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The Open University of Sri Lanka


Subject :Strategic Management

/OSP 9336
Student Number: S 92077013

Intake :10 th intake

Assignment description.

Strategic Management: OSP9336

MBA in HRM: June/July 2022

Mini Project

Final date of Submission: 12th August, 2022 by 23.00 Hours

Study the present business environment (since April 2022) of data and voice communication
industry in Sri Lanka. Select one of the service providers from that industry. Identify the range of
products/services offered by the selected service provider. Assume the management of the
company plans to expand their business in 2022/2023. You are required to provide a report
including the following.

Please see the notes given below.

1. Briefly describe the selected telecom service provider and the industry. (15 Marks)
2. Carryout a SWOT for the company. (15 Marks)
3. Using Michael Porters industry analysis model identify the industry attractiveness for
business expansions. (20 Marks)
4. Using a TOWS matrix and Grand Strategy matrix identify to suitable strategies for the
company. (20 Marks)
5. Can the strategy selected be justified with the Ansoff matrix? Give reasons. (10 Marks)

State your recommendations to the senior management of the company including a brief action
plan for implementation.

By connecting Sri Lanka to the rest of the world via international submarine cable systems, SLT
has established itself as a key global player. Through cutting-edge technology, the Sri Lanka
Telecom ("SLT") Group offers a diverse range of
services and ICT solutions to its diverse customer

What exactly is the SLT network?

SLT enables enterprise users to access their existing enterprise IP VPN directly via the mobile
access network with a 3G/4G modem, bypassing the internet. After completing an authentication
process that includes a pre-assigned username and dynamic password, the authorized person can
access their enterprise IP VPN.

What are the objectives of SLT?

One of the SLT Group's key strategic goals is to drive broadband-based consumer and enterprise
services by expanding the broadband footprint.Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) is the country's national
provider of information and communications technology (ICT) solutions, as well as the country's
leading provider of broadband and backbone infrastructure services. For more than 163 years,
the Company has met the nation's connectivity needs by operating in fixed, mobile, and other
operational segments.

Principal business lines

Through cutting-edge technology, the Sri Lanka Telecom ("SLT") Group offers a diverse range
of services and ICT solutions to its diverse customer base. Fixed and mobile telephony,
broadband, data services, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), cloud computing and hosting, and
networking solutions are all covered. The following are SLT's primary strategic segments:

Fixed information technology operations

ICT operations on the move,Other operations in the segment

The core business is fixed and mobile ICT operations, which account for 98% of total revenue.

Secondary business lines

SLT has expanded beyond ICT services in its journey to become a digital service provider,
delivering products and services that leverage its core strengths, expertise, and assets. Through
its subsidiaries, SLT provides the following services:IPTV services and content creation

Solutions for Human Resources

Solutions for ICT infrastructure and system integrators

Directory assistance

Digital marketing services

Secondary education services

Platform for healthcare channeling

Maintenance of submarine cables

Software options

In addition to diversifying the Group's revenue streams and portfolio, the Company seeks to
strengthen the Nation's and Sri Lankan people's core competencies.

Porter's industry analysis model?

Porter's Five Forces is a model that identifies and analyzes five competitive forces that shape
every industry and aids in determining an industry's strengths and weaknesses. Five Forces
analysis is frequently used to determine corporate strategy by identifying an industry's structure.

How do assess an industry's attractiveness?To determine the attractiveness of an industry, it is

necessary to work with business brokers to analyze the industry's 5 forces, also known as Porter's
5 forces: buyer power, supplier power, threat from substitutes, competitor threat, and threat from
new entrants.
How can the five Porter's models improve business performance in Sri Lanka Telecom?

Michael Porter's Five Forces model is a useful tool for identifying the primary competitive forces
at work in a given industry. This can help you assess the attractiveness of an industry and
identify areas where your strategy can be adjusted to improve profitability.The long evolution of
Porter's Five Forces Analysis has resulted in those forces becoming the determinants of industry
competition. These five forces are competition from new entrants, rivalry among existing firms,
competition from substitute products, buyer bargaining power, and supplier bargaining power.

role does Porter's Five Forces play in the business world?

Porter's Five Forces is a model that identifies and analyzes five competitive forces that shape
every industry and aids in determining an industry's strengths and weaknesses. Five Forces
analysis is frequently used to determine corporate strategy by identifying an industry's structure.

Michael Porter proposed a model for analyzing why some countries are more competitive than
others, and why certain industries within countries are more competitive than others. Porter
(1990) Porter believes that four major determinants can shape a country's competitiveness. Many
strengths and weaknesses are presented from these research objects by analyzing these
determinants of the telecommunications industry. We can compare and contrast these research
objects in order to better understand their competitiveness. How effective and competitive are
these research objects in telecom markets? If the competitiveness of a specific industry sector
could be determined by the factors Porter identified in his theory, and if the result we obtained
reflects and represents this specific industry.

What exactly is a grand strategy matrix?

The Grand Strategy Matrix is a tool for charting a product's or company's position within a
market, similar to the ADL Matrix, and selecting specific strategies, similar to the Strategy Clock
or Generic Strategies.

exactly is the TOWS matrix in strategic management?

USE A TOWS matrix to capitalize on external opportunities while minimizing threats. TOWS
Analysis is a variation on the traditional analytics tool, SWOT Analysis. TOWS and SWOT are
acronyms for various word combinations that stand for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats.

The grand strategy matrix is a tool for developing alternative and distinct organizational
strategies. All businesses and divisions can be classified as belonging to one of the Grand
Strategy Matrix's four strategy quadrants. The Grand Strategy Matrix is divided into two parts:
competitive position and market growth.

Strategy for Expansion

distinction between SWOT and TOWS?

Finally, even though it contains external elements such as opportunities and threats, SWOT is
primarily a tool for internal analysis. TOWS, on the other hand, places a greater emphasis on the
external environment while also taking into account internal factors.A TOWS analysis allows an
organization to match its internal strengths and external opportunities (SO) in order to
develop'maxi-maxi' strategies - those with the highest potential for success.

A grand strategy is a broad statement of strategic action used in business. A grand strategy
specifies the methods that will be used to achieve long-term goals.The SWOT/TOWS analysis is
a simple and valuable technique for identifying opportunities and threats from an external,
future-focused perspective, as well as strengths and weaknesses from an internal, present-
focused perspective.

A TOWS matrix is an appropriate strategy for the company.

purpose of the TOWS matrix?TOWS matrix can be defined as a framework for developing,
comparing, deciding on, and accessing business strategies. It is an acronym that stands for
Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Strengths. It investigates a business from a marketing
and management standpoint.

can the Ansoff Matrix help the company?

The Ansoff Model, also known as the Ansoff matrix due to its grid format, assists marketers in
identifying opportunities to grow revenue for a business by developing new products and
services or "tapping into" new markets.Diversification is the most risky growth strategy on the
grid, requiring a leap into the unknown with new markets and products. H. Igor Ansoff, a
business manager and mathematician, created the Ansoff matrix in 1957, which was first
published in the Harvard Business Review.

A SWOT analysis will assist you in identifying high-performing areas of your business. These
are your critical success factors, and they provide your company with a competitive advantage.
Identifying these strengths can assist you in ensuring that they are maintained so that you do not
lose your competitive advantage.

What is the significance of a TOWS analysis in business planning in telicommunication

A SWOT analysis will help you identify high-performing areas of your company. These are the
critical success factors that give your company a competitive advantage. Identifying these
strengths can help you maintain them so that you do not lose your competitive is
recommendations to the company's senior management, including a brief action plan for

The Ansoff Matrix and SWOT AnalysisSWOT analysis is a popular business analysis tool that
examines a company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The Ansoff Matrix
can be combined with SWOT analysis in a variety of ways, for example:Based on the company's
strengths and weaknesses, a SWOT analysis can help it decide which quadrant of the Matrix to
focus on.By understanding the risks of the business's growth strategy, the Ansoff Matrix can be
used to determine potential Threats to a business (which are an important part of the SWOT

SWOT Analysis and the Ansoff Matrix

The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis is a popular business
analysis tool that examines a company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The
Ansoff MaAtrix can be used in conjunction with SWOT analysis in a variety of ways,
including:A SWOT analysis can helpA a company decide which quadrant of the Matrix to focus
on based on its strengths and weakneAsses.The Ansoff Matrix can be used to identify potential
threats to a business by understanding the risks of its growth strategy (which are an important
part of the SWOT model).

Developing Strategic Alternatives Using External-Internal Analysis

The Ansoff Matrix is a straightforward model for business expansion strategies. It categorizes
growth strategies into four categories based on whether they involve product development,
market development, neither, or both. According to the model, business growth without product
or market development — also known as market penetration — is a lower risk strategy; growth
with both product and market development — also known as diversification — is a higher risk
strategy. Product development and market development are two additional strategies that fall
between these two and provide a middle group.

recommendations to the senior management of the company including a brief action plan
for implementation.

The Board is the highest decision-making body of the telicomunication Company who provides
strategic leadership to the Management. The Company’s business is managed under the direction
of the Board of Directors. The Board delegates the Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) and
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company, and through that individual to other Senior
Management, the authority and responsibility for managing the Company’s business. The
Board’s role is to oversee the Management and Governance of the Company and to monitor
Senior Management’s performance.The Board is accountable to shareholders for ensuring that
SLT is appropriately managed and achieves the strategic objectives it sets.

Among the Board’s core responsibilities are to:

 Select, monitor, evaluate and compensate Senior Management.

 Assure that Management succession planning is adequate.
 Review and approve significant corporate actions.
 Review and monitor implementation of Management’s strategic plans.
 Review and approve the Company’s annual business plan, budgets and operating plan
 Monitor corporate performance and evaluate results compared to the strategic plans and other
long-range goals.
 Review Company’s financial controls and reporting systems.
 Review and approve the Company’s Financial Statements and financial reporting.
 Review the Company’s legal compliance programmers and procedures
 Oversee the Company’s management of enterprise risk.
The following processes are in place in order to provide timely and accurate information to
Directors to perform their responsibilities;

 All Directors receive accurate, relevant, timely, clear and balanced information.
 The Company Secretary act as the point of contact for the flow of information between
committees, the Board and Directors, and other key managers
 The CEO along with the respective Chief Officers and the Heads of Divisions presents their
submissions to the Board and provides the necessary clarifications requested by the Board.
 In addition, all Board Papers are made available in electronic format, in line with the Group’s
sustainability initiatives.
focus is to become a global leader in ICT solutions including cloud services, IT infrastructure
services, IT Outsourcing and outside-planting services. Our young energetic team is ready to
accept your ICT challenges and offer attractive, cost-effective solutions for your local and
international business needs. During the last 20 years our experience is delivering global ICT
services in a multi-vendor environment.

industry experts can bring your business to the global market by applying their experience,
knowledge and skills. Currently our engineering team has more than 25 vendor experts in
CISCO, HP, Oracle and VMware. Also, marketing, logistics and technical teams are waiting for
delivering best solutions for ICT needs in telicomunication industry.

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