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Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)

Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released


Excavation over areas / foundation trenches below excavated pit level
Earth work in excavation in foundation/ over area all kind of soils as met at
site in foundation trenches including dressing of sides and ramming of
bottoms, dewatering, bailing, pumping out or otherwise removing all water
25.1.1 which may accumulate in the excavation from all causes, for all lifts & leads Cum. 65.01 129.00 129.00 100.00 59.67 59.67 7,696.86
including getting out the excavated soil for all leads / lifts/depth and
Disposal of excavated earth as suitable areas inside the premises as
Directed by by Engineer- in –Charge

1.2 Earth Filling

Filling with selected, suitable excavated earth in plinths, back of retaining
walls, foundations and trenches and other locations as directed by the Engg-
in-Charge and shall be done in layers, not exceeding 20cm in depth and
consolidating each deposited layer by mechanical means, ramming and
watering as per specifications including transportation, loading, unloading,
100.A1.3 carriage to dumping spot and all incidentals at all depth, levels, leads and cum. 65.01 94.00 94.00 100.00
lifts complete. (Net consolidated area fill volume will be computed from the
initial and final levels. Volume in slopes, embankments etc. will be computed
applying appropriate formula, as per CPWD specification). Note:- filling shall
be done with the available excavated earth done by the vendor or with the
earth supplied by the client.

1.5 Sand Filling

Supplying and Filling in plinth, under floor, above RCC raft in basement and 8,85,460.14
all other locations with fine sand including ramming, watering, consolidating
100.3.1 cum. 900.00 992.00 992.00 100.00 892.60 892.60 8,85,460.14
and dressing complete as per specification and as directed by the Engg-in-

1.6 100.4.3 Brick bat filling

Providing and filling broken brick bats including filling with dry sand , properly 4,85,719.90
Cum. 200.00 2,455.00 2,455.00 100.00 197.85 197.85 4,85,719.90
conpacted and levelled in different location like pit etc .


(Rates for all cement concrete items plain and reinforced described below
shall include work from lowest Basement to top of last roof including roof of
machine room, mumty and parapets above. This section covers cast in situ
structural and architectural as well as precast structural and architectural
(Reinforcement steel and Cement shall be supplied by the owner free
of cost.)

2.1.3 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm and 20,18,138.76
101.1.5 cum 536.03 3,966.00 3,966.00 100.00 508.86 508.86 20,18,138.76
down gauge)

2.3 Cast - in - place concrete

Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and
machine vibrated design mix cement concrete of M-25 gradeusing Fly
ash for reinforced cement concrete structural elements, excluding the cost
of centring, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement steel but including
admixture in recommended proportion (as per IS: 9103) to accelerate, retard
setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and
durability, cost of making shear keys and provision of construction /
contraction / control joints in various locations, laid, consolidated and cured,
item to include all structural items like base raft, ramp, column, wall, footings,
equipment foundations, fins, mullions, beams, lintels, pergola, chajja, facia,
parapet, railing, slab, trenches, drains and sumps etc. of any shape and
sizes. (The rates of concrete to include the cost of admixtures / plasticisers
to achieve specified strength and to facilitate pumpable concrete.The quoted
rates are for all height,depths,leads and lifts. Cost of transportation of fly
ash also to be included in the quoted rate).

a Fondation raft, footings, bases of columns,plinth beams,raft beams,

grade/stitch slab etc.
b Columns , Pillers,piers,abutments, posts and struts,O.H.water tank walls,lift 46,243.56
101.5.2 Cum. 13.79 3,966.00 3,966.00 100.00 11.66 11.66 46,243.56
walls etc.
c Retaining Wall(any thickness), pits and ramp wall,Pump house wall,W.T.wall 5,39,217.36
101.5.3 Cum. 143.36 3,966.00 3,966.00 100.00 135.96 135.96 5,39,217.36
d 101.5.4 Lintels, Beams, bands etc. Cum. 14.00 3,966.00 3,966.00 100.00 8.03 8.03 31,830.38 31,830.38

Ishita Construction Page 1 of 11 For RDL Billing

Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

e 79,320.00
Suspended slab, Roof , loft slab, chajja, stairs waist slab and landings
101.5.5 Cum. 20.00 3,966.00 3,966.00 100.00 20.00 20.00 79,320.00
,shelves,counters,suspended slab of tank,cantilever projections etc.

f 2,60,727.62
101.5.6 vertical and horizontal fins, facias,planters,copings,cills,parapets,pergolas Cum. 62.45 4,249.00 4,249.00 100.00 61.36 61.36 2,60,727.62

2.5 Centring and shuttering

Approved Marine plywood or 3mm thick steel plate shuttering and centring
for structural concrete work in locations called for including strutting,
propping, bracing, bolting, wedging, casing, striking, removal etc. complete
for any size, section, thickness. Props shall consist of well designed steel
pipes adequately braced (wooden ballies as props shall not be permitted).
The item to include centering and shuttering at all heights and levels.

Allow for forming grooves, drip course, chamfers, cut-outs, openings etc.
where called for and for dressing with approved shuttering oil to prevent
adhesion. Unexposed concrete surfaces subsequently left untreated (in the
condition obtained on removal of form work) shall not constitute exposed
concrete work and shall be measured under this item only. Irregular shapes
with sides which may not be perpendicular to each other for shapes not
conforming to rectangle or square shall not be paid separately.The item to
include centering and shuttering at all heights and levels. (quoted rate to
include all staging upto 3.5 m heights and levels).

a. Fondation raft, footings, bases of columns,plinth beams,raft beams, grade

sqm RO 519.00 519.00 100.00
slab etc.

b. Retaining Wall(any thickness), pits and ramp wall,Pump house wall,W.T.wall

102.1.8 sqm RO 519.00 519.00 100.00

c. 6,74,793.42
Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies, stairs and landings,
102.2.3 slabs of water tank, ramp slabs , Lintels, beams, floor beams, girders, sqm 1,324.72 519.00 519.00 100.00 1,300.18 1,300.18 6,74,793.42
cantilever beams, deep beams, ramp beams, bridge etc.

d. Columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and struts, off sets & 98,964.61
102.2.4 projection of columns, transfer columns, lift walls, O.H.water tank sqm 216.91 519.00 519.00 100.00 190.68 190.68 98,964.61
walls, etc.

e. 102.2.5 Shelves in kitchen/ pantries and toilets etc sqm 405.41 567.00 567.00 100.00 399.95 399.95 2,26,771.65 2,26,771.65

f. Parapets, Planters, vertical and horizontal fins, balcony facias, 92,235.42

102.2.6 projections, pergolas as per the shape and profiles indicated in the sqm 187.00 567.00 567.00 100.00 162.67 162.67 92,235.42

Extra for every additional height of one (01) meter beyond 3.5 m height
in centering, shuttering where ever required with adequate bracing,
sqm. RO 75.00 75.00
proppling etc. including cost of de-shuttering and de-centering at all
levels for (plan area to be measured only for a minimum height of 8mtr).

2.6 Reinforcement steel

2.6.1 Reinforcement/Rebar (for RCC work) thermo-mechenically treated

bars/TOR - straightening, cutting, bending and placing in position duly
bound/welded/fixed in position all complete.
103.3.1 MT 35.00 9,915.00 9,915.00 100.00 32.65 32.65 3,23,724.75 3,23,768.58
Note: Reinforcement steel, threading of rebars and couplers shall be
supplied by the owner Free of cost and the rate shall be considered for New
items only.)


(Quoted Rates are for all heights, depths, levels, leads and lifts.)

3.2 106.1.2 sub Brick work in superstructure

Providing and constructing brick masonry of thickness 230 mm and 28,29,735.83
above in super structure for any shapes, fins, projections, in shafts
using selected quality burnt clay FPS bricks of class designation 75 laid in
106.1.2 sub cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement :6 coarse sand) mix, joints finished, flush/ cum 592.70 4,859.00 4,859.00 100.00 582.37 582.37 28,29,735.83
raked to 6mm depth including scaffolding, curing complete as per
specification and drawing or as directed by Engg-in-Charge.( Basic Rate Rs.
4500/1000No. Including all Tax)

3.3 106.1.3 Half brick work

Ishita Construction Page 2 of 11 For RDL Billing

Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

Providing and constructing half brick masonry using selected quality
burnt clay FPS brick of class designation 75 in super structure laid in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) mix, joints finished, flush
106.1.3 / raked to 6mm depth as directed by Engg-in-Charge including sqm 2,002.00 755.00 755.00 100.00 1,984.30 1,984.30 14,98,146.50
providing and placing 2 Nos. 6mm dia. M.S. bars at every third course of
half brick masonry, scaffolding, curing, complete as per specification and
drawing or as directed by Engg-in-Charge.

3.4 Brick work 7cm thick with FPS bricks of class designation 75 in 46,336.24
106.1.4 sqm 61.37 755.00 755.00 100.00 61.37 61.37 46,336.24
cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand)

3.5 Brick work in staircase steps.

Providing and constructing brickwork in staircase steps using selected

quality burnt clay FPS bricks of class designation 75 in cement mortar
106.1.5 cum 40.00 5,194.00 5,194.00 100.00 35.92 35.92 1,86,592.89 1,86,592.89
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) at all heights and levels including cutting,
chamfering, scaffolding, curing, etc. complete as per specification.


4.1 107.1.1 Tapecrete water proofing

Providing, applying & testing water proofing treatment of RCC sunken

slabs (toilets etc) comprising of the following operations.

Cleaning RCC surfaces and plastering of RCC and brick wall surface
with 12mm cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) mixed with
CICO or equivalent admixture as per manufacturer's specifications.

Three coats of tapecrete - (first layer of tapecrete to be @ 0.253kg/ sqm, the

second & third layer to be @ 0.126kg/ sqm) each admixed with grey cement
over a coat of neat cement slurry admixed with chemical CH - 9 and sealing
all corners, joints, junction of pipes and masonry etc. with Epoxy putty all
complete as per manufacturer's specification and drawing.
12mm thick protective plaster 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) over 0.00
107.1.1 treated surface etc. complete. (Quoted rate to include grouting of RCC sqm 2,556.30 321.00 288.90 90.00 2,556.30 2,556.30 7,38,515.07 7,38,515.07
surface for any cracks/ fissures)
After testing 16.05 5.00 2,556.30 0.00 2,556.30 41,028.62 0.00 41,028.62
Hand over 16.05 5.00 2,556.30 41,028.62

4.2 Brick bat coba waterproofing

(A) Providing and laying water proofing treatment for terrace with the
following including cleaning the RCC slab top surface.

Providing on top of slab surface cement slurry mixed with water

proofing compound thereafter providing cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :
4 coarse sand) 20mm thick with polymer based water proofing compound
and layer of new half broken bricks (coba) giving gaps of 15-20mm between
broken bricks, providing necessary gradient for proper flow of water and
providing cement slurry with water proofing compound spread over brick bat
coba in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) with water proofing
107.1.2 sqm 1,066.54 567.00 510.30 90.00 1,066.54 1,066.54 5,44,255.96 5,44,255.96
compound filled in gaps of broken bricks and 20mm plaster in cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) mixed with polymer based water proofing
compound, top finished smooth with neat cement and providing rope
chequers including extending the water proof plaster 300mm on vertical
surfaces with necessary chasing / treating of walls including providing and
making gola as per drawing etc. Average thickness of the brick bat coba to
be 125mm (Plan area will be measured and paid).

After testing 28.35 5.00 1,066.54 1,066.54 30,236.44 30,236.44

Hand over 28.35 5.00 1,050.00 16.54 1,066.54 29,767.50 468.94 30,236.44

4.9 Injection Waterproofing

Providing and applying Injection water proofing treatment for basement,

under ground tank and other RCC structure with the following operations


Ishita Construction Page 3 of 11 For RDL Billing

Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

Providing and laying water proofing treatment by chemical injection

grout process in water tank (Under ground and Over head) or other
areas using 20 mm dia MS nozzles of minimum 25mm deep in walls
placed and fixed @1.2m distance in both direction in the wall and @
0.75m c/c along construction joints, consisting of injecting cement
slurries of different viscositites under pressure by pump using acrylic
107.1.10 based water proofing chemical mixed with neat cement slurry and sealing off sqm 190.00 448.00 403.20 90.00 189.76 189.76 76,512.43 76,512.43
nozzles after the injection operation with suitable admixture including
providing and applying two coats of acrylic based water proofing chemical
mixed with neat cement slurry as per manufacturers specifications and
providing 12-15mm thick neat finished cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand) added with acrylic based water proofing chemical as per
manufacturers specification and direction of the Engg-in-Charge.

After testing 22.40 5.00 189.76 189.76 4,250.69 4,250.69

Hand over 22.40 5.00 189.76 4,250.69


Providing and layinjg water proofing treatment by chemical injection
grout process on base of under ground water tank or other area as per
specifications comprising of two layers of Cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 coarse sand) (each layer of 12 mm thick) mixed with
107.1.11 Acrylica water prooofing compound, providing and fixing 20 mm pipe sqm 70.00 378.00 340.20 90.00 69.46 69.46 23,631.55 23,631.55
sleeves at 1.2m C/C and grouting acrylic based water proofing
chemical mixed with neat cement slurry through the pipes with, complete
with cutting & sealing of the pipes as per specification and direction of
Project Manager.
After testing 18.90 5.00 69.46 69.46 1,312.86 1,312.86
Hand over 18.90 5.00 69.46 1,312.86


(Quoted Rates are for all heights, depths, levels, leads and lifts)
5.1 Door frame

Fixing in position of wooden door frame(App. Size-65x125 mm )
including cutting the masonary of size 300x100x150 mm. and the cost of
40x5 mm flat iron holdfast 400 mm long embedding in concrete blocks
300x100x150 mm in cement concrete 1:3:6 as directed. The item includes
108.2.1 providing and fixing beading, applying anti termite wood preservative paint No 163.00 1,180.00 1,180.00 100.00 163.00 163.00 1,92,340.00 1,92,340.00
on the surface coming in contact with wall,chasing,priming coat and two coat
of painting complete.(Only wooden frame will be supplied by Owner free of
cost. All other activities and works in the scope of contractor including
labours and materials).

Providing and Fixing in position of wooden door frame(App. Size-65x125
mm ) including cutting the masonary of size 300x100x150 mm. and the cost
of 40x5 mm flat iron holdfast 400 mm long embedding in concrete blocks
300x100x150 mm in cement concrete 1:3:6 as directed. The item includes
108.2.2 No 18.00 5,005.00 4,504.50 90.00 18.00 18.00 81,081.00 81,081.00
providing and fixing beading, applying anti termite wood preservative paint
on the surface coming in contact with wall,chasing,priming coat and two coat
of painting complete.(Basic Rate of pre-fabricted seasoned wooden door
frame for standard size - 2.1m x 1.0m = Rs. 2950 each).

After complition 500.50 10.00 18.00 18.00 9,009.00 9,009.00

Providing and fixing panelled or panelled and glazed door shutter fixed
with ISI marked black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws
108.2.4 etc.including providing and fixing,beading,moulding,priming and two coat of Sqm. 1,700.00 3,777.00
polishing complete.(Basic rate of pre abricated paneelled door shutter = Rs.
1883 sqm ).

Sqm. 3,210.45 85.00 1,466.45 0.00 1,466.45 47,07,971.47 47,07,971.47

After painting one coat 188.85 5.00 1,466.45 0.00 1,466.45 2,76,939.50 2,76,939.50
377.70 10.00 1,466.45 5,53,879.00

5.6 Providing and fixing brush finished stainless steel hanging type floor
112.1.15 Each. 1,000.00 307.00 260.95 85.00 468.00 468.00 1,22,124.60 1,22,124.60
door stopper with necessary screws etc. complete.
108.2.11 After complition 30.70 10.00 468.00 468.00 14,367.60 14,367.60
15.35 5.00 468.00 7,183.80
5.8 Providing and fixing of Magic eye of approved make including screws and
108.2.13 Each 90.00 179.00 179.00 100.00 90.00 90.00 16,110.00 16,110.00
all necessary accessories etc. complete.

6.1 Wall plaster
6.1.1 Internal surface

Ishita Construction Page 4 of 11 For RDL Billing

Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

Providing and applying 12 to 15mm thick plaster to masonry and RCC

walls, columns etc. in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 fine and coarse sand
109.1.6 in equal proportion) finished smooth including hacking the surfaces, sqm 18,784.47 165.00 165.00 100.00 18,343.89 18,343.89 30,26,742.26 30,26,742.26
scaffolding, curing, making grooves at desired location etc. complete as per

6.1.3 20 mm cement plaster in two layer

Providing and applying 20 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer

12 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) finished with a
top layer 8mm thick cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement :6 fine sand) including
109.1.8 sqm 12,743.52 354.00 354.00 100.00 12,648.51 12,648.51 44,77,573.25 44,77,573.25
making of grooves, bands, drip coarse as shown in drawing, scaffolding,
curing, providing & mixing water proofing compound (CICO or equivalent) in
both layers as per manufacturer specification etc. complete as per drawing.

6.2 6 mm plaster
Providing and applying 6 mm thick plaster to RCC surface and ceiling in
cement mortar 1:`3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand ) finished smooth including
109.1.9 sqm 5,000.00 165.00 165.00 100.00 4,424.60 4,424.60 7,30,058.48 7,30,058.48
hacking the surfaces, scaffolding, curing, making grooves at desired location
etc. complete as per drawing.

6.3 Waterproof plaster

12mm cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) including mixing
109.1.10 water proofing compound (CICO`or equivalent) as per manufacturers sqm 360.00 179.00 161.10 90.00 360.00 360.00 57,996.00 57,996.00
specification and with a floating coat of neat cement.
After testing 8.95 5.00 360.00 360.00 3,222.00 3,222.00
8.95 5.00 360.00 3,222.00
7.2 Steel work
Providing and fixing in position railing (staircase, balcony, boundary wall
or wherever required) or any other architectural feature made of MS
Pipe, MS square bars/ tube, MS flats welded as per drawing including
bending to profile as per drawing, grinding, cutting holes in RCC / Stone
Kg 23,332.07 94.00
work, grouting the balustrades in position, providing & fixing MS/ Brass
shoes wherever required etc. complete including providing two coats of red
oxide primer and three or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved
make & shade.

111.1.2 for fixing Kg 84.60 90.00 16,523.80 16,523.80 13,97,913.34 13,97,913.34

one coat paint 4.70 5.00 16,523.80 16,523.80 77,661.85 77,661.85
4.70 5.00 16,523.80 77,661.85
7.2.2 Providing, fabricating and fixing in position gratings, drain cover, ladder,
angle iron, column guards, foot rests, etc. made of MS pipes, MS
square bars/ tubes, MS flats etc. including bending as per drawing,
welding, grinding, all necessary fixing arrangement, two coats of approved
red oxide primer and three or more coats of synthetic enamel paint etc.
complete as shown in the drawing.

a 111.1.3 With Mild steel kg 13,575.13 85.00 85.00

for fixing Kg 76.50 90.00 13,575.13 13,575.13 10,38,497.30 10,38,497.30
one coat paint 4.25 5.00 13,575.13 13,575.13 57,694.29 57,694.29
4.25 5.00 13,575.13 57,694.29
7.3 Puddle flanges

Providing and fixing 600mm long hot dipped galvanised iron puddle
flange for water tank as per IS :1239 (Class C), threaded on both side and
6mm thick M.S. plate of suitable size and welded alround the pipe fixed in
walls, beams and top slab of tank as per detail complete in all respects.

7.3.4 111.1.7 50 mm dia each 3.00 1,416.00 1,416.00 100.00 3.00 3.00 4,248.00 4,248.00

7.3.5 111.1.8 80 mm dia each 24.00 1,605.00 1,605.00 100.00 24.00 24.00 38,520.00 38,520.00

7.3.6 111.1.9 150 mm dia each 3.00 3,022.00 3,022.00 100.00 3.00 3.00 9,066.00 9,066.00


Dismantling of brick work in cement mortar, (full brick) with plaster on
115.1.1 both sides stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable cum. 35.94 1,416.00 1,416.00 100.00 29.17 29.17 41,302.09 41,302.09
material to dumping area as directed by Engg-in-Charge.

Dismantling of brick work in cement mortar, (half brick) with plaster on
115.1.2 both sides stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable sqm 69.70 189.00 189.00 100.00 69.70 69.70 13,173.21 13,173.21
material to dumping area as directed by the Engg-in-Charge.

Ishita Construction Page 5 of 11 For RDL Billing

Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

8.5 Dismantling of RCC works in beams, columns, slabs etc. including sub-
base, cutting and removal of reinforce-ment, stacking of serviceable
115.1.3 cum 28.00 7,082.00 7,082.00 100.00 26.84 26.84 1,90,110.77 1,90,110.77
material and disposal of unserviceable material to dumping area as directed
by the Engg-in-Charge.

8.6 Chipping of Plaster/ Brick work and disposal of malba out side the
115.1.4 sqm 70.00 70.00 70.00 100.00 26.55 26.55 1,858.64 1,858.64
premises as directed by the Engg-in-Charge.

S. No. Description Unit

1.1 IPS Floor

Providing and laying Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (1cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate of 12.5mm nominal size) in flooring including
4 mm thick PVC strips of required size at 1.2 m c/c both ways and part
there off as required and finished with a floating coat of neat cement
including cement slurry etc. complete in true lines and level as per
1.1.1 50 mm thick (average) sqm
1.1.2 108.1.41 40 mm thick (average) sqm 1,908.00 283.00 283.00 100.00 1,908.10 1,908.10 5,39,991.99 5,39,991.99

1.2 Cement plaster skirting / risers/ dados / platforms.

Providing and laying 18 mm thick Cement plaster with cement mortar 1:3
108.1.43 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement as sqm 1,300.00 198.00 198.00 100.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 2,57,399.90 2,57,399.90
per drawing and design.
Glazed tile
Providing and fixing 1st quality glazed ceramic tiles conforming to IS
:13753 of minimum thickness 5 mm of any sizes and in all colours and
shades as approved by Engg-in-Charge on 20 mm thick bed of cement
plaster 1:4 (1 cement:4 coarse sand) including pointing thejoints with white
cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete in all respect as per
drawings.(Tiles will be supplied by owner free of cost)

In skirting /dado etc sqm. 6,331.41 519.00 519.00

sqm. 467.10 90.00 6,331.40 6,331.40 29,57,398.42 29,57,398.42
PART RATE RELEASE 51.90 10.00 6,331.40 3,28,599.82
Providing and fixing 1st quality glazed ceramic tiles conforming to IS
:13753 of minimum thickness 5 mm of any sizes and in all colours and
shades as approved by Engg-in-Charge on 20 mm thick bed of cement
plaster 1:4 (1 cement:4 coarse sand) including pointing thejoints with
white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete in all
respect as per drawings.( Tiles will be supplied by Owner free of cost)

In Floor sqm. 4,200.00 378.00 378.00

In Floor sqm. 340.20 90.00 4,105.20 4,105.20 13,96,588.70 13,96,588.70
part rate release 37.80 10.00 4,105.20 1,55,176.52
Vitrified tile
Providing and fixing 1st quality vitrified tiles of minimum thickness
8mm to 10 mm of any sizes and in all colours and shades as approved
by Engg-in-Charge on 12 mm thick bed of cement morter 1:4 (1
cement:4 coarse sand) including pointing and grouting the joints with
white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete in all
respect as per drawings.(Tiles will be supplied by Owner free of cost)

In Skirting sqm. 153.64 486.00 437.40 90.00

Providing and fixing 1st quality vitrified tiles of minimum thickness
8mm to 10 mm of any sizes and in all colours and shades as approved
by Engg-in-Charge on 20mm thick bed of cement morter 1:4 (1
cement:4 coarse sand) including pointing and grouting the joints with
white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete in all
respect as per drawings.(Tiles will be supplied by Owner free of cost)

In Flooring sqm. 1,584.32 486.00 486.00

In Flooring sqm. 437.40 90.00 1,551.20 1,551.20 6,78,493.73 6,78,493.73
part rate release 48.60 10.00 1,551.20 75,388.19

Ishita Construction Page 6 of 11 For RDL Billing

Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

Providing and fixing 1st quality vitrified tiles of minimum thickness
8mm to 10 mm of any sizes and in all colours and shades as approved
by Engg-in-Charge on 12 mm thick bed of cement morter 1:4 (1
cement:4 coarse sand) including pointing and grouting the joints with
white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete in all
respect as per drawings.(Tiles will be supplied by Owner free of cost)

In Skirting sqm. 153.64 486.00 486.00

In Skirting sqm. 437.40 90.00 116.50 116.50 50,958.57 50,958.57
48.60 10.00 116.50 5,662.06

Providing and Fixing 18 mm thick granite stone (Full size/single piece is
to be used. sample of granite stone shall be approved by Engg-in-
Charge)in flooring, lift lobby walls,corridor walls,counters of toilet
etc,.including rubbing and curing,cutting the stone for sink&
washbasin as per required shape and size etc complete. over 20mm
thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) laid and
jointed with white cement slurry mixed with pigment including rubbing and
polishing complete at all levels with :

1.6.1 Granite stone with approved shade and size on sink & toilet counter
108.1.54 Sqm. 2,100.00 3,258.00 3,258.00
(Basic rate of stone =Rs.125/sft)
FLOORING WORK Sqm. 2,932.20 90.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 61,57,623.74 61,57,623.74
After complition 162.90 5.00 1,085.00 1,015.00 2,100.00 1,76,746.50 1,65,343.71 3,42,090.21
162.90 5.00 2,100.00 3,42,090.21
1.6.2 Granite stone with approved shade and size in lift lobby wall (Basic
108.1.55 Sqm. 191.37 3,258.00 3,258.00
rate of stone =Rs.125/sft)
skirting Sqm. 2,932.20 90.00 191.37 191.37 5,61,132.18 5,61,132.18
PART RATE RELEASE 162.90 5.00 191.37 191.37 31,174.01 31,174.01
162.90 5.00 191.37 31,174.01
1.9 Extra for providing edge moulding ( half) to 18 mm thick marble/Granite
stone counters,vanities etc. over item no.1.8 & 1.11 including machine
polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc complete as per design
approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
1.9.1 Granite work/Marble work metre 2,739.23 165.00 148.50 90.00 2,459.23 2,459.23 3,65,194.91 3,65,194.91
After complition 8.25 5.00 2,459.23 2,459.23 20,288.61 20,288.61
8.25 5.00 2,459.23 20,288.61
Extra for providing full (all round) edge moulding to 18 mm thick
marble/Granite stone counters,vanities etc. over item no.1.7 & 1.8
including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc
complete as per design approved by Engineer-in-Charge.

1.10.1 Granite work/Marble work metre 343.40 189.00 170.10 90.00 343.40 343.40 58,412.34 58,412.34
After complition 18.90 10.00 343.40 6,490.26

1.12 Vaccum dewatering Tremix Flooring

Providing and laying 75 mm thick (average thickness) cement concrete
of grade 1:2:4 Tremix Flooring with vaccum dewatering system (
TREMIX)in required patterns and slope/gradient using power trowels (both
fan & disc) of standard make and with necessary centering and
108.1.70 sqm 4,501.89 449.00 426.55 95.00 4,499.60 4,499.60 19,19,306.25 19,19,306.25
shuttering,broom finishing,curing etc. for all lift and leads complete as per
specification and drawing and direction of Engg-in-Charge.The Tremix
concrete flooring includes preparation of base by hacking,brooming and
proper cleaning of sub-base etc.

After complition sqm 22.45 5.00 4,499.60 4,499.60 1,01,016.12 1,01,016.12

Providing and laying 25 mm thick kota sotne in flooring,steps,riser of of
steps & skirting with 130 mm wide-12 mm thick white marble strip as
per design for marble/stone work,over 25 thick base cement mortar
1:3(Cement:3 Coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed sqm 990.26 1,464.00 1,464.00
with pigment to march the sahde of the slabs/marble,araldite including
making nosing,rubbing and polishing complete as per design
Engineer-in- charge)

108.1.110 After fixing sqm 1,244.40 85.00 990.26 990.26 12,32,278.30 12,32,278.30
after rubbing 73.20 5.00 990.26 990.26 72,486.96 72,486.96
after rubbing 73.20 5.00 990.26 990.26 72,486.96 72,486.96
2.1 P.O.P.punning 73.20 5.00 990.26 72,486.96

Providing and applying plaster of paris( superfine quality ) punning with

minimum thickness of 6 mm and finish the surface smooth in line and level to the
109.2.4 sqm 1,350.00 236.00 100.00 216.00 216.00 50,976.00 50,976.00
entire satisfaction of Architect and Engg-in-Charge complete as per drawing.

435.00 1,02,660.00


Ishita Construction Page 7 of 11 For RDL Billing

Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

Providing and making decorative plaster of paris (superfine quality )

cornice (cast in situ ) moulding in the required profile and smooth in line
and level to the entire satisfaction of Architect and Engg-in-Charge complete
as per design and drawing.
Size of cornice :-
(a) 75 x 75 mm Rmt 8,520.98 142.00 142.00
Rmt 134.90 95.00 8,520.98 8,520.98 11,49,480.47 11,49,480.47
7.10 5.00 8,520.98 60,498.97

2.3.1 Emulsion paint

Providing and applying two coats of approved external paint over one
coat of cement primer of approved brand on new surface to give an
even shade with exterior Emulsion paints of Asian paints make Apex-
Ultima or equivalent of approved shade over existing plastered wall and
110.1.13 other surfaces including preparing the surface, making good the damaged sqm 3,036.80 279.00 209.25 75.00 2,858.43 2,858.43 5,98,125.64 5,98,125.64
and rough surface smooth,minor repairs,sealing of cracks with cement slurry
and cleaning of doors,windows,ventilators,washing the sorrounding after
completion of work including cost of all materials,labours etc. complete as
per manufacturer's specification and as approved by the Engg-in-Charge.

1st Coat Paint 27.90 10.00 1,858.00 1,000.43 2,858.43 51,838.20 27,911.89 79,750.09
41.85 15.00 2,858.43 1,19,625.13
2.3.2 Texture paint

Providing and applying two or more coats of texture paint(Asian paint)

on wall surfaces over a coat of primer including surface
110.1.14 preparation,scaffolding etc. complete as per manufacturers specificaton sqm 20,829.19 260.00 260.00
and top surface finished as per requirement of Architect and Engg-in-
Charge. ( Basic Rate Rs. 100/Sqm)
Primer sqm 20,829.19 65.00 25.00 20,829.19 20,829.19 13,53,897.54 13,53,897.54
Texture paint sqm 20,829.19 91.00 35.00 17,828.34 3,000.85 20,829.19 16,22,378.94 2,73,077.61 18,95,456.55
1st Coat Paint sqm 20,829.19 39.00 15.00 14,765.34 6,063.85 20,829.19 5,75,848.26 2,36,490.26 8,12,338.52
Final Coat 13.00 5.00 20,829.19 20,829.19 2,70,779.51 2,70,779.51
2.4 Internal paint 52.00 20.00 20,829.19 10,83,118.03
2.4.1 Plastic Emulsion paint

Providing and applying two or more coats of plastic emulsion paint of

approved brand and manufacturer (Asian paint make) on new surface
110.1.4 to give an even shade on wall and ceiling surfaces complete including sqm 27,000.00 156.00 156.00
cost of all materials,labours etc. as per manufacturer's specification and as
approved by the Engg-in-Charge.

Primer sqm 27,000.00 54.60 35.00 27,000.00 0.00 27,000.00 14,74,199.98 14,74,199.98
1st Coat Paint sqm 27,000.00 31.20 20.00 27,000.00 0.00 27,000.00 8,42,399.99 8,42,399.99
sqm 27,000.00 31.20 20.00 27,000.00 0.00 27,000.00 8,42,399.99 8,42,399.99
Final Coat sqm 27,000.00 15.60 10.00 1,489.50 25,510.50 27,000.00 23,236.20 3,97,963.79 4,21,199.99
23.40 15.00 27,000.00 6,31,799.99
2.4.3 O.B.D.

Providing and applying Acrylic washable distemper paint two coats with
approved paint from Acrylic Tractor distemper of Asian Paints/ Bison
Acrylic Distemper of Berger Paints/ ICI Maxilite Acrylic distemper of ICI
Dulux make and approved shade over the new surface of ceiling. Item
includes following jobs. 1. Carrying out minor repairs including sealing cracks
with cement or putty as instructed by Engineer 2. Applying one coat of
acrylic putty of approved brand 4. Making the surface smooth by sand paper
110.1.8 etc. 5. Applying one coat of primer of suitable quality of approved brand. 6. sqm 15,430.00 123.00 123.00
Applying Two coats of Acrylic washable distemper. Item includes scaffolding;
making good the damaged and rough surfaces smooth; cleaning of dirt;
removal of old mortar drippings wherever required; preparation of surface;
cleaning doors, windows, ventilators, etc. after completion of work. Item also
includes cost of all materials, labour, tools and tackles etc. complete. All
material shall be applied as per manufacturer’s specification and as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge.

primer 86.10 70.00 15,091.70 0.00 15,091.70 12,99,395.72 12,99,395.72

putty 12.30 10.00 15,091.70 0.00 15,091.70 1,85,627.96 1,85,627.96
1st Coat 6.15 5.00 15,091.70 15,091.70 92,813.98 92,813.98
18.45 15.00 15,091.70 2,78,441.94
2.4.4 White Wash
Providing and applying three or more coats of white wash on internal
wall and ceiling to give an even shade including primer and preparation of
110.1.2 sqm. 11,938.77 30.00 30.00
surfaces, along with sand papering wherever required, scaffolding, mixing of
indigo blue and DDL etc. complete.
1ST &2nd Coat sqm. 11,938.77 21.00 70.00 11,938.77 11,938.77 2,50,714.21 2,50,714.21
3rd coat 6.00 20.00 11,938.77 11,938.77 71,632.63 71,632.63
3.00 10.00 11,938.77 35,816.32
Ishita Construction Page 8 of 11 For RDL Billing
Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

3.0 Aluminium work

Providing and fixing anodised aluminium wok for
windows,doors,ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard
tubular and other sections of approved make confirming to IS : 733 and IS
:1285 (minimum anodic coating of grade AC15), fixed with rawl plugs and
screws or with fixing clips,or with expansion hold fastners including
necessary filling up of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides with
required PVC/neoprene felt etc.Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust
free, straight,mitred and jointed mechanically whereever required including
cleat angle,aluminium snap beading for glazing/panelling,C.P.
brass/stainless steel screws,all complete as per architectural drawings and
the direction of Engg-in-Charge.(Glazing and panelling to be paid for

a. For fixed portion Kg 9,500.00 397.00 397.00

After fixing Kg 337.45 85.00 8,489.58 8,489.58 28,64,807.40 28,64,807.40
after hardware fixing Kg 37.52 9.45 8,489.58 8,489.58 3,18,499.18 3,18,499.18
Kg 22.03 5.55 8,489.58 1,87,055.07

For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and
112.1.2 fixing hinges/pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings whereever Kg 3,350.00 425.00 425.00
required including the cost of PVC/neoprene gasket required.
After fixing Kg 361.25 85.00 3,243.60 3,243.60 11,71,748.79 11,71,748.79
after hardware fixing Kg 21.25 5.00 3,243.60 3,243.60 68,926.40 68,926.40
after hardware fixing Kg 21.25 5.00 3,243.60 3,243.60 68,926.40 68,926.40
21.25 5.00 3,243.60 68,926.40
Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator
shutters and partitions etc. with PVC/neoprene gasket etc. complete as
per architectural drawings and the direction of Engg-in-Charge.(Cost
ofaluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item).

a. With glass panes of 4.00 mm thickness (weight not less than 10.00
112.1.3 sqm 240.00 425.00 425.00
382.50 90.00 110.40 110.40 42,228.00 42,228.00
21.25 5.00 110.40 110.40 2,346.00 2,346.00
21.25 5.00 110.40 2,346.00
b. With glass panes of 5 mm thickness (weight not less than 13.75
112.1.4 sqm 1,313.00 614.00 614.00
sqm 552.60 90.00 1,312.89 1,312.89 7,25,500.51 7,25,500.51
30.70 5.00 1,312.89 1,312.89 40,305.72 40,305.72
4 MISCELLANEOUS 30.70 5.00 1,312.89 40,305.72
Additional Items
Providing and fixing of Daiken Gypsum ceiling tiles (PVC Top Layer and
Aluminium foil at the Back) without four sided protective white tape,
with hot dipped galvanized steel grid work, surface chemically cleaned
capping Pre-finished in baked polyester Paint, Main Tees of size 38 (H) x 24
mm every 1.2 M center to center, stitched cross Tee at0.6 M center to from
113.1.51 a gried of size 600x600 mm and suspending the gried from RCC roof using 3 SQM 1,438.37 755.00 755.00
mm GI rod, 6 mm nylon rawl plug and 6 mm j bolt at every 1200 mm
intervals. And laying "Daiken" Gypsum celling tiles of size 600x600x9 mm
over the formed gried. Light reflection of >85% .Flame spread Class A
(ASTM E-84). Water resistans tiles, grid thickness is 0.3 mm and used
butterfly hanger. Thermal Conductivity=0.045 k Cal/mh c.

113.1.51 SQM 490.75 65.00 1,412.11 0.00 1,412.11 6,92,994.45 6,92,994.45

113.25 15.00 1,412.11 1,412.11 1,59,921.80 1,59,921.83
151.00 20.00 1,412.11 2,13,229.11
4.5 Extra for using S.S. Butt hinges instead of MS Butt hinges as per
113.1.74 NOS 3,500.00 47.00 47.00 100.00 2,529.00 2,529.00 1,18,863.00 1,18,863.00
approved sample.
Providing and fixing Red Merandi wood Architrave/moulding of size
108.2.59A 45x12mm in door frame including necessary fitting etc complete as per Rmt 3,074.60 65.00 65.00 100.00 2,769.86 2,769.86 1,80,040.90 1,80,040.90
approved drawing and design and direction of engineer-in -charge.

4.7 Providing and Fixing Cylindrical Lock with Key S S Finish of approved
108.2.10A Each 525.00 496.00 446.40 90.00 378.00 378.00 1,68,739.20 1,68,739.20
make with necessary screws etc. complete
Relase part rate 24.80 5.00 378.00 378.00 9,374.40 9,374.40
Relase part rate 24.80 5.00 378.00 9,374.40

4.8 Providing and Fixing Cylindrical Lock Without key SS Finish of approved
108.2.10AA Each 467.00 467.00 420.30 90.00 404.00 404.00 1,69,801.20 1,69,801.20
make with necessary screws etc. complete
23.35 5.00 404.00 404.00 9,433.40 9,433.40
23.35 5.00 404.00 9,433.40

Ishita Construction Page 9 of 11 For RDL Billing

Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

Providing and laying 22 mm thick Screeding under flooring with Cement
Concrete 1:2:4 (1cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate of Sqm 1,800.00 236.00 236.00 984.15 984.15 2,32,258.22 2,32,258.22
12.5mm nominal size) including all accessories, formwork ,additives joint
etc complete in true lines and level as per direction of EIC.
Providing and applying on new Wood/steel work two or more coats of
48.4.99 Sqm 2,500.00 118.00 82.60 70.00 1,783.01 1,783.01 1,47,276.63 1,47,276.63
plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacturer

11.80 10.00 1,783.01 1,783.01 21,039.52 21,039.52

Relase part rate-2nd coat 11.80 10.00 1,783.01 1,783.01 21,039.52 21,039.52
11.80 10.00 1,783.01 21,039.52
Sub total Amount 6,27,60,394.55 13,86,403.31 46,47,259.75 6,41,46,841.73
Non Shedule Items
Providing and fixing Butt hinges to required colour or shade with necessary
29.19 Each. 600.00 192.00 172.80 90.00 600.00 600.00 1,03,680.00 1,03,680.00
screws etccomplete for doors (Make : LGF (Code PL304AX)

After complition 9.60 5.00 600.00 600.00 5,760.00 5,760.00

9.60 5.00 600.00 5,760.00
Providing and fixing Motrise Handle to required colour or shade with
29.20 Pair 200.00 630.00 567.00 90.00 200.00 200.00 1,13,400.00 1,13,400.00
necessary screws etccomplete for doors (Make : LGF (Code PL304AW)

After complition 31.50 5.00 200.00 200.00 6,300.00 6,300.00

31.50 5.00 200.00 6,300.00
Providing and fixing Motrise Lock to required colour or shade with
29.21 Each. 200.00 608.00 547.20 90.00 200.00 200.00 1,09,440.00 1,09,440.00
necessary screws etccomplete for doors (Make : LGF (Code PL304S)

After complition 30.40 5.00 200.00 200.00 6,080.00 6,080.00

30.40 5.00 200.00 6,080.00
Providing and fixing Motrise cylinder to required colour or shade with
29.22 Each. 200.00 650.00 585.00 90.00 200.00 200.00 1,17,000.00 1,17,000.00
necessary screws etccomplete for doors (Make : LGF (Code PL304C)

After complition 32.50 5.00 200.00 200.00 6,500.00 6,500.00

32.50 5.00 200.00 6,500.00
Providing and fixing Tower Bolt to required colour or shade with necessary
29.23 Each. 200.00 282.00 253.80 90.00 200.00 200.00 50,760.00 50,760.00
screws etccomplete for doors (Make : LGF (Code PL304B)

After complition 14.10 5.00 200.00 200.00 2,820.00 2,820.00

14.10 5.00 200.00 2,820.00
6.0 Providing and fixing Single Point Locking Handle W/O KEY to required
29.24 colour or shade with necessary screws etccomplete for windows (Make : Each. 643.00 225.00 202.50 90.00 643.00 643.00 1,30,207.50 1,30,207.50
LGF (Code PL205N)
After complition 11.25 5.00 643.00 643.00 7,233.75 7,233.75
11.25 5.00 643.00 7,233.75
7.0 Providing and fixing Side Hung Stay to required colour or shade with
29.26 necessary screws etccomplete for windows (Make : LGF (Code PLLDSA- Pair 121.00 429.00 386.10 90.00 121.00 121.00 46,718.10 46,718.10
After complition 21.45 5.00 121.00 121.00 2,595.45 2,595.45
21.45 5.00 121.00 2,595.45
8.0 Providing and fixing Side Hung Stay to required colour or shade with
29.26D necessary screws etccomplete for windows (Make : LGF (Code PLLDSA- Pair 176.00 492.00 442.80 90.00 176.00 176.00 77,932.80 77,932.80
After complition 24.60 5.00 176.00 176.00 4,329.60 4,329.60
24.60 5.00 176.00 4,329.60
9 Providing and fixing Side Hung Stay to required colour or shade with
29.25 necessary screws etccomplete for windows (Make : LGF (Code PLLDSA- Pair 376.00 672.00 604.80 90.00 376.00 376.00 2,27,404.80 2,27,404.80
After complition 33.60 5.00 376.00 376.00 12,633.60 12,633.60
33.60 5.00 376.00 12,633.60
10 Cutting of Steel in internal & external locations Nos.
11 26.6.10 Cutting of steel up to 12mm dia including cost of manpower & T&P etc Nos. 6,281.00 12.00 12.00 100.00 6,133.00 6,133.00 73,596.00 73,596.00

12 26.6.11 Cutting of steel 16 mm dia including cost of manpower & T&P etc Nos. 632.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 632.00 632.00 15,800.00 15,800.00
13 26.6.12 Cutting of steel 20 mm dia including cost of manpower & T&P etc. Nos. 840.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 840.00 840.00 42,000.00 42,000.00
14 109.1.21A Groove making in granite stone work Rmt 800.00 160.00 160.00 100.00 796.32 796.32 1,27,411.20 1,27,411.20
15 Flat repair works including repairs in internal plaster,filling
chases,allignments of jams,repairs in vitrified tiles,grenite stone
113.9.16 Nos. 68.00 16,785.00 10,071.00 60.00 68.00 68.00 6,84,828.00 6,84,828.00
works,pop cornince,repairs of any kind in brickworks (full & half), ms
railing restorations etc
Nos. 2,517.75 15.00 68.00 68.00 1,71,207.00 1,71,207.00
Nos. 1,678.50 10.00 68.00 68.00 1,14,138.00 1,14,138.00
2,517.75 15.00 68.00 1,71,207.00
16 R.C.C Slab & granite counter Cutting for washbasin Nos. 390.00 550.00 550.00 100.00 40.00 40.00 22,000.00 22,000.00
17 113.12.63 Repair & alignment of Wooden Door frame Nos 100.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 60.00 60.00 18,000.00 18,000.00
18 115A.4 Disposal of Malba from site to outside of the premises Trip 850.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 625.00 225.00 850.00 2,50,000.00 90,000.00 3,40,000.00

Ishita Construction Page 10 of 11 For RDL Billing

Project: Raheja Navodaya, Sec.- 92, Gurgaon (H.R.)
Abstract R.A. # 17
AS PER BOQ Executed Quantity Amount
Description Unit Qty.After This Bill Part % Part rate balance Final Part Rate
No. ERP CODE Orignal Rate Previous This Bill Cummulative Previous This Bill Cummulative
Amendment No-6 Rate RELEASE Qty. Released

19 115A.6 Disposal of Malba stock from floor to outside of the Building Trip 346.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 346.00 346.00 1,38,400.00 1,38,400.00
20 4A26.3B Supply of un-skilled labour @ 8 Hrs. Nos. 1,024.00 375.00 375.00 100.00 394.50 521.50 916.00 1,47,937.50 1,95,562.50 3,43,500.00

21 4A26.2.3 Supply of skilled labour @ 8 Hrs. Nos. 196.50 475.00 475.00 100.00 148.50 148.50 70,537.50 70,537.50

108.1.31A Dipcourse making in balcony at all height in all respect of works. Nos. 110.00 350.00 350.00 100.00 72.00 72.00 25,200.00 25,200.00

25 Providing & fixing of Mortise Handle (PL 304 AW)with Mortice Lock (PL
108.2.63A 304 S) set of DORSET as per approved sample in wooden door shutter Nos. 150.00 1,582.00 1,423.80 90.00 150.00 150.00 2,13,570.00 2,13,570.00
with necessary screws
Relase part rate 79.10 5.00 150.00 150.00 11,865.00 11,865.00
79.10 5.00 150.00 11,865.00
ex.ia Chipping & repairing of Balcony expention joints portion per nos 86.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 100.00 86.00 86.00 2,40,800.00 2,40,800.00

ex.ib Providing & fixing of Hilti Fastner in Door Frame per nos 2,250.00 65.00 65.00 100.00 2,220.00 2,220.00 1,44,300.00 1,44,300.00

28 Providing and applying painting work in exiting door frame in tower A

ex.ic and Tower B
118.00 100.30
85.00 808.87 808.87 81,129.41 81,129.41

17.70 15.00 808.87 14,316.95

29 : Applying rubbing in Existing Granite Stone work sqm 1,982.83 365.00 255.50 70.00 1,245.34 1,245.34 3,18,185.30 3,18,185.30

255.50 70.00 322.58 82,419.19

109.50 30.00 1,567.92 1,71,687.64

30 : Extra for proving and making M.S Staircase in Club House and EWS per nos 2,319.86 9.00 9.00 100.00 2,319.86 2,319.86 20,878.71 20,878.71

ex.if : Applying Kitchen sink protaction works,(Kitchen) nos 91.00 265.00 265.00 100.00 91.00 91.00 24,115.00 24,115.00

ex.ii : Applying vetrified grouating and cleanning works sqm 2,528.99 210.00 84.00 40.00 2,429.54 2,429.54 2,04,081.11 2,04,081.11

126.00 60.00 2,429.54 3,06,121.66

ex.ij : Applying Chiping and cleanning works(IPS AREA) per sqm 3,134.89 90.00 36.00
40.00 2,665.53 2,665.53 95,958.95 95,958.95

60.00 2,665.53 1,43,938.43


Total (Rs.) 31,57,285.80 14,15,010.98 9,55,808.27 45,72,296.78

Grand Total of Part-A+Part-B (INR) Rs. 6,59,17,680.35 28,01,414.30 56,03,068.03 6,87,19,138.51

6,32,60,729.70 26,88,497.41 53,77,224.59 6,59,49,269.20

20,57,320.00 35,45,746.00
19,74,395.39 34,02,827.26

Ishita Construction Page 11 of 11 For RDL Billing

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