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What are Projective techniques were
developed to assess unconscious
projective motives and feelings. These
techniques are based on the

techniques? assumption that a less

structured/unstructured stimulus
will allow the individual to project
their feelings, desires, and needs
onto that situation. These
projections are interpreted by

Let's now see in detail about one

particular projective technique:
Sentence Completion Test
About the
Hermann Ebbinghaus was a German
psychologist who pioneered the
experimental study of memory and is
known for his discovery of the
forgetting curve and the spacing effect.
He was also the first person to describe
the learning curve. Hermann
Ebbinghaus is generally credited with
developing the first sentence
completion test in 1897. 24 January 1850 – 26
February 1909
The responses are believed to A senten
provide indications of ce comp
be relati letion te
vely sho st form m
Sentence completion tests attitudes, beliefs, motivations, rt, such ay
to assess as those
are a class of semi-structured or other mental states. advertis r esponses
ements, to
projective techniques. Therefore, sentence as those or much
longer, s
used to a uch
Sentence completion tests completion technique, with long sen s s ess perso
tence co nality. A
typically provide respondents such advantage, promotes the Forer Se mpletion
test is th
ntence C e
with beginnings of sentences, respondents to disclose their which ha o m pletion T
s 100 ste
referred to as "stems", and concealed feelings. us u ally admini
ms. The
tests are
stered in
respondents then complete
where re
ts compl
the sentences in ways that
s te m s by writin ete the
g words on
are meaningful to them. paper.

Evolution of SCTs

Carl Jung was the first to look at if sentence completion

could be used for personality assessment. He thought
the personal meanings of word associations could be
used. He popularized the idea that inner notions could be
analyzed through people’s associations of different
words. In his methods, he would say a list of words to
the person being tested and with each word, the client
would be asked to say the first thing that came to their
The association method was then
formalized in the United States by
Grace Kent and Aaron Rosanoff who
created a Free Association test. Their
test differed from Jung’s because it
used more everyday and vague
words. For example, Jung’s test used
mother, father, sex, and work. Kent
and Rosanoff’s test used words like
table, dark, music, and man (as
opposed to father).
The current version of this test has three
forms at different levels including High School,
College, and Adult. The test is scored on a
Over time, assessors decided seven point scale with answers being tagged
that single-word responses to from a conflict (pessimism, hostility,
hopelessness) to neutral (stereotypes,
one-word stimuli were not
catchphrases, cliches) to positive (humor,
reaching the full potential of the optimism, acceptance) rating. It takes about
method. Something could be 15 to 35 minutes to complete with scoring
done to tap more into an ranging in time depending on the familiarity
individuals personality. The with administering the test. This is the most
method gradually developed popular form of the Sentence Completion
Method used today
from one word, to brief
phrases, to sentences.
The structures of sentence completion tests vary according to the length
and relative generality and wording of the sentence stems. Structured tests
have longer stems that lead respondents to more specific types of
responses; less structured tests provide shorter stems, which produce a
Administration wider variety of responses.

of Test Tests are developed to be as vague as possible so the most amount of

projection as possible can occur. If the questions or instructions are too clear
they will not promote freedom of expression and the results will say
nothing. For example, a sentence beginning with The worst thing about
growing old… is not going to provide as much opportunity for a response as
Other people…. Overall they try to eliminate sentences that could possibly be
completed with a one word answer.
Criticisms regarding the test

There is ma
jor debate o
not sentenc ver whether
e completio or
responses f n tests elicit
rom conscio
than uncons us thought ra
cious states ther
would affec . This debat
t whether s e
completion entence
tests can be
categorized strictly
as projectiv
e tests.

Where are SCTs


Sentence completion measures

The uses of sentence completion have also been incorporated This test was not
te st s in cl u d e p er so n ality an alys is , into non-projective intended to give a full
clinical applications, attitude applications, such as view of personality, but
assessment, achievement intelligence tests, language
more of a starting point
m o ti va ti o n , an d m ea su re men t o f comprehension, and language
for clinicians and
other constructs. They are used in and cognitive development
psychologists to take
several disciplines, including tests.
with their clients
psychology, management,
education, and marketing.

typical questions from a SCT

1. I like _______________________________
2. I want to know ______________________
3. At home ______________________________
4. At night time _____________________________
5. I am sorry for _________________________
6. I can't ___________________________________
7. A mother _________________________________________
8. What upsets me ____________________________________
9. When I was younger _____________________________________
10. I feel _______________________________________________

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