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CABM Patriots take home their first win on the NU-Laguna Intramurals 2022 women's basketball

tournament, facing off against the CCS Innovators, 30-6, Monday at NU-Laguna Hoops Center, during
the first day of Intramurals 2022.

The winning team kept up their game from the 1st Quarter, owning the first 2 points immediately.
Leading the way for the CABM Patriots in their first win this Intramurals were #1 Velasquez and #27

Mary Linne Velasquez got 4 rebounds, 1 assist, and 2 steals, while Pauline Mei Lagunay scored 3
rebounds, with 2 assists, 1 steal, and 1 block.

The CABM Patriots bragged a 38-6 landslide victory against the CCS Innovators in what could be the
match with the largest margin of success for Monday's game line-ups.

With the game, CABM Patriots kicks off with a 1-0 slate while CCS Innovators is yet to rise from their 0-1

Zyrha Alliah Rausa, #25 of CCS Innovators, despite having 3 fouls was able to snatch 3 rebounds and 3
steals, while #08 Nicole Mercado performed 6 rebounds and 2 steals, making her the best scorer of her

The crowd, mostly from the College of Accountancy, Business, and Management, filled NU Laguna's
Hoops Center with loud cheers despite obviously lacking numbers when compared to the crowd of
Men's Basketball occupying the left court.

CCS Innovators is expected to make a return in the court to face off CEA Defenders who just triumphed
the game against CAS Defenders' women's basketball team that same day, October 25. Meanwhile,
CABM is lined up for Tuesday, 25th of October 2022, the second day of NU Laguna's first ever

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