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Student Contract for “Legally Blonde”

This contract details the rules and guidelines expected of all cast members
participating in the Fall 2021 Musical, “Legally Blonde”:

All students and their parents/guardians must read and sign the contract
and turn it in by the first chorus rehearsal (Sunday, September 26, 2021).

1. All cast members are expected to attend their scheduled rehearsals

and stay until they are dismissed.

2. Any conflict with attending rehearsal MUST BE COMMUNICATED

prior to the day of rehearsal (except in the case of emergency).
Communication must be from a parent or guardian in email form, NOT
verbal or from another student. Anyone missing three scheduled
rehearsals may be dropped from the show at the director’s discretion.

3. Cast members are required to sell at least ONE display ad or THREE

classified ads for our program. Families may place ads for their
students or sell ads to area businesses. More details to come!

4. Each cast member is required to pay the participation fee of $40.

(If this creates a financial hardship, please contact Ms. Ellero at No student should miss out on
participating in the school musical due to finances).5. Constructive
criticism is essential in the production of any play. It is important that
ALL cast members follow the directions given by the directors and
choreographer. Cast members must be attentive to directions, maintain
a positive attitude, and provide a maximum effort at all times.

6. All cast members will provide their own shoes, underclothing, and
makeup for the show. Chorus may also be asked to produce certain parts
of their costume (for example: black pants for the men).

7. Tech Week rehearsals (the week of the musical) are MANDATORY.

8. All cast members must keep the rehearsal area clean and CLEAN UP
Student Contract for “Legally Blonde”
9. The use of alcohol or illegal drugs by any cast member is strictly
prohibited, as is SPEEDING through the parking lot. Any student who is
under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, or speeds through the
parking lot AT ANY TIME will be removed from the production and will be
disciplined according to Regina High School disciplinary codes.

10. No BULLYING. No cast members are to intimidate, harass or bully any
fellow cast members in any form, including on Facebook, Twitter, or via any
other means of communication. This is strictly prohibited. Anyone who
violates this rule will be cut from the show.

11. Stay positive and maintain good character, on and off the stage.
Anyone whose conduct reflects negatively on the cast or on the Regina
Players will be dropped from the show.

12. If a cast or chorus member KNOWINGLY is not well, they should
NOT attend rehearsal.

Everyone in the show has a responsibility to maintain safety to ensure good

health. To that end, safety protocols pertaining to COVID-19 will be
enforced at all times while at rehearsals. This includes wearing masks
when indoors (primarily for singing and for every large group rehearsal),
maintaining adequate distance while dancing, and again, being cognizant
of your own health enough to stay home if you are symptomatic.

We have yet to learn of what safety protocols will be in place for our
performances. Tech week and performances will be at Clintondale High
School, located off of 15 Mile Road just west of Gratiot. As we learn
information, we will share it with the cast and chorus as quickly as possible.


Student Contract for “Legally Blonde”

We have read and will adhere to the expectations detailed in the Cast Member Contract.

Parent's Name (printed):

Parent’s Signature Date:

Student's name (printed):

Student’s Signature Date:


First Contact In Case of Emergency :

Relationship: Best Contact Number:

Second Contact In Case of Emergency (MUST BE DIFFERENT than parent/guardian):


Relationship: Best Contact Number:


Does your student have any existing health problems? YES NO

If yes, please explain:

Any physical restrictions? YES NO

If yes, please explain:

**Please return your completed contract and a check made out to REGINA
HIGH SCHOOL for $40 (participation fee) to Ms. Ellero or Stage Manager
Katie Krass on or before our first all cast/chorus rehearsal on 9/26/2021

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