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The Myth of Icarus and Daedalus - Amy Adkins

Phoemela Crystal G. Tumala


The Myth of Icarus and Daedalus
Characterize the character/s. Discuss his Icarus, son of Daedalus, is a round character since he
good and bad traits using specific showcased a complex and realistic representation of
examples from the text. human traits. Just like all of us, humans, we do get carried
What could have caused him to do/ act away by certain ecstatic moments in our lives. Icarus,
that way? upon flying, made him feel like he was a God and so, he
ignore the warning of his father not to fly too close to the
sun which led to his tragic downfall.

On the other hand, Daedalus is the main and static

character of the story because his trait remained constant
throughout the story. He was a genius and highly skilled
craftsman but he tend to forget that innovations brought
by his work have their own limits because of his innate
personality – egotistical and overly ambitious. It is also
notable that he is a jealous man since he killed his
nephew, worrying that he is superior in craftmanship than

Lastly, King Minos can be considered a flat character as he

exhibited few traits and has only a minor role in this story.
One significant trait of him was being easily swayed by
emotions, particularly anger upon Daedalus’ sin of
perversion to the point where he also punished an
innocent child, Minotaur.
What are the conflicts in the story? Did Two types of conflict are seen throughout the story. The
this/these ruin or cause suffering in first is man vs. circumstances and man vs. himself. When
someone’s life in the story? In what Daedalus was banished from Athens, it was a battle in
way/s? himself in which he lose for did not control his jealousy
Who do you blame for because of what and decided to kill his nephew. As a punishment,
happened? circumstances brought him to Crete where another
What should have been done instead? conflict will rise. When decided to defy the law of the
Gods and enabled dreadful perversion between a bull and
the king’s wife, it was also a conflict with himself since he
does not know the limits of his crafts and let his ego
decides more than rationality. The circumstances brought
him to be imprisoned along with his son to the top of the
tallest tower in Crete. There, when they decided to
escape, his son, Icarus, lost a battle with himself as he got
carried away when they are flying and get by too close to
the sun.

The first conflict cost a life. Brought by jealousy, Daedalus

murdered his nephew. Brought by his ambitions to defy
the will of the Gods, he also had his son to be imprisoned
in the tower which led to their dangerous escape plan and
Icarus’s death. For this, Daedalus was to blame for the
circumstances that had them to be imprisoned. Yet, it was
Icarus’s mistake to not follow his father’s precautions and
let his emotions overtake him.

Daedalus should not ever take a life. He should have not

defied the laws of God. Meanwhile, Icarus should have
listened to his father’s warning since he meant it for his
What is the climax and the denouement in The story peaked when Icarus decided to disregard his
the text? Why did you say so? father’s precaution of not flying too close to the sun. The
wax on his wings was melted by the heat of the sun, it was
dismantled and from there, he met his tragic fall from the
sky. I considered this as the climax because it was when
my emotions are at their peak compared to other parts of
the story. The denouement was after this scene where
lessons are brought up and the aftermath of each
character’s decisions took its proper place.
Examine your own thoughts and views I was shocked at the fate of Icarus and I can only imagine
about the end result of the story. What the horror of his father while watching his son fall to his
values or feelings in you were invoked? death. I felt gloomy when the story ended of Daedalus’
regrets, facing the consequences of his past actions. For
me, there is no more tragic way to end a story than by
having a character full of regrets.
What realizations did you have about The myth of Icarus and Daedalus may be short but it was
these literatures? packed with lessons which can be reflected into our own
lives. First, ego is the number one enemy of our lives. Just
like Daedalus, when we let our ego overtake our
rationality, it may take severe irreversible repercussions,
just like him losing a son. Had he not defy laws of God or if
he had not killed his nephew due to jealousy, the tragic
death of Icarus would have been prevented.

At the end of the story, it was shown that he had realized

his actions through acts of regret – which as I have said
earlier, is the most tragic means of end the narrative of a
story. It had only affirmed my belief regarding taking
responsibility on my own actions – of thinking twice
before doing things so I do not regret it in the foreseeable

We should always take warning signs to anything that we

do seriously. From the story, it was a matter of life and
death scenario but a good representation of what our life
can turn out if we always have our emotions decide for us.
It tells us to listen to those who care for us, in the story, it
was Daedalus who cared for his son, since their precaution
would not meant harm but safety.

Lastly, the precautions of his father can also be applied to

our ambitions. With the skills and resources that we have,
we should not aim for too low for our wings will just be
pulled down by the heavy water and also not too high for
our wings is not strong enough to overcome the heat of
the sun. Flying too close to the sun or too close to the sea
would only be our doom. The right equipment at the right
time is how we can freely fly with our wings.
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