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Understanding Sentences

Types of Sentences

 Sentences are classified according to the number and kinds of clauses they contain.
There are four types:

 Simple

 Complex

 Compound

 Compound-Complex

The Simple Sentence

A simple sentence has only one independent clause and no subordinate clauses.

EX : Bookkeeping records the individual financial transactions.

The Compound Sentence

A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses.

EX : Auditor trained for many months, so the audit results are accurate.The stars were shiny
and the planets were bright.

The Compound-Complex Sentence

A compound-complex sentence has two independent clauses and one or more subordinate

EX : The runner, who had trained for many months, won the race easily,

Dependent clouse DC

but she did not attain a personal best.

Independen Clouse
It may be helpful to remember them in this way:

Subordinate Clause (anak kalimat) disebut jugs dengan Dependent Clause, adalah

serangkaian kata yang mengandung subjek dan predikat tetapi belum mempunyai
pengertian yang sempurna, dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, artinya tergantung
pads kata-kata yang lain (Main Clause).

Identify the sentence type in the following:

 She smiled sweetly, and he grinned shyly. Compound

 Mary and Tom agreed to meet after school. Simple
 I had a poor background, and the subject was quite difficult; however, the
teacher explained the concepts very clearly. Compound

Identify the sentence type in the following:

 Because the store was closed, we returned home. Complex

 The old prospector was discouraged; however, when I suggested giving up,
he was indignant. Compound-complex
Penambang tua itu putus asa; Namun, ketika saya menyarankan untuk
menyerah, dia marah
 Although my friends were lost for a while, they eventually found the
restaurant that you recommended. Complex

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