Kelompok - 3 Inggris

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HK22B – B.


Riszanovsky saifur Ramadan

Novi Viostaningsih
Milhan jahsyi


The Republic Kazakhstan, is a country central Asia And Europe . Vast in size,
the land in Kazakhstan is very diverse and has different types of terrains like
flatlands rock- crayon, hills , mountains etc. It has the62nd laegest population
in the world with a population density of 6 people per square kilometer. Its
approximate population was a bit more than 15 million in 2006. Their flag is
basically a yellow eagle with a sun on top of it on a light blue backgrooound.
The official languages spoken in kazakhstan are Kazakh and Russian as it
was once a part of the soviet union.

The first interesting thing I learnt about Kazakhstan was that it is the ninth
largest country in the world. I had no idea that Kazakhstanwas such a huge
country. It has n area of 2,7 milion square kilometers. It almost as large as
western Europe. It shares borders with five countries including Russian and
China. The Kazakh grassland have an area of around eight hundred thousand
square kilometers. It occupies about on third of the ountry and is the world
largest grassland religion.

The seccond interesting thing I learnt about kazakhstan was that population
has declined since independemce.Whereas eith most countries, it’s the
opposite. The popullation dropped 16 and a half milion in 1989 to about 15
milion in 2006. This was caused a most of the Russian living In the country
migrate back to Russian after the independence,

The Third, amd last interesting thing I learnt about kazakhtstan was that its
not a poor country makingmoney by prostitution as shown in Borat but
instead it is quite an advanced country

who os one of the laeading exporters of minerals, in the world an there are
forecasts that it will become the worlds leading eksporter for uranium by
2010. Kazakhstan has a large supply of mineral like lead, Zinc, iron, gold etc.
Thereis about , million tons of petroleum and about 6,1 bilion tons of oil
deposits in Kazakhstan in 2006. Kazakhstan was producing approximately
23,5 bilion cubocmeters of naturak gas annually.


Republik Kazahstan adalah sebuah negara yang terletak di Asia ttengah dan
Eropa dengan ukuran luas daratanbermacam-macam dan memiliki tipe
permukaan alam yangberbeda – beda. Seperti daratan rendah, ngarai,
berbatuan, perbukitan, pegunungan dan lain-lain. Kazakhstan
memilikipopulasi ke 62 terbesar di dunia dengan kepadatan penduduk 6
orang perkilo persegi. Populasi rata-rata kurang lebih 15 juta pada tahun
2006. Pada dasarnya bendra kazakhstan memiliki elang kubmning dan
matahari diatasnya dengan latar belakang biru muda.Bahasa resmi
Kazakstan adalah Kazakh dan Rusia karena dahulu kazakhstan bagiam dari
uni soviet.

Hal yang pertama yang menarik yang saya pelajari tentang kazakstan adalah
negara terbesar didunia, tadinya saya tidak tahu kalau kazakhstan negara
yang luas. Kazakhstan memiliki area 2.7juta kilo meter persegi. Kazakhstan
berbatasan dengan lima negara termasuk China dan Rusia. Padang rumput
kazakhstan memiliki area sekitar 800. 000 meter peregi itu mencakup kira –
kira dari negaranya dan itu adalah area padang rumput terbesr didunia.

Hal ekdua yang menarik yang saya pelajari dari kazakhstan adalah populasi
yang menurun semenjak kemerekaan dibandingkan negara lainya. Ditahun
1989 populasi menurun yang tadi 16,5 juta pada tahun 2006 dikarenakan
kebanyaka orang rusia bermigrasi ke rusia setelah kemerdekaan.

Yang ketiga dan terakhir yang saya pelajari bahwa kazakstan bukan negara
miskin yang didapatkan dari protitusi seperti yang diperlihatan di flm Borat
tapi malah negara majuyang merupakan salah satu pengeksport uranium
terkemuka didunia. Di tahun 2010. Kazakhstan menyuplai pesedian mineral
yang banyak seperti tanah, seng, besi, mas dan lain- lain. Cadangan minyak
kira-kira 2.7 juta ton bensin bensin dan cadangan minyak 6.1 miliyar on di
khazakhstan. Tahun 2006 Kaakhtan memprodduksi rata-rata 23.5 miliyar
gas alam pertahunya.

The country central Asia And Europe

Topic sentence

The Republic Kazakhstan, is a country central Asia And Europe

Main Idea

1. Kazakhstan was that it is the ninth largest country in the world.

2. kazakhstan was that population has declined
3. kazakhstan is advanced country
4. Kazakhstan, is a country central Asia And Europe

Supporting Details

 Vast in size, the land in Kazakhstan is very diverse and has different
types of terrains like flatlands rock- crayon, hills , mountains etc. It
has the62nd laegest population in the world with a population density
of 6 people per square kilometer. Its approximate population was a
bit more than 15 million in 2006. Their flag is basically a yellow eagle
with a sun on top of it on a light blue backgrooound. The official
languages spoken in kazakhstan are Kazakh and Russian as it was
once a part of the soviet union.

 I had no idea that Kazakhstanwas such a huge country. It has n area

of 2,7 milion square kilometers. It almost as large as western Europe.
It shares borders with five countries including Russian and China.
The Kazakh grassland have an area of around eight hundred thousand
square kilometers. It occupies about on third of the ountry and is the
world largest grassland religion.

 Whereas eith most countries, it’s the opposite. The popullation

dropped 16 and a half milion in 1989 to about 15 milion in 2006. This
was caused a most of the Russian living In the country migrate back
to Russian after the independence,

 Kazakhstan has a large supply of mineral like lead, Zinc, iron, gold
etc. Thereis about , million tons of
petroleum and about 6,1 bilion tons of oil deposits in Kazakhstan in
2006. Kazakhstan was producing approximately 23,5 bilion
cubocmeters of naturak gas annually.

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