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be settled by reference to this book, which forbids Moslems

tribute. Indeed he is paid a subsidy, a portion of the

elsewhere, until his death on the 20th of December 1884.

the exception of Mary Allerton was the last survivor of the

indications of benefit resulting therefrom are reduction

munda et immaculata. Among others are the anagrammatic

and divided vertically into wedge-shaped blocks (cunei) by

contemporary, the metropolitan Cyril, ``with him the sun

AER. Aerarium. AER.P. Aere publico.

base, naval support failed the American generals, and they

and the more compact kinds from Hungary are so hard and

those imposed by limited space, weight and vibration. The

1894); Kaerst, Ferechungen zur Gesch. Alex. d. Grossen

including Texas, had thrown off allegiance to the mother

Notes about Aldeburgh (1870); Victoria County History--Suffolk.

students during the twelve days ensuing. The scathing vehemence

females. The percentage of illegitimacy is about 7. The

War, when the tsar supported the cabinet of Berlin and the

hyoscyamine and nicotine have been already synthesized; the

apparatus which closely resemble those depicted in Greek

the largest river in Jutland, and rising ground exceeding

15). One of the finest buildings is the modern Jain temple of

plain. About 1 m. S. stands an obelisk commemorating the

hexa- hexa- perip-

among the high officials of the country. When the Israelites

C4H6N4O2, whilst with hydriodic acid it yields urea and hydantoin

there does not exist any legal restriction, and as long

of the Ain, with the exception of the district covered by the

any escape of gas through the vent being thus prevented.

Alexander, on the 3rd of October 1691, he practically deserted

and visited in 1767 by Philip Carteret; but no landing seems

Every Saturday, discontinued in 1875. From 1881 to 1890

gas must be washed after purification to remove traces of

Lasta, which is much purer but less cultivated than the Amharic

subsequently formed by pressing in the metal to the desired

Virginia; Lee, thus released from any fear for the safety of

the village of Idar, on the Idar Bach, about two miles from

Alps, the loftiest point on it being the Weisskugel (12,291

nor do they have beds, but he on straw, which is spread on the

(1900) 6238 (956 foreign-born and 226 negroes); (1910 census)

Aetolla. In the 3rd century they obtained assistance from

almanacs. In 1579 Henry III. prohibited the publication

sqrt. (=r. for radix), The sign of the square root.

of Kandahar at the end of July. The amir Abdur Rahman, whose

Nonconformists. He remained at Cranbrook until 1643, when,

Birds.---The introduction of mammals has been largely

on a large scale, and all enter without acknowledgment

recognized as in the German sphere). By this convention France

him with great loss. The appearance of Hering, son of

lands. Nor did the Aegean objects which were lying obscurely

formation of numerous isolated flat-topped hills or small

his father-in-law's return to England, succeeded to his place.

man, there is reason to believe that a condition of piebald

he was then the ranking major-general, but he was captured by

Of organizations of cattle-breeders the English Jersey Cattle

arrested, but whether at the instigation of d'Aiguillon is not

dramatic poem, but seldom with success, save in such earlier

is not a tragedy in the true Greek sense, according to the

of Africa (1799); Idem, Journal of a Mission, &c. (1815);

the chest and tied with the strings attached for that purpose

vali of Rumelia, an office which he held just long enough

independent group co-ordinate with them in rank, the Characeae

century. It is a handsome greenhouse plant, which is hardy

year was made a K.B. His conduct of the operations against

the Persian yoke (Herod. i. 168); the chief coin type, a

corps, and their management was entrusted to the brothers

applied to his later prose work that minute care in composition

use. About two-thirds of the population depend entirely

Science (1852), the last two being published posthumously.

concerned, nearly all the African lines being state-owned. In

series of Little Women: or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy (1868),

Busnach, two Algerine Jews who had supplied corn to the

The returns for milch cows show an increase throughout

Henry III. to obtain that monarch's influence in securing

From these plants active principles termed aloins are

by S. C. Chandler to determine the latitude or correct the timepiece,

age have recently been found in the course of excavations in

of the cell is competent to withstand the attack of nascent

ALCALA (Moorish al Kala, the ``Fortress'' or ``Castle''),

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