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Name: ____________________________________Course:____________________________

Subject Title:____________________________________________scores_____________/20

Setting Up
Directions: Complete the following sentences and choose the letter of the correct answer on the box

a. micronutrients I. Thinking
b. clothing j. Emotional
c. Caregivers k. emotional
d. Trustworthy l. Physical Work out
e. Patient m. shelter
f. Poor sterilization n. play
g. Attentive o. task
h. Self-regard p. nutrients

1. It is critical that the watchman be someone who is ________________ what's more, won't enter
that trust by misusing the individual her or she is considering.
2. ___________ is something achieved for the prosperity of its own, says master Stuart Brown, maker
of "Play".
3._______________ is basically the notion you have and your insight on your motivation as a person.
4. Kids require an assortment of sorts of ______________ , so performing different assignments
among them and development can be earnestly and mentally draining.
5. _______________ is normally made of surfaces or materials yet after some time has included pieces of
clothing delivered utilizing animal skin or other thin sheets of materials set up.
6. _______________ are among the most prominent people in the lives of little children.
7.Your body needs supplements and minerals, known as ___________________ .
8.________________ are normally in a spot that will allow them to move toward the assets of the
individual they are considering.
9. It is critical when giving home thought that the parental figure is _________________ to the
prerequisites and changes that are happening.
10. ______________ is seen as huge for keeping up physical health including strong weight;
gathering and keeping up sound bones, muscles, and joints; progressing physiological flourishing;
diminishing cautious risks; and invigorating the safe structure.
11. Getting enough ___________________ is crucial for helping an individual keep up perfect
prosperity and flourishing.
12. Lean meats, fish, whole grains, dairy, vegetables, nuts, and seeds moreover are high in
______________________ .
13. They have ________________________ needs, which join things like love and affection, thought
from people who care about them, and the chance to convey.
14. ________________________ is basically the slant you have and your acknowledgment on your
motivation as a person.
15. Teaching messes with poise is a mentioning ____________________.
16. A ensured and secure ____________________ is one in which the people has the chance to look for
after step by step practices unafraid of politically roused, constant, or enormous degree violence.
17. Competence is the ability to achieve something successfully or gainfully.
18. Contaminated water and _____________________ are associated with transmission of diseases,
for instance, cholera, the runs, free guts, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio.
19. _______________ a spot expressly settled as a shielded, passing home for down and out or
mistreated individuals, gave up animals, or others requiring security.
20. Being _________________ infers that the individual appreciates that there may be changes in
plans, things may not go as quick as orchestrated, and there may be a touch of faltering once in a
while concerning the individual getting care.

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