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Sexual Reproduction in
Flowering Plants

Tarun Sir
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All examples in chapter from NCERT –

Long viability of pollen Rosaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosaceae
Short viability of pollen Paddy and wheat
Pollen allergy Parthenium or carrot grass
Apocarpus Michelia
Syncarpus Papaver
Mutiple ovule in ovary Watermelon, Papaya and Orchids
SIngle ovule in ovary Mango, Paddy and wheat
Cleistogamous and chasmogamous flower Viola, Oxalis and commelina
Wind pollination Maize
Aquatic plant but pollination by wind and Water hyacinth and water lily
pollination by water on surface Vallisneria and hydrilla (Fresh water)
Pollination by water undersurface Zostera or Sea grass
Birds perform pollination Sun bird and Humming bird
Large size biotic pollinating agent Garden lizard, Gecko lizard and Rodents
Insects pollinate with flower of foul smell Flies and beetle
Space for egg laying ,large size flower Amorphophallus (zamikand)
Symbiotic association -space for egg laying Yucca plant and moth
Outbreeding devices- Unisexual flower Maize and Castor
Unisexual flower - plant is also unisexual Papaya and Date palm
Endosperm - Coconut water -free nuclear endosperm
White edible part or kernel – cellular endosperm
Endospermous seed or albuminous Monocots- Maize, coconut, wheat and few dicots
like castor
Non-Endospermus or Ex-albuminous Dicots like pea, bean, Groundnut and Monocot
Scutellum,coleoptile and Coleorhiza Grasses
Perisperm Beet and Black pepper
True fruit – Dry Mustard and pea
Ture fruit – fleshy Orange and Guava
False fruit Apple, cashew, and Strawberry
Parthenocarpic fruit Banana
Seeds with long viability Lupinus arcticus-10,000 years
Pheonix dactylifera -2000 years
Large number tiny seeds Striga, Orobanche, Ficus and Orchids
Apomixis Some grasses, Asteraceae members, Mango and
Citrus (by nucellus)
Polyembryony Orange

Structure of stamen and Gametogenesis – Stamen (Filament + Anther)

Proximal end of filament Thalamus or Petal
attached at
One anther Tetragonal, Bilobed, dithecous and longitudinal groove separate
Microsporangia -have Circular, four layers-Epidermis, Endothecium, middle
sporogenous tissue layer(dehiscence) and Tapetum (nourishment to pollen)
Pollen sac Two layers, pollen grain present

Microsporogenesis and Development of pollen –

PMC → undergo meiosis → Haploid microspore -four (process is microsporogenesis)-
Haploid microspore→Asymmetric spindle → unequal division→ large vegetative cell (irregular shape
nucleus) and small generative cell (spindle shape cell)
Exine- sporopollenin, resistant to acid, alkali and enzymes, preserve as fossils
Intine- pectin and cellulose

Pollen allergy Parthenium cause bronchitis and asthma (come India with imported wheat)
Food Pollen tablets and syrup, good for athletes and horses
Long and short Long viability -rosaceae, Solanaceae and leguminosaceae
viability pollen Short viability- wheat and paddy
Pollen bank -1960c pollen store in liquid nitrogen

Pistil and megasporogenesis –

Locule Chamber in ovary
Apocarpus Free pistil- multicarpellary- Michelia
Syncarpus Fuse pistil - Papaver
Funicle Stalk connect ovule with placenta
Hilum Point of attachment of funicle on ovule
Nucellus Diploid tissue surrounds by integument and one cell act as MMC
Megasporangium Another name to ovule
Monosporic Out of four megaspores only one develop further
Embryo sac Female gametophyte -product of mitosis of megaspore
Embryo sac 3 antipodal, central cell -largest with two nuclei, two synergids, one egg
Ploidy All cell haploid in embryo sac only central cell polar nuclei fuse to form
secondary nucleus
Nucellus→ MMC→meiosis → 4 megaspores→ 1 megaspore functional→ 3 successive division→
free nuclear division → 8 nuclei form → wall formation around 6 → embryo sac or female
gametophyte form (8 nuclei, 7 cell)

Source of pollen Name Condition
Same flower Autogamy Bisexual flower, no pollinator
Different flower of same plant Geitonogamy Bisexual plant, pollinator require
Different plant Xenogamy Pollinator require
Type of flower
Chasmogamous Open Autogamy, Geitonogamy and Xenogamy
Cleistogamous Close Only Autogamy

Pollinating agent Feature

Wind-more than water Colourless, nectarless and odourless flower, large feathery stigma, exerted
stamen, light and non-sticky pollen, single ovule
Water Algae, bryophytes and pteridophytes and few genus of monocot (30)
Eicchornia and water lily-wind and insect, Vallisneria- on surface by
water, Zostera- under water, ribbon shape pollen and mucilage
Insect Nectar and colour to attract insect, flower in cluster (honey bee-maximum
Moth, beetle, wasp, Ants, bee and butterfly
Another agent Bat, bird, lizard, arboreal mammal, rodents
Reward for Nectar, edible pollen and Space for egg laying
Outbreeding device Stamen and pistil far apart, Anther maturity and Pistil receptivity is not
synchronized, Unisexual flower, self-incompatibility
Artificial Emasculation – done in bisexual flower-removal of anther
hybridization Bagging-stigma or pistil covered-butter paper-pistillate or bisexual flower

Pollen pistil interaction

Pollen on stigma Rejected – self-incompatible, incompatible (different species)
Pollen on stigma Accepted-same species compatible, Chemical Rxn between stigma and exine
Pollen germination Pollen tube -from germ pore- tip of pollen tube -nucleus of vegetative cell
Boron help in germination
Pollen tube - stigma 2 cell stage- generative cell nucleus divide into stigma into 2 male gametes
3 cell stage- From starting 3 nuclei in tube (one male gamete + nucleus of VC
Pollen tube-Style Most style-hollow, transmission tissue- Solid style
Entry -pollen tube Inside ovule enter from micropyle, nucleus of VC degenerates just before
entry – both male gametes released into any one synergids
Fertilization- male gamete+ egg cell → syngamy → result is zygote
male gamete + two polar nuclei→ triple fusion → result is PEN (nucleus) and PEC (cell)
Syngamy+ Triple fusion = double fertilizations (only angiosperm and gymnosperm)

Post fertilization changes

Embryo sac Both synergids and all three antipodal degenerates after fertilization
PEC PEC-primary endosperm cell -3n-undergo free nuclear division -form
endosperm- division start before zygote divide (In grasses aleurone layer
(proteinaceous surround) coconut water- free nuclear endosperm and white part-
cellular endosperm
Zygote Mitosis - two unequal cell- Proembryo-globular-heart shape- mature embryo
Dicot embryo- Embryonal axis (Epicotyl and tip is plumule, Hypocotyl and tip is
radicle) + Cotyledon (food reserve)
Monocot embryo- embryonal axis + Cotyledon (single)
Grasses embryo- Embryonal axis (coleoptile and coleorhizae + scutellum
Seed Fertilised ovule, Seed coat + embryo+ endosperm (in some )10-15 % water,
perisperm- persistent nucellus Role- variation, seed coat hard, dormancy and
dehydration help in storage, Hard seed coat -protection
Viability of seed Long viability – lupinus and phoenix and tiny seeds (fig,orchids,striga,orobanche
Fruit Fertilised ovary, Parthenocarpic- without fertilization, False fruit-thalamus
involve, Pericarp-wall of ovary and fruit – Dry- pea and mustard pericarp not
divisible into layer, Fleshy fruit- Pericarp divisible into -epicarp,mesocarp and
Apomixis Diploid egg cell and nucellus form embryo, genetically similar to parent plant
Polyembryony More than one embryo in one seed -orange
Hybrid seed Costly due to segregation and farmer need to buy new -apomixix help to
develop similar seed

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