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WoRsHEeT bs NIT KAUSHIK Ministry of Maths _seroos oF orem Composite function- Content (SW 1) DATE OF STUDY: Differentiate the following functions w.r.t. x 1. cos(sinx*) 11. logy(logy x) 13. log (tan + 3) 14. _flogisin(=- 1)} 2. sec(tanVZ) 12. logy2 15. asir*n? 16. If y= VxF F a2, prove that y = 18. Iky = Fasany Prove that 2+ y?+1=0 20. log + 2). Prove that 2 = === Inverse Trigonometric functions - Content (SW 2) DATE OF STUDY: Differentiate the following w.r.t 1 sin“2x 11. Ify-="sin7*(cosx).+ cos~*(sinx), prove that 2 = 2 2 tant Vx 12. Prove that [2x tan™?x—log(1 + x*)] = 2 tan a ay 2 13. Ify = sin(tan-* 2x), prove that = —— or S(O tvE 9. cot™'(e*) 10. (sin! x4)? 14sProve © { Va? =x? + © sin™(®) Java Differentiation by Trigonometric transformation ~ Content (SW.3) DATE\OF STUDY: Differentiate the following w.r.t x 1 er) 2 tows( FES) 3. ofa 5 co { | 8 tan } 8. sin ENNIS) 2 SUPER Trans + 6 cot Ea 10. cos" ==} 17. Differentiate cot*(vI+ x? + x) w.rt.x 14. cos“ {Ecos x — sin x} 15, ify = tan (5) 16. Ify = sin fe tan“ =} show that 2 = Implicit Functions _.Content(SW 4)-——DATE OF sTUDY:. x(1-tan a) y astana) 24 y2j2= ay ay 1 fete 1G? + yy??? = xy, fina 2° tanh) = ay Fast) = show that 7 = cost ta) 3. If cosy = xcos(y + a), prove that 2 0 4. fVT— x? + JT— y? = a(x - y) then prove that 5. Ifx JT y? + yV1- x? = we 6. If x JTF y+ y VI+x = 0, prove that 2 = 1, prove that 2 _a we xty 7. TFlog(x? + y2) = 2 tan*(2), show that 2 = SS 8. Ifsingy) +2 9. ty VIF X = log {V1 + 3 — x), show that (x? + pe+ xy = 1 sue 2 gina = 7, find & c-ixt+ yt= ¢ + Sithen prove that = 35 suree 10. Ifx? + y? 9999252424 won ruars mAismmoven Poe son ChANSRat De Shanbama or Sones se 4.99 25 24 24 CBOE-XII Runa Ministry of Maths _ ETHODS OF DIFFERENT y 1. Iytanx— y?cosx+2x=0;find 12 y Toxcosy Logarithmic Differentiation - Content (SW 5) DATE OF STUDY:. 1. Differentiate the following functions w.r.t. x (i) x* (ii) (sinxye5* iny; show that x 2. ey = (tanx)* + (logx)* 3. Differentiate x*9* 4 2=% loge . dy _ yee yo 4. If ¥ prove that 2 ae 5. Ifx”+ y* =loga_, prove that 2 = Piganyet 6. Differentiate x®’-9) + (x — 3)" wart x 7. Differentiate (x? + 3)4 (x? + 5)? wnt x 10. If (sinx)” = (cosy)*, find © 11, Differentiate (sec*x)= wat x 12. If f(x) Infinité series Content (SW 06) DATE OF STUDY: Lity =, fina 2 2. ify= Jtanx+ Vtanx+ Vianx+-~ &, prove ) prove DATE OF sTuby: g(sinzdase dy yPcotx one , prove = Pp |—y log sin x B.Ify = (sinxyn® ze 4. Ity= e™* Derivative of one function with respect to another function Content (SW+07) 1. Differentiate sin?x want e°°* 2, Differentiate tan (“ : +) wart tan"? x 3. Differentiate sin? (255 (ES) 4 Differentiate x"¥ wart (sinx)* TS wat \cos tx? Parametric Equations - Content (SW.08) (@DATE-OF.STUDY............ 1. Find s when x = a (8+ sin) andy =a(1 — cos 0) 5. Differentiate tan~ 2 Itx=a (#5 s)and y= 24, fina re 3. Ifx = 2cos@ —cos 20 and y = 2sin@ —sin20. Show that 2 Ix = moet -latoa= = 2 298° show that 2 and y= 6. Ifx= Var and = Var. Show that 2 = 7. fx = asin20 (1 + cos 26) and y = bcos 20 (1.— cos26). Show that (2) = = aon 28 (2+ 1- 02+ 0) 9. Ifx= e? (0+ 2)andy = e~ (8 - 2). Prove that 2 Pai 10. Ifx = e°8#and y = e8n?, Prove that SY vlog ik xlogy = sine * 4 Iex= FEL, y = Seb find Sate = sure 19999252424 H.0. MINISTRY OF MATHS Near KUBER SWEET SHOP BABARPUR ROAD, CBSE. XII DDA FLATS MANSAROVER PARK,260 CHANDRALOK SHAHDARA, Ph: 999925 24 24,95 99 25 24 24 * WORKSHEET VORSHEET WNTINKAUSHEK Ministry of Maths serons or orem 1. Find the second derivative of log(log x) 3. Ify = tanx + secx , prove that 2 ase 4, Ifx = sint and y = sinmt, prove that (1 — 5. Ity = = 3cos (logx) + 4sin ess), prove that x? +y=0 6 "e+ % = 1, prove that £2 = — & 7. ty. =z) prove that x? ey («2- ») ‘SUPER 8. My =log {e+ VEER) pve te? + a) 22 4 x%=0 9. We¥ (e+1)=1, show that 22 = (#)" 10. Ifx = tan log y), show that (1+ yo x (2x Og SUPER lL. Ifx=a(1-cos*@),y 12, fx =a(@—sind),y Second Order Derivative - Content (SW 09) DATE OF STUDY: 3 oy 3 sin’ forage ato = a(i4coséy yfind 2% a 13. Ifx =acosd + bsin@ andy = asin - cs’ prove that _y? © & x2 +y=0 14. Ifx = asec @,y = btan@, prove that = 5 15.Ify = 304 + De prove that © — 5 24 6y=0 ‘SUPER o suen 19999252424 H.O. MINISTRY OF MATHS Near KUBER SWEET SHOP BABARPUR ROAD, CBSE. XII DDA FLATS MANSAROVER PARK,260 CHANDRALOK SHAHDARA, Ph: 99925 24 24,95'99 25 24 24 * WoRRSHEET by NTT KAUSHIKMAinistry of Maths series of ore ex 12. 14. 15. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. Assignment I DATE OF sTuby: wrt. x and find the value of the derivative at x= 0 Bins ind Differentiate = fy = ve+ JU prove that 2x 2+ y = 2v¥ 3. Ify= If f(2) = ax", show that xf") ~ 3/2) = 0 5. Differentiate « ~ tan x) (x + cosx) wartx Differentiate (Vx + 2) Find the derivative of the function given by f(x) = (1+ x)(14 x?)(1 + x*)(1 + x*) and hence find f’(1). Differentiate x(x? + 1)@*+ 1) wa.tx 9. Ify= %, show that? = y(1-y) Differentiate = wart 1: Differentiate eee wartx Differentiate x?+ sinx+ Swartx 13. Ifsinx = ysin(x + a), show that 2 ax ~ Si (era) ane gf i aint) go ity = [SE find @ 15. ty = iol see) fina Ify = [x + vx? +7)", then prove that 2 Soyer 17. Differentiate e*"—y* Differentiate sin?[log(2e+3)] 19. fy = Assignment II DATE OF STUDY: tx VI =x — ve VITA x? wrt find & 4. Differentiate sin?x w.r.t (log x)? oy prove that 2 = Differentiate Differentiate x°""* war.t lfx= 3.cos @ — 2.cos?6, y = 3Sin @— 2sin39. Show that at @ = ist Shy = Sfind2 8._tfx = afeost + 10g (tan), = asint, find 2 i a sS S+ 2y=0 ay Ity = tan [2], prove that 2 10. Ify = e* (ax +6). Show that <2— + 4y Ify = e* (sinx + cos x), Ifx = 3 sin¢ — sin 3t,y = 3 cost — cos 3t, find Sat t = 213, Ifx=at? andy = 2at, find at e=2 Ify = x + tanx, show that cos?x £2— 2y + 2x = 0 eee ae Ify= lon + logx + Toms = ©, Prove that (2y - 1) = + can). Ify=xt+— Prove that 2 3G 7. Ify= (tanx)en) Prove that 2 2atx= = Differentiate e+ (sinsyieo™) 19. Differentiate (log x)* + x!°8* Differentiate y = y(cosx)* + x'/x 21. Ify = x**. Find 2 = fx” = e*%, prove that = He . 2. )) = tan“ a, prove that 2 = % sint(a+y) 25. Ifsin(xy) + cos(x + y) = 1, find & If y = xsin (a +y), prove that sin(aty)— y eos (aty) 9999252424 won ruars mAismmoven Poe son ChANSRat De Shanbama or Sones se 4.99 25 24 24 CBOE-XII woResHeeT by NIN MAUSHIK Ministry of Maths — xewos oF orrexamifion MCQ I DATE OF STUDY:... 1 Ify = xtanZ, then (1+ cosx) 2 —sinx = ax by 0 dx 2 Wlog=—* Se ay b 2 oF d. none of these sinx 1 3. y= tan? (S82), then 2 = a. 1 bs 0 d.none of these 4, The differential co-efficient of tan“? (“=*%4) wrt xis a0 b,$ 1 — d.none of these| e a 4x =x y (tx 5. Ify=xe then = a ee oS ° 2( =) Anon of these 6 ify = cos~ Ee] , then f'(e)=a._ does notexist b> 2 ere a1 4 2 7. Ix = sin-1(3t — 409) and y= cos Vit? then = ayy b. = 4 ; 4(tan-t FE) a V@-a@-x) 2 8. A (tant fE#)= a BNG-90-) crap Oars 9. Ifsiny + ee =e,then at (1,n) is a. siny b. -xcosy c.@ disiny cosy e, siny+xcosy 10. efsine (cot >) cata aed b= et di 1. If fe) = cot (7), then f'@) = a. -log2 b. log2 €. |1 d.-1 an tog? beg log? 2 273 then LO=2@ 5 6 — 12. If f(x) = 2* and g(x) = 3%, then SE 3. THogé Tploge © islogzlogs %° MCQ II DATE.OF STUDY: ay | L 4 1 2p b. 0 pi] ds 2. The derivative of e!®% isa, (logx)el!®* pb, el?8* c. (logx)el#** dT 3. If f(0) = 0 = g(0) and f'(0. = g'(0),-then lim See is-given by aol b. 0 c.12 d.-1 4, Lirmy op SEAPHO* is equalto a. costx b. -sin2x c.sinxcosx d. 2sinx 5. Zftan(Z5S)} isequalto a 5b EL setae a 6. Ify = sin“*(cosx) then 2 isequalto a. —1 b. sinx c. sin? x d.none of these as (ae m1 (2438) EB 7. Wy = tan (45) + tant (22), then & is equal to a SEE 61 A. none of these 8. Ifxe*” = y+ sin®x, then at x = 0, = is equal to a. —1 b 0 c. 1 d. none of these 9. Ify = ((tanx)®™*)"*, then atx = 4, 4 a -1 b. 0 1 a2 10.1f ¥x+ Jy =4, then 2s aty=lis a 3 b.-1 ¢.-3 d.none of these 11. Lety = asinmx +b cosmx, then £2 isequalto a. my bd, —m’y my d.-my 9999252424 won ruars mAismmoven Poe son ChANSRat De Shanbama or Sones se 4.99 25 24 24 CBOE-XII WoRsHeer by NTN KAUSHIK Ministry of Maths —— sucinasoroan VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (1 MARK) 1, Let f(x) = sin x Cos x. write down the set of points of discontinuity of f(x). 2. Given f (x) = 4, write down the set of points of discontinuity off (f(x). asin 3. For what value(s) of n, the function f(x) = [ees x * ° Is continuous at x = 0. Write the set of points of continuity of f(x) = |x — 1] + |x +1) Write the number of points of discontinuity of f(x) = [x] in [3, 7] Differentiate Sin (x?) wir. x? tty If) = x2g(x) and g(1) = 6, g(a) 5) gay toe) fing 22 find find the value of f' (1) 10. If then fina 2 y=asing,x=acost then find =~ SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (4 MARKS) 14. Examine the continuity of the following functions at the indicated points. (i von fee sol coat er x= 0 0 ‘eccos(sin™1y) wo ray =fP &G a? “at 0 4 a a fey = (My Fa=yrengp atx = a x 12. For what values of constant K, the following functions are continudus at‘the indicated Wioints. <0 () f@O=} Be 2 0 a n<0 = By (I) FOS K. x=0 atx= x>0 _ {et Loo a Giene« (I) F(x) = flogas2x) e=0 atx =0. w S 13. For what values a and b alt? fx<-2 f@)=) atb ifx=-2 Is continuous at x 22 Voy ifr > -2 jai 14. Find the values of a, b and c for which the function sin{(a+i)x}+sinx al- z x0 oth 18. pay = {R14 * #0 Find the value of A Fis continuous at x = 0 ? 19999252424 H.0. MINISTRY OF MATHS Near KUBER SWEET SHOP BABARPUR ROAD, CBSE. XII DDA FLATS MANSAROVER PARK, 260 CHANDRALOK SHAHDARA, Ph: 999925 24 24,95 99 25 24 24 UDOL™ WoRsHeer by NTN KAUSHIK Ministry of Maths —— sucinasoroan 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 32. 33. 34, 36. 37. 38. 39. 40, If (2) is continuous at x = 5, find a and b tx>t * $1 Is everywhere differentiable, find the value of a and b For what value of p f(x) psin/s) x7 ° is derivable at x = 0 Differentiate tan~! (2) wt cos-\(2aVT 5) wheres 0 ify =x, then fing Differentiate (x cos x)* + (x sinx)= Wirt. It @+yyh" = x". y" then prove that if @—y).e 9 = a, prove that y= fx = tan (Zlogy) then show that /(1 + x2) 2% + (2x -a) ») ity = slog (2) prove mat? 2 att gt Differentiate sin [ a FT, gx) = 4 and h(x) = 2x —3 find f*[h(g"(2))] iVT= x8 + JT—y8 = a(x? — y3), prove that 2 tf@ =seol@= cbs" ve Z Wsec# —cos@ and y =see"@=cos"@, then prove that [> = n.| = @ Ia + y7 +27 =m” then find the value of Itx = a.cos?0,y = a sin?@ then find, = — ppp-a VTesIng - Vi=sin3| ne iy = tan eee where 0 R is a differentiable function and f"(x) does not vanish anywhere, then prove that fr(—5) # (5) 9999252424 won ruars mAismmoven Poe son ChANSRat De Shanbama or Sones se 4.99 25 24 24 CBOE-XII WORGHEET.NTINWSK Ministry of Maths — susnascrsaxvtts) 7 Sxt 8 15 9 x¥(1-+logx) 10. -cote 11, ()_— Continuous (Il) Discontinuous (lll) Not Continuous at x = 0 (IV) Continuous 12. () () 0) 13. a= 14, 15 16. 4 17. 5 18. 19. a 20. x*x%* {(1 +logx)logx +2} 21. Gecosx)*[1 —x tanx + (logx-c05.x)] + Gesin x) [= ee—yag sin) 26. [ES Joes [Hint; tan 6 = 6*] 2.0 30 ty _ ~2*(1Hogs)-y27-!~y* logy ae loge Et] = Zpcosecd sec*o 32. 36. 38. 19999252424 H.O. MINISTRY OF MATHS Near KUBER SWEET SHOP BABARPUR ROAD, CBSE-XIT DDA FLATS MANSAROVER PARK,260 CHANDRALOK SHAHDARA, Ph: 999925 24 24,95 99 25 24 24

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