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1. Difference between Raspberry pi and Arduino.

S.N. Raspberry Pi Arduino

1. Raspberry Pi is a Single Board Arduino is a microcontroller-based
Computer or SBC. development board.
2. It is based on Broadcom SoC, an It is based on Atmel Microcontrollers and
ARM Cortex A series its UNO uses ATmega328P
Microprocessor. Microcontroller.
3. The hardware and firmware of Arduino is developed as open-source
Raspberry Pi are closed source. hardware and software from the
4. It can easily connect to internet For Arduino, you need additional module
using Wi-Fi or Ethernet. or shields to connect to internet.
5. It has the hardware for Bluetooth There is no wireless connectivity in case of
and Wi-Fi on board. Arduino.
6. A Debian based Linux Distribution As it is a Microcontroller, there is no need
called Raspberry Pi OS is needed to for an operating system.
boot the Raspberry Pi.
7. The CPU architecture is 8 bits. The CPU architecture is 64 bits.
8. It is cheaper in cost. It is expensive than Arduino.

2. What is sensor and explain its different types.

A sensor is a device that responds to any change in physical phenomena or
environmental variables like heat, pressure, humidity, movement etc. Sensor is the
heart of a measurement system. It is the first element that comes in contact with
environmental variables to generate an output.
The types of sensors are:
Temperature Sensor: As the name suggests, Temperature sensors are used to
measure the temperature with or without coming in direct contact with the body. It is
widely used in air-conditioning, automobiles, mobile phones, smart farming, medical
devices etc.
Humidity Sensor: Humidity Sensors have an application to measure the amount of
water in the air. They have applications in air- conditioning & heating control, leak
detection, smart farming to check soil humidity.
Light Sensor: Light sensors are passive sensors because they don’t consume any
electricity. They convert light energy into electricity. They are used to detect the intensity
of light. Its applications are in control streetlight, turn on night vision camera, control
indoor lighting conditions etc.
Motion Sensor: Motion sensors have an application to determine the types of motion
such as orientation, position, acceleration of a moving object. Following are the
application of motion sensors: smart watch/bands, robotics, autonomous cars etc.
Color Sensors: Color sensors are used to detect the color of an object. They can
provide output in RGB, HEX, or any other format. Color sensors have application in
detect the true color of an object, sorting machines based on colors etc.
3. What is cloud and its type.
The cloud refers to servers that are accessed over the Internet, and the software and
databases that run on those servers. Cloud servers are located in data centers all over
the world. The cloud enables users to access the same files and applications form
almost any device, because the computing and storage takes place on servers in a data
Public Clouds: Public clouds are cloud environment typically created from IT
infrastructure not owned by the end user. Some of the largest public cloud providers
include Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, and
Microsoft Azure.
Private Clouds: Private clouds are loosely defined as cloud environments solely
dedicated to a single end user or group, where the environment usually runs behind that
user or group’s firewall. All clouds become private clouds become private clouds when
the underlying IT infrastructure is dedicated to a single customer with completely
isolated access.
Hybrid Clouds: Hybrid clouds are seemingly single IT environment created from
multiple environments connected through local area network (LANs), wide area
networks (WANs), virtual private networks (VPNs) or APIs.
Multi Clouds: Multi clouds are a cloud approach made up of more than 1 cloud service,
from more than 1 cloud vendor – public or private. All hybrid clouds are multi clouds, but
now all multi clouds are hybrid clouds.
4. Function of actuators
An actuator is a motor that converts energy into torque which then moves or controls a
mechanism or a system into which it has been incorporated. There are several types of
actuators, each of which function somewhat differently for the other.
• Pneumatic motors are air driven and it converts energy into linear or rotary
• Hydraulic motors move a piston through a tube using pressurized fluid and higher
the fluid pressure, the higher the torque produced.
• Clutch/Brake motor functions by coupling a continuously rotating shaft with a
load, stopping only when the load is uncoupled.
• Stepper motors are electromechanical, converting a digital pulse into rotational
movement or displacement.
• AC motors use electric starters to provide connections, startup, and /or overload
5. Cloud service and its models
Cloud services are infrastructure, platforms, or software that are hosted by third-party
providers and made available to users through the internet. Cloud services promote the
building of cloud-native applications and the flexibility of working in the cloud.
There are three major cloud service models: Software as a Service (SaaS),
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Cloud service
pricing models are categorized into pay per use, subscription-based and hybrid.
Software as a Service (SaaS): Software as a service vendors host the applications,
making them available to users via the internet. With SaaS, businesses don't have to
install or download any software to their existing IT infrastructures. SaaS ensures that
users are always running the most up-to-date versions of the software. The SaaS
provider handles maintenance and support.
Characteristics of SaaS are:
• Managed from a central location
• Hosted on a remote server
• Accessible over the internet
• Users are not responsible for hardware and software updates. Updates are
applied automatically.
• The services are purchased on the pay-as-per-use basis.
• Examples: BigCommerce, Google Apps, Dropbox, Slack etc.

Infrastructure as a service is used by companies that don't want to maintain their own
on-premises data centers. IaaS provides virtual computing resources over the Internet.
The IaaS cloud vendor hosts the infrastructure components that typically exist in an on-
premises data center, including servers, storage, and networking hardware, as well as
the hypervisor or virtualization layer.
Characteristics of IaaS:
• Resources are available as a service
• Services are highly scalable
• Dynamic and flexible
• GUI and API-based access
• Automated administrative tasks
• Examples: Digital Ocean, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure etc.

Platform as a service offers developers a platform for software development and

deployment over the internet, enabling them to access up-to-date tools. PaaS delivers a
framework that developers can use to create customized applications. The organization
or the PaaS cloud vendor manage the servers, storage, and networking, while the
developers manage the applications.
Characteristics of PaaS:
• Accessible to various users via the same development application.
• Integrates with web services and databases.
• Builds on virtualization technology, so resource can easily be scaled up or down
as per the organization’s need.
• Support multiple languages and frameworks.
• Provide an ability to “Auto-scale”.
• Examples: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Google App Engine,
OpenShift etc.

6. Explain Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3.

Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute) is a service for running servers in the
cloud. When Amazon Web Services introduced EC2 in 2006, this type of service made
a big difference as it allowed companies to deploy servers quickly and easily in the
cloud, instead of buying, configuring, and maintain their own servers locally. Amazon
EC2 offers features such as auto-scaling, which (among other benefits) automates the
process of increasing or decreasing the computer resources that are available to a
given workload. In this way, auto-scaling helps to optimize costs and performance,
especially for workloads that fluctuate widely.
Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) provides a cloud storage infrastructure
where users can store unstructured data and manage their workloads via AWS-
supported interfaces, like Web interface, AWS Command Line Interface, and AWS API.
Amazon S3 provides access to reliable, fast, and inexpensive data storage
infrastructure. To get started with S3, users need to create a “bucket” – the endpoint
resource where all uploaded data will virtually exist. We can use the redundant data
stored in Amazon S3 to recover quickly and reliably from instance or application
7. Difference between AWS and Azure
S.N. AWS Azure
a. Amazon Web Service is a cloud service Microsoft Azure is a cloud service platform of
platform of Amazon launched in 2006. Microsoft launched in 2010.
b. AWS takes about 31% share of the Azure takes about 11% share of the global
global computing market. computing market.
c. The connection type is Direct connect. The connection type is ExpressRoute.
d. AWS is cheaper than Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure cloud service is quite costlier
cloud service. than Amazon AWS.
e. For storing data, AWS employs S3 For storing data, Azure uses storage blocks.
f. Netflix, Twitch, LinkedIn, Facebook etc. Verizon, MSI Computer, LG Electronics etc.
company uses AWS cloud platform. company uses Microsoft Azure cloud
What is cloud migration?
Cloud migration is the process of moving data, applications, or other business elements
to a cloud computing environment. There are various types of cloud migrations an
enterprise can perform. What are the key benefits of cloud migration?
The general goals or benefits of a cloud migration are essentially the same as the
reasons to use the cloud itself: to host applications and data in the most effective IT
environment possible, based on factors such as cost, performance, and security.

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