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in a large measure, be restored by at keen prices. If any contractor says

abolishing contracts of the post-costing he can't turn out the goods at the stand-
type entirely. Costing in the engineering ard or scientifically pre-determined price,
industry, if tackled on common-sense there is always Regulation 78, which em-
lines, is relatively simple if only the men powers the Government, after having put
who know are consulted. Years of bar- in a controller, to take over, lock, stock
gaining over piece rates have made every and barrel, any firm which is considered
shop steward an expert. Any junior obstructionist. And there are many
clerk can cost materials. Accumulated workers at the benches and lathes who
experience, if it were only collated and would make as good, if not far better,
used, should by now have made loading managers, individually or collectively,
for overheads almost rule of thumb for than a large proportion of those now
any given type of work. It is possible holding managerial positions. Sufficient
to fix contract prices in advance over testimony is the magnificent equipment
the major part of the field and fix them of the Red Army and Air Force.

Dialectical Materialism
and Modern Science
III.—Quantity and Quality
by J. B. S. HALDANE, F.R.S.
T^HE transformation of quantity into it was gradually pushed off a table, and
quality, and conversely, was regarded it was hoped' that all sudden changes
by Marx and Engels as a fundamental would be explicable in this sort of way.
dialectical process. Marx states one However classical mechanics have been
aspect of it very clearly, when writing unable to explain such simple pheno-
of the relation between small savings mena as the breaking of a bar, or the
and capital. " Here," we read, " as in boiling of a kettle. By explanation I
natural science, is verified the correct- do not, of course, mean merely verbal
ness of the law discovered by Hegel in explanation, but numerical explanation,
his ' Logic' that merely quantitative which would enable us to calculate, say,
changes beyond a certain point pass the boiling point of water from simple
into qualitative differences." Engels properties of hydrogen and oxygen
used the phrase to describe four slightly atoms.
different facts. The " transformation " During the present century it has be-
could either Ije a process actually under- come clear that only some of the laws
gone by a material system, as when the of classical mechanics apply to atoms.
taut rope parts under the pull, or a They apply to large bodies consisting
change found as we pass, in thought or of many billion atoms simply because
perception, along a series of things they are statistical consequences of the
which can exist at the same time, such pooled motion of many atoms. This
as, the paraffins. He also applied it both fact was predicted two thousand years
to gradual changes such as the melting ago in Epicurus' and Lucretius' doctrine
of waxes, which have no definite melting of dinamen, according to which atoms
point, and very sharp ones such as the showed a less regular behaviour than
/nelting of ice. Doubtless a sudden , larger bodies. They do this because,
transformation of an object or system under some circumstances at least,
shows the principle in its sharpest form. motion is only transferred to or from
The mechanics of Galileo and Newton an atom in definite quantities, whereas
were based on the ideas of continuous according to classical mechanics it could
space, time and motion, and the contra- be transferred continuously. In particu-
lar angular momentum, or spin, is only
dictions inherent in the latter, pointed transferred in definite units, or quanta,
out by Zeno and others, were ignored. which are '.:he same for all atomic events.
The classical mechanics could explain An atom can exist in a number of
some sudden changes. For example, it different states, with different spins. And
was clear why a stick suddenly fell when


these states are qualitatively different. qualitative richness of the external world,
An atom with more than the minimum or of a philosopher's or poet's mind, is
spin is liable to give out a flash of light. transformed into quantity at this level.
It is generally more active chemically The change back to quality on the way
than one with less spin, and so on. In inwards is only partly understood. But
fact, the transformation, and what is it depends on thresholds which vary
more, the abrupt transformation, of qualitatively as well as quantitatively.
quantity into quality, is, at least at the Each sensory nerve fibre connects with a
level to which modern physicists have number of cells in the spinal cord or
penetrated, a fundamental property of brain, from which more fibres arise. A
matter. Many continuous changes large number of impulses arriving at
depend on this sharp type of change, and once along fibres from the same part, as
not the other way roiind. when a blow is given, will excite the*
The action of the nervous system, relatively sluggish cells concerned in a
both in sensation and voluntary or reflex reflex action such as withdrawing a limb.
action, is based on the same principle. Even strong stimulation of a single end
Every cell in the nervous or muscular organ in the skin can probably never
system, and very probably every gland start a reflex, and rarely reaches con-
cell, too, has a threshold of excitability, sciousness. Repeated impulses along
that is to say a minimum stimulus which one fibre will stimulate nerve cells which
is needed before it can do anything. do not respond to single stimuli. Simul-
Further, the activity of a cell is seldom taneous impulses from a number will
graded. A muscle fibre contracts stimulate cells which do not res-
with all its available energy; or not at pond to repeated stimuli from one
all. A nerve fibre either does nothing, fibre, and so on. Thus as we travel
or transmits a unit impulse which is no up the central nervous system towards
stronger, and travels no faster, if the the cerebral cortex the nervous activity
stimulus which starts it is greatly in- comes more and more to represent pat-
creased. Graded activity of an organ terns of stimuli in the external world.
is possible by altering the number of And finally in the cerebral cortex the
units, for example muscle fibres con- relevant patterns correspond to material
tracting at any moment, or the frequency objects, words, and so on, so that we
with which each contracts. In the case are directly aware of these, and not of
of a muscle fibre a sufficiently rapid the series of points of pressure or colour,
series of stimuli, each of which would or isolated elements of sound, into which
cause a twitch, lead to a steady contrac- some philosophers have tried to analyse
tion. our perceptions.
On these principles we are beginning The transformation of quantity into
to understand some of the processes in- quality on the way out, involved in
volved in simple sensation. A number of skilled muscular movement, will perhaps
sensory nerves end in knobs which are be easier to investigate, but has been
sensitive to pressure. A very light pres- less studied. This is probably because
sure on such a knob may cause only a physiologists have so far been under
single impulse to travel along the fibre the influence of philosophies which re-
towards the brain. A moderate pressure garded sensation as more important
will cause a series of impulses, at first than action—as indeed it is for a leisured
frequent, then slowing down. A greater class. When we know in detail how the
pressure is translated into a more rapid impulses coming down the arm nerves
series, also slowing down in the end. are translated into skilled hand work we
The same seems to be true for more shall probably obtain many clues to the
complicated sense organs. Our whole converse transformation of quantity into
knowledge of the external world, and quality in the brain.
our whole action on it, depends on the The transformation of quantity into
numbers of nervous impulses going in quality is very clearly shown in the
and out through a few million nerve course of evolution. Suppose the linear
fibres. These impulses are all of the dimensions of an animal to be increased
same nature, chemical changes with ac- 10 times, but its shape unchanged, then,
companying electrical potentials of a its bulk is increased a thousand times,
few millivolts. They do not seem to , but its surface only 100 times. Thus if
differ qualitatively according to whether its chemical changes go on at the same
they are destined to cause sensations of rate, each area of gut must pass in 10
sound ot warmth, pain or pleasure, or times as much food per day, each area
even secretion or motion. The whole of lung or gill 10 times as much oxygen,


and so on. So the animal will only be the human sense organs. The threshold
able to live'an active life if the area.of is best measured-as partial pressure.
the gut is increased by coiling it, throw- Hydrogen sulphide is first smelt at a
ing its surface into numerous projections, pressure of about a millionth of an at-
and so on. Similarly the gills and lungs mosphere, carbon dioxide first tasted at
must become more complex, the circu- _ a pressure of about a fifth. It is obvious
lation must become more efficient, and that a gas such as oxygen, which has no
so on. In fact, it is probably truer to say smell or taste when breathed pure at a
that the most advanced animals are com- pressure of one atmosphere, may yet
plicated because they are large, than that be perceptible at higher pressures.
they are large because they are compli- It was not, however, obvious to a
cated. number of scientists who had been at a
Many more examples might be given, pressure of six atmospheres, correspond-
but I will end on a personal note. It is ing to 170 feet of sea water, because they
often said that Marxism is somewhat of recognized the transformation of quan-
a pose in scientists who adopt it, and tity into quality in special cases, but not
does not influence their research. Dur- as a general principle, or believed in the
ing the nineteenth century it was found " lesser reality,'' to use a phrase of
that many gases could be liquefied by Lenin's, of smell and taste as compared
cold, and Engels, among others, pre- with shape and rigidity. So I was the
dicted that a quantitative change of tem- first person to taste oxygen. At six
perature would lead to a sharp qualita- atmospheres' pressure it tastes like rather
tive change of state in all of them. How- fiat ginger beer. At higher pressures it
ever scientists, whether or not they are may perhaps develop a smell. This
materialists, were almost all unduly simple example shows that the law of
mechanistic. Qualities such as taste or the transformation of quantity into
smell were thought less real than quan- quality is not merely a convenient sum-
titatively measurable characters such ns mary of a number of previously dis-
density. Now a gas such as _ hydrogen covered facts (though both the quantum
sulphide with a strong smell, or carbon theory and the thresholds of nerve cells
dioxide with a strong taste, is inodorous were discovered after Engels' death) but
and tasteless until it reaches a certain a living and fruitful guide to actual
concentration, which is the threshold for scientific discovery.


The Red Army and the Finnish

The Red Army Moves. By Geoffrey Cox. Cox, like the prophet Balaam, sets out
(Gollancz. 16/-). to curse, but is constrained to bless. That
The Soviet-Finnish Campaign. By Major A. is (Ke value of the book. With a certain
S. Hooper. (Colletts' 3d.). naivete he first blurts out all the usual alle-
How often in discussing the chances of the gations and then finds himself contradicting
Red Army in the present war one is con- them. Thus he sets out to describe the brutal
fronted with such a question as: "Well. and deliberate bombing of civilians in
how was it they did so badly in Finland? " Helsinki, as if he himself really believed it,
The general impression of Soviet military but after stating the facts, with an honesty
weakness, for which the reporting of that and objectivity which is one of the best fea-
campaign was responsible, has had a con- tures of the bpok, he concludes: " It was
siderable political effect in the past twelve not an example of indiscriminate bombing.
months. While many people had from one There was no careless scattering of bombs
source or another obtained facts to refute regardless of targets. Nor was there any
the usual libels, we have now for the first deliberate attempt to sow them in a purely
time just the comprehensive evidence we civilian area." He goes on to say that the
have wanted most. Firstly in Major absence of further air raid casualties in
Hooper's excellent conspectus of the cam- Helsinki may have been due to the excellent
paign, and secondly in Geoffrey Cox's much shelters or to the feet that there were no
fuller treatment, written though it is from more raids on the city itself, he is not quite
a somewhat hostile point of view. sure which!



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