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The aspect of external union is growing at a fast pace in today s organization s because of the need for power of some individuals, employee today want much more than money and that aspect of worker psychology is exploited by outside union leaders in order to gain power with the help of exploiting the interests of the workers. In India there is no such law which prohibits the formation of an external union as it will be a violation of the right to freedom and free selection of representative but there are still things which the organization can do to restrict the influence of external union which are as follows:y Cultivation of Internal leadership through worker s education should be motivated. y The Trade Unions should intensify their efforts to train workers in organizational matters so that they feel as a part of the organization. y Established a convention that no union officer bearer will hold concurrently any office in a political party. y y No person can be either in the executive or office bearer in more than 7 unions. No union or state minister can be office bearer or executive member of trade unions. Besides that the management and especially the human resource manager should show the following characteristics like: boldness, presence of mind, knowledge of laws so that he can control the employees from taking any wrong decision and they should also try to persuade the employees telling them the disadvantages of the external leadership and about the industry wide phenomenon in terms of wages and other welfare activities.

Some of the advantages and disadvantages are :

Argument given in favour of outside-leadership: y y y y He has a better ability and specialization compared to inside leaders. Competent in legal matters also. Enjoys social status which makes him influential. He has a great ability to raising funds

Argument against outside leadership y y y y He has his own vested interest. Possibility of bargaining at the cost of the worker s interests. He is not thoroughly acquainted with the problem of the industry. He is not concerned with the industry s progress and future.

Thus we may conclude that outside leadership in trade unions in India cannot be put to end as long as the principles of democratic pluralism exists and reigns in India and moreover the employer cannot force the employee from any legal point of view not to take the leadership of outsider but rather tell them the disadvantages of it and persuade them.

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