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PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: C6 Vi Thi Mai Phuong || 6c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn TAL LIEU BOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HQC ff Chuyén dé: ‘m (Budi 1) Danh riéng cho khéa hoc “Luyén cdc dang bai trong dé thi THPT” iét Iai cau trie ng C6 Va Thi Mai Phuong A- LY THUYET 1. KET HOP CAU DUNG MENH DE QUAN HE VA GIAM MENH DE QUAN HE 1, Dai tir quan hé Relative Usage Examples Pronouns who thay thé cho cht ngit chi ngwéi That is the man who stole your bags. whom thay thé cho tan ngit chi ngudi ‘Mrs. Linh is the woman whom my teacher falls in love with. which | thay thé cho ca chii ngit, tan ngit chi vat |The dish which Henry recommends is too complicated for me. which Thay thé cho cd m6t ménh dé He couldn’t read, which surprised me whose | thay thé cho so hitu cach cia ngudi va | 1 know the author whose story won the first vat prize in the competition. Of which. | thay thé cho so hitu edch eta vat The house whose roof'/ the roof of which was blown off by the hurricane is now in bad condition, that ding cho ca ngudi va vat, thay thé cho ca | She liked the book that I gave her on her chit ngit va tan ngir birthday very much + Cac truvvng hyp ding “that” * Dé thay thé cho cum danh tir bao gdm ca ngudi va vat Eg: He told me about the places and people that he had seen in London. + Ding véi so sanh hon nhat, “the first”, “the last” Eg: She was the first that broke the silence. + Diing “that” sau cdc dai tir bat dinh: anything, everything, nothing..... Eg: He just said anything that came into his head. + Sau cic tir “all, litle, none, only” thi chi ding “that”. Eg: All that I can do for you is to leave you alone. Cie trudng hyp khong ding “that” : Vi quyén Ii chinh dang cla chinh cdc em. TUYET DOI KHONG chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngu’vi kh. PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: C6 Va Thi Mai Phuong || 8c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn + “That” khOng duge thay thé cho sé hitu cach: whose, of which. + Khi dua giéi tir lén true dai tir quan hé thi khng ding “that” duge. Eg: The man whom/that we are talking about is my teacher. Nhung: The man about whom we are talking is my teacher. “Ce cum tir chi sé lwgng: Eg: [ tried on three pairs of shoes. None of the shoes fitted me. — I try on three pairs of shoes, none of which fitted me Mary has three brothers. All of them are married, — Mary has three brothers, all of whom are married. They asked me a lot of questions. I couldn’t answer most of them. —+ They asked me a lot of questions, most of which I couldn't answer. 2. Trang tir quan hg Relative Usage Examples Adverbs When trang tir quan hé chi thai gian | I love casual Fridays, on which/ when we = prep + which get to wear jeans to work Where trang tir quan hé chi noi chon, | The house in which/ where | was born is = prep + which dimg sau danh tir chi noi chén. | a very special place. Why trang tir quan hé chi ly do, | I don’t know the reason for which/ why = for which img sau the reason. he got angry. Examples: Ex1: This is the house. We used to live in the house — This is the house which we used to live in. — This is the house in which we used to live. This is the house where we used to live. x2; He was born on the day. His father was away on that day. —+ He was born on the day when his father was away. 3. Ménh 4@ quan hé giéi han & Ménh dé quan hé khéng giéi hat © Ménh dé quan hé gidi han: Day 1a loai ménh dé cn thiét vi tién ngit chua xde cu s& khOng di nghia. Eg: The man who/that invented the steam engine was a Scottish scientist. © Ménh dé quan hé khéng giéi han: Day Ia logi ménh dé khéng can thiét vi tién ngir da duge xac dinh, khdng cé n6 cau vin dit nghia. Eg: James Watt, who invented the steam engine, was a Scottish scientist. © Dang ménh 48 quan hé khong gidi han trong cde trudng hop sau: ~ Danh tir rigng (Proper noun). |. khong c6 né Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cla chinh cdc em. TUYET DOI KHONG chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngu’vi kha PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: 6 Vi Thi Mai Phuong || 8c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn - Tinh tir so hiu +N (Ex: my teacher, my friends... ) h tir chi dinh: this, that, these, those. - Diing ménh dé quan hé khong gidi han trong cae cum tir chi s6 Iuong: Ex: L tried on three pairs of shoes. None of the shoes fitted me, = I try on three pairs of shoes, none of which fitted me. + Luu y: - Khong duge diing THAT trong ménh dé quan hé kh6ng gid han. - Ménh dé quan hé khéng gidi han duge ngan voi ménh dé chinh bang cac dau phay. 4, Gian luge ménh 4@ quan hé 4.1. Ding cum Ving: Ding cho cdc ménh dé chi dong Ex: + The man who is standing there is my brother. = The man standing there is my brother. + The girl who bought this cat is beautiful. — The girl buying this cat is beautiful. + The students who don’t do their homework will be punished. + The students not doing their homework will be punished. Luu y: Khi dai tit quan hé thay thé cho tan ngit, khGng gin ménh he. Ex: The man whom I am talking about is handsome. —> The man I am talking about is handsome. 4.2. Diing P2: cho cée ménh dd bi dong. Eg: I like books which were written by Nguyen Du. —> [like books written by Nguyen Du. 4.3. Ding cum to - inf Diing khi danh tir ding trrée c6 cde chit sau day bd nghia: + The + so sinh hon nhat, the first, the second... the only, the next, the las Eg: This is the only student who can do the problem. — This is the only student to do the problem. + Dau céu co HERE ,THERE Eg: There are six letters which have to be written today. — There are six letters to be written today. Luu + Néu true dai tir quan hé cé gidi tir thi phai dem x Ex: We have a rack which we hang our coat on. —> We have a rack to hang our coat on, + Néu chi ngit 2 ménh dé khdc nhau thi thém cum “ for sb” tude “ to inf”: Ex: We have some picture books that children can read. —+ We have some picture books for children to read. juan hé duge, chi cé thé luoc bé dai tir quan Vi quyén Ii chinh dang cla chinh cdc em. TUYET DOI KHONG chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngu’vi kha PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: C6 Va Thi Mai Phuong || 8c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn 4.4, Diing cym danh tir - noun phrase ( ddng chi ngit ) Dang khi ménh dé tinh tir c6 dang: Who/which + BE + Danh tiyTinh ti/Cum danh tiyCum trang tir Ex: + Football, which is a popular sport, is very good for health. —+ Football, a popular sport, is very good for health. * Do you like the book which is on the table? + Do you like the book on the table? Van dung: Question 1: The last person who leaves the room must turn off the lights. A. The last person to leave the room must tum off the lights. B. The last person to turn off the lights must leave the room. C. The last person to be left the room must turn off the lights. D. The last person leave the room must turn off the lights. Question 2: The house with the white wall is my uncle’s, A. The house whose wall is white is my uncle. B. The house where wall is white is my uncle’s. C. The house which wall is white is my uncle’s. D. The house whose wall is white belongs to my uncle Question 3: The last student who was interviewed was John, A. The last student to be interviewed was John, B. The last student to interview was John C. The last student was John to be interviewed. D. The last student interviewing was John. Question 4: The student next to me kept chewing gum. That bothered me a lot. A. The student next to me kept chewing gum, which bothered me a lot. B. The student next to me kept chewing gum, that bothered me a lot. C. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothering me a lot, D. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothered me a lot. Question 5: Mr. Smith is a professor. His car was stolen yesterday. A. Mr, Smith, who is a professor, his car was stolen yesterday B. Mr. Smith, who his car was stolen yesterday, is a professor. C. Mr, Smith, whose car was stolen yesterday, is a professor, D. His car was stolen yesterday, he is a professor. Question 6: The girl just said hello. She is Tom’s sister. A. The girl who just said hello is Tom’s sister, B. The girl to say hello is Tom’s sister. C. The girl just said hello is Tom’s sister. D. The girl, who just said hello, is Tom’s sister. Question 7: I’m waiting for the bus. It is late A. The bus which I’m waiting is late. B, The bus whom I'm waiting for is late. C. The bus for that I’m waiting is late. D. The bus I’m waiting for is late. Vi quyén Ii chinh dang cla chinh cdc em. TUYET DOI KHONG chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngu’vi kha PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: C6 Via Thi Mai Phuong || 6c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn Question 8: This house was built years ago. It is still in very good shape. A. This house, which built years ago, is still in very good shape. B. This house, which was built years ago, is still in very good shape. C. This house, building years ago, is still in very good shape. D. This house which was built years ago is still in very good shape. Question 9: The people watched the game. None of them will ever forget it. A. None of the people that watched the game will ever forget it. B. The people watched the game none of whom will ever forget it C. Nobody that watched the game will not ever forget it. D. Both A and C are correct. Question 10: That’s the man, | told you about him yesterday. A. That’s the man about whom I told you yesterday. B. That’s the man whom I told you yesterday. C. That’s the man about that I told you yesterday. D. That’s the man I told you yesterday. IL LIEN TU VA TRANG TU LIEN KET LigN TU Dinh nghia Lién tir la tir diing 8 ndi hai phan, hai ménh dé 6 trong cau lai véi nhau. Eg: This shop opens at 6 a.m and (it) closes at 7 p.m Phan loai lign tir: © Lién tir két hop © Lién tir Lién tir tuong hd © Lién tir phu thuge 1. Lién tir két hop. Coordinating Meaning Examples Conjunction FOR Reason He is tired for he works really hard. AND addition | love studying English and Math, NOR not either He doesn’t smoke, nor drink BUT contrast An likes cakes but hates cookies. OR choice We can eat chicken or pork for dinner. YET contrast He is sick, yet he is working, so result Jin was hungry, so he ate all the pizza. Vi quyén Ii chinh dang cla chinh cdc em. TUYET DOI KHONG chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngu’vi kh. PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: C6 Va Thi Mai Phuong || 6c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn 2. Lign tir trong hd Correlative Examples Conjunctions BOTH...AND I want both the pizza and the sandwich. I’m very hungry now. NOT ONLY ... BUT ALSO I'll eat them both: not only the pizza but also the sandwich EITHER ... OR I want either the pizza or the sandwich, NEITHER ... NOR I want neither the pizza nor the sandwich. I'll just need some biscuits WHETHER ... OR I didn’t know whether you'd want the pizza or the sandwich, so I got you both 3. Lién tir phy thuge 3.1. Lign tir chi thai gian Subordinating Examples Conjunetions BEFORE You mustn’t go out before you finish your homework. AFTER Afier you finish your homework, you can go out. ONCE Let him go out once he had finished his homework. WHEN = AS 1 saw him hand in hand with a beautiful girl as/when I was. walking downtown. WHILE I was washing the dishes while my sister was cleaning the floor. WHENEVER Come and see us whenever you're in town - you're always welcome. AS SOON AS As soon as I saw her, I knew there was something wrong. TILLY UNTIL | will never forgive her until he apologizes. Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cla chinh cdc em. TUYET DOI KHONG chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngu’vi kh. PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: C6 Va Thi Mai Phuong || 6c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn 3.2 Lign tir chi noi chon Subordinating Examples Conjunctions WHERE T come back to where I was born. WHEREVER We can go wherever you like. 3.3. Lign tir chi nguyén nhan Subordinating Examples Conjunetions BECAUSE I can’t give her a lift home because I don’t have a car. SINCE I can’t give her a lift home since I don’t have a car. AS I can’t give her a lift home as I don’t have a car. 3.4. Lién tir chi mye dich Subordinating Examples Conjunetions SO THAT/ We left early so that/ in order that we wouldn't be caught INORDER THAT | in the traffic jam. 3.5. Lién tir chi sy déi lap Subordinating Examples Conjunetions ALTHOUGH He doesn’t speak German well though/ although’ even THOUGH though he has been studying it for years. EVENTHOUGH WHEREAS You eat a huge plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich. AS She arrived early, as I expected. WHILE While I'd like to accept your offer, I'm unable to at the present time. ‘Vi quy€n Igi chinh déng ciia chinh cdc em. TUYET BGI KHONG chia sé tai liéu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngurdi kh PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: C6 Vi Thi Mai Phuong || 8c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn 3.6. Lién tir chi digu kign Subordinating Examples Conjunetions IF You will pass the exam if you study hard. UNLESS You won’t pass the exam unless you study hard, PROVIDED THAT | You can ride on the train with us provided that you pay the full amount of money AS LONG AS “T don’t care who you are, where you're from, don’t care what you did as long as you love me” (Backstreet boys). EVEN IF “Even if the sky is falling down, you'll be my only” (Jay Sean), IN CASE I will take an umbrella in case it rains. TRANG TV LIEN KET Trang tir lién két 1a nhimg trang tir ding dé néi nhiing y tuéng, nhimg ménh dé trong mot doan van. 1. Tir ndi ding dé thém thong tin + In addition: Thém vao dé + Furthermore: Hon nia, thém nita + Moreover: Hon nira + Additionally: Thém vao dé + Also: Hon ni + Besides: ngoai ra * What's more: Hon nita Phan bigt “Besides” & “Beside”: + Besides: Ngoai ra + Beside = next to = close to = by: bén canh Eg: Lreally want to go to the party. Besides, i s close to/beside my house. 2. Tir ndi chi nguyén nhan, ket qua + As a result: Két qua la + As a consequence: Két qua la * Accordingly: Theo nhu + resultedly: Két qua la * consequent: Do d6 + therefore: Do d6 + hence/thus: Do dé Vi quyén Ii chinh dang cla chinh cdc em. TUYET DOI KHONG chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngu’vi kh. PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: C6 Vi Thi Mai Phuong || 8c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn 3. Tir ndi chi su déi Lip + However: tuy nhién + Nevertheless: tuy nhién + Nonetheless: tuy nhién + in contrast: Trai la + on the contrary: Trai lai + Notwithstanding: tuy nhién, « still/yet: ay thé ma, + on the other hand: mat khae + Otherwise: néu khong thi Eg: My teacher helped me a lot, Otherwise, I wouldn't have passed the exam, 4. Tir néi mang nghia ohdn m: + In fact: thye ra + In practice: thy té 1a «In theory: theo ly thuyét + Indeed: thye sy ki Eg: He is a hard-working employee. Indeed, he works ten hours a day. 5. Tir ndi dua ra két luain + after all: sau tit ea «at last, finally: cudi cing + in brief: néi chung + in conclusion: két ludn lai thi + on the whole: néi chung * to conclude: dé két + to summarize: Tom lai VAN DUNG: Question 1, Barry continued to smoke even though we had advised him to quit. A. Barry took our advice so he stopped smoking. B. If we had advised Barry, he would have quit smoking. C. Barry did not quit smoking because of our advice. D. Despite being told not to smoke, Barry continued to do. Question 2: She locked the door so as not to be disturbed A. She locked the door in order that she wouldn’t be disturbed B. She locked the door to be not disturbed C. She locked the door for her not to be disturbed D. She locked the door so that not to be disturbed Question 3: Tam is not good at English and neither am I A. Neither Tam nor I am good at English B, Either Tam or I am good at English C. P'm not as good at English as Tam is D. Tam isn’t good at English but lam Vi quyén Ii chinh dang cla chinh cdc em. TUYET DOI KHONG chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngu’vi kh: PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Bién soan: C6 Va Thi Mai Phuong || 6c quyén va duy nhat tai: Ngoaingu24h.vn Question 4, Although his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. A. Despite his legs to be broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. B, Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before exploding, C. Despite his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded, D. Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before it exploded. Question 5: As soon as I receive my result, I will phone you. A. Iwill ring you the moment I receive my result, B, Sooner or later after I receive my result. I will give you a ring. C. After receiving my result, | will call you. D. I will make a phone call to you when I get my result, Question 6: In spite of all our efforts, we failed in the final match, A. Although we tried very hard, we failed in the final match. B. We made all our efforts so that we could gain success in the final match. C. Whatever efforts we had made, we weren’t able to win in the final match, D. We failed in the final match as a result of all our great efforts. Question 7. Jill hasn’t seen this movie before. Neither have her parents. A. Bither Jill or her parents have seen this movie before. B, Both Jill and her parents have seen this movie before, . Neither Jill nor her parents have seen this movie before. D. Jill with her parents has seen this movie before. Question 8: Tuition fees were increased. There were many objections from students to parents. A. There were many objections from students to parents, so tuition fees were increased. B. Tuition fees were increased because there were many objections from students to. parents, C. Tuition fees were increased despite the fact that there were many objections from. students to parents. D. There were many objections from students to parents while tuition fees were increased. Question 9: The company led to raise the workers’ wages. He did not want them to leave. A. The company director decided to raise the workers’ wages because he did not want them to leave. B. The company director decided to raise the workers’ wages in order not to want them to leave. C. The company director decicled to raise the workers’ wages so that he D. The company director decided to raise the workers’ wages though he wanted them to leave. Question 10. You cannot completely avoid stress in your life. You need to find ways to cope with it. A. After you can completely avoid stress in your life, you need to find ways to cope with it B. As long as you can completely avoid stress in your life, you need to find ways to cope with it. C. As you cannot completely avoid stress in your life, you need to find ways to cope with it. D. Because stress can completely be avoided in your life, you need to find ways to cope with it. irector de not want them to leave. Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cla chinh cdc em. TUYET DOI KHONG chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngu’vi kha

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