Talislanta Worldbook

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: (| WORLDBOOK Fantasy Role Playing Game Supplement by Stephan Michael Sechi Additional text provided by W.G. Armintrout, Anthony Pryor, & Stevie McBride, Editor: W.G. Armintrout Cover Art: P.D, Breeding-Black Interior Illsutrations: P.D. Breeding-Black, Ron Spencer, Todd Cameron Hamilton, Larry Dixon, Sandra Santaro, & Victor Wren Cartography: P.D. Breeding-Black (with Czeslaw Sornat & Tamerlin), Larry Dixon Graphics: Patty Sechi Talislanta Logo: P.D. Breeding-Black & Todd Camerot Proofreading: Anthony Pryor oe BOOK NOOK Dedicated to Jack Vance, pre-eminent author of fantasy and science fiction. | Creative Director: SMS | Copyright 1990 All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA TABLE OF CONTENTS Map of Archaaus... Introduction.. ‘A Note from the Editor ‘The World of Archaou Map of Talislanta.. ‘The Continent of Talistanta. THE SEVEN KINGDOMS ‘Map of the Seven Kingdoms. The Seven Kingdoms. cym ymril City Map. City of Cymri.. ‘THE WILDERLANDS OF ZARAN Map of the Wilderlands... 32 33 34 135 36 36 37 38 39 40 at 41 42 43 The Displaced Peoples. THE WESTERN LANDS ‘Map of the Western Lands.. Werewood. Zandu.. Zanth City Map... City of Zanth ‘THE EASTERN LANDS ‘Map of the Eastern Lands. Chana, Southern Quan.. Central Quan, Northeastern Northwestern Quan.. Xanadas, THE DESERT KINGDOMS ‘Map of the Desert Kingdoms. Carantheum 3 Dracarta City Map. City of Dracara. Djaffa...... Rajanistan. THE NORTHLANDS ‘Map of the Northlands... Khazad.. UHean, Narandu, Yrmania, THE CENTRAL REGIONS Map of the Central Regions. Plains of Golarin, ‘The Shadow Realm. The Sinking Land. Tamaranth....eren Allan City Map... Maze-City of Alan, Urag.. ° Volcanic Hills... Sseiaaasse THE WILD COASTS Map of the Wild Coasts. Jhangara. Mog.. ‘THE FAR ISLES ‘Map of the Far Isles... ‘Tho Crescent Isles... Nofaratus.... Oceanus...... Phantas.... Cabal Magicus. ‘Tho Thaecian Isles. ‘THE UNKNOWN LANDS Map of Alcedon... Altarus.. ‘Map of Celadon, Coladon. Map of Draknar.. Draknar., a ‘Map of the Lost Continent The Lost Continent, ‘Map of the Midnight Realm... The Midnight Realm. ‘Map of Temesia.. Temosia, Gulde to Pronunciation. Introduction The fantasy land of Talislanta first appeared on the gaming scene In 1987, with the pub- lication of The Chronicles of Talislanta. It was a eccentric book, filled with the ram- bling and disjointed accounts of an itinerant wizard named Tameriin, plus the fabulous II- lustrations of artist P.D. Breeding-Black. Since that time, elght further books have been published about the Talislanta game. At present, the list Includes Talislanta Handbook, The Naturalist's Guide to Ta- lislanta, The Tallslanta Sorcerer's Gulde, and six volumes of the Cyclopedia Talls~ lanta. The series will continue to be devel- oped in the coming years, as more volumes of the Cyclopedia and related titles are add- ed to the line. With the publication of so many books, we have had the chance to gradually expand upon the original description of Talislanta In the Chronicles — in the Gazetteer from the original Cyclopedia Talislanta, in the race descriptions from A Naturalist’s Guide to Talislanta, in the arcane societies entries from the Sorcerer's Gulde, and In further volumes of the Cyclopedia. While the proliferation of new material helped to define the Talislantan milieu, it also led to a certain degree of confusion. With so many books available, It was be- coming difficult to access Information on a given region or culture. Our solution has been to create The Talls- lanta Worldbook ~ a single reference work covering the entire world of Archaeus, from the continent of Talislanta to the Unknown Lands. In it you'll find all of the geographic Information from the Chronicles, plus the map references which appeared in the Gaz- eteer section of the first Cyclopedia Talls- Janta. This materlal has been completely re- organized, revised, and updated to reflect the most recent developments In the Cyclo- pedla series. In order to facilitate the use of this book as a world atlas, the accounts of the wizard Tamerlin were excised, to be compiled again at a later date. The Talislanta Worldbook also features all- new entries covering the mysterious Un- known Lands ~ the previously uncharted re- glons which lay far beyond the continent of Talislanta. Here, you'll find Information on places which before were known only in leg- end: the Lost Continent of Simbar, the ml- raculous Flying Island of Alcedon, the de- mon-haunted isle of Temesla, the dreaded Midnight Realm, the wild continent of Altar- us (mistakenly referred to on certain ancient maps as Alhambra), and the lush green con- tinent of Celadon. Also presented are the various races and cultures which inhabit the Unknown Lands. ‘These Include the giant Drakken, the aquatic Hydrans, the amphibious Batrachians, and the Demon Hunters of Thanatus. Finally, the Tallslanta Worldbook includes ‘over two dozen new city, regional, and con- tinental maps. The regional and continental maps were produced by P.D. Breeding-Black ~ purportedly in collaboration with a certain itinerant wizard, whose travels continue even to the present day... Hope you enjoy It ~ Sincerely, Stephan Michael Sechi Creative Director Bard Games + A Note from the Editor How to use this book: You won't find any rules In this book, for the simple reason that we've placed them all in another volume (the soon-to-be-published Talislanta Guidebook will contain the third edition of our rules). Instead, this book con- tains background information which can be used with the Talislanta game, or with any other fantasy role-playing system. If you haven't played Tallslanta before, then you might start by borrowing a few races or creatures from this book and adding them to your existing fantasy campaign. That's per- fectly all right with us ~ take as much as you like (but If someone asks where you found such great Ideas, give us credit, OK?). Later on, you may decide to bring your reg- ular adventurers to Talislanta for a brief visit = you might let them stumble through a transdimensional gate, arrive on a dimen- slon-spanning schooner, or have a magical mishap propel them into a new world, Suddenly, your players will find themselves In a totally original fantasy world: a place where there are no elves, no dwarves, and nothing that's been described in anyone else's monster compendium. Having visited Talistanta once, there's a good chance that you and your players won't want to leave. In short, the Talislanta Worldbook gives you the world of Archaeus (including the continent of Talislanta) in a form that you can use In a variety of ways. You can mine this book for Ideas to be used in your own fantasy campalgn world; you can use this world as a setting for your favorite role- playing rules-system; or you can combine this book with the Talislanta Guldebook for complete, stand-alone game system. Credit where credit Is due: The fantasy setting of Talislanta could never have been created without the inspiration of several of the authors of the best in fantasy literature. At the top of this list Is Jack Vance, to whom this book is dedicated — If we have created even half the sense of wonder and awe which his fantasy Inspires, we will con- sider ourselves successful. Thanks are also due to the authors and art- ists who have worked not Just on this book, but on the entire series to date: Joe Bouza, P.D. Breeding-Black, Larry Dixon, Jan and Rollin Ehlenfeldt, Rick Emond, Anthony Her- ring, Tom Kane, Spencer Kipe, Barry Link, Kevin Murphy, Anthony Pryor, Joel Roosa, Sandra Santaro, Curtis Scott, Patty Sechi, Craig Sheeley, Czeslaw Sorat, Ron Spencer, Richard Thomas, Nathan Verrilll, Stewart Wieck, and Victor Wren. However, the largest debt of gratitude is due to our faithful readers, those who have driv- en us to continue to produce new Tallslanta products. Thanks from all of us for your sup- port ~ we appreciate it. And lastly, a note about Black Savant, the Talislanta newsletter. If you'd like to find out what's new with Bard Games and the Talls- Janta game, or If you want to know what other Gamemasters and players are doing In their campaigns, then subscribe to Black Sa- vant, For a free copy, send your name and address to: Black Savant

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