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The research study and discussion of dicken’s novel. A tale of two cities and
purpose is to explore concept of love and sacrifice.

The very aim of the paper is observe how writer explore concept of love and
sacrifice by describing imaginary characters in novel A tale of two cities.

The main focus is look people life situation at the time of revolution . I followed
qualitative method which requires hand some study. I studies curly history of
French revolution and extract concept of love and sacrifice .

Keyword: Explore concept of love and sacrifice.


On the completion of my thesis project at the very

beginning I am thankful to Almighty Allah who enabled me to work on
Assigned topic. I pay homage to my teachers friends and class fellows who
support me in this regard.

Especially thanks Mr Sheeraz Ali Ujjan, Provide me valuable guidance unfailing

help and give time also criticize on the topic he assigned me during research
for completion of project.

Chapter one
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Background of novel.
1.3 Background of study.
1.4 Problem statement.
1.5 Objectives of study.
1.6 Research question.
1.7 Significance of study.

2 Review of related literature
2.1 Review of literature
2.2.1 Related topic (3)

Chapter -3
3 Research methodology
3.3.1 Research method
3.3.2 Qualitative method
3.3.3 Data collection
3.3.4 Tool for research
3.3.5 psychological theory about concept of love and sacrifice.

Discussion and analysis of topic
4.1 Concept of love from Dicken’s novel.
(a) Charles darnay and lucies love (Romance love).
(b) One sided carton love from dickens novel.
(c) Explore carton love protects his lover (lucie).
(d) Lucie and Dr Manete love (familial love).
4.2.1 Dicken choose love is central theme in A tale of two cities
(a) Love helps you cyrow.
(b) Power of love .
(c) Love is security.
(d) Love should be given more importance than money.
4.3.1 Concept of sacrifice from Dicken’s novel
(a) Sacrifice
(b) Self-Sacrifice
4.3.2 (a) Dr-Manette mental sacrifice.
(b) Dicken choose an indifferent Alcholic man like Sidney carton Able to
play role of self- sacrifice
(c) revolutionaries sacrifice for nation.
4.4 Further explore concept of love and sacrifice for goring true examples from
world history.

5.1 Conclusion.
5.2 Reference.

Chapter One
1.1 introduction:
Dicken is great novelist of Victorian era. He sacrifice his youth because
his father was in jail and his mother did not love enough money to keep him
in school so he started working in factory then he face struggles and hardship
of life, he also started writing. His novel characters have a way convey
message to readers what he feel in his early childhood Charles Dicken, A man
of good humar once said.
“If there were no bad people there would be no good lawyers”
From this quotation: If there were not those corrupt people there would be
not such people who want change in world.
Dicken belong to realism movement and he wrote realistic novels because he
inspire from his own life and discuss real events in his own work.
A Tale of two cities
Is best example of his own life, this novel is inspiration of Dicken’s sacrifice in
his youth through throw this novel he
Explore concept of love and sacrifice.
His most of novels is about sacrifice and self-sacrifice .
Charles Dicken was not only powerful writer but also voice
for those people who love and sacrifice life for beloved ones and convey
message to those who bitterly feel never doing change in life. Dicken
inspiration a nation with his writing that they succeed if they work hard and
showing they are not only one with issues that all people can succeed if they
work hard.
1.2 Background of novel:
` Dicken’s novel A Tale of two cities discuss history of French
French Revolution:
The French revolution was a period of major social
upheaval. It sought to completely change the relationship b/w the rulers and
those they governed and redefine the nature of political power.
French revolution starts from 1779 and ended in 1799.
1789 is one of most significant date in history, Revolution want change to
remove upper class and went equal rights b/w upper and lower class france
ruled by king Louis xvi France where ruling authority imposes heavy taxes on
poor people which have no food or any other facilities. The man reason
aristocracy of france have all power dispute that there was not such policies
which equal all people. Revolutionaries want to change in france so they
sacrifice life for French revolution.
The main cause of Dicken who wrote novel A Tale of two cities is
inspiration of French revolution.
A Tale of two cities is inspired by French revolution novel took actual events of
history . The very aim to discuss history of france the struggle of
revolutionaries. French revolution only main cause to give equal rights b/w
payments and aristocrats.
1.3 Background of topic:-
In Dicken’s novel A Tale of two cities I explore
concept of love and sacrifice the novel revolves around Dr manette Sidney
carton, Charles Darnay, Lucie Manette these are characters who explore both
concepts of loe and sacrifice Love is beautiful emotion that human posses by
hearts their emotion. Love use in different senses in dicken novel. I explore
strong concept of love relationship and different meaning of love.
Sacrifice is beautiful emotion that show one devoting life for another sacrifice
show someone valuable to a person Dicken’s novel A Tale of two cities two
families novel discuss event of French revolution. Revolutionaries want justice
for their country. I explore how people sacrifice their lives at time of French
revolution and love is willing to sacrifice even their lives.
1.4 problem statement:-
The problem statement is to explore concept of love
and sacrifice from dicken’s novel. A Tale of two cities is novel about French
revolution people sacrifice their lives at the time of revolution. So I explore
both concepts of love and sacrifice how people willing to sacrifice even their
lives as revolutionaries show at the time of French revolution.
I am supposed to evaluate the same concept of love and sacrifice as dicken
discuss in novel.
1.5 Objectives of study:-
The very object of my dissertation is to investigate observe true concept of
love and sacrifice for this I have comprehensively gone through this novel and
find out some major consequences related to my topic which are authentic.
The objectives of study:-
Concept of love
Concept of sacrifice
Meaning of love in different contents
1.6 Research Questions:-
Why did Dicken choose an in different and alcholic man like sydney
carton able to play role of self-sacrifice.
Why Dicken choose love is central theme in A Tale of two cities.
1.7 Significance of study:-
When i take deep insight of novel A Tale of two cities I explore
both concepts of love and sacrifice significance of this research paper to those
readers that I find out love and sacrifice in different context which surely not
find, any other researcher from dicken's novel.
Readers also understand how love and sacrifice have some value in
this world. I give examples of love and sacrifice from world history to readers
furthermore concept of love and sacrifice.
I explore concept that love is not only relationship between two
opposite sex but this research paper find out different love relationship and
their such value. So readers have such opportunity to understand both concept
of love and sacrifice from Dicken’s novel A Tale of two cities.

2 Chapter-2
2.1 Review of literature:
This topic of research paper is exploring concept of love and
sacrifice from Dicken’s novel A Tale of two cities and purpose is to give
basic concept of love and sacrifice as experienced by dicken at the time of
French revolution.
With respect to this topic there are several related topics that have been
under observation made research and published A Tale of two cities novel
contains in itself a lot to be analyzed we have some following writers who
had made their research and contribution in this novel by analyzing
different means and aspects.
2.2 Article:- A comparative study between A Tale of two cities great
Gatsby- the self-sacrifice spirits in romanticism.
Nali (2013:-
In this article very purpose of study in to analyze the great Gatsby
by (fitzgerald) writer living in class struggle society. At that time money is
most important to people they make money from illegal ways but concept
of great yatzby is that there is still love in world yatsby die for love but
yatzby love is just a joke.
After reading this article is not yet been fully finished this research paper
give concept of love, So I further more research on my thesis topic.
Golden angles sharp females and alternative heroines in A Tale of
two cities
Charissa enns (2021):-
In Victorian period woman only consider angle in houses
because at that time woman play role of home maker daughter mother
wife this research paper discuss sharp female roles in A Tale of two cities
two out standing females characters lucie manette and madame defarge
these woman stories are revenge love sacrifice A Tale of two cities rise
deep prejudice against woman can be strong.
After reading this article I understand female role in history of French
revolution I understand lot of but I further research more to explore both
male and female role of sacrifice in dicken’s novel.
Article:-Reflection of French revolution in Charles dicken’s A Tale of
two cities.
DR Kranti vats farooq Ahmed (2019)
This article is about history of French
revolution. In this article researchers discuss two cities british and paris city
and their role in revolutionary period. Researcher also discuss role of
characters such as barsad and cly. Vengeance play role in revolution.
Researcher also include way of out look on revolutionary violence different
from other. I read history of French revolution which is very useful for my
research topic.
Other related topics
Article:- The self sacrificing professional: Charles Dicken’s “Hunted
down” and “A Tale of two cities”
.J Ruth (2004)

Article:-Nation of sacrifice and selflessness in A Tale of two cities


3 Research Method:-
Research method applied to conduct research process
before writing my thesis, I thought about my research topic, In what specific
methodology my topic comes in, then I came to conclusion that It is qualitative
research method.
I started researching over material for my topic exploring concept of love and
sacrifice from dicken’s nevl A tale of two cities.

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