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Teacher tells children there is no Santa during a lesson about the North Pole

It won’t go down well with the elves.

An elementary school teacher has been accused of ruining Christmas for her second-grader class
by telling children that Santa Claus does not exist.
The female geography teacher made the stunning revelation during a lesson about the North Pole
at their Rockland County, New York, school.
When the seven-year-olds told her they knew about the North Pole because of its white-bearded
inhabitant, she reportedly responded that Santa did not exist and that Christmas presents were
bought by their parents.
Parents at George W. Miller Elementary School in Nanuet, are furious and have called the
teacher sick, branding her a 'real-life Scrooge'.
'If that happened to my daughter in her second-grade class I'd be very upset,' said 48-year-old
Sean Flanagan, whose child was in second grade at the school last year.
'If her brothers told her there was no Santa, they would be punished. So I can't imagine what
should happen to the teacher.'

The female teacher told her class of seven-year-olds that Santa did not exist and that
Christmas presents were bought by their parents

A nanny picking up a child at the school said that no one should rob children of their belief in
59-year-old Margaret Fernandez told Fox: 'It's outrageous that a teacher would strip a child of
their innocence and try and demystify something,'
One grandmother said, 'I think this is awful. If it happened to my granddaughter, I'd tell her that
her teacher made a mistake, and there is Santa Claus.'

Reader submissions

1) I can only imagine how those children must have felt when their teacher told them Santa isn't

2) When I was about 10, I told a young neighbor there was no Santa, he was devastated. I still
feel guilty as heck about it. I cannot imagine an adult doing it on purpose, especially a teacher.
She should be fired.

3) Kids are supposed to believe in the Christmas magic and Santa. It's bad enough that they
grow up too fast as it is. We don't need liberal teachers ruining the magic.

4) Telling your kids that a fat old man in a red suit brings presents on Christmas is lying to them.
The teacher is employed to teach facts. We have taught our children from the beginning that
Santa Claus is not a real person, but rather the Spirit of Christmas who inspires people to give
to one another during the holiday season. This is an ethically & practically unassailable teaching
that still preserves the magic of Christmas, and the children still enjoy the stories of Santa as
metaphors without believing that an actual man lives at the North Pole and climbs down their
chimney once a year.
5) Good for her! Parents telling their children that there is Santa are just lying to them.

6) What an unnecessary and cruel thing to do! Why is she a teacher if she can't see and delight
in the magic in a child's eyes at the mere mention of Father Christmas's name?! I love the magic
of Christmas, and remember when I found out, I was genuinely devastated!

7) I have no idea what they are angry about, teachers are supposed to teach facts. Just
because you tell your children a story and someone tells them the truth, it seems like YOU were
the ones setting up your children for "devastation".

8) Oh please, there is no "magic of Christmas"!!! All these holidays are ridiculous. I wouldn't
want my children to believe that there's a fat, bearded man going down my chimney with a bag
of presents. Stop lying to your children!!!

9) When you tell your children lies (even though you may feel that they are not really that bad)
you are teaching your children that it’s OK to lie. There may come a time when you want your
child to tell the truth and he may be thinking that Mommy lied about Santa, so it’s OK for me to
lie. Don’t get angry with them when they do.

10) He IS real. And when you stop believing, he stops coming.


to go down (well) with s/b -

Sensational novels always go down with the public. —
I think my speech went down rather well, don't you?

stunning –
stunning news

revelation -
the revelation of previously unknown facts
Shocking revelations about their private life appeared in the papers.

Scrooge - Скрудж (герой рассказа Ч. Диккенса "Рождественская песнь в прозе", скупой и

бездушный делец) - скряга; брюзга

to pick up -
I'll pick you up at your place at five o'clock. —

to strip s/b of s/th -

to strip smb. of all civil rights —
The thieves stripped the house of its valuables. —

to demystify -
What I need is a book that will demystify the workings of a car engine for me.

as heck = as hell

unassailable -
unassailable logic
The conclusions were unassailable.
to set up s/b for s/th - подготавливать
Texas pastor tells kids Santa Claus isn't real!

In a rather unbelievable video, a Texas pastor may have ruined Christmas for a number of
Evangelical preacher David Grisham recorded a video of himself Saturday at the Westgate Mall
in Amarillo telling children and their families that Santa Claus is not real and that Christmas is
truly about the birth of Jesus Christ.

David Grisham

The children were waiting in line to have their picture taken with Santa.
"Kids, I want to tell you today that there is no such thing as Santa Claus. Santa Claus does not
exist," Grisham says in the video posted to Facebook by his wife, Tracy. "The Christmas season
is about Jesus. Jesus was born 2,016 years ago. He was born in a manger in a small town called
"And that’s the truth about Christmas. The man you are going to see today is just a man in a suit
dressed up like Santa."
Grisham went on to tell the children there are no flying reindeer, no elves making toys and no
workshop at the North Pole.
After a few minutes, a group of fathers approached Grisham asking him to stop, at which point
the pastor accused the parents of lying to their children and committing what he called a "sin in
the eyes of God."
"It is not your place to lie to your children," Grisham says. "Tell them the truth about Jesus
Christ. Tell them the truth about what Christmas is all about."
In a statement, the mall responded to Grisham's behavior:
"We want everyone at our shopping center to have an enjoyable experience. All of the shoppers
are expected to follow our code of conduct and will be asked to leave our premises if they don't
follow these rules."
Grisham told The Dallas Morning News that his life was threatened after the incident. He said he
sees that as proof that he managed to make Christmas more about Jesus than Santa.


– торговый центр
– ясли - an open box from which cattle and horses feed
Joseph and Mary with their newborn son lying in a …..
like a dog in the ….. - как собака на сене

it is not somebody's place (to do something) - if it is not your place to do something, you do not
have the duty or right to do it
It's not your place to criticize me! – Не вам меня критиковать!

- нормы поведения
- помещение; дом; владение
Dear Santa, I'd like a Rolex, a Maserati and a credit card... The lavish demands at
Selfridges' Christmas grotto

Oh, for the innocent days when children paying a visit to Santa's grotto would ask for a bicycle, a
Barbie or a doll's house.
Now though, those simpler times are long gone.
At one Christmas grotto this year, Santa Claus has been inundated with requests of a more luxury
Selfridges has reported demands from children as young as three for gifts such as a Rolex watch,
a credit card (from an enterprising three-year-old girl), a wedding dress like Kate Middleton's
and a Maserati sports car.
Elsewhere on Santa's list was the quirky request from a three-year-old girl to be shrunk down
small enough to move into her dolls house which she claimed was 'so much nicer than her real
An equally unrealistic plea came from another youngster, who asked for a princess palace
complete with prison cell built in where she could lock up her brother.
Fantastic requests aside though, the grotto was inundated with pleas for expensive luxury items.
It's a sign of the times that our children have come to expect such indulgence at Christmas time.
But while some parents will hardly notice the dent in their wallet, come January, the less wealthy
who are striving to supply expensive gifts without the buffer of a healthy bank balance will be
feeling the pinch.
A report published last week revealed that one in three Britons will take on debt to pay for
Christmas gifts.

Reader submissions

1) Unfortunately, the children of today seem to have a very misinterpreted view of what
Christmas should be. When I was young, it wasn't about how many presents were under the
tree. It was about spending time with your family and sitting down for dinner which Mum and
Dad had spent the whole day preparing and cooking. “Money doesn't grow on trees sweetheart,
count yourself lucky that you even have a meal on Christmas day compared to the starving
children across the world who wouldn't have two brussel sprouts to rub together.”

2) I got a pencil and paper drawing set as a kid. I would spend hours doodling, making books,
making little paper dolls. Kids have no imagination these days!!!

3) I think parents forget what kids really want, love and attention. It’s a vicious cycle - I work all
the time to give my kids nice things, I never see them so I feel guilty, to make up for it I buy
them more nice things, I have to work even more.

4) Dear Santa, I would like my girlfriend back for Christmas. I admit I was an idiot and I wish she
would forgive me, as I love her very much and would do anything for her.

- расточительный; чрезмерный; обильный; шикарный

Christmas grotto = Santa's grotto (Department store Santa's Grotto) – (in large shops or
department stores) a "cavern" (пещера) in which an actor dressed up as Santa Claus would give
gifts to children

Oh, for the innocent days – Эх, где (куда ушли) те наивные времена…
to inundate - затоплять; наводнять
Selfridges - "Сэлфриджиз" (магазин на Оксфорд-стрит в Лондоне)
to shrink (shrunk) – уменьшать

– если отвлечься от…

These problems aside, we think the plan should go ahead.

– потворство желаниям; потакание

– ущерб
– вот придет январь…
резервный запас, резерв
– быть в очень трудном положении; быть в стеснённых обстоятельствах
– влезть в долги

– «Деньги даром не достаются» (стандартная фраза-отговорка жадного


– считай, что тебе повезло

brussel sprout – брюссельская капуста

to rub together –
Don't have two nickels to rub together. - Ни гроша за душой.
not have two pennies/halfpennies/beans to rub together

– рисовать закорючки
– компенсировать
I want an assault rifle for Christmas or the reindeer gets it! Gun club invites children to pose with
Santa... and their choice of firearm

It's definitely one way of making sure Christmas goes off with a bang.
A gun club in Scottsdale, Arizona is inviting children to pose for pictures with Santa Claus – and
a high-powered firearm.
Each family member carries their choice of weapon, from pistols to $80,000 machine guns.

Toting the gun, and perhaps belts of ammunition around their necks, they smile alongside a
rather bewildered-looking Santa.
Children and babies can also get their hands on a firearm of their choice, including grenade
launchers, assault rifles and AK-47s.
The picture, taken against a festive backdrop, will then feature on a holiday card.
Afterwards, the families get a chance to test out the machine guns.

Describing the event, the club says: ‘Families and gun enthusiasts from around the Valley will
have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to be photographed next to Santa while against a backdrop of a
stunning $80,000 Garwood mini-gun and SGC's coolest machine guns including the M60, M249
and M240.’
‘I think it’s going to be all in fun from those who support the Second amendment and those who
don’t,’ said gun club member Richard Jones.
‘Whether you’re a gun advocate or not, you should have a lot of fun with it.’
‘There's a huge community that's interested in firearms as a sport and a hobby,’ club member
Jennifer Dove.
‘There's no reason they can't express their holiday spirit and their passion for that hobby.
‘Where else in the world can you get a picture with Santa and have a gun in the background?’
Reader submissions

1) Only in America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) Words fail me.
3) Gives the totally wrong message of Christmas.
4) And we are worried about Iran????
5) Awesome!!

6) This is messed up on so many levels. No excuse for this. Christmas isn't about violence, it’s
about peace and giving. Sick.

7) I think it's great. Can you imagine a robber stumbling into a home and seeing that picture
framed on a wall? Might want to choose another house.

8) These things are not toys, they can kill people! And yet they are treated as though they are
fashion accessories to be posed with for a picture with Santa!

9) This is a horrible model for the children!

10) Santa is FINALLY going to find out who's been naughty, and who's been nice...

11) These are gun fanatics and not church-going Christians.


- с грохотом; с шумом; успешно; удачно; "на ура!"; ярко; эффектно

The pop festival went off with a bang.

- нести (в руках, на спине)

– пулеметная лента

- озадачивать; приводить в недоумение; ставить в тупик; сбивать с толку

- гранатомет
– на фоне

- праздничный; весёлый; торжественный

– ошеломляющий; впечатляющий
– такой пулемет

SGC Tactical – компания по производству оружия

- Вторая поправка (Поправка к Конституции США, гарантирующая право народа

на хранение и ношение оружия)

– зд. случайно (наугад) зайти куда-л.

who's been naughty, and who's been nice – строка из песни “Santa Claus is coming to town”
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out
Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
Christmas tree in Brazil

The weather outside might be frightful, but Brazil’s Christmas tree is delightful! They’ve (дали
старт, начали) the holiday season ("на ура!"; ярко; красиво) as they lit the world’s tallest
(плавучее) Christmas tree in Rio de Janeiro. More than a hundred thousand (местных
жителей) and tourists (пришли) to see the 279 foot tree brought to life as its 3.1 million lights
was switched on.

It’s been decorated to reflect five (природных стихий): water represented by blue lights and
(водные) creatures, air shown within an (множество) of birds, the forest theme took the form
of butterflies, macaws (такие попугаи) and monkeys, there was of course Christmas and
humanity, which was represented by people linking hands.

The 542 ton structure was certainly not a (разочарование) to these people in the crowd.

“A Christmas tree lit up like this. It’s beautiful. Beautiful. Truly something great and a new
experience. And I hope I get to experience it again soon and have another Christmas here.”

“I loved it! It was great, great, great! I loved it.”

This annual Christmas tree ceremony first began in 1996, and its lighting celebration has become
Rio’s third biggest tourist event.
Animals and Christmas

It appears it’s not just us humans who like presents, baubles and tinsel at Christmas. These
animals at a zoo near Santiago are also getting into the (праздничный) spirit after some welcome
(угощения) were delivered (в преддверии; накануне) the big day.

For these jaguars, there were just too many presents to choose from and just like our (детишки),
it seems it was the box and wrapping paper that excited them the most.

Even the trees got a seasonal (новый облик) but few of the baubles lasted very long once these
Mali bears (почуяли) that they were (замаскированные съедобные подарки). All part of the
festive fun, says the director of the zoo.

“There are many elements incorporated into this game. It needs to break the box. Look what’s
inside. It’s all something very entertaining for the animals and for the public in the Christmas
environment of the zoo.”

And it seems none of the inhabitants were (упущены) either, even the naughty little monkeys
were rewarded with some sweet (угощения), all (к радости) of some excited visitors.

“I think it’s good that they give presents to the animals because (за ними ухаживают) as if they
were people.”

And after eating far too much and getting all excited, there’s nothing better than just lying back
and (расслабляться). And who says animals and humans (не похожи друг на друга)?



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