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Keeping quiet

-Pablo Neruda
I. Answer the following.
1. What will ‘counting up to twelve and keeping still’ help us to achieve?
Counting up to twelve and keeping still will help us to understand ourselves and to
introspect. We will be able to realize the real impact of our selfish actions on each other
and, finally, on the entire humanity.
2. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death?
The poet does not advocate ‘total inactivity’ because he has a firm belief in life. He
wants everyone to live a complete life, full of peace and contentment. He wants
everyone to take a break from the hectic schedule and introspect for a while to
improve the quality of life.
3. What is the ‘sadness’ the poet refers to in the poem?
The poet refers to the sadness which all human beings experience because of the
lifestyle of nonstop work, stress, aggression and destruction. This sadness comes
because man does not understand himself.
4. What symbol from nature does the poet invoke that there can be life under
apparent stillness?
The poet uses ‘Earth” as a symbol to invoke that there can be life after apparent
stillness. The Earth seems ‘still’ from outside but is alive and vibrant deep within.
Similarly, our silence can help us to maintain a harmonious life on Earth and stop
5. ‘Life is what it is all about.’ How is Keeping Quiet related to life?
‘Keeping Quiet’ is related to life because in order to live a complete life, one must live
life to its fullest. In order to live quality life, which is full of happiness, peace and
satisfaction, we must develop a habit of thinking deeply and this can be achieved
through introspection.
6. How will keeping quiet protect our environment?
Keeping quiet refers to stopping all activities for a moment and introspect. This will
help us to analyse the kind of deeds we are doing for our selfish purpose but which
harm nature. This moment will make us understand the fact that harmony with nature
is very essential for the survival of mankind.
7. Which is the exotic moment that the poet refers to in ‘Keeping Quiet’?
The poet refers to the exotic moment when everyone would be silent and still and
there would be no noise or mad race. It will evoke an environment of peace and
quietness with no conflicts, quarrels, agreements or wars. This moment will bring a
sense of togetherness among all human beings.
8. Which images in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ show that the poet condemns
Pablo Neruda gives the images of ‘green war’, ‘war with gas’ and ‘wars with fire’ and
then associates these wars with ‘victory with no survivors’. This is to emphasise the
fact that wars will bring an end to the entire human race. This shows that he condemns
9. How would keeping quiet affect life in and around the sea?
Keeping quiet would affect life in and around the sea as the fishermen would not be
killing the whales and the men gathering salt would give rest to their injured hands.
10. What are green wars? Who wage them and with what result?
Green wars imply waging a war against nature by causing environmental degradation.
People wage war against nature for their self-interest. All wars originate from the lack
of self-understanding.
11. According to Pablo Neruda, what do we not do when we keep quiet?
According to Pablo Neruda, when we keep quiet all of us should not talk in any
language nor should we involve in any kind of physical activity to disturb the calm. The
pause in our mundane activity would suspend all our woes.
II. Answer in Detail.
1. The poem “Keeping Quiet” is based on the theme of universal peace and
tranquillity. Justify.
Neruda begins the poem by urging his readers to observe a moment of stillness and
silence. He brings for a moment without communication and activity where man is at
complete peace with himself and his surroundings. This “exotic moment” would be a
moment of universal peace. He feels that humans are preoccupied with their own
progress which deprives them of the true pleasure of living. They merely exist and
indulge in meaningless activities like that of fishermen harming the whales. Man
through his meaningless trysts endangers the environment and his own life. The poet
thus urges people to cleanse their souls, wear clean clothes and walk peacefully in
universal brotherhood. The poet however, does not want the readers to confuse
tranquillity with total inactivity, which meant sluggishness and death. He urges people
to be unselfish and wants them to allow a moment of silence to interject their fast-
moving useless lives. He wants people to look upon Earth as a teacher to fulfill a greater
purpose in life.

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