consultants and associates who have held senior roles within wealth management, investment
management, investment operations, software vendors and service providers.

Portfolio Services
“The process of managing individual’s investments so that they maximize their earnings within a
given time horizon.”

It is important for an individual to diversify his investment portfolio as to reduce risk and to gain
maximum returns. So we, hereby, provide assistance in diversifying your investments. It is
important for an individual to diversify his investment portfolio as to reduce risk and to gain
maximum returns. So we, hereby, provide assistance in diversifying your investments.

Recruitment Services
“Nothing is more important than hiring and developing people, as acquiring the right talent is the
most important key for the growth of any Organization.”

Strategies are developed according to the requirements and necessities of our clients. Customized
strategies are made after careful study and observation of organization's culture and its future
goals. An effective recruitment and selection policy not only fulfill the requirements of a job but
also ensures that an organization will continue to maintain its commitment to providing equal
opportunity to employees. Here you will have a setup of well-organized regional consultants who
will provide you the pathway towards seamless recruitment services starting from identifying your
potential employee to choosing right selection process.

Taxation Services
“Taxation presents arguably the most dynamic and complex challenge in the context of financial

Ever changing legislation and rules are matched only by the new methods devised to make the
discharging of tax liabilities as efficient as possible. When it comes to tax planning and strategy,
every case is unique. Our approach remains versatile with an awareness that individual issues
must be dealt with on their own merits but with the overall, long-term considerations always in
mind. To help fund public works and services and to build and maintain the infrastructures used
in a country, the government usually taxes its individual and corporate residents.

Financial Analysis
"Analysis of financial statements refers to the method of determining the significant operating and
financial characteristics from the accounting data with a view to getting an insight into the
activities of an enterprise."

While the analysis implies generalization of the data by logical arrangement of information given
in the financial statement. However, analysis is blind without interpretation, and interpretation
becomes difficult without analysis. Interpretation means elaborating the meaning and significance
of the data so simplified. So analysis and interpretation means attempt to determine the
significance and meaning of the financial statement data so that a judgment may be made of the
prospects for future earnings, ability to pay interest, debt maturities, both current as well as long
term, and profitability of sound dividend policy.

Internship Program
We provide domestic and international level internship program. We have a team of experienced
educational and training professionals who can provide service and solutions to the clients.
Exposure to the interns are mixed specialization which is human resource and marketing which
will result in the implication of their theoretical knowledge into the corporate world. In this
training process special emphasis is given to the communication and presentation skills.

Professional Skill Development

To grow with the rapidly changing environment an organization needs to focus on the skills that
their workforce has so, it is important to attend the Skill Development Programs as it helps in
facing the challenges. People being the major differentiator amongst companies in competition
therefore to have edge over your adversary it is crucial that your workforce possesses the required
skills. If an organization and individual want to achieve success in their corporate or professional
careers, then they have to work on the Skill Development. Our Professional Skill Development
programs are developed with a purpose of enhancing employability and performance of
individuals that can further support them in their career development.


Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is an Indian central public sector undertaking
headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Every day we wake up to the fact that more than 250 million lives are part of our family called

We are humbled by the magnitude of the responsibility we carry and realize the lives that are
associated with us are very valuable indeed.

Though this journey started over six decades ago, we are still conscious of the fact that, while
insurance may be a business for us, being part of millions of lives every day for the past 65
years has been a process called TRUST.

“A true saga Of Trust.”

Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited

Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited (Tata AIA Life) is a joint venture company, formed
by Tata Sons Pvt. Ltd. and AIA Group Ltd. (AIA). Tata AIA Life combines Tata’s pre-eminent
leadership position in India and AIA’s presence as the largest, independent listed pan-Asian life
insurance group in the world spanning 18 markets in the Asia Pacific region. For the financial
year 2021-22, the total premium income of Tata AIA Life increased to INR 14,445Cr., a growth of
30%. For the same period, the Company registered a Retail New Business Weighted Premium of
INR 4,455 Cr. The 13th month persistency of the Company was at 87.8%, and the Individual
Death Claims Settlement ratio was at 98.53%. One of the fastest growing companies in the Life
Insurance sector.

SBI Life Insurance

SBI Life Insurance (‘SBI Life’ / ‘The Company’), one of the most trusted life insurance
companies in India, was incorporated in October 2000 and is registered with the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) in March 2001. Serving millions of
families across India, SBI Life’s diverse range of products caters to individuals as well as group
customers through Protection, Pension, Savings and Health solutions.

Driven by ‘Customer-First’ approach, SBI Life places great emphasis on maintaining world class
operating efficiency and providing hassle-free claim settlement experience to its customers by
following high ethical standards of service. Additionally, SBI Life is committed to enhance
digital experiences for its customers, distributors and employees alike.

SBI Life strives to make insurance accessible to all, with its extensive presence across the
country through its 990 offices, 19,599 employees, a large and productive individual agent
network of about 178,357 agents, 58 corporate agents and 14 bancassurance partners with more
than 40,000 partner branches, 127 brokers and other insurance marketing firms. In addition to
doing what’s right for the customers, the company is also committed to provide a healthy and
flexible work environment for its employees to excel personally and professionally. SBI Life
strongly encourages a culture of giving back to the society and has made substantial
contribution in the areas of child education, healthcare, disaster relief and environmental
Kotak Life

Kotak Life Insurance's products include rural plans, term plans, savings, children, retirement and
investment plans at nominal premium rates to be affordable by individual investment
requirements that can cater to their lifetime requirements and each insurance plan is designed to
provide maximum protection in addition to benefits and keeping in mind the different sections of
society. To facilitate the sale of its products the company has a network of branch offices
distributed across country, individual agents, insurance agencies and offices, individual and firm
brokers for claim settlements and these products are also available online through aggregators
and the company website. The company currently has 32 products including 9 group products, 10
ULIPs & 18 rider options (as on 4 July 2016). Till 2020, it had more than 250 branches around 167
cities in India and more than 1,00,000 advisors.

In the year 2020, company launched Kotak Health Shield, providing benefits like daily
hospitalization cash benefit, waiver of premium on being diagnosed with minor conditions, and
income benefit on being diagnosed with major conditions and forayed into comprehensive health
insurance segment.

ICICI Prudential Life

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited is a life insurance company in India.
Established as a joint venture between ICICI Bank Limited and Prudential Corporation Holdings
Limited, ICICI Prudential Life is engaged in life insurance and asset management business. In
2016, the company became the first insurance company in India to be listed in the domestic stock
exchanges. On a retail weighted received premium basis (RWRP), it has consistently been
amongst the top companies in the Indian life insurance sector. Our Assets Under Management
(AUM) at September 30, 2022 were `2,442.79 billion.

At ICICI Prudential Life, we operate on the core philosophy of customer-centricity. We offer

long-term savings and protection products to meet the different life stage requirements of our
customers. We have developed and implemented various initiatives to provide cost-effective
products, superior quality services, consistent fund performance and a hassle-free claim
settlement experience to our customers.
In FY2015 ICICI Prudential Life became the first private life insurer to attain assets under
management of `1 trillion. ICICI Prudential Life is also the first insurance company in India to be
listed on National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

Reliance Nippon

Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company is amongst the leading private sector life insurance
companies in India in terms of individual WRP (weighted received premium) and new business
WRP. The company is one of the largest non-banks supported private life insurers with over 10
million policyholders*, a strong distribution network of 713 branches and 46,538 advisors as on
March 31, 2022. The company holds of 98.7% as on March 31, 2022. Rated amongst the Top 3
Most Trusted Life Insurance Service Brands by Brand Equity ‘s Most Trusted Brands Survey
2018, the company’s vision is "To be a company people are proud of, trust in and grow with;
providing financial independence to every life we touch." With this in mind, Reliance Nippon Life
caters to five distinct segments, namely Protection, Child, Retirement, Saving & Investment, and
Health; for individuals as well as Groups/Corporate entities.
Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company is a part of RELAINCE CAPITAL, a private sector
financial services and non-banking company. Reliance Capital has interests in stock broking, life
& general insurance, proprietary investments, private equity and other activities in financial

There are several studies on brand awareness of financial products that how the brand awareness
of financial products is done in order to establish the product in the market in order to gain high
number of customers. According to Wasib, (2016) brand awareness holds brand recognition and
brand recall performance both. In accordance with, both play an important role in providing
strength for the establishment of the brand equity whose aim is to achieve a strong and resistant
brand image with long term relation that ultimately designates brand resonance. Thus, brand
awareness is defined as how much familiar customers are in terms with brand and its products
i.e., how much aware does the customer is with the product of that particular brand. It is the
measurement of how much measurable and recognizable does the brand is to its target audience.
Idris, (2016) states that brand awareness is the ability of customers to recognize and recall the
brand with-in provided detail in order to make a purchase. Brand recognition is the ultimate
result of brand awareness, the ability to validate earlier relationship to the brand when
remembered as an indication of the brand which is called brand recall. Brand awareness can be
differentiated further into four different parts: Unaware of Brand, Brand recognition, Brand
Recall, Top of Mind. These four different parts of awareness helps to demonstrate the level of
awareness of the brand among the customers. It also defines the ability to remind the brand which
is starting from unaware of a brand then the next related brands are recognized, after that the
final brand is recalled and then it comes to the top of the mind where customer survives the
situation of remembering the exact brand. Brand awareness is spread through brand
advertisement by Aminul, (2016). Advertisement captures the steps and it works as a medium
which accommodates in building a picture and an image of a product or the brand in the
customer’s mind which in future holds a strong position and gathers knowledge specific
knowledge about the brands so that brands can help customers to be aware of it. For brand
awareness it is important that the advertisement is to be successful it must be seen, read, believed,
remembered must be in the mind of the customer in-order to act on. Thus, the logic behind
advertisement of brand is to give the relevant means by which messages are communicated and
the target audience is established who then perform in ultimate ways which benefits the brand.
Serdar, (2015) states that ‘ Brand is an emotional and physiological relationship that the company
holds with customers, strong brands stimulate thoughts, feelings and occasionally physiological
reactions from the customers ‘. A brand is a comfort that guarantees to its customers to provide
the promised benefits mentioned by the brand. Brand awareness can be indicated to as the specific
level of consumer’s familiarity with the brand. Brand awareness defines the measurements of
recognition of the brand by the customers among the other brands. It states that it is the capacity
to recall from their psyche when the product category details are provided. Brand loyalty is the
connection that a customer maintains with brand and its purchase. Brand image is referred to as
the joined impact of brand associating or customers perception of the substantial and non-
substantial affiliation. Analysts have suggested that brand value is to an extent determined by the
brand affiliation composition of the image. Joko, (2021) states that behaviour factors of customers
buying the product of the same brand and making a decision of repeat purchase. Customers
behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, and usage of goods and services in order to meet
their assessing needs and fulfilment of desires. There are several factors that influence the buying
pattern of the consumer such as cultural factors, social factors and personal factors. Cultural
factors are the set of values or considered perceptions that the society learns from the family or
the various sort of institutions. Culture is personally related to one’s values, morals and customs
in our day to day lives. Social factors are affiliated with work, education, place of residence which
in all together are the indicators of social behaviour. People tend to choose their social group
according to their concerns and benefits which ultimately influences the buying pattern of the
customers. Personal factors such as age, occupation, economic conditions, lifestyle etc influences
the consumer behaviour. Lifestyle of human being definitely effects the buying pattern of the
consumers. According to Ritanjali, (2020) social media plays an important role in brand
awareness of financial products as per the evolving life style pattern. The present world is
innovation driven where social media platforms have turned into a road where retailers can reach
a wide range of customers and showcase their efforts to gain more shoppers. s. The incredible
increase of social media has helped organizations to use new ways to interact with clients,
organizations have to find out how social media can be used in a reliable way with their marketing
strategy. There are a variety of platforms that provide scope for wide range of uses and attract
users in different ways. The present study is focused on brand awareness through social media
and what are the factors that motivate users to interact with brands on social media. Social media
plays a significant role in creating brand awareness. Brand awareness can have a positive
significant impact on the purchase intension of the customers. The increasing importance of social
media in developing marketing strategies and the increasing usage of different social media at
different stages of buying by the customers has motivated to undergo the current study. Jing,
(2022) states that consumer psychological perception is mainly reflected in consumer satisfaction,
so the literature review part mainly analyses and synthesizes the literature related to consumer
satisfaction. This exploration focuses on the influencing factors of consumers’ purchase of bank
financial products based on consumers’ psychological perception. It states that three influencing
factors of consumers’ purchase of bank financial products–perceived convenience, risk value of
bank financial products and satisfaction with the communication process have a significant
impact on consumers’ purchase of bank financial products. Therefore, banks can recommend and
reform bank financial products from these three aspects. The risk value of bank financial
products is the main influencing factor for consumers to buy bank financial products, followed by
perceived convenience and satisfaction with the communication process. It states the important
considerations of consumers for purchasing bank financial products, and provides a critical
optimization path for enterprises to promote bank financial products. It is necessary to stimulate
consumers’ interest in bank financial products. Based on consumers’ interest in bank financial
products, banks should optimize the publicity path of bank financial products, and provide
different publicity paths according to different consumer characteristics. Fujiki, (2020) states that
in order to sell financial products and services that are suitable for customers in line with the
Customer-Oriented Business Conduct, financial institutions need to distinguish customers who do
not fully understand the investment risks related to these financial products, the customers who
are unable to make an appropriate decision when purchasing these financial products, and the
rest of the customers. The financial inclusion together with the traditional customer information
such as financial asset holdings, annual income, age, gender, and experience of financial troubles
might help financial institutions distinguish these customers. In particular, customers with a high
value of the financial inclusion are likely to engage in desirable investment behaviour in the sense
that they have a high understanding of investment trusts and foreign currency denominated
deposits and money marketed funds and will purchase them only if they understand the
investment risks related to the financial products. The demographic characteristics of respondents
with a high value of the financial inclusion help to distinguish customers who engage in desirable
investment behaviours, in the sense that they have a high understanding of investment trusts and
foreign currency denominated deposits and money marketed funds, and will purchase them only
if they understand the investment risks related to the financial products. The present study
focuses on the effects of sales promotions and the time to reward receipt on customer preferences
along with the contingent role of a financial product category by Dr. Vikas Gautam, (2012).
Financial products are reasonably different than consumer goods because of their intangible
behaviour. Fixed deposits are chosen as representative of convenience products because they are
one of the simplest forms of financial products that all banks offers and customer trust to buy
them. Furthermore, under the current full-blanket deposit guarantee from the government for all
bank deposit accounts, depositors need not consider the credit risk of the financial institution with
which they are opening a deposit account. Monetary sales promotions more effective for those
financial products that provide utilitarian benefits, whereas nonmonetary promotions are more
effective for those financial products that provide hedonic benefits particularly from a brand
awareness aspect. However, the contingent role of the financial product category has no
significant impact on the relationship between the time to reward receipt and customer
preference. The income of all kinds of financial products cannot meet investors' expectations
gradually. Zhengyan, (2022) states that financial institutions are in urgent need of innovative
design of new financial products to stabilize returns and expand the market. And structured
financial products as a new financial product, relies on its structural model by combining the
basic financial instruments and derivative financial instruments, with its characteristics of both
fixed income securities relatively safe and financial derivatives to hedge risk, the benefits of
asymmetric characteristics, has become popular with investors in our financial market products.
Investors are in urgent need of new financial products to give themselves more possibilities of
asset allocation in the face of the reality that investment returns cannot meet their expectations.
Structured wealth management products are the organic combination of fixed income securities
and financial derivatives. Their yields are presented in the form of floating ranges. For structured
wealth management products, the certainty return is similar to the fixed bond part, while the
"gamble" is the floating return part. Structured wealth management products can be well
compatible and combine the two, giving investors the opportunity to earn floating returns in
addition to guaranteed returns. It is for this reason that structured wealth management products
are popular.
The term "methodology" is associated with a variety of meanings. In its most common usage, it
refers either to a method, to the field of inquiry studying methods, or to philosophical discussions of
background assumptions involved in these processes. Some researchers distinguish methods from
methodologies by holding that methods are modes of data collection while methodologies are more
general research strategies that determine how to conduct a research project. In this sense,
methodologies include various theoretical commitments about the intended outcomes of the
investigation. Primary research is data which is obtained first-hand. This means that the researcher
conducts the research themselves or commissions the data to be collected on their behalf. Primary
research means going directly to the source, rather than relying on pre-existing data samples. This
type of research is particularly relevant where the data collected needs to be specific to the context.
For example, a company may perform primary market research to discover customer perceptions of
their brand. This could not be collected from any existing data source as it is unique to the business.
Primary research can also help to position a person or company as an authoritative figure in the

The research may then be quoted by other authors, who reference the original researcher as the
source, further increasing their position. However, the researcher retains full control over the data,
as the data owner. You don’t have to be an expert to conduct primary research. It can be done by
people at all levels, from students who require data for their university projects to market
researchers who want to gauge reactions to a new product. Surveys are most frequently conducted
online using paid or free survey tools and offer a convenient and cost-effective solution where a
response is required from a larger population. Questions are pre-written, offering the respondent
little flexibility if their answer doesn’t fit (making functionality such as skip logic essential) and
response rates can be variable. The length of a survey is a delicate balance: if a survey is too long,
participants may get bored and leave the survey incomplete. However, if the survey is short, not
enough data will be collected to form a full picture. Primary research has many advantages, although
it is not the most appropriate type of research for every situation. It is important to consider the
individual requirements before deciding on the most appropriate research method for the situation.
Primary research methods offer a targeted approach to market research. This allows specific issues
to be addressed, keeping the research completely relevant to the objectives and scope of the
project. This means that the research is specific to the individual market, rather than the mass
market. This type of research also allows the marketer to have complete control over the
methodology used, along with the representative sample size and the sample selection process. This
helps to further improve the relevancy of the research to the person or organization. Secondary
research is often outdated and may no longer be accurate for the market the researcher is trying to

Primary research guarantees that the information collected is up-to-date and relevant, enabling
accurate trends to be revealed. Primary research also allows the person or organization to control
ownership of the data. They may choose to release the information to enhance their position as an
authority in the field, or they may choose to keep the data private to avoid giving competitors an
advantage. Surveys are a cost-effective method of sampling a large group of people. They involve a
series of easy to answer questions which are generally multiple choice. This allows quantitative data
to be collected and analyzed by the researcher. The multiple-choice questions can also be
supplemented with open-ended questions to gather more detailed information and allow thematic
analysis to be undertaken. To sum up, primary research is a great option for individuals and
organizations who need original data to meet a specific need or to answer a particular question. It
may be more costly and time-consuming than using secondary data, but in many instances the
benefits outweigh the associated costs.


Research is the, careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new
facts in anybranch of knowledge‟. “Research is an art of scientific investigation.
Research design is theblue print for conducting research. It includes the plan
and structure that is undertaken to findthe answers to project design. It specifies
the study design, samples and the sample size.” Methodology is the systematic,
theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study.It comprises the
theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a
branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm,
theoretical model,phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques

A methodology does not set out to provide solutions - it is therefore, not the same
as a method. Instead, a methodology offers the theoretical underpinning for
understanding which method, set of methods, or [best practice] can be applied to
a specific case, for example, to calculate a specific result.
It has been defined also as follows:
1. "The analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a
2. "The systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a
3. "The study or description of methods". The methodology is the general research
strategy thatoutlines the way in which research is to be undertaken and, among
other things, identifies the methods to be used in it. These methods, described in the
methodology, define the means or modes of data collection or, sometimes, how a
specific result is to be calculated.
Objective of the study was to find out and study the brand awareness of financial products. For
this purpose, a cross-sectional survey design was used. Instrument of data collection was a
questionnaire provided by Higher Education students. Questionnaire was formed according e –
counseling material contents.

Questionnaire comprised of 10 questions encompassing these factors. An online, asynchronous

e- mail survey questionnaire was designed seeking feedback regarding services utilized for
brand awareness of financial products. Responses were recorded on a 04-point Likert scale
ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. For this study, the questionnaire was sent to
students who were using different mobile devices such as computers, iPads, smartphones and
tablets. The questionnaire had to be easily accessible to any respondent who had access to
technology and, most importantly, any type of mobile phone that could receive text messages.
This became an important criterion in the design of the questionnaire. This was tested by sending
links to different types of mobile phones and only thereafter, was the research questionnaire was
designed, based on the noted accessibility success. The satisfaction survey comprised questions
exploring participants‟ levels of satisfaction with critical counseling skills such as
responsiveness, professionalism and understanding of the client’s needs by the counseling staff

The project is a systematic presentation consisting of the enunciated problem,

formulated hypothesis, collected facts of data, analyzed facts and proposed conclusion
in form of recommendation. Methodology does not define specific methods, even
though much attention is given to the nature and kinds of processes to be followed in a
particular procedure or to attainan objective.

Data collection

Primary Data:

Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to

students. The questionnaires were carefully designed by taking into accounts the
parameters of my study.

Sample Size:

A complete interaction and enumeration of all the respondent was not possible so a sample
waschosen that consisted of 50 respondents. The research was taken by necessary steps
to avoid any biased while collecting the data.
Tools of Analysis:
The data collected from primary data sources with the help of questionnaire which is
analyzed and interpreted in the systematic mannerwith the help of statistical tool like 4-
point likert scale.


A research design is the arrangement of the condition for collecting and analyzed a data in
a manner of that aims to combined relevance to the research proposed with economic
procedure. A research design is the specification of the method and procedure for acquiring
the information needed to structure or to solve problems. It is the overall operation pattern
and framework of the project that stipulates what information is to be collected from which
source and be what procedures. . Research design is the blue print for conducting research.
It includes the plan and structure that is undertaken to find the answers to project design.
It specifies the study design, samples and the sample size


This kind of research has been the primary objective of development of insights into the
problem. It studies the main area where the problem lies and also tries to evaluate some
appropriate courses of action.

1. What is Study about?

2. What is study being made?
3. Where will the study carry out?
4. What type of data is required?
5. Where can the required data are found?
6. What will be the sample design?
7. Technique of data collection?
8. How will data be analyzed?
Hypothesis 1:
H0 - Consumers of financial product are not aware of Agile Capital Services. (Null Hypothesis)

H1 - Consumers of financial product are aware of Agile Capital Services. (Alternate Hypothesis)

Hypothesis 2:
H0 - Consumers are not satisfied with the use of product of Agile Capital Services.

H1 - Consumers are satisfied with the use of product of Agile Capital Services.


1 Age 25 to 30 years 184 92%
30 to 40 years 12 6%
40 to 50 years 2 1%
50 & above 2 1%
2 Gender Male 128 64%
Female 72 36%
3 1. How much familiar are you with the brand of financial products ? 30% 80 40%
40% 52 26%
50% 48 24%
60% & above 20 10%
4 2. Would you suggest your preferred brand of financial product to others? Agree 120 60%
Highly Agree 60 30%
Disagree 20 10%
Highly Disagree 0 0%
5 3. Are you satisfied with the experience of the brand? Agree 108 54%
Strongly Agree 54 27%
Disagree 34 17%
Strongly Disagree 4 2%
6 4. Do you think company sponsorship helps them building a strong brand awareness? Agree 136 68%
Strongly Agree 52 26%
Disagree 12 6%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
7 5. Which of the following would you prefer ? Products from bigger companies with wider distribution 56 28%
Products from companies with goodwarranty 92 46%
Products from local companies withbetter price and less in quality 8 4%
Products belonging to companies withgood brand image 44 22%
8 6. Which of the following financial product are you aware of ? Bank of Baroda India First Life MahaJeevan Plus 4 2%
LIC 132 66%
TATA AIA Life Insurance 20 10%
SBI Life Insurance 44 22%
9 7. Which brands of financial products have you purchased from above? Bank of Baroda India First Life MahaJeevan Plus 16 8%
LIC 128 64%
TATA AIA Life Insurance 20 10%
SBI Life Insurance 36 18%
10 8. While thinking of financial product of brands which brand comes first
Banktoofyour mind?
Baroda India First Life MahaJeevan Plus 14 7%
LIC 116 58%
TATA AIA Life Insurance 14 7%
SBI Life Insurance 56 28%
11 9. Would you suggest others to purchase your current financial product in terms of improving
Agree wealth management? 144 72%
Strongly Agree 20 10%
Disagree 36 18%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
12 10. Are you happy and satisfied with the financial product of preferred brand? Agree 136 68%
Highly Agree 32 16%
Disagree 32 16%
Highly Disagree 0 0%


25 to 30 years
30 to 40 years
40 to 50 years
50 & above



From the graph it can be interpreted that majority of the respondents ninety two percent are under the
category of 25-30 years followed by the age category of people 30-40 years is six percent which is much
lesser than the previous mentioned age group followed by people of age group 40-50 years which is further
less than the mentioned age group and further followed by 50 years and above which is much more less.



Above pie chart concludes that the majority is sixty four percent of the respondents are male and thirty six
percent of the people are females under my survey area.
1. How much familiar are you with the brand of financial products?


24% 40%
60% & above


From the above pie-chart it can be concluded that forty percent of people are familiar with the 30%
knowledge of financial products followed by twenty six percent of people fall under the category 40% of
financial product knowledge followed by twenty four percent of people fall under the category 50% with
awareness of financial products followed by ten percent of people with the brand awareness of financial
products under the category 60% and above.
2. Would you suggest your preferred brand of financial product to others?


Highly Agree
Highly Disagree


From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that sixty percent of people agreed for suggesting

their preferred brand of financial products to others followed by the category highly agree which

is thirty percent of people are ready to suggest their preferred brand of financial products to the

consumers followed by ten percent of people disagreed to suggest their preferred financial product

to others.
3. Are you satisfied with the experience of the brand?

Strongly Agree
54% Disagree
27% Strongly Disagree


From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that fifty four percent people agreed that they are

satisfied with the experience of the brand followed by twenty seven percent people strongly agreed

that they are satisfied with the experience of the brand followed by seventeen percent people

disagreed that they are not satisfied with the brand whereas only two percent people who strongly

agreed with the satisfaction level of experience of the brand.

4. Do you think company sponsorship helps them building a strong brand awareness?



Strongly Agree

68% Strongly Disagree


From the above graph we can conclude that sixty eight percent agreed that that sponsorship helps

company to build strong awareness followed by twenty six percent of people highly agreed that it

helps in awareness followed by six percent of people disagreed to the sponsorships.

5. Which of the following would you prefer?

Products from bigger companies with

22% wider distribution
Products from companies with
Products from local companies withbetter
price and less in quality
Products belonging to companies
46% withgood brand image


From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that forty six percent of consumers would prefer

products from companies with good warranty followed by twenty eight percent of consumers

prefer products from bigger companies with wider distribution followed by twenty two percent of

consumers prefer products from belonging to companies with good brand image further followed

by only four percent people prefer products from local companies with better price and less in

6. Which of the following financial product are you aware of?

2% Bank of Baroda India First Life MahaJeevan

22% Plus

10% TATA AIA Life Insurance

SBI Life Insurance


From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that sixty six percent of customers out of my survey

are aware of financial product LIC followed by twenty two percent of people are aware of SBI

Life Insurance followed by ten percent people are aware of TATA AIA Life Insurance followed by

two percent of people are aware of Bank of Baroda India First Life Maha Jeevan Plus financial

product which is less comparatively under my survey moreover it is a new product in the market.
7. Which brands of financial products have you purchased from above?

8% Bank of Baroda India First Life MahaJeevan

18% Plus
TATA AIA Life Insurance

64% SBI Life Insurance


From above pie chart, sixty four percent of consumers have purchased financial product of LIC

followed by eighteen percent of financial product of SBI Life Insurance followed by ten percent of

consumers have purchased the product of TATA AIA Life Insurance and followed by eight

percent consumers have purchased Bank of Baroda India First Life Maha Jeevan Plus.
8. While thinking of financial product of brands which brand comes first to your mind?

7% Bank of Baroda India First Life MahaJeevan


TATA AIA Life Insurance

58% SBI Life Insurance


Above pie chart, concludes that fifty eight percent of people were thinking of LIC followed by twenty
eight percent consumers out of my survey were preferring SBI Life Insurance followed by seven percent
people preferred TATA AIA Life Insurance and followed by seven percent people who were thinking of
Bank of Baroda India First Life Maha Jeevan Plus plan.
9. Would you suggest others to purchase your current financial product in terms of improving wealth

Chart Title


10% Strongly Agree


72% Strongly Disagree


From the above pie chart, it can be concluded that seventy two percent agreed of consumer’s suggest to
purchase financial product in terms of wealth management followed by ten percent people strongly
agreed for suggesting the product to others followed by eighteen percent of people disagreed for
suggesting financial products for improving wealth management.
10. Are you happy and satisfied with the financial product of preferred brand?

Highly Agree

68% Highly Disagree


From the above pie chart it can be concluded that sixty eight percent of people agreed that they are
happy with their preferred brand followed by sixteen percent of people highly agreed that they are happy
and satisfied with preferred brand followed by sixteen percent of people disagreed that they are not
happy with preferred financial product.
 In accordance with hypothesis from the results of data analysis it can be interpreted
that the awareness of financial product of AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES among
consumers are a-bit less regarding the Raipur and Raigarh region of Chhattisgarh as
compared to other areas on the basis of the survey done.
 Hypothesis 1 null hypothesis accepted

 Hyp. 2

 From the survey it can be seen that people are interested in purchasing financial
products. LIC is more trusted brand as compared to all other brands as it’s a valuable
company and its customer base is created through the trust on the brand. AGILE
CAPITAL SERVICES has been launched 5 years ago that is the reason it is going to
take a while for people to purchase their product.

 AGILE CAPITAL SERVICES consist of the new known financial product which is why
its awareness is not vast in the area of Chhattisgarh. Once people are aware of the
financial product of ACS they will start purchasing and using it and they will be satisfied
from their financial product and will be able to improve their wealth management.

Brand awareness of financial products is important because from awareness strong image of the brand is
created in the customer’s mind which can ultimately increase the sales of the financial products in the
market and increase its brand value. ACS has brand awareness in the specific areas as it has been only 5
years since
the establishment of the company. According to the survey that was under my area Raigarh and Raipur
is located in Chhattisgarh has lesser awareness as compared to other areas. In these areas the brand
needs to improve their awareness regarding their financial product.

ACS is a 5years back established company but it has a strong hold of financial product in the market and
area wise it will increase day by day through brand awareness. As people start using their product once
they will
be satisfied and they will go for it and suggest others to buy it.

 This study is done with the base of product knowledge and awareness
regarding the financial product that Agile capital services comprises of.
 Brand awareness of the financial product will be improved with time in
certain areas that are lacking behind for e.g.: - Chhattisgarh as it has
been only 5 years since its launch in Indian market.
 Marketing strategies can be improved by conducting surveys and by
spreading more awareness regarding the product in the areas where its
Research Papers:

1. Wasib B Latif (2016), ‘Building Brand Awareness in the Modern Marketing

Environment A Conceptual Model’ International Journal of Business and
Technopreneurship volume 4, No. 1; Feb 2014

2. Idris Mohd Noor (2016), ‘Building Brand Awareness in the Modern Marketing
Environment A Conceptual Model’ International Journal of Business and
Technopreneurship volume 4, No. 1; Feb 2014

3. Md. Aminul Islam (2016), ‘Building Brand Awareness in the Modern Marketing
Environment A Conceptual Model’ International Journal of Business and
Technopreneurship volume 4, No. 1; Feb 2014

4. Serdar Saydam and Asaad Ali Karam (2015), ‘An Analysis Study of Improving Brand Awareness
and Its Impact on Consumer Behavior’ International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol.
6, No. 1; January 2015

5. Joko Setyo Widodo (2021), ‘Review of Consumer Behavior: Customer Loyalty, Repeat Purchase
and Purchase Interest’ Dinasti International Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Vol.
2, No. 2; May 2021

6. Ritanjali Majhi (2021), ‘Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness’ INDIAN
INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT KOZHIKODE 04th International Conference on Marketing,
Technology & Society, 2021

7. Jing Zhang and Bo Jin (2022), ‘The Promotion and Optimization of Bank Financial Products
Using Consumers Psychological Perception’ Organizational Psychology, a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology, 25 July 2022

8. FUJIKI Hiroshi (2022), ‘Empirical Analysis on Understanding of Financial Products’ Policy

Research Institute, Ministry of Finance, Vol.16, No7, October 2020

9. Vikas Gautam (2012), ‘An Empirical Study on Financial Products Offered by Indian Retail
Banks to Assess the Relationship Between Sale Promotions, Time to Reward Receipt, and Customer
Preference’ Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, December 2012

10. Zhengyan Guo (2022), ‘Derivatives and Personal Finance: Structured Financial Products’
Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2022






















1. How much familiar are you with the brand of financial products ?
 30%
 40%
 50%
 60% & above

2. Would you suggest your preferred brand of financial product to others?

 Agree
 Highly Agree
 Disagree
 Highly Disagree

3. Are you satisfied with the experience of the brand?

 Agree
 Highly Agree
 Disagree
 Highly Disagree

4. Do you think company sponsorship helps them building a strong brand awareness?
 Agree
 Highly Agree
 Disagree
 Highly Disagree

5. Which of the following would you prefer?

 Products from bigger companies with wider distribution
 Products from companies with good warranty
 Products from local companies with better price and less in quality
 Products belonging to companies with good brand image

6. Which of the following financial product are you aware of ?

 Bank of Baroda India First Life Maha Jeevan Plus
 TATA AIA Life Insurance
 SBI Life Insurance
7. Which brands of financial products have you purchased from above?
 Bank of Baroda India First Life Maha Jeevan Plus
 TATA AIA Life Insurance
 SBI Life Insurance

8. While thinking of financial product of brands which brand comes first to your mind?
 Bank of Baroda India First Life Maha Jeevan Plus
 TATA AIA Life Insurance
 SBI Life Insurance

9. Would you suggest others to purchase your current financial product in terms of
improving wealth management?
 Agree
 Highly Agree
 Disagree
 Highly Disagree

10. Are you happy and satisfied with the financial product of preferred brand?
 Agree
 Highly Agree
 Disagree
 Highly Disagree
Weekly Progress Report IIP

Week Number: 01

Day Summary of Activity Performed

 Introduction to HR: what do you mean by HR, role of HR, meaning of

T&D, difference b/w orientation & training and how to implement it.
 Description & creation of CTC salary slip including (Basic pay, gross
Monday salary, net salary, allowances, DA.
 Calculation and format of salary slip.
 Assignment provided: To prepare salary slip of provided question.

 Introduction to IT (Income tax): Direct and Indirect Tax, Basic

Terminology: Assesse, financial year, Assessment year, current year,
Heads of IT: salary income, income from household property, capital
gains, profit and gains from the profession, income from other sources.
 Description on Section 80C: areas of investment without tax
Life insurance, FD (fixed deposit), ELSS (Equity linked saving
scheme), SCSS (senior citizen saving scheme), Provident fund
(PF), Housing loan principle, NSC (National saving certificate)
 Description to Section 1010D
 Description on section 80D
 Slabs of income tax: Slab no. 01 (Below 60 years)
Slab no. 02 (60-80 years)
Slab no. 03 (80 years & above
 Assignment provided: To prepare slabs for the provided question

 IIP research paper making

 Sector: BFSI (Banking financial services & Insurance
 Marketing tool: SWOT analysis, Michael porter’s five forces model,
PESTEL Analysis, VRIO Analysis
Wednesday  Research work through google form: Primary and secondary
questions, closed ended questions and to the end questions
 Research work will include: interpretation, suggestion, conclusion,

21/07/2022  Interaction with manager

 Group discussion with manager
Friday  Topic provided: Gender Inequality and brief on KPI’s

 Brief description on financial sectors in India: Share Market, Mutual

funds, Gold, Bank/FD, PPF, Real estate, post office, Insurance
Saturday  Assignment provided to make ppt on each financial sectors and its
pros and cons

Week Number: 02

Day Summary of Activity Performed

25/07/2022  Interaction with manager


 Expectation from portfolio of customer: Different kind of expectation

26/07/2022 of customers from the portfolio.

 Description of marketing KPI's

27/07/2022  Description on Internship phase
Wednesday  Description on Pre Early Bird

 Description of Portfolio management

 Introduction to Rate of return, Bonuses, Life cover, Cash backs,
PPT(Premium Paying Term), PT or MT(Policy or Maturity term),
Thursday Assignment feature or ownership transfer, Minimum Amount of
investment, Tax rebet, Loan feature, Deferred period, All payment
modes are accepted, Rider option, Claim Settlement

29/07/2022  Interaction with manager


 Description on basic terminology of portfolio management

 Introduction to Proposes, Life assured, Nominee, Appointee
 Different kind of portfolio available in India: Market length portfolio,
30/07/2022 Traditional portfolio, Term Plan
 Comparison between b/w different types of portfolio.
 Introduction of DSR(Daily Sales Record) : Format of DSR
 Four parts of status: Cold, Warm, Hot, Closed
Week Number: 03

Day Summary of Activity Performed

 Assignment of Daily Sales record

 Introduction of Calculation required for portfolio: General pitch
Monday  Introduction to Effective Sales pitch: Relationship Building, Go in
SMART approach, Industry knowledge, Process Knowledge, Empathy

 Assignment of Daily Sales Record

 Introduction to Process of the investment: Documentation Required
 Introduction to Product(Traditional): Bank of Baroda India first life
Maha Jeevan Plus, Bank of Baroda India first Guaranteed benefits
02/08/2022 plan
 Introduction to category of the product : Child, Youngster,
 Brief calculation

03/08/2022  Assignment of Daily Sales Record


04/08/2022  Assignment of Daily Sales Record


05/08/2022  Assignment of Daily Sales Record


06/08/2022  Assignment of Daily Sales Record


Week Number: 04

Day Summary of Activity Performed

08/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record

09/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


10/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


11/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


12/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


13/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


Week Number: 05

Day Summary of Activity Performed

 Assignment to Daily Sales Record


 Assignment to Daily Sales Record


 Assignment to Daily Sales Record


 Assignment to Daily Sales Record

 Assignment to Daily Sales Record

 Assignment to Daily Sales Record


Week Number: 06

Day Summary of Activity Performed

22/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


23/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


24/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


25/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


26/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


27/08/2022  Assignment to Daily Sales Record


Week Number: 07

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Research on the Topic “Are virtual interviews better than in person interviews? ”

Research on the Topic “Are virtual interviews better than in person interviews? ”

Research on the Topic “Are virtual interviews better than in person interviews? ”

Research on the Topic “Are virtual interviews better than in person interviews? ”

Research on the Topic “Are virtual interviews better than in person interviews? ”

Research on the Topic “Are virtual interviews better than in person interviews? ”

Week Number: 08

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Research on topic “Steps to take to improve long term retention “

Tuesday Research on topic “Steps to take to improve long term retention “

Research on topic “Steps to take to improve long term retention “

Research on topic “Steps to take to improve long term retention “
Research on topic “Steps to take to improve long term retention “

Research on topic “Steps to take to improve long term retention “

Week Number: 09

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Research on the topic “Use of VR and AR in the workplace”.

Research on the topic “Use of VR and AR in the workplace”.

Research on the topic “Use of VR and AR in the workplace”.

Research on the topic “Use of VR and AR in the workplace”.

Research on the topic “Use of VR and AR in the workplace”.

Research on the topic “Use of VR and AR in the workplace”.

Week Number: 10

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Research on the topic “The essence and importance of financial management”

20/09/2022 Research on the topic “The essence and importance of financial management”

Research on the topic “The essence and importance of financial management”

Research on the topic “The essence and importance of financial management”

Research on the topic “The essence and importance of financial management”

Research on the topic “The essence and importance of financial management”

Week Number: 11

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Research on the topic “Features of the financial systems of developed countries.”

Research on the topic “Features of the financial systems of developed countries.”

Research on the topic “Features of the financial systems of developed countries.”

Research on the topic “Features of the financial systems of developed countries.”
Research on the topic “Features of the financial systems of developed countries.”

Research on the topic “Features of the financial systems of developed countries.”

Week Number: 12

Day Summary of Activity Performed

03/10/2022 Research on the topic “E-money and how it can influence the world finance
Monday market?”

Research on the topic “E-money and how it can influence the world finance

05/10/2022 Research on the topic “E-money and how it can influence the world finance
Wednesday market?”

06/10/2022 Research on the topic “E-money and how it can influence the world finance
Thursday market?”

07/10/2022 Research on the topic “E-money and how it can influence the world finance
Friday market?”

08/10/2022 Research on the topic “E-money and how it can influence the world finance
Saturday market?”

Week Number: 13

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Monday Research on the topic “How financial institutions differentiate their goods and
10/10/2022 services on the basis of social class.”

Tuesday Research on the topic “How financial institutions differentiate their goods and
11/10/2022 services on the basis of social class.”

Wednesday Research on the topic “How financial institutions differentiate their goods and
12/10/2022 services on the basis of social class.”

Thursday Research on the topic “How financial institutions differentiate their goods and
13/10/2022 services on the basis of social class.”

Friday Research on the topic “How financial institutions differentiate their goods and
14/10/2022 services on the basis of social class.”

Saturday Research on the topic “How financial institutions differentiate their goods and
15/10/2022 services on the basis of social class.”

Week Number: 14

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Research on the topic “Is direct marketing welcomed by people”

Research on the topic “Is direct marketing welcomed by people”

Research on the topic “Is direct marketing welcomed by people”

Research on the topic “Is direct marketing welcomed by people”
Research on the topic “Is direct marketing welcomed by people”

Research on the topic “Is direct marketing welcomed by people”

Week Number: 15

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Research on the topic “What triggers impulse buying behaviour”.

Research on the topic “What triggers impulse buying behaviour”.

Research on the topic “What triggers impulse buying behaviour”.

Research on the topic “What triggers impulse buying behaviour”.

Research on the topic “What triggers impulse buying behaviour”.

Research on the topic “What triggers impulse buying behaviour”.

Week Number: 16
Day Summary of Activity Performed

Research on the topic “The relation between brand awareness and repeat purchase”

01/11/2022 Research on the topic “The relation between brand awareness and repeat purchase”

Research on the topic “The relation between brand awareness and repeat purchase”

Research on the topic “The relation between brand awareness and repeat purchase”

Research on the topic “The relation between brand awareness and repeat purchase”

Research on the topic “The relation between brand awareness and repeat purchase”

Week Number: 17

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Monday Research on the topic “Marketing and company reputation – the best strategy to
07/11/2022 use.”

Tuesday Research on the topic “Marketing and company reputation – the best strategy to
08/11/2022 use.”

Wednesday Research on the topic “Marketing and company reputation – the best strategy to
09/11/2022 use.”
Thursday Research on the topic “Marketing and company reputation – the best strategy to
10/11/2022 use.”

Friday Research on the topic “Marketing and company reputation – the best strategy to
11/11/2022 use.”

Saturday Research on the topic “Marketing and company reputation – the best strategy to
12/11/2022 use.”

Week Number: 18

Day Summary of Activity Performed

Power point presentation on topic “Portfolio risk management”

15/11/2022 Power point presentation on topic “Portfolio risk management”


Power point presentation on topic “Portfolio risk management”

Power point presentation on topic “Tax efficient retirement”

Power point presentation on topic “Tax efficient retirement”

Power point presentation on topic “Tax efficient retirement”

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