Gutter Type A To C1 Conn Bolted (Typ.) R01

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Project no:

Project data
Project name
Project number
Date 3/7/2022
Design code EN

Steel S 355
Concrete C25/30

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Project no:

Project item CON1

Name CON1
Analysis Stress, strain/ simplified loading

Beams and columns

β – Direction γ - Pitch α - Rotation Offset ex Offset ey Offset ez
Name Cross-section Forces in
[°] [°] [°] [mm] [mm] [mm]
M1 1 - CHS219.1/5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 Node
M2 2 - CFU150x175 90.0 0.0 90.0 -500 246 0 Bolts

Name Material
1 - CHS219.1/5.0 S 355
2 - CFU150x175 S 355

Diameter fu Gross area
Name Bolt assembly
[mm] [MPa] [mm2]
M16 8.8 M16 8.8 16 800.0 201

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Project no:

Load effects (equilibrium not required)

N Vy Vz Mx My Mz
Name Member
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
LE1 M2 70.0 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
LE2 M2 0.0 -27.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Name Value Status
Analysis 100.0% OK
Plates 0.8 < 5.0% OK
Bolts 51.2 < 100% OK
Welds 75.0 < 100% OK
Buckling Not calculated
GMNA Calculated

Thickness σEd εPl σcEd
Name Loads Status
[mm] [MPa] [%] [MPa]
M1 5.0 LE2 356.6 0.8 0.0 OK
M2 5.0 LE2 355.1 0.1 0.0 OK
SP1 10.0 LE2 355.1 0.0 59.0 OK
SP2 10.0 LE2 355.4 0.2 0.0 OK
SP3 10.0 LE2 355.4 0.2 0.0 OK
SP4 8.0 LE2 355.0 0.0 0.0 OK
SP5 8.0 LE2 314.1 0.0 0.0 OK
SP6 8.0 LE2 355.0 0.0 0.0 OK
SP7 8.0 LE2 313.6 0.0 0.0 OK
SP8 8.0 LE2 263.7 0.0 59.0 OK
SP9 8.0 LE2 355.5 0.2 39.9 OK
SP10 8.0 LE2 255.4 0.0 58.2 OK
SP11 8.0 LE2 355.4 0.2 40.0 OK

Design data
fy εlim
[MPa] [%]
S 355 355.0 5.0

Symbol explanation
εPl Strain
σEd Eq. stress
σcEd Contact stress
fy Yield strength
εlim Limit of plastic strain

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Project no:

Overall check, LE2

Strain check, LE2

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Project no:

Equivalent stress, LE2

Ft,Ed V Utt Fb,Rd Uts Utts
Name Loads Status
[kN] [kN] [%] [kN] [%] [%]

B1 LE1 16.1 17.4 17.8 90.6 28.8 41.6 OK

B2 LE2 46.3 5.3 51.2 81.3 8.8 45.3 OK

B3 LE2 46.3 5.3 51.2 81.3 8.8 45.3 OK

B4 LE1 16.1 17.4 17.8 90.6 28.8 41.6 OK

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Project no:

Design data
Ft,Rd Bp,Rd Fv,Rd
[kN] [kN] [kN]
M16 8.8 - 1 90.4 147.8 60.3

Symbol explanation
Ft,Rd Bolt tension resistance EN 1993-1-8 tab. 3.4
Ft,Ed Tension force
Bp,Rd Punching shear resistance
V Resultant of shear forces Vy, Vz in bolt
Fv,Rd Bolt shear resistance EN_1993-1-8 table 3.4
Fb,Rd Plate bearing resistance EN 1993-1-8 tab. 3.4
Utt Utilization in tension
Uts Utilization in shear

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Project no:

Detailed result for B3

Tension resistance check (EN 1993-1-8 tab 3.4)
k2 fub As
Ft,Rd = γM 2 =  90.4 kN ≥ Ft =  46.3 kN
k2 = 0.90 – Factor
fub = 800.0 MPa – Ultimate tensile strength of the bolt
As = 157 mm2 – Tensile stress area of the bolt

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Punching resistance check (EN 1993-1-8 tab 3.4)

0.6πdm tp fu
Bp,Rd = γM 2 =  147.8 kN ≥ Ft =  46.3 kN
dm = 25 mm – The mean of the across points and across flats dimensions of the bolt head or the nut, whichever
is smaller
tp = 8 mm – Thickness

fu = 490.0 MPa – Ultimate strength

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Shear resistance check (EN 1993-1-8 tab 3.4)

βp αv fub A
Fv,Rd = γM 2 =  60.3 kN ≥ V =  5.3 kN
βp = 1.00 – Reducing factor
αv = 0.60 – Reducing factor

fub = 800.0 MPa – Ultimate tensile strength of the bolt

A = 157 mm2 – Tensile stress area of the bolt
γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

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Project no:

Bearing resistance check (EN 1993-1-8 tab 3.4)

k1 αb fu dt
Fb,Rd = γM 2 =  81.3 kN ≥ V =  5.3 kN
e2 p2
k1 = min(2.8 − 1.7, 1.4 − 1.7, 2.5) = 2.50 – Factor for edge distance and bolt spacing perpendicular to
d0 d0 the direction of load transfer
e2 = 36 mm – Distance to the plate edge perpendicular to the shear force
p2 = ∞ mm – Distance between bolts perpendicular to the shear force

d0 = 18 mm – Bolt hole diameter

e1 p1 1 fub – Factor for end distance and bolt spacing in direction of load
αb = min( , − , , 1) = 0.65 transfer
3d0 3d0 4 fu
e1 = 35 mm – Distance to the plate edge in the direction of the shear force
p1 = ∞ mm – Distance between bolts in the direction of the shear force

fub = 800.0 MPa – Ultimate tensile strength of the bolt

fu = 490.0 MPa – Ultimate strength

d = 16 mm – Nominal diameter of the fastener

t = 8 mm – Thickness of the plate

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Interaction of tension and shear (EN 1993-1-8 tab 3.4)

Fv,Ed Ft,Ed
Utts = Fv,Rd + 1.4Ft,Rd =  45.3 %

Utilization in tension
Utt = min(Ft,Rd ;Bp,Rd ) =  51.2 %

Utilization in shear
Uts = min(Fv,Rd ;Fb,Rd ) =  8.8 %

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Project no:

Welds (Plastic redistribution)

Throat th. Length σw,Ed εPl σ⏊ τ|| τ⏊ Ut Utc
Item Edge Loads Status
[mm] [mm] [MPa] [%] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [%] [%]
M2-bfl 1 M2 ◢6.0 75 LE1 186.0 0.0 -101.1 -3.4 90.1 42.7 9.5 OK
M2-bfl 1 M2 ◢6.0 75 LE2 253.5 0.0 -61.9 -139.7 -25.4 58.2 22.8 OK
M2-bfl 1 M2 ◢6.0 75 LE2 238.7 0.0 70.6 -130.5 -17.0 54.8 24.5 OK
M2-bfl 1 M2 ◢6.0 75 LE1 176.0 0.0 102.8 1.2 -82.5 40.4 10.6 OK
M2-tfl 1 M2 ◢6.0 75 LE1 186.0 0.0 -101.2 -3.4 -90.0 42.7 9.5 OK
M2-tfl 1 M2 ◢6.0 75 LE2 253.2 0.0 -61.8 -139.5 25.3 58.1 22.8 OK
M2-tfl 1 M2 ◢6.0 75 LE2 238.4 0.0 70.5 -130.4 17.0 54.7 24.4 OK
M2-tfl 1 M2 ◢6.0 75 LE1 176.0 0.0 102.8 1.2 82.4 40.4 10.6 OK
M1-arc 30 SP2 10.0 7 LE1 OK
M1-arc 29 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 28 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 27 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 26 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 25 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 24 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 23 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 22 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 21 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 20 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 19 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 18 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 17 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 16 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 15 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 14 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 13 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 12 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 11 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 10 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 9 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 8 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 7 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 6 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 5 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 4 SP2 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 3 SP2 10.0 7 LE1 OK
M1-arc 30 SP3 10.0 7 LE1 OK
M1-arc 29 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 28 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 27 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 26 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK

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Project no:

Throat th. Length σw,Ed εPl σ⏊ τ|| τ⏊ Ut Utc

Item Edge Loads Status
[mm] [mm] [MPa] [%] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [%] [%]
M1-arc 25 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 24 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 23 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 22 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 21 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 20 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 19 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 18 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 17 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 16 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 15 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 14 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 13 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 12 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 11 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 10 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 9 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 8 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 7 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 6 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 5 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 4 SP3 10.0 11 LE1 OK
M1-arc 3 SP3 10.0 7 LE1 OK
SP8 SP4 8.0 75 LE1 OK
SP9 SP5 8.0 75 LE1 OK
SP10 SP6 8.0 75 LE1 OK
SP11 SP7 8.0 75 LE1 OK
M2-bfl 1 SP4 ◢6.0 75 LE2 259.5 0.0 -69.2 144.4 -2.8 59.6 15.8 OK
M2-bfl 1 SP5 ◢6.0 75 LE2 326.8 0.0 18.9 185.0 35.4 75.0 21.8 OK
M2-tfl 1 SP6 ◢6.0 75 LE2 259.3 0.0 -69.2 144.2 2.8 59.5 15.8 OK
M2-tfl 1 SP7 ◢6.0 75 LE2 326.6 0.0 18.8 184.9 -35.4 75.0 21.8 OK
SP1 SP2 ◢5.0◣ 300 LE2 304.8 0.0 118.5 -140.9 80.2 70.0 40.0 OK
◢5.0◣ 300 LE2 323.4 0.0 -165.9 -110.5 116.1 74.2 48.3 OK
SP1 SP3 ◢5.0◣ 300 LE2 325.7 0.0 -168.6 109.1 -118.2 74.8 48.2 OK
◢5.0◣ 300 LE2 299.9 0.0 115.0 140.0 -77.4 68.9 39.9 OK

Design data

βw σw,Rd 0.9 σ
[-] [MPa] [MPa]
S 355 0.90 435.6 352.8

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Project no:

Symbol explanation
εPl Strain
σw,Ed Equivalent stress
σw,Rd Equivalent stress resistance
σ⏊ Perpendicular stress
τ|| Shear stress parallel to weld axis
τ⏊ Shear stress perpendicular to weld axis
0.9 σ Perpendicular stress resistance - 0.9*fu/γM2
βw Corelation factor EN 1993-1-8 tab. 4.1
Ut Utilization
Utc Weld capacity utilization

Detailed result for M2-bfl 1 SP5

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  435.6 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 326.8 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  352.8 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  18.9 MPa

fu = 490.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.90 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1
γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  75.0 %

Buckling analysis was not calculated.

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Bill of material

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Project no:

Manufacturing operations
Plates Welds Length
Name Shape Nr. Bolts Nr.
[mm] [mm] [mm]

SP1 P10.0x320.0-300.0 (S 355) 1 M16 8.8 4

SP2 P10.0x145.0-300.0 (S 355) 1

SP3 P10.0x145.0-300.0 (S 355) 1

SP4 P8.0x75.0-75.0 (S 355) 1

SP5 P8.0x75.0-75.0 (S 355) 1

SP6 P8.0x75.0-75.0 (S 355) 1

SP7 P8.0x75.0-75.0 (S 355) 1

SP8 P8.0x67.0-75.0 (S 355) 1 M16 8.8 1

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Project no:

Plates Welds Length

Name Shape Nr. Bolts Nr.
[mm] [mm] [mm]

SP9 P8.0x67.0-75.0 (S 355) 1 M16 8.8 1

SP10 P8.0x67.0-75.0 (S 355) 1 M16 8.8 1

SP11 P8.0x67.0-75.0 (S 355) 1 M16 8.8 1

Throat thickness Leg size Length
Type Material
[mm] [mm] [mm]
Fillet S 355 6.0 8.5 900.0
Butt S 355 - - 573.8
Butt S 355 - - 300.0
Double fillet S 355 5.0 7.1 600.0

Grip length
Name Count
M16 8.8 18 4

Code settings
Item Value Unit Reference
γM0 1.00 - EN 1993-1-1: 6.1
γM1 1.00 - EN 1993-1-1: 6.1
γM2 1.25 - EN 1993-1-1: 6.1
γM3 1.25 - EN 1993-1-8: 2.2
γC 1.50 - EN 1992-1-1:
γInst 1.20 - EN 1992-4: Table 4.1
Joint coefficient βj 0.67 - EN 1993-1-8: 6.2.5
Effective area - influence of mesh size 0.10 -
Friction coefficient - concrete 0.25 - EN 1993-1-8
Friction coefficient in slip-resistance 0.30 - EN 1993-1-8 tab 3.7
Limit plastic strain 0.05 - EN 1993-1-5

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Project no:

Item Value Unit Reference

Weld stress evaluation Plastic redistribution
Detailing No
Distance between bolts [d] 2.20 - EN 1993-1-8: tab 3.3
Distance between bolts and edge [d] 1.20 - EN 1993-1-8: tab 3.3
Concrete breakout resistance check Both EN 1992-4: and
Use calculated αb in bearing check. Yes EN 1993-1-8: tab 3.4
Cracked concrete Yes EN 1992-4
Local deformation check No CIDECT DG 1, 3 - 1.1
Local deformation limit 0.03 - CIDECT DG 1, 3 - 1.1
Geometrical nonlinearity (GMNA) Yes Analysis with large deformations for hollow section joints
Braced system No EN 1993-1-8:

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