Security in Computing - Tutorial 03 - Week 03

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Tutorial 03 – Security in Computing (Introduction to Cryptography)

Question 01. In your own words, describe the importance of cryptography in the
domain information security.

Ans: The process of converting plain text into cipher text and cipher text into plain text
by developing algorithms is called Cryptography. It is safe communication
techniques in which information, message, data are only readable to the source and
destination. Plaintext is original message which is used input into algorithm where
Ciphertext means output of encryption algorithm depending on plain text, secret key.
A sender sends message in encrypt form while intended recipient decrypt received
message. A Key is used to encrypt and decrypt message. It makes communication
process secure. Only the sender and destination could be able to see
data/information/message. It reduces chance of loss of data. Developing of
algorithms makes communication more secure.

Question 02. Elaborate what are Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption systems.
Ans: Symmetric encryption systems is defined as the process of converting of plain
text into cipher text and vice-versa using same by developing algorithm. In symmetric
encryption same key is used to encrypt and decrypt messages. For Example, sender
sends a encrypt message using secret key to intended recipient and intended
recipient decrypt the message using the same secret key.
Plaintext is original message which is used input into algorithm where Ciphertext
means output of encryption algorithm depending on plain text and secret key.
Asymmetric encryption system is defined as the process of converting of plain text
into cipher text and vice-versa using two different keys developing algorithm. In
asymmetric encryption two different key is used to encrypt and decrypt messages.
For Example, sender sends a encrypt message using public key to intended recipient
and intended recipient decrypt the message using its private key.
Question 03. Elaborate when a cryptographic algorithm is considered to be
Unconditionally secured?
Ans: A cryptographic algorithm is considered to be unconditionally secured if an
adversary has unlimited resources to solve the algorithm or break cipher even if it is
secure but they couldn’t able to decrypt the cipher text anyhow also when an
algorithm is encrypted but it does not contain enough information which uniquely
identify original text then bundle of cipher text doesn’t matter (Ford, 2019). For
example, a sender sends message developing algorithm but the develop cipher text
do not contain enough information related to original text. In this case when attacker
having unlimited resources attack in that case, they could not able to decrypt cipher
text using their unlimited resource. It was just waste of time and cost.
Question 04. Discuss the two criteria when a cryptographic system is considered to
be Computationally secured.
Ans: The two criteria when a cryptographic system is considered to be
Computationally secured are:
i. Cost of Breaking: It is used to determine the value of encrypted information,
data or message. A sender encrypt message with 0 cost but a attacker trying
to decrypt message using different tools which cost a lot of money and at the
end they see the message which was just waste of money.
ii. Time of Required: It is used to determine the necessary time to exceeds the
information. A sender encrypt message within a few minutes but attacker
trying to decrypt message using different tools with greater time interval but at
the end they see the message which was just waste of time.
Question 05. Describe the working methodology of Caesar Cipher by providing a
suitable example.
Ans: Caesar cipher is one of the simplest and earliest method of encryption develop
by Julius Caesar. It involves each alphabetical letter with letter standing three places
down to the alphabet which is known as substitution cipher. The alphabet is off 26.
Each and every letter of the plain text should be replaced by fixed number which is
down the alphabet staring from 0 to 25.
The encryption algorithm can be written as:

Cipher Text = (plaintext + key) mod 26

The decryption algorithm can be written as:

plaintext = (Cipher Text - key) mod 26


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

P= APPLE       KEY= 9

Cipher Text = ( plaintext + key) mod 26

                     = 0 + 9 mod 26

                      = 9  mod26
` =9
A =J
Using above formula message has been encrypted for each letter

Plaintext = (Cipher Text - key) mod 26

               = (9-9) mod 26

                = 0

Using above formula message has been decrypted for each letter



Ford, J. (2019, Feb 8). AnswersToAll. Retrieved from

Best of Luck

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