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Most students experience stress since some are trying to cope with the demands ofadapting to a new

living environment, new peers, academic pressure, and sexual concerns.Highly competitive surroundings
makes the students feel pressured. Being in college can also put financial stress on the students and
their families. These situations can leave them withtrembling hands, tense muscles, migraine, headache,
and multiple other symptoms of stress performance or reduce the student to ineffectiveness.

Based on the study of Mazo (2015) entitled, “Causes, Effects of Stress, and the CopingMechanism of the
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Students in A PhilippineUniversity” this study sought to
determine the causes of stress, the effects of stress, and the stresscoping mechanisms of Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology students in the Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City. It tested
some assumptions using the descriptive surveymethod with 51 respondents. Thesis writing/research
and school requirements/projects were themost common causes of stress. Sleepless nights and
irritable/moody feeling were the commoneffects of stress. There was disparity on the causes and effects
of stress between the male andfemale respondents. The use of computer and praying to God were the
common stress copingmechanisms. There was an observed disparity between the male and female
responses.Stress can lead to different results. These are insomnia, headaches, backaches,constipation,
diarrhea, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and alcohol, tobacco ordrug use. These effects
can be negating if: one that suffer from it shares his or her knowledge toraise awareness. Be open and
talk. If your doctor prescribed medication take it exactly the way itis prescribed. Do not stop taking your
medication until you doctor tells you to stop doing so.

Keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor. Remember that it may take some time to startfeeling
better and if one experience side effects from any medication, tells the doctor; and mustseek for
professional counseling. If the methods of coping stress are not contributing to greateremotional and
physical health, it is time to find healthier ones. There are many healthy ways tomanage and cope with
stress, but they all require change. You can either change the situation orchange your reaction. When
deciding which option to choose, it is helpful to think of the four A’s: avoid, alter, adapt, or accept. Since
everyone has unique response to stress, there is no “onesize fits all” solution to managing it. No single
method works for everyone or in every situation,so experiment with different techniques and strategies.
Focus on what makes you feel calm andin control.

The top fiveoverall stressors of the respondents were academic difficulty of subject matter, workload
due tosubjects, time management because of subjects, responsibilities due to being on one's own,
andtime management because of both subjects and organizations. The most frequently occurringstress
responses were affective stress responses followed by cognitive responses. For both maleand female
respondents, the top stressors were academics, workload due to subjects and timemanagement
concerns. Overall, the males reacted to stress through affective responses andfemales through cognitive
responses. Students enrolled in the hard and soft sciences both considered academics, workload due to
subjects and time management concerns as their topstressors. Those in the soft sciences reacted with
cognitive stress responses while those in thehard sciences reacted with affective stress responses.
Generally, all students, regardless of theiracademic classification pointed out that academics, workload
due to subjects, and timemanagement were their main stressors. They all reacted to stress with
affective stress responses.These patterns can be monitored to maintain the psychological and physical
well-being ofadolescent students.

(Meneses, 2018) argued that worry may give rise to anxiety and it is more oftenimaginary than real and
a generalized emotional state rather than specific one. In short, theindividual is not anxious about
specific things. Worry for students relates primarily to cognitiveconcerns about the consequences of
failure. Students who think or verbalize a negative or pessimistic expectation manifest worry. One of the
most threatening events that may causeanxiety among the students today is examination. When
students develop an extreme fear of performing poorly on an examination, they may experience
anxiety. Test anxiety is a majorfactor contributing to a variety of negative outcomes including
psychological distress, academicunderachievement, academic failure, and insecurity. Although many
students have the cognitiveability to do well on examinations, they may not able to do so because of a
high level of anxiety.

Researcher states that State anxiety, which was the kind of anxiety that was experienced by most of the
students, is temporary in nature and only evident in a specific situation, while traitanxiety is an enduring
characteristic of a person, a fairly stable characteristic with pervasive effects or is evident in diverse
aspects of a person’s life. The level of stress exists and may persist for long, when it remained
uncorrected one may experience the symptoms of anxiety.Stress built up over time until it reaches a
point where coping with it seems difficult. Those with anxiety problems have a style of coping with
stressful events which persistently aggravate the problem. They make unreasonable demands and
would go through kind of denial that the problems do not exist. However, this persistent behavior of
denial is indeed very stressful andmay further aggravate the situation. The level of stress exists and may
persist for long, when itremained uncorrected one may experience the symptoms of anxiety. Stress built
up over timeuntil it reaches a point where coping with it seems difficult. Those with anxiety problems
have astyle of coping with stressful events which persistently aggravate the problem. They
makeunreasonable demands and would go through a kind of denial that the problems do not
exist.However, this persistent behavior of denial is indeed very stressful and may further aggravate
thesituation. (Bermis, 2018)

Anxiety is universal and everyone experiences this feeling in varying degree. It is anemotional reaction
characterized by fearful anticipation of an unpleasant event in the future. Fearis a reaction to a real
external danger that threatens the person with possible injury and has noreal external stimulus but the
individual himself. Anxiety is an unpleasant state that is associatedwith feeling of uneasiness,
apprehension, and heightened physiological arousal. According toFreud, it arises when there is an
unconscious conflict between the id’s and superego’s desireregarding how to satisfy a need; the ego,
caught in the middle, reacts by creating a feeling ofanxiety. Anxiety is differentiated into (a) State
Anxiety, it is a transitory emotional reaction tothe individual’s perception of a threatening or dangerous
situation, and (b) Trait Anxiety, it is arelatively stable tendency to interpret situations as a threatening or
dangerous and to react tothem with anxiety. Studies have shown that the level of anxiety of the
students affect theiracademic performance. (Bulatao, 2017).

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