Chapter 8

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MIMA Group


Chapter 8
Ensemble Learning

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University

Content MIMA

 Introduction
 Bagging
 Boosting
 Adaboost

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 2

Introduction MIMA

 What is ensemble learning

 Learn multiple alternative definitions of a concept
using different training data or different learning
 Example 1
 Generate 100 different decision trees from the same
or different training set and have them vote on the
best classification for a new example.

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 3

Introduction MIMA

Training Data

Data1 Data2  Data m

Learner1 Learner2  Learner m

Model1 Model2  Model m

Model Combiner Final Model

Key motivation: reduce the error rate.

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 4
Different Learners MIMA

 Different learning algorithms

 Algorithms with different choice for parameters
 Data set with different features
 Data set = different subsets

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 5

Homogenous Ensembles MIMA

 Use a single, arbitrary learning algorithm but

manipulate training data to make it learn multiple
 Data1  Data2  …  Data m
 Learner1 = Learner2 = … = Learner m

 Different methods for changing training data:

 Bagging: Resample training data
 Boosting: Reweight training data

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 6

Bagging MIMA

 Introduced by Breiman (1996)

 L. Breiman. Bagging predictors. Machine Learning, 24(2):
123 – 140, 1996 (citations 16529)
 Create ensembles by repeatedly randomly resampling the
training data
 “Bagging” stands for “bootstrap aggregating”.
 Given a training set of size n, create m samples of size n
by drawing n examples from the original data, with
 Each bootstrap sample will on average contain 63.2% of
the unique training examples, the rest are replicates.
 Combine the m resulting models using simple majority

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 7

Bootstrap MIMA

 Example
 What’s the average price of house prices?
 From F, get a sample L=(x1, x2, …, xn), and calculate
the average u.
 Question: how reliable is u? What’s the standard
error of u? what’s the confidence interval?

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 8

Bootstrap MIMA

 One possibility: get several samples like F.

 Problem: it is impossible (or too expensive) to

get multiple samples.

 Solution: bootstrap

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 9

Bootstrap MIMA

Let the original samples be L=(x1,x2,…,xn)

 Repeat B time:
 Generate a sample Lk of size n from L by sampling with
 Compute ˆ * for x*.
 Now we end up with bootstrap values
ˆ*  (ˆ1* ,..., ˆB* )
 Use these values for calculating all the quantities of
interest (e.g., standard deviation, confidence

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 10

Bootstrap MIMA

 An example X1=(1.57,0.22,19.67,
X=(3.12, 0, 1.57,
19.67, 0.22, 2.20) X2=(0, 2.20, 2.20,
Mean=4.46 2.20, 19.67, 1.57)

X3=(0.22, 3.12,1.57,
3.12, 2.20, 0.22)

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 11 11

Bootstrap MIMA

Original 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Training set 1 2 7 8 3 7 6 3 1

Training set 2 7 8 5 6 4 2 7 1

Training set 3 3 6 2 7 5 6 2 2

Training set 4 4 5 1 4 6 4 3 8

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 12

Bootstrap MIMA

 Cases where bootstrap does not apply

 Small data sets: the original sample is not a good
approximation of the population

 Dirty data: outliers add variability in our estimates.

 Dependence structures (e.g., time series, spatial

problems): Bootstrap is based on the assumption of

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 13

Bagging MIMA

Let the original training data be L

 Repeat B times:
 Get a bootstrap sample Lk from L.
 Train a predictor using Lk.
 Combine B predictors by
 Voting (for classification problem)
 Averaging (for estimation problem)
 Bagging works well for “unstable” learning
 Bagging can slightly degrade the performance of
“stable” learning algorithms.
Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 14
Bagging MIMA

 Unstable learning algorithms: small changes in

the training set result in large changes in
 Neural network
 Decision tree
 Regression tree
 Subset selection in linear regression

 Stable learning algorithms:

 K-nearest neighbors

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 15

Bagging-Summary MIMA

 Bootstrap is a resampling method.

 Bagging is directly related to bootstrap.
 It uses bootstrap samples to train multiple predictors.
 Output of predictors are combined by voting or other
 Experiment results:
 It is effective for unstable learning methods.
 It does not help stable learning methods.

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 16

Boosting MIMA

 A family of methods
 Sequential production of classifiers
 Each classifier is dependent on the previous one,
and focuses on the previous one’s errors
 Examples that are incorrectly predicted in
previous classifiers are chosen more often or
weighted more heavily

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 17

Boosting MIMA

 Robert E. Schapire, The strength of weak learnability.

Machine Learning, 5(2):197-227, 1990. (citations 4600+)
 Consider creating three component classifiers for a two-
category problem through boosting.
 Randomly select n1 < n samples from D without replacement to obtain
 Train weak learner C1
 Select n2 < n samples from D with half of the samples misclassified by
C1 to obtain D2
 Train weak learner C2
 Select all remaining samples from D that C1
and C2 disagree on D

 Train weak learner C3 D3

 Final classifier is vote of weak learners
D2 -
++ -

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 18

AdaBoost MIMA

 Yoav Freund, Robert E. Schapire. A decision-theoretic

generalization of on-line learning and an application to
boosting, EuroCOLT '95 Proceedings of the Second
European Conference on Computational Learning
Theory (citations 15000+)
 Instead of resampling, uses training set re-weighting
 Each training sample uses a weight to determine the probability
of being selected for a training set.
 AdaBoost is an algorithm for constructing a “strong”
classifier as linear combination of “simple” “weak”
 Final classification based on weighted vote of weak
Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 19
Introduction MIMA

 What is AdaBoost?

Adaptive Boosting

A learning algorithm
Building a strong classifier from a lot of weaker ones

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 20

Introduction MIMA

h1 ( x)  {1, 1}
h2 ( x)  {1, 1}
 T 
.. H T ( x)  sign    t ht ( x) 
.  t 1 

hT ( x)  {1, 1}
weak classifiers strong classifier
slightly better than random

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 21

Introduction MIMA

h1 ( x)  {1, 1}  Each weak classifier learns by

considering one simple feature
h2 ( x)  {1, 1}  T most beneficial features for

classification should be selected

.  How to
define features?
hT ( x)  {1, 1}

– select beneficial features?
– train weak classifiers?
weak classifiers – manage (weight) training samples?
– associate weight to each weak
slightly better than random classifier?

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 22

Introduction MIMA

h1 ( x)  {1, 1}
h2 ( x)  {1, 1}
 T 
.. H T ( x)  sign    t ht ( x) 
.  t 1 

hT ( x)  {1, 1}
weak classifiers strong classifier
slightly better than random

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 23

The AdaBoost Algorithm MIMA

Given: ( x1 , y1 ),K , ( xm , ym ) where xi  X , yi  {1, 1}

Initialization: D1 (i )  m1 , i  1,K , m Dt (i ):probability distribution of xi 's at time t
For t  1,K , T:
• Find classifier ht : X  {1, 1} which minimizes error wrt Dt ,i.e.,
ht  arg min  j where  j   Dt (i )[ yi  h j ( xi )] minimize weighted error
hj i 1
1 1 t for minimize exponential loss
• Weight classifier:  t  ln
2 t
Dt (i ) exp[ t yi ht ( xi )]
• Update distribution: Dt 1 (i )  , Z t is for normalization
Give error classified patterns more chance for learning.

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 24

The AdaBoost Algorithm MIMA

Given: ( x1 , y1 ),K , ( xm , ym ) where xi  X , yi  {1, 1}

Initialization: D1 (i )  m1 , i  1,K , m
For t  1,K , T:
• Find classifier ht : X  {1, 1} which minimizes error wrt Dt ,i.e.,
ht  arg min  j where  j   Dt (i )[ yi  h j ( xi )]
hj i 1
1 1 t
• Weight classifier:  t  ln
2 t
Dt (i ) exp[ t yi ht ( xi )]
• Update distribution: Dt 1 (i )  , Z t is for normalization
 T

Output final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 25

Illustration MIMA

Classifier 1

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 26

Illustration MIMA


Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 27

Illustration MIMA

Classifier 2

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 28

Illustration MIMA


Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 29

Illustration MIMA

Classifier 3

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 30

Illustration MIMA

Final classifier is
a combination of weak

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 31

The AdaBoost Algorithm MIMA

Given: ( x1 , y1 ),K , ( xm , ym ) where xi  X , yi  {1, 1}

Initialization: D1 (i )  m1 , i  1,K , m
For t  1,K , T:
• Find classifier ht : X  {1, 1}
which minimizes error wrt Dt ,i.e.,

How and why AdaBoost

ht  arg min works?
j where j 

i 1
Dt (i )[ yi  h j ( xi )]
1 1 t
• Weight classifier:  t  ln
2 t
Dt (i ) exp[ t yi ht ( xi )]
• Update distribution: Dt 1 (i )  , Z t is for normalization
 T

Output final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 32

The AdaBoost Algorithm MIMA

Given: ( x1 , y1 ),K , ( xm , ym ) where xi  X , yi  {1, 1}

Initialization: D1 (i )  m1 , i  1,K , m
For t  1,K , T:
• Find classifier ht : X  {1, 1}
which minimizes error wrt Dt ,i.e.,
Whath goal
arg min the
where    D (i )[ y wants
h ( x )]
to reach?
t i j i
hj i 1
1 1 t
• Weight classifier:  t  ln
2 t
Dt (i ) exp[ t yi ht ( xi )]
• Update distribution: Dt 1 (i )  , Z t is for normalization
 T

Output final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 33

The AdaBoost Algorithm MIMA

Given: ( x1 , y1 ),K , ( xm , ym ) where xi  X , yi  {1, 1}

Initialization: D1 (i )  m1 , i  1,K , m They are goal
For t  1,K , T: dependent.
• Find classifier ht : X  {1, 1}
which minimizes error wrt Dt ,i.e.,
ht  arg min  j where  j   Dt (i )[ yi  h j ( xi )]
hj i 1
1 1 t
• Weight classifier:  t  ln
2 t
Dt (i ) exp[ t yi ht ( xi )]
• Update distribution: Dt 1 (i )  , Z t is for normalization
 T

Output final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 34


 T

Final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 

Minimize exponential loss

lossexp  H ( x)  Ex , y e  yH ( x )


Maximize the margin yH(x)

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 35
 T

Final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 
Minimize lossexp  H ( x)  Ex , y e yH ( x ) 
Define H t ( x)  H t 1 ( x)   t ht ( x) with H 0 ( x)  0
Then, H ( x)  H T ( x)

Ex , y e yHt ( x )   Ex  E y e yHt ( x ) | x  

 Ex  E y e y[ Ht 1 ( x )t ht ( x )] | x  

 Ex  E y e yHt 1 ( x ) e yt ht ( x ) | x  

 Ex e yHt 1 ( x ) et P( y  ht ( x))  et P( y  ht ( x))  

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 36
t  ? MIMA
 T

Final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 
Minimize lossexp  H ( x)  Ex , y e yH ( x ) 
Define H t ( x)  H t 1 ( x)   t ht ( x) with H 0 ( x)  0
Then, H ( x)  H T ( x)

Ex , y e yHt ( x )   Ex eEyyHte1( xyH) t (ex )| txP(y  ht ( x))  et P( y  ht ( x))  

Set Ex , y e yHt ( x )   0
 t

 Ex e yHt 1 ( x )  et P( y  ht ( x))  et P( y  ht ( x))    0

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU 0
School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 37
t  ? MIMA
 T

Final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 
Minimize lossexp  H ( x)  Ex , y e yH ( x ) 
Define H t ( x)  H t 1 ( x)   t ht ( x) with H 0 ( x)  0
Then, H ( x)  H T ( x)

1 P( y  ht ( x)) 1 1 t
 t  ln   t  ln P( xi , yi )  Dt (i )
2 P( y  ht ( x)) 2 t
 t  P (error)   Dt (i )[ yi  h j ( xi )]
i 1

 Ex e yHt 1 ( x )  et P( y  ht ( x))  et P( y  ht ( x))    0

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU 0
School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 38
t  ?
Given: ( x1 , y1 ),K , ( xm , ym ) where xi  X , yi  {1, 1}
Initialization: D1 (i )  m1 , i  1,K , m
For t  1,K , T : MIMA

• Find classifier ht : X 

T {1, 1} which minimizes error wrt Dt ,i.e.,
Final classifier: sign h arg

Hmin t

( x) where
t 1
t h
j t (Dx()i)[y  h ( x )]


i 1
t i j i

Minimize lossexp  H ( xclassifier:

• Weight )   Ex , y e12lnyH1 (x) 

Define H t ( x)  H t•1Update  t ht ( x) with

( x) distribution: D (i )  H 0 ( x )  0
D (i ) exp[ y h ( x )]
t 1
,Z t i t i
t is for normalization
Then, H ( x)  H TOutput
( x) final classifier:  T

sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 

1 P( y  ht ( x)) 1 1 t
 t  ln   t  ln P( xi , yi )  Dt (i )
2 P( y  ht ( x)) 2 t
 t  P(error)   Dt (i )[ yi  h j ( xi )]
i 1

 Ex e  yHt 1 ( x )  et P( y  ht ( x))  et P( y  ht ( x))    0

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU 0
School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 39
Dt 1  ?
Given: ( x1 , y1 ),K , ( xm , ym ) where xi  X , yi  {1, 1}
Initialization: D1 (i )  m1 , i  1,K , m
For t  1,K , T : MIMA

• Find classifier ht : X 

T {1, 1} which minimizes error wrt Dt ,i.e.,
Final classifier: sign h arg

Hmin t

( x) where
t 1
t h
j t (Dx()i)[y  h ( x )]


i 1
t i j i

Minimize lossexp  H ( xclassifier:

• Weight )   Ex , y e12lnyH1 (x) 

Define H t ( x)  H t•1Update  t ht ( x) with

( x) distribution: D (i )  H 0 ( x )  0
D (i ) exp[ y h ( x )]
t 1
,Z t i t i
t is for normalization
Then, H ( x)  H TOutput
( x) final classifier:  T

sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 

1 P( y  ht ( x)) 1 1 t
 t  ln   t  ln P( xi , yi )  Dt (i )
2 P( y  ht ( x)) 2 t
 t  P(error)   Dt (i )[ yi  h j ( xi )]
i 1

 Ex e  yHt 1 ( x )  et P( y  ht ( x))  et P( y  ht ( x))    0

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU 0
School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 40
Dt 1  ? MIMA
 T

Final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 
Minimize lossexp  H ( x)  Ex , y e yH ( x ) 
Define H t ( x)  H t 1 ( x)   t ht ( x) with H 0 ( x)  0
Then, H ( x)  H T ( x)
  1 
Ex , y e yHt   Ex , y e yHt 1 e yt ht   Ex , y e yHt 1 1  y t ht   t2 y 2 ht2  
  2 
  yHt 1  1 2 2 2 
 ht  arg min Ex , y e 1  y t h   t y h   y 2 h2  1
  2 
  1 
 ht  arg min Ex , y e yHt 1 1  y t h   t2  
  2 
   yHt 1  1 2  
 ht  arg min Ex  E y e 1  y t h   t   | x 
   2  
Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 41
Dt 1  ? MIMA
 T

Final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 
Minimize lossexp  H ( x)  Ex , y e yH ( x ) 
Define H t ( x)  H t 1 ( x)   t ht ( x) with H 0 ( x)  0
Then, H ( x)  H T ( x)

 ht  arg max Ex 1 h( x)e Ht 1 ( x )  P( y  1| x)  (1)  h( x)e Ht 1 ( x )  P( y  1| x) 


 ht  arg max Ex  E y e yHt 1  yh   | x 


 ht  arg min Ex  E y e  yHt 1   y t h   | x 


   yHt 1  1 2  
 ht  arg min Ex  E y e 1  y t h   t   | x 
   2  
Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 42
Dt 1  ? MIMA
 T

Final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 
Minimize lossexp  H ( x)  Ex , y e yH ( x ) 
Define H t ( x)  H t 1 ( x)   t ht ( x) with H 0 ( x)  0
Then, H ( x)  H T ( x)

 ht  arg max Ex 1 h( x)e  Ht 1 ( x )  P( y  1| x)  (1)  h( x)e Ht 1 ( x )  P( y  1| x) 


 ht  arg max Ex , y ~ e yHt 1 ( x ) P ( y| x )  yh( x) maximized when y  h( x) x


 ht ( x)  sign Ex , y ~ e yHt 1 ( x ) P ( y| x )  y | x  
 h ( x)  sign  P
t x , y ~ e yHt 1 ( x ) P ( y| x )
( y  1| x)  Px , y ~ e yHt 1 ( x ) P ( y| x ) ( y  1| x) 
Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 43
Dt 1  ? MIMA
 T

Final classifier: sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 
Minimize lossexp  H ( x)  Ex , y e yH ( x ) 
Define H t ( x)  H t 1 ( x)   t ht ( x) with H 0 ( x)  0
Then, H ( x)  H T ( x)

At time t x, y ~ e yHt 1 ( x ) P( y | x)

 ht ( x)  sign Px , y ~ e yHt 1 ( x ) P ( y| x ) ( y  1| x)  Px , y ~ e yHt 1 ( x ) P ( y| x ) ( y  1| x) 
Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 44
Dt 1  ?
Given: ( x1 , y1 ),K , ( xm , ym ) where xi  X , yi  {1, 1}
Initialization: D1 (i )  m1 , i  1,K , m
For t  1,K , T : MIMA

• Find classifier ht : X 

T {1, 1} which minimizes error wrt Dt ,i.e.,
Final classifier: sign h arg

Hmin t

( x) where
t 1
t h
j t (Dx()i)[y  h ( x )]


i 1
t i j i

Minimize lossexp  H ( xclassifier:

• Weight )   Ex , y e12lnyH1 (x) 

Define H t ( x)  H t•1Update  t ht ( x) with

( x) distribution: D (i )  H 0 ( x )  0
D (i ) exp[ y h ( x )]
t 1
,Z t i t i
t is for normalization
Then, H ( x)  H TOutput
( x) final classifier:  T

sign  H ( x)    t ht ( x) 
 t 1 

At time t x, y ~ e yHt 1 ( x ) P( y | x)
1 1
At time 1 x, y ~ P ( y | x ) P( yi | xi )  1  D1 (1)  
Z1 m
 yH t ( x )  t yht ( x )
At time t+1 x, y ~ e P( y | x)  Dt e
Dt (i ) exp[ t yi ht ( xi )]
 Dt 1 (i )  , Z t is for normalization
Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 45
Successful applications of ensemblesMIMA

 Netflix prize

Users rate movies (1,2,3,4,5 stars);

Netflix makes suggestions to users based on previous
rated movies.

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 46

Netflix prize MIMA

“The Netflix Prize seeks to substantially improve the accuracy of predictions

about how much someone is going to love a movie based on their movie
preferences. Improve it enough and you win one (or more) Prizes. Winning the
Netflix Prize improves our ability to connect people to the movies they love.”
Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 47
Netflix prize MIMA

 Supervised learning task

 Training data is a set of users and ratings (1,2,3,4,5
stars) those users have given to movies.
 Construct a classifier that given a user and an
unrated movie, correctly classifies that movie as
either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 stars

$1 million prize for a 10% improvement over

Netflix’s current movie recommender/classifier

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 48

Netflix prize MIMA

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 49

Netflix prize MIMA

 The final solution consists of blending 107

individual results.
Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 50
Netflix prize MIMA

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 51

Netflix prize MIMA

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University 52

MIMA Group

Any Question?

Xin-Shun Xu @ SDU School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University

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