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Game set up

The board is divided into four di erent forests of seven trees: Coniferous, Deciduous, Rainforest and Palm. Each forest supports a Forest Spirit of a di erent color. Coniferous trees support the Purple Forest Spirit, Deciduous trees support the Orange one, Rainforest the Red one, and Palm trees support the Yellow Forest Spirit. If Forest Spirits do not occupy a space next to at least one of their trees they lose their color. Each Forest spirit supports a Human by being near it. If a Forest Spirits loses its color, the blue Human nearest to it loses its color and power to move and contribute to the game. A black Universe Interface containing 28 spots of starlight surrounds Paradice. An obelisk called the Circumstance Changer travels clockwise along the Universe Interface around Paradice, distributing Opportunity according to the roll of a die. The Humans can respond to Opportunity as Givers or Takers.

Aim of the game.


Move the Humans from the four corners of the Earth to meet Eye to Eye anywhere on the board, to gain the power to save Paradice, before two of them lose their spirit to do so Trees support Forest Spirits. Forest Spirits support Humans. The Humans can complete the cycle as Givers and stewards of Paradice, or not by remaining Takers as they begin.

Giver or Taker?

Both players roll the die. The player who rolls the higher number begins the game as the Giver. The other player starts the game as the Taker. Player roles can change during the game according to skill or chance. However, only as a Giver can a player win the game. As a Giver the player tries to use opportunities of each round to get the four humans together Eye to Eye. The other player plays to stop the Giver and take over the Giver role.

Human, Tree and Forest Spirit Basics.


Each blue Human (masked or unmasked) requires one number of Opportunity to:

Move one square horizontally or vertically to another square on the play area of the board. There are no diagonal moves.

Turn a blue Human 90 degrees. Each increment of 90 degrees requires one number of Opportunity. Turns can be combined with moves in a round.


Displace another piece. If a blue Human (masked or unmasked) moves onto a square occupied by a Forest Spirit, or unmasked Human (blue or colorless) it displaces the piece to the adjacent square it moves from. An unmasked Human can not displace a masked Human.

Players please note. A Human must begin and end a move facing the same way it began unless extra turns are used to turn it.

Trees support (touch) their Forest Spirits. 1, A Forest Spirit requires at least one tree of its forest in one of the eight squares around it to be supported. Forest Spirits can only be supported by trees of their particular forest. 2, When a tree is returned to the board it must be placed in an unoccupied square either touching a Forest Spirit (as described above) or adjacent tor tree.

Forest Spirits support Humans by being near them .


Paradice is played in rounds. Rounds have 3 parts.


Part 1 - The ow of Circumstance distributes Opportunity.


Part 2 - The Taker always responds to Opportunity rst. The Taker agenda is to deactivate two of the Givers Humans by separating the trees from the Forest Spirits near them.

Part 3 - The Giver responds to Opportunity and the actions of the Taker. The Giver must strategize between the secondary agenda of maintaing the forests while pursuing the primary one of getting the Humans EyeTo Eye.

A round, part 1 Circumstance distributes Opportunity.


Either player places the Circumstance Changer on any star in the Universe Interface. Either player rolls the die. The number rolled becomes the Opportunity for the round.

The Opportunity. The dice is placed, the Opportunity number upwards, in the cup of the Circumstance Changer.

Circumstances change. The Circumstance Changer is moved clockwise around the Universe Interface according to the Opportunity number for the round.

2 Circumstance chooses the Taker. The blue Human nearest the Circumstance Changer when it stops becomes the vehicle (playing piece) of the Taker. The Mask is placed on it.

Player chooses the Taker. If the Circumstance Changer is equal distant from two unmasked blue Humans, the player playing the Taker picks which one to put the Mask on and use as the Taker vehicle for the round.

Taker please note. The player playing the Taker always uses the Mask as their playing piece. The Humans the Taker uses (puts the mask on) changes continually throughout the game. The Circumstance Changer continually travels around the board rede ning di erent blue Humans as wearers of the Mask.

Giver please note. The player playing the Giver can move any of the three remaining unmasked blue Humans, and any of the four Forest Spirits!

Players please remember. Both players respond to the same Opportunity, get the same number of moves per round.

A round, part 2 The Taker responds to Opportunity.


The Taker can use one number of Opportunity to:

m m

Move the masked Human. Move onto any empty or occupied squares.

Take a tree. When the masked Human is moved through or onto a square/s occupied by a tree/s, the tree/s on the squares 3 are removed.

Displace Forest Spirits and Humans. When the masked Human is moved through or onto a square/s occupied by any Forest Spirit or any Human, the Forest Spirit or Human is displaced to the adjacent squares the masked Human moved from.

Endanger a Forest Spirit Deactivate a Human. If a Forest Spirit is separated from the trees of its forest (not touching any), the Forest Spirit is endangered and loses its color. When a Forest Spirit loses its color, the nearest Human to it loses its Spirit.

3 Players please note. When a Human loses its Spirit, both the Human and deactivated Forest Spirit near it are replaced immediately by their colorless counterparts as part of the SAME MOVE.

Players please note. The agenda of the player playing the Taker is to become the Giver by deactivating two of the Givers Humans. The Taker plays to separate the Forest Spirits, upon which the Humans depend for their color, them from their trees. To this end the Taker uses Opportunity to take trees or displace Forest Spirits away from them.

Players please note. The agenda of the player playing the Giver is to move Humans Eye to Eye. When this happens, the move options of the Taker increase.

A round, part 2 (cont) - Taker responds to Opportunity and the Giver.


The Taker can use one number of Opportunity to:


Disrupt Humans Eye to Eye. When the masked Human is moved through or onto a square/s occupied by a Human/s Eye to Eye with another, the Human/s on the squares are displaced to the ajacent square the masked Human moved from. 3

Players please note. 1, If one of a pair of blue Humans Eye-to-Eye is displaced, the Giver no longer has two Humans Eye to Eye and loses power to give trees back to Paradice. (see p.?) 2, If three blue Humans are disrupted, and two are left Eye to Eye, the power to give survives the disruption because two remain Eye to Eye. (see p.?) 3, If the blue Human in the center of three Humans Eye to Eye is displaced, the Giver no longer has two Humans Eye to Eye and loses power to give trees to Paradice. (see p.?)

Deactivate Humans Eye to Eye. If a blue Human Eye to Eye with another is the nearest Human to a Forest Spirit that loses its color, that Human loses its Spirit and color also, and can no longer contributeto the power to Give.

3 Players please note. When a Human loses its Spirit, both the Human and deactivated Forest Spirit near it are replaced immediately by their colorless counterparts as part of the SAME MOVE.

Reset the Game. If all the trees of two forests are Taken, two of the Forest Spirits are endangered (colorless), and two of thee Human playing pieces of the Giver are deactivated (colorless). The Giver can no longer bring two blue Humans Eye to Eye to gain the power to Give. The Giver can no longer win. The game is Reset (see p.?)

Reset Paradice. If players choose to play the game again, all the trees are replaced on the board. Trees can only be placed on unoccupied squares either surrounding their respective Forest Spirits ( see p?) or in squares adjacent to a tree of their type (see p?). This will result in a recon guration of the forests that is the result of the Human activity of the past game.

A round, part 3 The Giver responds to Opportunity.


Moves share Opportunity. Opportunity for a round can be used to move one play piece or shared between any unmasked blue Humans and/or Forest Spirits.

The Giver can use one number of Opportunity to:

m m

Move any unmasked blue Human. Move onto any empty or occupied squares - except the Takers.

Displace (not Take) a tree. When an unmasked blue Human is moved onto a square occupied by a Tree, Forest Spirit or unmasked Human, it displaces it. The Giver does not take trees o the board.

Displace Forest Spirits and unmasked Humans. When an unmasked blue Human is moved onto a square occupied by a Tree, Forest Spirit or unmasked Human, it displaces it. The Giver can not displace the masked Human.

2 Move a Forest Spirit to save it reactivate a Human. When there is at least one tree of an endangered Forest Spirits forest on the board, that Forest Spirit can be moved to a it (see touching p?) The Forest Spirit is regenerated and the nearest Human to it regains its Spirit. 2 Players please note. When a human regains its Spirit, both the Forest Spirit and the nearest unmasked blue Human to it are replaced immediately by their colorful counter parts as part of the SAME MOVE.
m m

Players please note. If there are not enough moves remaining in the Givers turn to move an endangered Forest Spirit to its tree, the Forest Spirit can be moved part way. The move can be completed in a subsequent round.

When two Humans are Eye-to-Eye The Giver can Give.

Moves and Giving share Opportunity When Humans are Eye to Eye the Giver gains the power to Give. The Giver must strategize the use of moves between the primary agenda of moving Humans Eye to Eye, and the secondary one, of maintaining the forests and Forest Spirits that support the Humans by putting trees back on the board.
m m

Eye to Eye. When an unmasked blue Human reaches a square adjacent to a square occupied by another human and their eyes meet, the Humans are Eye to Eye.

2 Players please note. If the eyes of the Humans do not meet, the Humans are not Eye to Eye. The Giver does not gain the power to Give, and cannot return trees to Paradice.

The Giver can use one number of Opportunity to:


Give a tree to save a Forest Spirit - reactivate a Human. When two Humans are Eye-to-Eye, the Giver can Give one tree per Opportunity number back to Paradice. Trees can only be replaced next to 2 the Forest Spirit or trees of their forest (see P?). When a tree is replaced next to an endangered (colorless) Forest Spirit of its forest, the Forest Spirit is saved and the Human nearest to it regains its Spirit.
m m

Players please note. When a Human regains its Spirit, both the Human and reactivated Forest Spirit near it are replaced immediately by their colorful counterparts as part of the SAME MOVE
m m

Moves and Giving share Opportunity The Giver must strategize the use of moves between the primary agenda of moving Humans Eye to Eye, and the secondary one of maintaining them by putting trees back on the board.
m m

Giver please note. Humans Eye to Eye still require one move each to move one square. Giver please note. Humans always stay in separate squares even when Eye to Eye.
m m m

When three Humans are Eye-to-Eye The Giver can Win.


The Giver gains the option to use a number of Opportunity to:

m m

Add an extra move to the Opportunity number.

m m

Capture the Taker. If the number of available moves available to the Taker, is equal to, or greater than, the number of squares between the Taker and the empty square surrounded by three Humans Eye to Eye, the Giver can move the Taker play piece onto that square, to complete the group and WIN.

Giver please note. If the eyes of the Human play piece of the Taker do not meet the Eyes of the Human play pieces of the Giver it is not Eye to Eye with them. Additional are moves are needed to turn the Taker play piece to align it Eye to Eye with the Eyes of the 3 Giver Pieces on either side of it (see p?)

Giver please note. If the Giver does not have the necessary number of moves to align the eyes of the Taker Human with the eyes of the Giver Humans, the Giver can not move the Taker Human.

When four Humans are Eye-to-Eye - the Giver Wins the game.
m m

The Humans are One. The Giver can remove the Mask of the Taker and integrates it into the group.
m m

Paradice is Won. The Giver can return all the trees.


Paradice is One.
m m

Continue in Paradice. If players choose to play another game, all the trees are returned to the board to the board onto the empty squares resulting from the previous game . Trees can only be placed on unoccupied squares either surrounding their respective Forest Spirits, or in squares adjacent to a tree of their type (see p?). As a continuation of the previous game play will begin in a new con guration of the forests that have resulted from the Human activity in Paradice so far. This time the Humans will begin Eye to Eye. . .

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