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International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics

Vol. 12, No. 6 (2012) 1250054 (17 pages)

#.c World Scienti¯c Publishing Company
DOI: 10.1142/S021945541250054X




Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed
Concrete Structures of Ministry of Education
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Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China

by FUDAN UNIVERSITY on 04/30/15. For personal use only.

National Prestress Engineering Research Center

Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China

Received 8 June 2011

Accepted 25 August 2011
Published 7 December 2012

Some types of rigid origami possess speci¯c geometric properties. They have a single degree of
freedom, and can experience large con¯guration changes without cut or being stretched. This
study presents a numerical analysis and ¯nite element simulation on the folding behavior of
deployable origami structures. Equivalent pin-jointed structures were established, and a
Jacobian matrix was formed to constrain the internal mechanisms in each rigid plane. A non-
linear iterative algorithm was formulated for predicting the folding behavior. The augmented
compatibility matrix was updated at each step for correcting the incompatible strains. Subse-
quently, ¯nite element simulations on the deployable origami structures were carried out.
Speci¯cally, two types of generalized deployable origami structures combined by basic parts
were studied, with some key parameters considered. It is concluded that, compared with the
theoretical values, both the solutions obtained by the nonlinear algorithm and ¯nite element
analysis are in good agreement, the proposed method can well predict the folding behavior of the
origami structures, and the error of the numerical results increases with the increase of the
primary angle.

Keywords: Rigid folding; deployable origami structures; Jacobian matrix; nonlinear iterative
algorithm; ¯nite element simulation.

1. Introduction
In recent years, novel deployable structures have become more acceptable and
o®ered potential applications in civil engineering. This is mainly due to the fact
that deployable structures have strong vitalities, and can be e±ciently and con-
veniently designed. Besides, deployable structures can withstand loads well in
the stowed con¯guration. On the other hand, the deployment or folding of a
deployable structure even can make it resistant to some load e®ects, such as the

Y. Chen & J. Feng

temperature, earthquakes, snows, and winds. One typical example is that a

retractable roof structure can adjust the amount of light in the stadium by opening
or closing the roof.
However, ¯nding novel examples of deployable structures is di±cult. Here we take
inspiration from the \Origami", which is known as folding a sheet of paper into a
desired shape. Origami could experience large con¯guration changes without cut or
being stretched. It has been studied by many artists and mathematicians since it
appeared, with the level greatly raised by some innovative methods. Lang system-
atically analyzed the mathematics behind the complex origami designs.1 On the basis
of the crease patterns, Furuta et al. carried out the construction of origami in
computer, and made it possible to render many faces of origami on the same plane.2
Hull described the detailed crease patterns of origami tessellations generated from
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plane.3 In fact, only rigidfoldable origami applicable to engineering is preferred by

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structural engineers. Based on the geometry of origami, Tachi studied the rigid
cylindrical deployable structures, with the isotropic and anisotropic rigiddeploy-
ments generalized and the e®ect of thickness of panels considered.46 However, his
study was concerned only with geometry, and provided few solutions for engineering
applications. Since the intriguing properties of a rigid origami are the proper crease
patterns in a deployed paper, a deployable origami structure can be built by sub-
stituting pin-joints and bars for vertices and fold lines in the crease pattern of a rigid
Using a nonlinear iterative algorithm and the ¯nite element method, this study
tries to propose e®ective techniques for predicting the rigid folding behavior of
deployable origami structures. The remaining of this paper is organized as follows:
Sec. 2 provides the geometric property of a basic part of deployable origami struc-
tures. In Sec. 3, the basic part is transformed into an equivalent pin-jointed struc-
ture, with facets and fold-lines substituted by proper members, and vertex
substituted by joints, respectively. Nonlinear numerical algorithm and ¯nite element
simulations of the structure are presented. In Sec. 4, two types of deployable origami
structures are generalized, i.e. combined from the basic parts, to validate the pro-
posed methods, and to investigate some interesting characteristics of the deployable

2. Geometric Property
Most origami structures are generated from combinations of repeated or similar basic
parts, as shown in Fig. 1. The basic part is a single vertex origami, with four identical
parallelograms interconnected properly. In Fig. 1(a), the solid thick lines represent
the edges and the valley-fold creases, while the single dashed line is the mountain-fold
crease. 0 is the angle between the adjacent edges of the parallelogram;  is the angle
between the bottom edge la and the xoz plane, where la is the bottom length of the
parallelogram shown in Fig. 1(b); and  is the dihedral angle between the facet of the
origami and the xoy plane. All the three angles ð0 ; ; Þ 2 ð0; =2Þ. An origami

Folding of a Type of Deployable Origami Structure
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(a) (b)
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Fig. 1. Rigid-folding origami: (a) basic part of the origami ð0 ¼ 7=18Þ, and (b) a simpli¯ed pin-jointed
structure of the basic part.

structure is rigid foldable and only has a single degree of freedom, if its geometry
 ¼ arctanðtan 0  cos Þ; ð1Þ
where the angle 0 keeps a constant value when the part is being folded or deployed.
Figure 2 shows the    curves with a di®erent angle of 0 based on Eq. (1). It
can be noticed that the angles  ! 0,  ¼ =2, when the basic parts are deployed
totally; and  ¼ 0 ,  ! 0 when they are folded.  and  are not a®ected by the
variations of 0 , but  decreases nonlinearly as  increases. It is found that

Fig. 2. Relation curves between  and  with a di®erent 0 .

Y. Chen & J. Feng

the folding motion transforms strongly when 0 approaches the value of =2.
As the variations of  represent the folding process of the basic part, the angle 0
should not be close to =2.
During the complete folding process, the height h of the structure is expressed as
h ¼ 2lb sin 0 sin  j¼=2  2lb sin 0 sin  j¼0 þ ¼ 2lb sin 0 ; ð2Þ

where lb is the length of the other edge in the same parallelogram. From the above
equation, it is shown that the angle 0 of a deployable origami structure shall not be
very small, to avoid a trivial folding.

3. A Simpli¯ed Model of the Basic Part

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3.1. Nonlinear iterative algorithm

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With proper assumptions and constraints, equivalent pin-jointed structures in three-

dimension (3D) space can be used to predict the actual behavior of deployable
origami structures.7 The vertices, edges and fold lines in the crease pattern of the
rigid origami are substituted by pin-joints and bars. Accordingly, the basic part of
rigid origami [shown in Fig. 1(a)] is transformed into a pin-jointed structure with
nine joints and twelve members [see Fig. 1(b)].
For a pin-jointed structure with j nodes and b bars, we can use d j1 j1
x , dy and d j1
to denote the displacement matrices of all the nodes in the directions of x, y, and z,
respectively. Then the displacement di®erence matrices b b1 x , by
and b b1
z of the
members can be expressed as
bx ¼ T  dx ; by ¼ T  dy ; and bz ¼ T  dz ; ð3Þ
where T jb is the topological matrix describing the incidence and geometry of the
structure. B bb bb bb
x , B y , and B z are de¯ned as the diagonal forms of the displacement
b1 b1 b1
matrix b x , b y , and b z , respectively. Then the diagonal length matrix of mem-
bers L bb is written as
L 2 ¼ B 2x þ B 2y þ B 2z : ð4Þ
As the mechanism does not impart any elongations of bars, the matrix of member
elongations e b1 ¼ 0, that is
C b3j  d 3j1 ¼ e b1 ¼ 0: ð5Þ
Here the compatibility matrix C b3j relates the nodal displacements to the bar
elongations, which can be built as
1 bb 1 bb 1 bb
C b3j ¼ ½B bb
x  ðL Þ  ðT Þ bj ; B bb
y  ðL Þ  ðT Þ bj ; B bb
z  ðL Þ  ðT Þ bj :
To avoid the internal movements in each parallelogram, a planarity constraint is
added, by means of the Jacobian matrix J f14 that restricted four nodal displace-
ments of any facet f, where f ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n, and n is the number of rigid facets (n ¼ 4

Folding of a Type of Deployable Origami Structure

for the simpli¯ed model). The Jacobian matrix for the whole part is assembled as
J n3j  d 3j1 ¼ ½J 113j ; J 213j ; . . . ; J n13j   d 3j1 ¼ 0: ð7Þ
The augmented compatibility matrix is obtained by combining the constraints in
Eqs. (6) and (7). It can be related to the node displacements as
C ðbþnÞ3j  d 3j1 ¼ ½C b3j ; J n3j   d 3j1 ¼ 0: ð8Þ
We can adopt conventional linear algebra techniques to ¯nd the mechanisms for a
deployable structure. The formula proposed by Maxwell is a necessary condition
used for the static and kinematic determinate pin-jointed structures.8 Based on the
singular value decomposition method, Pellegrino extended the Maxwell's rule. He
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classi¯ed pin-jointed structures into di®erent classes, through the degrees of the
static and kinematic indeterminacy.9,10 Guest et al. used the group theory to
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investigate symmetric or repetitive pin-jointed structures, and provided a symmetry

extension of the Maxwell's rule.1114 These methods can be used to obtain the rank of
the augmented compatibility matrix. The nullspace of C corresponds to solutions of
C d ¼ 0, and has dimension
m ¼ 3j  rankðC Þ  6; ð9Þ
where m is the number of internal in¯nitesimal mechanisms, from which six rigid-
body motions have been excluded in the 3D space.
As folding is a nonlinear process, an iterative algorithm based on the Newton
method is used to follow the path. This algorithm includes movements of the predicted
displacement [which is the in¯nitesimal mechanism computed from Eq. (8)], and dis-
placement corrections for constraint violation, for which a schematic is shown in Fig. 3.
In this ¯gure, i is a coe±cient representing the folding state at step i, and ranges from
zero (original state) to one (fully folded state), q is a count for the iteration cycles.
At each step, the structure is displaced along the tangent to the folding path that is
given by the non-rigid-body displacement in the nullspace of the augmented com-
patibility matrix [see Eq. (8)]. As the path is nonlinear, in the displaced con¯guration,
the length lk of any member k is not identical to the original length lk0 , imparting
the violation of constraints. The incompatible axial displacement ek of member k is
ek ¼ lk  lk0 6¼ 0; ð10Þ
which should be corrected. De¯ne the incompatible displacement matrix e of the
structure as
e ¼ ½e1 ; e2 ; . . . ; ek ; . . . T ð11Þ
and a solution for the displacement required to correct the nonzero strain can be
computed from Eq. (8) as
d ¼ C e; ð12Þ
where C is the generalized inverse matrix of the augmented compatibility matrix.

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Fig. 3. Nonlinear iterative algorithm.

The algorithm could be summarized by the °owchart in Fig. 4. In this ¯gure, the
angle i is given as
8 " #, 9
< X =
i ¼ =2  arccos 1  ðd6  d4 Þ 2 ð2l 2a Þ ð13Þ
: x;y;z

and the corresponding theoretical angle  i is obtained from Eq. (1). We follow the
complete folding path of the pin-jointed structure using the nonlinear iterative
algorithm described above. Di®erent geometric con¯gurations of the structure along
the folding are shown in Fig. 5.
It should be noted that each parallelogram of the structure acts like a rigid facet,
and does not change its shape during the folding. Figure 6 gives a detailed com-
parison between the numerical and theoretical solutions of the structure, where
di®erent 0 values (=6; =4 and =3) are considered. All the numerical results
obtained are in accord with the theoretical ones solved from Eq. (1). The errors of
numerical results (j    j) for the structure increases following the increase of the
primary angle 0 . The maximum error reaches 0.0069 when 0 ¼ =3.

3.2. Numerical simulations using ABAQUS

As shown in Secs. 2 and 3.1, the folding behavior is unstable due to the existence of
mechanisms. In this section, we shall use the commercial nonlinear ¯nite element
code ABAQUS as a tool to simulate the folding behavior of the deployable origami
structure. With the ABAQUS/Standard codes, the nonlinear equilibrium equation of
the structure is solved by the Newton method. Since no prestresses or primary strains

Folding of a Type of Deployable Origami Structure
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Fig. 4. Flowchart of the nonlinear algorithm.

exist in the deployable structure, the tangent sti®ness matrix of the pin-jointed
structure can be given as7:
K t ¼ C T  G  C; ð14Þ
1 bb
where the axial sti®ness matrix G bb ¼ E bb A bb ðL Þ is a diagonal matrix for
the members; E bb is a matrix representing the material properties, and A bb is a
matrix standing for the section areas. Due to the existence of mechanism, the matrix
C [see Eq. (5)] is singular, and the sti®ness matrix contains negative eigenvalues.
Accordingly, the force residual Ri ¼ K it ui is always larger than the tolerance value.
The automatic addition of volume-proportional damping to the model is adopted, to
stabilize the unstable quasi-static problems.15 The corresponding equation is
K it ui  cM vi ¼ 0; ð15Þ
where M  is the arti¯cial mass matrix calculated with unity density; vi ¼ ui =t is
the vector of nodal velocities; and t is the time increment.
All members of the pin-jointed structure are represented by three-node quadratic
displacement truss elements, with E0 ¼ 195 GPa, A0 ¼ 20 mm2 and la0 ¼ lb0 ¼
100 mm. Figure 7(a) shows the boundary conditions of the ¯nite element model.

Y. Chen & J. Feng

7 9



1 1
(a) (b)
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3 3
1 1

(c) (d)

Fig. 5. Folding of the deployable origami structure with unit lengths, and 0 ¼ 7=18: (a). initial
con¯guration, ((b)(d)). deformed con¯gurations.

Fig. 6.    curves with di®erent angles of 0 .

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Fig. 7. Finite element simulations: (a) boundary conditions, ((b)(i)) folding process of the referenced

Y. Chen & J. Feng




d8 z / h




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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
α / α0

Fig. 8. Comparisons between the ¯nite element results and theoretical values.

The displacement boundary condition is prescribed at the eighth node of the

structure in the direction z, to fold the origami structure actively. Two disjointed
virtual bars are added for each facet shown in Fig. 6(a), to avoid the internal
movements in the parallelogram.
Figures 7(b)7(i) show the deformations and strains of the deployable origami
structure (with 0 ¼ 7=18). The whole folding process is proven to be feasible and
almost rigid foldable. The induced strains of the bars are very small, as the largest of
them [about 1.4e3 shown in Fig. 7(b)] occurs at the beginning of the folding.
Additionally, models with di®erent values of 0 are simulated. Their results and
comparison with the theoretical values are shown in Fig. 8. The ordinate d8z =h is the
dimensionless displacement of node eight in direction z, and the abscissa =0 is the
dimensionless angle.
The ¯nite element results agree well with the theoretical curves obtained from
Eqs. (1)(2). Due to much severer negative eigenvalues of the deployable structure,
the folding simulations become harder at the beginning and the end of the path, as
revealed by the gathering at the ends of the path curves. On contrary to the results of
the nonlinear algorithm proposed in Sec. 3.1, the errors of the ¯nite element results
increases as the angle 0 decreases. The maximum error of j    j is 0.044 when
0 ¼ =18.
Parametric studies on the elastic modulus of the material E, areas A and sizes of
models lb ; la are also carried out, with E0 ¼ 195 GPa, A0 ¼ 20 mm2 and la0 ¼ lb0 ¼
100 mm taken as the referenced parameters. The dimensionless results are shown in

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Fig. 9. Parametric studies (0 ¼ =3).

Fig. 9, where j"max j is the maximum elastic strain of the structures along the com-
plete folding paths.
The ¯nite element results show that the elastic modulus of the material E is the
most important factor a®ecting the precision of the simulations. The induced strain
is much reduced by the increase of the axial sti®ness. Yet it is nearly unchanged by
the sectional area and length of the structure, which changes the axial sti®ness, but
also changes the arti¯cial mass matrix in Eq. (15). The relative ratio ðlb =la Þ has a
smaller e®ect on the ¯nite element results, where the numerical error j"max j reaches
its maximum (which is 3.1e4) when lb ¼ la .

4. Generalization
Based on the simpli¯ed deployable structure described in the previous section, some
deployable origami structures can be generalized by combining the basic part
repeatedly or symmetrically.16 The planar model shown in Fig. 10(a) is made of 6  6
basic parts by repeating them ¯ve times in both the x and z directions and by
combining the conjunct bars and joints. This structure is similar to the Miura
folding.17 The 3D deployable structures shown in Fig. 10(b) are obtained by getting
the mirror image of the basic part with respect to the xoz plane, and then by
repeating both parts ¯ve times in direction z.

4.1. Planar and 3D patterns

In this work, PXY 0 is de¯ned as a planar deployable origami model, which con-
tains X and Y repeated basic parts with the same angle of 0 . Therefore, the model
shown in Fig. 10(a) is called as the P661:22 structure. Details of the joints, bars and

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Fig. 10. Generalized deployable origami structures with 0 ¼ 7=18: (a) planar pattern ð6  6Þ made of
thirty-six basic parts. (b) 3D pattern made of twelve basic parts.

ranks of the compatibility matrix of a PXY 0 structure can be deduced as

jp ¼ 4XY þ 2X þ 2Y þ 1; bp ¼ 16XY þ 2X þ 2Y ; and
rp ¼ 12XY þ 2X þ 2Y :
From Eq. (9), the mechanism degree of the structure can be calculated as
mp ¼ 4ðX þ Y  1Þ  rankðJp Þ þ 1; ð17Þ
where Jp is the additional Jacobian matrix for the structure. The number of the
additional displacement restraints should be given as 4ðX þ Y  1Þ from the above
equation, to guarantee single mechanism for the PXY 0 structures.

Folding of a Type of Deployable Origami Structure

Similarly, pattern named SZ0 describes a 3D deployable structure, which con-

tains Z repeated and symmetric basic parts with the same angle 0 . Therefore, the
model of Fig. 10(b) is named as the S61:22 structure. Based on the Euler Law for a
3D structure, the joints, bars and ranks of the compatibility matrix of a SZ0
structure are:
jS ¼ 8Z þ 4; bS ¼ 32Z þ 4; and rS ¼ 24Z þ 4: ð18Þ
So the mechanism degree of the SZ0 structure is
ms ¼ 3jS  6  rS  rankðJS Þ ¼ 2  rankðJS Þ; ð19Þ
where JS is the additional Jacobian matrix of the SZ0 structure. To obtain the
single degree of freedom for the SZ0 structures, the rank of the Jacobian matrix
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should be one, a constant value that is independent on Z. Thus, only one additional
displacement restraint need be added to the structure.
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To judge the folding of deployable origami structures,  is described as the ratio of

the folded area (or occupied volume) of a deployable structure to the maximum area
(or volume) along the folding process. For a PXY 0 structure, it can be written as
 P ¼ Amin =Amax ¼ ð0:25 þ 0:125X 1 ÞY 1 : ð20Þ
From Eq. (20), the ratio  p is reduced by the increments of X and Y , where Y is
much sensitive to  p . For a SZ0 structure, the volume is changed by the angle 
sin  cos 
V ¼ 4Zl 2a lb sin 0 tan 0 : ð21Þ
ð1 þ tan 2 0 cos 2 Þ
By setting dV =d ¼ 0, the angle  ¼ max , which corresponds to the maximum
volume, can be solved:
1 tan 2 0
max ¼ arccos  : ð22Þ
2 2 þ tan 2 0
Thus, the volume of a SZ0 structure increases to its maximum when  ¼ max , and
then decreases along the whole folding process. The maximum volume can be
obtained by substituting Eq. (22) into Eq. (21). The theoretical minimum volume
obtained from Eq. (21) is 0. However, a limit of height hS will not be lowered any-
more due to the size e®ect of the members. Then, the ratio  S is given as
Vmin h ðl 2 þ 2l l Þð1 þ tan 2 0 cos 2 max Þ
S ¼ ¼ s a 2 ab : ð23Þ
Vmax 2Zl a lb tan 0 sin max cos max
We can ¯nd from Eq. (23) that  S will be only reduced by the increase of Z once the
basic part is speci¯ed.

4.2. Validation
Figure 11 gives the folding simulations of these two generalized deployable origami
structures. For both models, E0 ¼ 195 GPa, A0 ¼ 20 mm2, la0 ¼ lb0 ¼ 100 mm.

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Fig. 11. Folding simulations of the deployable origami structures (with 0 ¼ 7=18): (a) planar pattern
ð6  6Þ made of thirty-six basic parts. (b) 3D pattern made of twelve basic parts.

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Fig. 11. (Continued )

Figure 10(a) illustrates the boundary conditions of the P661:22 structure, where the
bottom nodes are constrained in direction z and the central node of the bottom is
constrained in the directions of x and y. The conjoint valley nodes are constrained in
direction y, to ensure their locations stated on the same plane. The prescribed dis-
placement boundary condition, which will fold the P661:22 structure actively, is
applied at the top center node in direction z. Figure 10(b) shows the boundary
conditions of the S61:22 structure, where six rigid-body motions are constrained.

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As the induced strain (illustrated in Fig. 11) along the complete folding paths is
slight, we con¯rm that the structures are rigid foldable. The maximum incompatible
strain is 7.8e4 for the P661:22 structure, and is 2.5e4 for the S61:22 structure.

5. Conclusions
Since the rapid development of spatial structures in civil engineering and aerospace
engineering in recent decades, developable structures have attracted more and more
attention and investigations. This paper presents the numerical studies and ¯nite
element simulations on the folding behavior of deployable origami structures, and
generalizes two types of deployable structures by combining the basic parts. The key
¯ndings of this study are:
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(a) Numerical results from the nonlinear algorithm and ¯nite element simulations
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using ABAQUS agree well with the theoretical ones. The errors of the numerical
results increase following the increase of the primary angle 0 ; the errors of the
¯nite element results decrease with respect to the increase of the angle 0 .
(b) Although the material property of the members does not a®ect the numerical
solutions, it is critical to the accuracy of the ¯nite element results; the relative
ratio lb =la has a small in°uence on the precision.
(c) To guarantee single mechanism for deployable origami structures, only one
additional constraint is needed for the SZ0 structures, while 4ðX þ Y  1Þ
constraints are needed for the PXY 0 structures. Meanwhile, increasing Y ,
rather than X, is more e®ective for the PXY 0 structures, to reduce the ratio
 p ; the ratio  S is only a®ected by Z for the SZ0 structures.
(d) Investigations on di®erent basic parts and two types of the generalized
deployable origami structures reveal that both the numerical algorithm and the
¯nite element analysis are feasible for predicting the folding behavior of
deployable structures.

In fact, many other innovative and interesting deployable origami structures can
be invented by some adventurous combinations of the basic parts. To study these
origami structures, the kinematic determinacy should be ¯rstly established by ana-
lyzing the compatibility matrix. After introducing additional displacement con-
straints or Jacobian matrices to the deployable structures, both the nonlinear
algorithm and the ¯nite element analysis method presented in this paper can be used
for investigation of structures of this type.

This work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Grant No. 51278116), the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu
Higher Education Institutions of China, and Scienti¯c Research Foundation of
Graduate School of Southeast University (Grant No. YBPY1201). Special thanks go

Folding of a Type of Deployable Origami Structure

to Dr. Simon D. Guest and Mr. Pooya Sareh from Advanced Structures Group at the
University of Cambridge. Comments from the reviewers are also gratefully

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