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OCT 2021- FEB 2022





1) ARY ARMAND BIN ZAIDI (2020894602)





No. Content Page

1 Cover page 1

2 Content 2

3 Introduction 3

4 Objective 3

5 Learning Outcomes 3

6 Theoretical Background 3-5

7 Problem Statement 5

8 Apparatus 6

9 Procedures 6

10 Result and analysis 7-8

12 Discussion 8-9

13 Conclusion 9

Stadia tacheometric survey is one of the survey parts which have to measure the
height and earth level which can get indirectly from calculation. Stadia tacheometric survey is
a branch of surveying in which horizontal and vertical distance of points are obtained by
optical measurement avoiding ordinary and slower process of measurement tape. Stadia
tacheometric surveyor usually performed to contour and details plans for further work or to
produce coordinates for area and volume calculation.

The objective of this laboratory is:

i. To introduce the traditional technique of collecting the stadia data such as stadia
readings to plot a topographic map.
ii. Plot a simple topographic map.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the laboratory activities, students should be able to:

i. Form effective teamwork.

ii. Communicate effectively through laboratory reports and oral communication.
iii. Use of critical thinking in solving problems related to survey data.
iv. Prepare appropriate survey equipment involved.
v. Determine the proper procedures to conduct a stadia survey.
vi. Record the stadia data into the proper table (Table 1).
vii. Calculate the properties in stadia survey.

Stadia is a method of surveying in which distances are read by noting the interval on a
graduated rod intercepted by two parallel cross hairs (stadia hairs or stadia wires) mounted in
the telescope of a surveying instrument, the rod being placed at one end of the distance to be
measured and the surveying instrument at the other.

Principle of Stadia hair method is that the ratio of the length of perpendicular to the base is
constant in case of similar triangles.

1. Fixed Hair Method

In the fixed hair method, the cross hairs of the diaphragm are kept at a constant
distance apart and the staff intercept varies with the horizontal and vertical position of
the staff with respect to the Theodolite.

In this method, the angle at the instrument at A subtended by a known short distance
along a staff kept at B is made with the help of a stadia diaphragm having stadia wires
at fixed or constant distance apart. The readings are on the staff corresponding to all
the three wires taken. The staff intercept, i.e., the difference of the readings
corresponding to top and bottom stadia wires will therefore depend on the distance of
the staff from the instrument. When the staff intercept is more than the length of the
staff, only half intercept is read.

For inclined sight, readings may be taken by keeping the staff either vertical or
normal to the line of sight. This is the most common method is tacheometry and the
same ‘stadia method’ generally bears reference to this method.

1. Movable Hair Method

In this method the staff intercept between the lower hair and the upper hair is kept
constant by moving the horizontal cross hairs in the vertical plane.

This method is similar to the fixed hair method except that the stadia interval is
variable. Suitable arrangement is made to vary the distance between the stadia hair as
to set them against the two targets on the staff kept at the point under observation.

Thus, in this case, the staff intercept, i.e., the distance between the two targets is kept
fixed while the stadia interval, i.e., the distance between the stadia hair is variable. As
in the case of fixed hair method, inclined sights may also be taken.

Students are divided into at least four members per group. Each group will conduct the
stadia surveying in the UiTM campus using digital Theodolite. The stadia surveying
supposed begin with single a based line. They also have to clearly understand the principles
of stadia. The team needs to identify the features target to be map. Using the correct
procedures of stadia fieldwork, students need properly observe and record all the stadia data
into the Table 1 mentioned below. All the stadia properties such as horizontal distance,
vertical distances and reduced level must be correctly calculated

i. Theodolite
ii. Tripod
iii. Staff
iv. Nail
v. Spray
vi. Hammer
vii. Tape


i. Choose the area to be survey.

ii. Do a proper sketch to show the targets and areas being survey.
iii. Create a base line near to area / features to be survey.
iv. Define the bearing (assume: 00°00’00”) and measure a distance for the base line.
v. Set-up the Theodolite at one of the survey station and target to the back station
vi. Set a bearing 00°00’00” and aim to the back station.
vii. Measure the height of instrument and observe and record all the stadia data.


Instrument Instrument Bearing Reduce level Distance (m) Back station
station height (m) (horizontal (m)
5 1.56 168.5 1.5 6

STATIONS Point Vertical Stadia Horizontal Vertical Reduce Remarks

angle distance distance level
top middle bottom
A 1 +90°56’40” 1.5157 1.5154 1.5151 0.06 9.51x10-3 168.55
2 +92°00’20” 1.3134 1.3130 1.3126 0.08 125.65 x10-3 168.87
3 +91°57’20” 1.3134 1.3129 1.3124 0.10 160.46 x10-3 168.91
4 +91°05’20” 1.3139 1.3133 1.3128 0.11 174.70x10-3 168.92
5 +86°22’40” 1.5157 1.5150 1.5143 0.14 211.02x10-3 168.76
6 +84°43’40” 1.3138 1.3130 1.3122 0.16 236.56x10-3 168.98
B 1 +90°19’00” 1.5156 1.5154 1.5151 0.05 78.80x10-3 168.62
2 +96°38’00” 1.3141 1.3137 1.3133 0.08 134.90x10-3 168.88
3 +90°17’00” 1.3135 1.3130 1.3125 0.10 157.54x10-3 168.91
4 +90°19’00” 1.2132 1.2126 1.2121 0.11 173.36x10-3 169.02
5 +90°19’00” 1.5151 1.5144 1.5138 0.13 204.88x10-3 168.75
6 +84°40’20” 1.2137 1.2129 1.2122 0.15 221.63x10-3 169.07
C 1 +93°26’20” 1.5159 1.5156 1.5153 0.06 100.97x10-3 168.65
2 +90°52’40” 1.2134 1.2129 1.2125 0.09 142.72x10-3 169.00
3 +90°26’00” 1.3141 1.3136 1.3131 0.10 157.80x10-3 168.90
4 +90°28’20” 1.4152 1.4146 1.4140 0.12 189.45x10-3 168.85
5 +87°20’00” 1.7177 1.7120 1.7163 0.14 213.35x10-3 168.53
6 +85°22’20” 1.7175 1.7167 1.7159 0.16 238.36x10-3 168.58
D 1 +94°44’00” 1.6164 1.6160 1.6156 0.08 132.25x10-3 168.58
2 +90°58’20” 1.4149 1.4145 1.4141 0.08 127.00x10-3 168.77
3 +90°22’00” 1.7166 1.7164 1.7161 0.05 78.84x10-3 168.42
4 +90°26’00” 1.8180 1.8177 1.8174 0.06 94.68x10-3 168.34
5 +85°02’00” 1.8181 1.8177 1.8173 0.08 118.71x10-3 168.36
6 +83°26’00” 1.9189 1.9185 1.9181 0.08 116.47x10-3 168.26
E 1 +87°45’20” 1.5160 1.5156 1.5152 0.08 122.51x10-3 168.67
2 +87°57’40” 1.4146 1.4141 1.4136 0.10 153.49x10-3 168.80
3 +87°36’00” 1.6157 1.6154 1.6151 0.06 91.72x10-3 168.54
4 +90°53’40” 1.6162 1.6159 1.6156 0.06 95.17x10-3 168.54
5 +85°23’20” 1.8180 1.8176 1.8172 0.08 119.20x10-3 168.36
6 +83°46’20” 1.9189 1.9185 1.9181 0.08 116.94x10-3 168.26


=100(1.5157-1.5151) + 0

=0.06 m

VERTICAL DISTANCE , V = 1/2KS sin2θ + c sinθ

= ½ x 100 x (6 x 10^-4) sin2 (90°50’40”)

= 9.51 x 10^-3 m

REDUCE LEVEL , RL = 168.5 + Hi ± V –H

= 165 + 1.56 + 9.51 X 10^-3 -1.5154

= 168.55 m

Where K,= constant 100

C =constant 0

HI =height of instrument

H =middle stadia from ground level

S =upper stadia – lower stadia



In this experiment, we need to measure the value of horizontal angle and vertical angle
guided by an object with a fixed position within 5 stations that we shoot with theodolite.
After we get the value of horizontal and vertical angle, we can find the horizontal and vertical
distance. Then, we can sketch the pattern area on graph paper reffering to the horizontal and
vertical distance that we calculated.
This experiment may have some error that will appear. First error that will appear will come
from staff reading and tilt of the staff. Observer may misread or take wrong information from
marking scale at staff reading that will lead to the crucial error to fill in information table. So
we need to make sure our eyes and the marking line in the theodolite opposite with the scale
of the staff . it will ovoid an error by reading the staff reading
Next, the error will be appear during tachometry is from instrumental error. Which means
adjustment of our instrumental faults. This error will lead to more problem with the reding
taken, our height of instrumental and distance measurement will be error too. So when setup
the instrumental we need to make sure all the bubble in certain so oue reading taken will be
good and perfect.

In conclusion, we already achieve our objective of this experiment which means introduce the
traditional techniques of collecting the stadia data to plot topographic map. From this
experiment we can gain new knowledge by learning to use theodolite with the right way and
gain more experience to conduct the stadia tacheometry. We also know how to reading the
staff reading with the theodolite and get the top, middle, and bottom of the stadia hairs and
also vertical and horizontal bearing correctly.


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