2016 - 4 - Hppcltravelling Allowance Form

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District Name Head of Accounts Month

Headquarter Service & Designation Voucher No.
Particular of Journey & Halts Kind of Journey Railways Distance travelled by Road or Trolley Transportation charges of Purpose of journey or halt to
i.e. by rail(Mail) or Steamer Fare for which mileage is For which No. of days Personal effects and conveyance Actual Expaeses be given in such details as to
Passanger stamer, Air admissible
is admissible daily for which meet the requirement of
Departure Arrival Details of personal effects
air or raod) allowance is daily controllling officer
Class in No. of KM Amount At At other Weight Rate Distance Amount Particular Amount
admissible allowance is
which ordinary rates
actually rates
Station Date Hour Station Date Hour travelled Remarks

Travelling by road includes travelling by sea or river in a straem launch or in any vessel other than a ateamer and travelling by canal. The particular kind should be specified in the bill
In case where the steamer company has two rates of fare, one inclusive and one exclusive of diet, the word "fare" should be held to mean fare exclusive "diet".

Railway, aeroplane & steamer fare (Col 10) Rs. P HIMACHAL PRADESH POWER CORPORATION LIMITED
Road Mileage HPSEB T.R. 20
Kilometers (col.11) fare paid Memo (See Teasury Rule 25-4) CENTRAL
Kilometers (col.12) fare paid (a) Appropriation for
Transportation charges of personnal effects and Expenditure including INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE
conveyances this bill
Actual Expances Total claim 1 Jorney of different kinds and journeys and halts should not be entered on the same line.
Deduction :- 2 permanent travelling, conveyance and horse allowance should be drawnalong with the pay of the Govt./
on account of conveyance allowance per member Boarorporation servant and not in travelling allowance bill.
travelling allowance etc. 3 Fraction of a mile in the total ofd a bill for any one journey should not be claimed.
travelling allowance overdrawn vide Retrenchment 4 When the first item of travelling allowance is a halt, the date of commencement of this halt should be
Slip No. .. .. … stated in the remarks column.
Amount of advance of travelling allowance on 5 Against each entry in column 13 there should be a correspnding entry in column 14.
Tour/transfer drawn in the 6 A certificate of attendance given by the court or authority should be attached to the bill if travelling
Month……… allowance is drawn under Supplementary Rule 154.
Rupees……… Net Claim 7 When travelling allowance is claimed in respect of a journey to or from a hill station. It should be
mentioned in the "Remarks" column wether or not the halt has exceed ten days.
8 A travelling allowance bill may, if desired be enface for payment to banker or agent and submitted for
CERTIFICATE collection through such Banker or Agent this bill obviate the necessity of Government/board's/corp.
1 servant's attendance in person or by messenger, as payment may then be made direct to the Banker or Agent
3 -----(o)----
5 (Space for pre-Audit enhances in respect of bill submitted for pre-audit).

Passed for Rs…………………………………………………………………………………(Rs. ) only


Contents received
Please pay to ……………………………………
Head of accounts Admitted for Rs.
Signature of the Govt./Corp. Servant who travelled Objected for Rs.
Objected to Rs.
Pay…………………………. payment order No. Reason for objection

Date……….. Controlling officer

Superintendent Accounts Officer
Prechecked for Rs……………………
Sr. Accounts Officer

where there is a combined appropriation for travelling allowance of gazetted and non-gazetted Government/
Corporation servant the combined appropriation and expenditure should be shown in this column.

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