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To Fino Resigrance OF A Given Wire USING JL METER_BRIDGE + fn fen ute usSeg_meier bitdge L Matewala Requtect: Mere biidlge , Resistance use, Connecting wie, __ Gralvanometer, A_meey Saale, (oul, Resakance bon, A jockey, wie _Wulkey, One ue ey Sanel_payer # Stang. Tat igs saan 1p mle — 1) Auncvido Rute: At cong. Runeia, Noe Surm_ef the Curent ___ ; “emerge Racerin i eyual to te Bunn q, coswrents lenaiteg — 4 oo : WD W) Lop ale: Te olapsfe_Burn-o Ceangga fh-potsatfal- suse) — trams cheseak long > Rewadsting, resiator Oct Cells th lke Loop th zor. eo = Roceduve: eae ug Ane gee Bite * Clean ho Basulatitan at the_encla cf, the Connecting usives by —rwtblst to: athe_hkomiy @ vetlhlor bow by, qezsii TE ages a epg - pee. connectfon a8 per cPreutt cbf __* Moke Sune banter ‘tne Connes® @ scanned with OKEN Scanner _tfonnect tne vesivance whe yoke weeibrenee 10 be _derevm@aecl ite let [Rane gay of the meter brtlge 2) Teak elf. wate : + For thts, foho vesakaace [von vesix : _t bw fkchr_on The Ikesy Yo Cornploke the Circe: ______— _s fress the Fckey ak the start, the [fst qap ancl Then at fhe Start Me Stecond gap 4 fhe mavier biidlge anol Noe the affection. 4, dayection d, The _galvancmacy nevelle- : + Doflecria_18_galvanamerer ff opposite_oliiection fer The heen encla —— _pncans hak Connection a olane property. 2 - + Sy olelvectfon one Toone stele o i bide 3) Measusitng Dalancina, tens: 2 . : @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Rrecauttons + — + Connecting should be nik and Whe RA Are plays fh vesfieatee bow should le tant + Balance potat should toe nearly fn ml vane q, bridge sie + Jockey, Should ‘se _moveol over hrfoge Re yenkly without ubbstag, “1 offen nul pte Shouol be Some uber arama tne Sem mavk- ae ch Exror: =Lente_ nes macier_batiye thai @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ° Known Resists Unknow? si Ton. 1 {RB I jet ee LLL R Galvanomerty @ 10 & to 4° vot furs [rotunda redunahentanfintinad ¥ Pee eee eee ta] Leelanene (lr Leavers, Entei} wiersou (| Martd) asarag 33a > @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 1 “To NERIEY THE LAs oF (omeuvAtion [SEMES} OF i RESISTANE USING: A_METER BRIDGE Nien : a mbenaiioa [ Sevie ura a meter Bridge: One vo xox, Sancl paper, Restakance hon, Jorkey, Battery, ____ Gratvaromerer- 2 Bah 2 en eRe -Y) afer R= Sllco t ° voheve, RTA UeN tot ry Ano known vegatance. > Oh 2 ane im Serves a oS Rez Rit Ro Ro eyuation loc, Series Conbtnarisa Nadine a tea Rl feok_tunfing .o._ereiex_bvig _____ [ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 1) Settfag yp The apparadus : eee eae “Draw a Rend 2 Do place q, unknown vesarance x’, (onnect tne vesarance Coil, RT Thc_meiev. bi¥dge . 2 DPACrmifnalb 4, frelffowual RestAtanees —_________ + Move The fire, over bifige wife gent fam Ley end_to vt — enot_¥R\_balanee_pofak fA olsen _________ bo @ scanned with OKEN Scanner — Retuins: : + Comections Should _be net ancl Hane - + Ali the plugs ih vesivance bon Shoulel be Hah + Balance pofit should be neavly in _mafol range of, bridle wire + Teck Should be peteiae: biflge_usfe gently + Terminals, connecting uafies Should be ol@necl by sane paper, hotpre rain, GoaneelPn- Sources ql Eos + loose Sere of f mI « None! Untyorm COS SeecHeo ¢, whe Fa May Nok te _Clean Eyres Ay enol vesaranoes: ’ Beer it. in “eneorunement of leg tn of, esfe Regu + Enpertmenial anol theoretical values q, Rs are Mealy Same. Hence lows d Severs ComniaaBa , vesatance ts wortyeel @ scanned with OKEN Scanner + % To DETERMINE RESISTANCE OF A GAWANomereR BY Hair DEFLECTION METHOD AND TO FIND JTS FiGwRE OF MERIT. Pins To oletemme veda dleflecrfon method ancl to pack fhs [Bune q_merke | S _Meeviala Requihedt: Ma : | Now veghhiance box, volhmetey, Rheostat, Leclanche ce, Two one-way | Keys, Battery, Sancl_paper,Connectitig, vsfkes —__ i Freon: Resiaian ‘D_vepv IF TB deleverBacel_by hay oleftection pee “The alert D_maote all toy ungng 0 Sate yesialunce &- - biz RS RS ry & esis in’ by hh _vesdrance bow a olefyec\isa_O-ancl_& B the vesskance Mhoclucoal pron mL by low, yedhbance bon tn produce olé ee el © haute nik qf, qasvaromerer: SE-B he _curvtenk a col fo _prooluce - olehiecion ey one olfeirsioa om Ane ___ wiequbreck_1o_0r9 _ Qalvanomerey-

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