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Controlling is a critically important managerial function because the purpose of

control serves is ensuring that all of the planning, organizing, and leading have gone as
organization intended. (Lewis, P., Goodman, S., & Fandt, P., 2004) If the organizations fail to
adequately control all aspects of operations, a sudden reversal would be occur in rapidly
changing and highly competitive global business environment. ("Emirates | Engineering",

Before managers implement a control system, managers must decide where the
control effort will be focused. Controls are also essential at the operational level as inputs are
being transformed into outputs. These three different focal points yield three different types
of control which is feedforward control, concurrent control, and feedback control. (Lewis,
Goodman & Fandt, 2004) Sometimes, human error can happen therefore only by learning
from the mistakes can improve and prevent future incidents or accident. Emirates airlines are
more emphasis in feedforward control in organization structure. This types of control is
sometimes consider as preventive control because it is designed to ensure that the quality of
inputs is high enough to prevent problem in the transformation process. The Maintenance
Control Centre (MCC) of Emirates airline also controls follow-up work and rectification of
deferred defects at every opportunity, including the planning of spares for defect repairs at
outstations where suitable ground time is available. By monitoring repetitive defects, the
MCC ensures that trouble shooting and rectification is done before any scheduled
interruption. In addition, it provides a structured and logical action plan for all such defects to
prevent duplication of effort and unnecessary wastage of spare parts and time. ("Emirates |
Engineering", 2017)

Furthermore, the purpose for emirates engineering of emirates airlines is to achieve

and maintain rigorously the highest safety standards possible. The Quality Assurance
Maintenance (QAM) is responsible for understanding how and why incidents and errors
occur in Emirates Engineering's aircraft maintenance and support functions. All completed
detailed reports of investigations are go through managers for discussion with staff so that
practises and procedures can be corrected or reinforced to prevent the reoccurrence of
incidents. QAM designs and implements audit programs to monitor actively all aspects
relating to the compliance of regulatory authorities' requirements. It ensures all applicable
elements of the quality system are in place, documented and implemented effectively to

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ensure that the corporate commitment and obligations to regulations, safety policy and
quality standards are followed. ("Emirates | Engineering", 2017)

Emirates | Engineering. (2017). Retrieved July 10, 2017, from

Emirates | Engineering. (2017). Retrieved July 10, 2017, from

Lewis, P., Goodman, S., & Fandt, P. (2004). Study guide (5th ed., pp. 416-417). Australia:
Thomson South-Western.

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