Eggshell Provisional Technique

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AEID_V3N2_Technique_4th 5/10/07 10:54 AM Page 26

The “Eggshell” Provisional Technique

Greggory A. Kinzer, DDS, MSD

Affiliate Assistant Professor
University of Washington
School of Dentistry
T he goal of a provisional restora-
tion is more than to just tempo-
rarily replace the crown until the defini-
storations. Once the restorations are
completed, the remaining teeth can then
be prepared and restored in a similar
Seattle, Washington
tive restoration is fabricated. Overall, the fashion. The first difficulty with using
Private Practice provisional restoration should provide this technique is that it is a very ineffi-
Seattle, Washington
a good “fit” and “seal” with the prepara- cient use of time, taking multiple ap-
tion, thereby eliminating tooth sensi- pointments to do what could be done
tivity and enhancing the health of the in as little as two appointments. The sec-
gingival tissues. By having proper occlusal ond problem arises whenever signifi-
and interproximal contacts, a provis- cant changes in tooth position, vertical
ional is able to maintain tooth position. dimension, and/or occlusion are needed.
Lastly, it acts as a “blueprint” for the final When such major changes are required,
restorations. It not only allows patient it is usually necessary to perform a diag-
input as to the color, contours and ar- nostic wax-up. However, it would be
rangement, but also helps to transfer this difficult to obtain the proper tooth po-
information to the laboratory technician. sition and occlusion if the waxing were
Many techniques can be used for to be done in phases.
the fabrication of provisional restora- One technique that can be used to
tions. They can be made directly on the fabricate provisionals for cases that re-
teeth by either lining a preformed ion quire all or nearly all of the teeth to be
or polycarbonate crown form or by using prepared is the “eggshell” technique.
some sort of a matrix. They can also be Aside from being the most efficient way
made indirectly on a model of the prep- to transfer the information obtained in
arations. Generally speaking, the fewer the diagnostic wax-up (ie, tooth con-
the number of units being prepared, tours, occlusion, and vertical dimension)
the easier it is to fabricate the provision- to the mouth for large cases, the same
als. Essentially, this allows you the abil- technique can be used for a 3-unit
ity to “key” off of the unprepared teeth bridge or even a single tooth. This arti-
to help secure the matrix. The process cle will discuss the rationale and tech-
becomes much more difficult when all nique for the fabrication and use of an
or nearly all of the teeth are to be pre- eggshell provisional using Protemp™
pared. In these situations, one option is 3 Garant™ (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN)
to prepare some but not all of the teeth. provisional material.
The teeth that are not prepared can then
be used to maintain occlusal contact and FABRICATION
vertical dimension as well as to help se- After the appropriate documentation
cure the matrix for the provisional re- and initial therapy, diagnostic models are

Figure 1A and Figure 1B Initial presentation reveals an extensively restored dentition with caries at
the crown margins. Diagnostic models are mounted on an articulator using a facebow and CR record.
A diagnostic wax-up is performed on the mounted models.


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Figure 2A and Figure 2B Using a duplicated model of the diagnostic wax-up, the gingival third is Figure 3 A putty impression is taken of the
bulked out with wax to overcome the shrinkage of the provisional material. model with the cervical bulk-out wax.


Figure 4A through Figure 4C Protemp 3 Garant is injected into the putty impression starting in the second molar region. Using the injection tip, the pro-
visional material is manipulated to cover the occlusal surfaces and axial walls while leaving a majority of the internal free of material.

mounted on a semi-adjustable articu- a shell out of Protemp 3 Garant, the controlled manner, only covering the
lator using a facebow and CR record. bulk-out wax should start on the coro- occlusal and axial walls while trying to
Using the mounted study models, a di- nal aspect of the free gingival margin. In leave a majority of the internal pre-hol-
agnostic wax-up can be completed (Fig- this location the wax will have its great- lowed. To do this, the mixing tip is used
ure 1A through Figure 2B). The purpose est thickness (~ 0.5 mm to 0.75 mm). As to manipulate and position the materi-
of the diagnostic wax-up is to func- the wax is carried occlusally, the thick- al starting in the most distal abutment
tionally and esthetically design the oc- ness will gradually diminish down to 0 and methodically moving around the
clusal scheme for the patient. Once the mm (Figure 3). Once the bulk-out wax- entire arch (Figure 5A and Figure 5B).
diagnostic wax-up is completed, the goal ing is completed, a putty or silicone im- Once the material is set it can be re-
is to transfer the information obtained pression is taken of the bulked-out model moved from the putty impression. To
in the wax-up (ie, occlusion, vertical di- (Figure 4A through Figure 4C). This remove the provisional in one piece, it
mension, tooth position, and tooth ar- putty impression will be used to fabri- is advisable to use a sharp blade and
rangement) to the patient’s mouth in the cate the provisional shell. make multiple cuts in the facial putty.
form of a provisional restoration. To do There are two different techniques This will allow the facial putty to be eas-
this, a thin “shell” of the external contours that can be used to fabricate the shell. The ily peeled away so that the provisional
of the diagnostic wax-up must be fabri- one that most people are familiar with can be removed without the risk of
cated. To preserve the diagnostic wax-up, is to minimally prepare the teeth on a fracturing (Figure 6A and Figure 6B).
it should first be duplicated with alginate diagnostic model, lubricate the model, fill The palatal portion of the putty should
or silicone and poured in stone. The next the putty impression with provisional be retained because it can serve as an
step in the shell fabrication process is material and seat it over the prepared index to re-position and re-join a pro-
critical. It involves using wax to “bulk teeth on the model. The difficulty in us- visional shell that gets fractured in the
out” the gingival third of the teeth. The ing this technique with Protemp 3 Garant trimming process.
purpose of this overcontouring is to help is that because the material tends to get Once the provisional shell is removed
overcome the shrinkage of the provis- brittle when it gets thin, it is difficult from the putty, it should first be placed
ional material. Inherently, all provisional to remove the material from the model in alcohol for 2 to 3 minutes to remove
materials shrink but some shrink more once it has set without fracturing it in the air-inhibited layer, which will make
than others. The type of provisional multiple places. A more predictable and trimming much easier. When trimming
material that is used and the amount of easier technique is to make the provi- the provisional shell, two different steps
shrinkage it has will dictate how much sional shell within the putty impression. must be followed. The first step is to
the gingival third needs to be bulked out. One option is to completely fill the trim the flash on the buccal and palatal
If the external contours of the shell were teeth in the putty with provisional ma- axial walls to the free gingival margin
to be made with exactly the same contour terial. However, it must be remember- that was created with the bulk-out wax.
as the wax-up without bulking out the ed that the internal of the solid block To do this, the acrylic bur must be ori-
gingival third, any shrinkage that occurs of teeth must next be hollowed out. To ented perpendicular to the axial wall
may cause the shell to bind on the axial help minimize the amount of grinding (Figure 7A). The next step in the trim-
wall or shoulder of the preparation and that must be done, it is much easier to ming process is to hollow out the inter-
not completely seat. When fabricating inject the provisional material in a more nal of the shell (Figure 7B). The goal of


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A B reduction guide can be fabricated from

the diagnostic wax-up to ensure adequate
tooth reduction is achieved.
Once all of the teeth have been pre-
pared and impressions have been taken,
it is time to try the shell in the mouth.
Assuming that adequate preparation re-
duction has been provided, the shell
should not bind on the preparations
Figure 5A and Figure 5B To ease the removal of the shell, vertical cuts are made in the putty across
themselves. If it does bind on the teeth,
the facial surface. This allows the facial putty material to be “peeled away.” The palatal putty should
be kept to act as an index in case the shell fractures during the trimming process. most likely the shell was not adequate-
ly relieved in that area. The shell must
be removed and the internal relieved to
provide the necessary clearance. The
question then is if the provisional shell
does not touch the preparations, what
guides the seating of the shell in the
mouth? The answer is that the soft tis-
sue, in particular the free gingival margin,
helps guide the seating of the provi-
sional shell (Figure 9). When trying the
Figure 6A and Figure 6B The first step in trimming the provisional shell is to trim the flash on the shell in the mouth, carefully observe the
buccal and palatal to the level of the free gingival margin created by the bulk-out wax. The second relationship of the gingival portion of
step is to hollow out the internal of the shell, leaving the occlusal/incisal ~ 1 mm thick and the axial
the shell to the free gingival margin. If
walls ~ 0.5 mm thick.
the shell has been trimmed correctly and
is seated, there should be a minimal gap
between the shell and the soft tissue.
Calipers can also be used to measure from
the free gingival margin to the incisal
edge of the shell and compared to the
diagnostic wax-up to verify seating. In
addition, the esthetics of the occlusal
plane both in an antero-posterior and
a lateral orientation can be used to aid
Figure 7A and Figure 7B The completed provisional shell has external contours that follow the con- in the seating of the provisional. If only
tours of the diagnostic wax-up, with the internal completely open to allow the shell to seat freely in one arch is to be restored, the patient
the mouth without binding on the preparations.
can be gently guided into centric clo-
sure and the occlusion can be used to
trimming the internal is to allow the completely open to allow the shell to help seat the shell. When this is done,
shell to freely seat over the preparations seat freely in the mouth without bind- the amount of adjustment necessary to
without binding on them. Typically the ing on the preparations (Figure 8). The correct the occlusion is minimal.
axial walls are thinned to a thickness of entire process described above takes Using the esthetics of the upper arch
~ 0.5 mm while the occlusal surfaces/ place on the laboratory bench and is to and the occlusion to help guide the seat-
incisal edges can be left thicker (~ 1 mm). be completed before the scheduled ap- ing of the shell are the two key points
The interproximal areas can also be left pointment with the patient. that make the shell technique easier to
thicker to provide more strength to the use than taking a putty or matrix to the
shell. Trimming the internal of the shell TRY-IN/SEATING mouth. The difficulty with trying to
can be a delicate process. It is best to keep In a patient where both the maxil- use some form of matrix is that it solely
your fingers on the buccal and lingual lary and mandibular arches are to be “keys” off of the soft tissue on the palate
of the tooth being trimmed. In addi- restored, starting with the maxillary arch without enabling the esthetics of the
tion to keeping the shell stabilized, is recommended. The reason for this is teeth to be used because the matrix is in
having your fingers on the tooth being that the esthetics and occlusal plane of the way. In addition, when seating the
trimmed allows you to “feel” the warmth the upper arch will help guide how the matrix, if more pressure is used on one
and vibration of the bur to help inform provisional shell is seated. If only one side as compared to the other, the oc-
you when the provisional is getting too arch is to be restored, then the occlusion clusal plane would come out canted. The
thin. The completed shell will have ex- can also be used to influence how the problem is that this could not be dis-
ternal contours that follow the contours shell is seated. If significant changes in cerned until after the matrix had been
of the diagnostic wax-up, with the internal tooth position are required, a preparation removed and the material is set.


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Figure 8 The soft tissue, in particular the free Figure 9 When trying the provisional shell in Figure 10 Before relining the shell, dentin adhe-
gingival margin, helps guide the seating of the the mouth, carefully observe the relationship of sive is applied to the internal and external one
provisional shell in the mouth. the gingival portion of the shell to the free gin- half of the shell and light-cured. A second coat
gival margin. There should be minimal gap of adhesive is then applied and left uncured to
between the shell and the soft tissue. Note the act as a wetting agent for the new material.
blanching of the tissue in the papilla areas where
the shell needs to be trimmed.

Figure 11 The internal of the provisional shell Figure 12 The provisional shell is seated in the Figure 13 The completed provisional restora-
is filled with Protemp 3 Garant for the relining mouth during the reline procedure. tions after custom staining and polishing.

RELINING bubbles. Once the shell has been load- with a disc and creating an open con-
Once the seating of the shell has ed, it is immediately seated over the prep- tact that must now be closed, a sharp
been verified in the mouth, it must be arations using the same visual clues as scalpel blade should be used to score
air-abraded internally and externally previously discussed (Figure 11 and Fig- around the entire joint. Light pressure
before it is ready to reline. This creates ure 12). Excess material can be wiped can then be used to fracture the provi-
a matte surface to promote better ad- away before the initial set. Once the sional in the location that was scored
hesion of the shell with the new mate- initial set has been achieved, the provi- with the blade. Now rather than creat-
rial used to reline. It will also allow the sional can be spot-cured to begin set- ing an open contact, the edges of the
external junction of the two materials ting the uncured adhesive. To prevent fractured joint can be smoothed, there-
to blend together seamlessly. After it the material from locking onto the by leaving interproximal contact. The
has been air-abraded, cleaned and dried, preparations, gently lift the provision- provisionals can be tried back in the
the entire internal and external one al on and off throughout the setting mouth to check and adjust occlusion
half should be painted with dentin ad- process. This helps overcome the fact as well as to verify the marginal integrity
hesive and light-cured. The easiest way that the teeth were not prepared to and esthetics. If needed, dentin adhesive
to cure the adhesive is to place the entire draw with one another. The more di- and the Protemp add-on material can
shell into a Triad oven. The last step vergent the preparations, the more at- be used to pick up any missed margins.
before relining is to paint a second coat tention must be given to this process. Once the provisional is properly trim-
of adhesive over the entire internal and Upon removal of the provisional from med, finished and polished, it can be
external one half of the shell (Figure the mouth, it should again be placed in conventionally cemented in the mouth
10). This second layer should not be the Triad oven to ensure that the adhe- (Figure 13).
light-cured. Its purpose is to act as a sive is fully set.
wetting agent for the new material to Once the air-inhibited layer is re- CONCLUSION
help promote good adhesion. The shell moved, it can be trimmed like any oth- This article described a technique
is now ready to reline. A thin coating er provisional. If desired, the provisional that can be predictably used to fabricate
of Vaseline is recommended over the can be kept in one piece or it can be provisionals for a variety a clinical sit-
preparations to keep the material from sectioned distal to the canines to create uations ranging from a full arch to a
sticking. The shell should be complete- three pieces. The easiest way to do this single unit. When used correctly, the con-
ly filled with Protemp 3 Garant, work- is to trim the junction between the ca- venience and time saved in the clinic
ing from one end to the other. Care nine and first premolars to ideal con- more than makes up for the added lab-
should be taken to avoid trapping air tour. Rather than just cutting the joint oratory time and cost.


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