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The Practitioner Examination

Scenario Booklet
This is a 2½-hour objective test. This booklet contains the Scenario upon which this
examination is based. All questions are contained within the Question Booklet.

Additional information is provided within this Scenario Booklet for a number of

questions. Where reference should be made to additional information, this is
clearly stated within the question to which it is relevant. All information provided
a question must be applied only to that question.

Each of the eight questions is worth 10 marks, giving a maximum of 80 marks in the
paper. The pass mark is 50% (40 marks). Within each question the syllabus are to
which the question refers is clearly stated.

The examination is to be taken with the support of the MSP Guide only, i.e. no
material other than the Question Booklet, the Scenario Booklet, the Answer
Booklet and the MSP Guide is to be used.

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Programme Scenario
The Training Programme

(Note: The companies and people within the scenario are fictional).


Buyitall is a national retailer with 385 shops throughout the country and a headquarters office
(HQ) in Northtown. The company is losing customers to new entrants into this highly competitive
market sector. Revenue from retail sales has fallen for each of the past four successive
quarterly reporting periods.

The Training Programme has been set up to tackle the lack of knowledge that staff in Buyitall
shops have about the company's products. This lack of knowledge is causing low levels of
customer service. These problems are strong influencing factors in the customers' buying
decisions, and are recognized as limiting sales. A separate programme has been set up with the
objective of making Buyitall more competitive (the Competitiveness Programme).

Buyitall has decided to change radically the way it carries out the training of its 18,000 staff
and to dramatically increase the amount of training provided. It has two training centres: one in
Southtown and the other at the HQ in Northtown. In Northtown there are five training rooms
and residential accommodation for up to 50 people. In Southtown there are three training
rooms and residential accommodation for 35 people.

All the staff training is currently carried out in these two centres. A significant proportion of staff
find it difficult to attend these residential courses and consequently take-up is poor. The training
covers a wide range of subjects, including general management and development training.
There are also department-specific training courses and very specialized courses. Both centres
offer the standard courses. In addition, Southtown provides all of the specialized training. Staff
members, who are located all over the country, have to travel to one of these locations and stay
for the duration of the courses. Most courses are two to three days long. All training is managed
and co-ordinated by the Northtown HQ.

Objectives and Benefits

The Training Programme will completely re-design training provision over the next three years.
An objective is for Buyitall to be recognized as one of the top five internal training providers in its
industry sector. This will ensure that all staff can benefit from greatly enhanced training and
development. It is anticipated that this approach will deliver market-leading customer service. As
a result, it is hoped that this will lead to increased customer satisfaction and more sales. The idea
is to introduce new training delivery methods, including distance learning, and to reduce
residential training as much as possible. This will be done by establishing smaller, more local
training facilities in nine new centres around the country, resulting in a total of ten centres
including Northtown.

Scenario continues on the next page

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Scenario continued

The minimum level of staffing at each of these centres will be a manager, a trainer and
administrative support. The staff at each centre will provide most of the training. They will be
assisted by a group of a further five trainers of specific subjects. These five trainers will be based
in Northtown but will also travel throughout the country. The specialized training currently being
carried out in Southtown, representing 5% of the total training budget, will be outsourced (the
business function will be contracted out to a third-party supplier). Staff currently providing the
specialized training in Southtown will be transferred to, and employed by, the third-party supplier.

The centre in Southtown will be sold to realize its capital, which is anticipated to be around €75
million. This capital has been identified as an early benefit and will be used to help fund the
purchase or lease of the additional nine centres.

The training facilities at Northtown will be reduced to two training rooms and residential
accommodation for 15 people. The only training carried out there will be for low-demand
courses where a single national course is the most cost-effective option.

Benefits are anticipated in the following areas: an increase in the proportion of staff receiving
training, improved personal development, and increased customer satisfaction - all leading to
lower staff turnover costs and more sales.

These improvements will be achieved by making the training more accessible to staff. The
reduction in the need for residential accommodation is expected to reduce the cost of training.
However, there will be additional travelling and subsistence payments to be made for daily travel
to the regional training centres.

It is expected that the changes to the provision of training facilities will not alter the overall costs
of training. The savings made in the costs for Southtown and Northtown will offset the increased
charges for running more training centres. There will be no change in the number of staff required
for training. All current staff members have agreed to relocate where necessary.

Programme Organization

The programme is being run using MSP. The Sponsoring Group, Senior Responsible Owner
(SRO) and Programme Board have been appointed. A Business Change Team, including
appropriate Business Change Managers (BCMs) drawn from the business areas affected by the
programme, is still to be finalized.

Programme staff will be based in Northtown, where a Programme Office will be established.
Each project will be run under a formal project management method.

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Scenario continued


All of the members of the Corporate Board (Directors) of the company support the changes.
See Figure 1 for Buyitall's organization structure. The Chief Financial Officer is, however,
concerned that the sale of the Southtown centre may not generate the expected return. If this is
the case, the purchase/leasing of the regional centres could require additional funding of up to
€22.5 million over the next 12 to 18 months.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Directors of both Facilities (property and
accommodation) and Purchasing are very supportive of the programme and have offered to help.
However, they are only able to commit a limited amount of time.

In the past, the staff unions have raised concerns that current training methods are
discriminatory. They have stated that where part-time workers are unable to attend full-time
residential training this could breach equal opportunities legislation. They are, therefore,
generally in favour of the changes. They see them as being beneficial to their members
because they provide personal development opportunities.

The Shop Managers' Association also supports the proposals. However, it has concerns about the
increased workload for its members. Shop managers will have to do much more of the
administration, such as arranging travel for those attending the courses. Therefore, the
Association feels there should be a salary increase for its members. This increase could cost up
to €3 million on top of the other cost estimates.

Shareholders have not raised any objections to the programme and are expected to support
the proposals at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held next month.

Project 1 (Sell Southtown)


● To close and sell the current Southtown centre

● To transfer non-specialist trainers to the regional centres
● To transfer specialist trainers as part of the outsourcing of specialized training.


● This project is dependent on Project 2 (Outsource Specialized Training). Project 2 needs to

be completed no later than the final closure of the Southtown centre. If Project 2 is not
completed on time, alternative arrangements will need to be made for the specialized
training and affected staff.

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Scenario continued

Project 2 (Outsource Specialized Training)


● To decide which courses will be outsourced

● To select and contract with a suitable supplier.


● Communications with Project 3 (Training Design) need to be managed well. This will
ensure that any outsourced courses are still part of the overall training requirement.

Project 3 (Training Design)


Stage 1: Review Prospectus

● To decide whether to retain, combine, delete or replace courses by new training

delivery methods (for example, distance learning).

Stage 2: Update Material

● To update all classroom-based course material

● To publish a revised training prospectus with full details of each course.

Project 4 (New Training Methods)


● To investigate requirements
● To develop new training delivery methods, including distance learning.


● This project is dependent on Stage 1 of Project 3 (Training Design).

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Scenario continued

Project 5 (New Working Practices)


 To revise working practices. This will allow the new centralized booking system, including
new expense claim systems, to be managed effectively in Northtown
 To determine the staff numbers required at each centre
 To provide the new IT systems required to support centralized bookings
 To determine job descriptions for managers and staff in Northtown and the regional
centres. These job descriptions will emphasize the new focus on training
 To revise all other working practices affected, including new staff appraisal and
personal development processes.


 This project is dependent on Project 2 (Outsource Specialized Training). Project 2 will

provide information about the new ways of working
 This project is also dependent on Stage 1 of Project 3 (Training Design), which will
determine the mix of training to be offered.

Project 6 (Temporary Training

Centre) Objectives:

 To establish a temporary residential training centre on a leased basis. This will replace
the capacity that will be lost when the Southtown centre is closed.

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Scenario continued

Project 7 (Lease or Buy Four Centres)


 To reduce the Northtown centre to two training rooms and residential accommodation for only
15 people
 To relocate some Northtown staff to regional centres
 To determine the size and training capacity of each new centre
 To lease or buy four new regional centres to give good geographical coverage of the country
 To furnish each centre
 To equip each centre with an IT training network and connection to the main IT network.


 This project is dependent on Project 1 (Sell Southtown). Project 1 will provide the funding
source for the lease or purchase of the new regional centres
 It is also dependent on Project 5 (New Working Practices). Project 5 will provide the
necessary new working practices, IT systems and staff numbers required at each centre.

Project 8 (Lease or Buy Five Centres)


 To lease or buy the remaining five centres

 To fully furnish and equip each centre as above.

Timescale and Tranches (see also diagram of timescales overleaf)

The programme is now nearing the end of Defining a Programme.

The three projects delivering new training centres have been grouped into a Training Centre
workstream. This is to assist with the management of the programme. The workstream
consists of Project 6, 7 and 8.

The capability for Tranche 1 is expected to be delivered at the end of month nine with:

 The Southtown centre sold

 Southtown staff redeployed to other centres or transferred to the outsourcing company
 Specialized training outsourced
 Temporary training centre established.

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Scenario continued

The capability for Tranche 2 is expected to be delivered at the end of month 18. This will

 Revised training prospectus

 Updated training material.

The capability for Tranche 3 is expected to be delivered at the end of month 24. This will

 Four new regional centres leased or purchased

 New training methods developed
 New working practices established
 Some Northtown staff relocated to regional training centres.

The capability for Tranche 4 is expected to be delivered at the end of month 36. This will

 The remaining five regional centres leased or purchased

 Temporary training centre decommissioned.

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Month 0 Month 6 Month 12 Month 18 Month 24 Month 30 Month 36

Project 1
(Sell Southtown)

Project 2 (Outsource
Specialized Training)

Project 3 (Training Design)

Stage 1: Stage 2:
Review Prospectus Update Material

Project 4
(New Training Methods)

Project 5
(New Working Practices)

Training Centre Workstream

Project 6 (Temporary
Training Centre)

Project 7
(Lease or Buy Four Centres)

Project 8
(Lease or Buy Five Centres)
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Figure 1: Extract from Buyitall Organization Structure

Buyitall Corporate Board

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Financial Officer Facilities Director Human Resources (HR) Purchasing Director

Finance Manager Facilities Compliance Training Manager


Southtown Northtown
Training Manager Training Manager

Non-Buyitall Roles

Chief Executive Officer Independent Consultant

of ABC

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Question 1: Benefits Management - Additional Information

Extract from the draft Benefits Management Strategy (may contain errors)

Section A: Scope and explanation of which areas of the business will be covered by
benefits management and realization activity.
1. Retail shops.
2. Headquarters office.

Section B: Measurement methods and processes that will be used to monitor and assess
the realization of benefits (including the level of granularity to be applied in the benefits
realization plan).
3. Monthly management information reports will be produced to show reduced staff turnover.
4. Measurement of the number of members of staff attending training courses
will be carried out after transition.

Section C: The review and assessment process for measuring benefit realization,
covering who will be involved in the reviews, and how and when the reviews will be
carried out.
5. Benefit review participants:
• Programme Manager

6. Review timings:
• Reviews will only take place at the end of every tranche, measuring benefits from that
tranche's projects.

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Question 2: Organization and Programme Office - Additional Information

Buyitall Personnel List

Chief Executive Worked in the retail sector since leaving school. Has risen to the current
Officer (CEO) of position through determination and hard work. Has no experience of
Buyitall Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) but is supportive of a
structured approach and wishes to be involved with the programme as
much as time permits.
Chief Financial An accountant with 15 years' experience in both the private and public
Officer sectors. Has little experience of managing projects or programmes and
is concerned that Buyitall is trying to do too much, too soon.
Facilities Director A qualified engineer. Has a great deal of project management
experience, having worked as a Project Manager and sat on a number of
Project Boards.
Purchasing Highly regarded and credited with the success of the installation of a
Director new electronic procurement system in a competitor organization. Has
only recently joined Buyitall.
Facilities Reports to the Facilities Director. Reviews compliance with Buyitall's
Compliance property management strategy, including compliance with health,
Manager safety, and environmental policies.
Finance Manager Reports to the Chief Financial Officer. Works closely with the
Headquarters' sales teams and provides support to enhance the
integrity of financial information. Has a reputation for timely delivery of
accurate financial reports.
HR Director A very experienced change manager who has been involved in a
(responsible for number of large, successful programmes in both the public and private
HR and Training) sectors. A member of the Institute of Personnel and Development.
Independent A highly experienced Programme Manager with an impressive track
Consultant record. Has a number of professional qualifications in project and
programme management, including MSP. Has worked with the Training
Manager in the past and is available for contract to this programme, if
Southtown Joined the company shortly after graduating with a degree in business
Training Centre analysis. Has been with Buyitall for nearly six months. Is very
Manager enthusiastic about the proposed programme and has already agreed
to relocate if necessary.
Northtown Training Has been successfully running the Northtown Training Centre for the
Centre Manager past three years. Has worked for Buyitall for six years, having initially
joined the company as a trainer, and has been appointed as the Project
Executive for Projects 6, 7 and 8 delivering the regional training centres.
Training Manager Reports to the HR Director. Has well-respected change management
skills, having worked closely with Programme Managers in a range of
complex programmes over the past 15 years.
CEO of ABC ABC is the company that won the contract to equip the new training
centres. The CEO of ABC is widely regarded as a visionary business
leader and is regularly quoted in the national press. ABC won the
contract because it has a track record in delivering transformational
change on time and within budget.

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Question 3: Blueprint Design and Delivery - Additional Information

Extract from the final future state section of the Blueprint

(All entries are true statements but may not be recorded under the correct heading or in the
correct document).
Section A: Processes
1. Most courses are non-residential.

Section B: Organization
2. The organization structure comprises of:
• Sponsoring Group
• One full-time Programme Manager
• Six Project Managers
• Two part-time support staff
• BCMs

Section C: Technology
3. Each centre is connected to the main IT Network that supports centralized bookings.
4. The Southtown centre is to be sold. It will be replaced by nine new regional training centres, and
there will be reduced capacity in Northtown.

Section D: Information
5. The Southtown centre might not be sold for the expected price.
6. Staff training records as required for ongoing operations.

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Question 5: The Business Case - Additional Information

Extract from the Draft Programme Business Case

Confirmed at the end of Defining a Programme

(All entries are true statements but may not be recorded under the correct heading or in the
correct document).

Section A: Strategic objectives for the programme

1. Northtown: two training rooms, furnished in corporate colours; residential accommodation for 15

Section B: Estimated costs

2. Temporary training centre: €10,000 per month.
3. Any redundancy costs for training staff: average of €45,000 per staff member made redundant.
4. Staff relocation costs: to be agreed.
5. Costs for IT equipment for the Programme Office.

Section C: Options and approaches that have been considered

6. Option 1: Do nothing.
7. Option 2: Sell off the Southtown training centre and establish a small training facility in each
8. Option 3: Sell off the Southtown training centre and establish 10 small training facilities in
different centres around the country.

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Question 8: Transformational Flow - Delivering the Capability - Additional Information

Memo about Pilot Implementation

To: Programme Manager

From: Senior Responsible Owner
Subject: Training Programme: Proposed Pilot Implementation

I have decided that a pilot implementation is needed to test whether or not the new training
approach will work.

Just one of the 385 Buyitall shops will have its staff trained on one course chosen from the
training materials. The staff will be trained at a temporary, non-residential training centre, using a
limited selection of revised working practices. A new project to be called Project 9 (Pilot
Implementation) will be set up to focus on the pilot, whilst the other projects continue with
preparations for the revision of the training approach. Note that this is in addition to the temporary
residential training centre being established by Project 6 (Temporary Training Centre).

Please advise me of the process we should follow to initiate this pilot project.

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The Practitioner Examination


Question Booklet

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Syllabus areas covered:

Question 1- Benefits Management

Question 2- Organization and Programme Office

Question 3- Blueprint Design and Delivery

Question 4- Planning and Control

Question 5- The Business Case

Question 6- Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement

Question 7- Transformational Flow- Identifying a Programme

Question 8- Transformational Flow- Delivering the Capability

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Question Number 1
Syllabus Area Benefits Management

Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks

Benefits Management 1 A 2

Answer the following questions.

1 What should be included in the Benefits Management Strategy?

A Which areas of the business will need to transition the planned outputs.
B The dependency between one benefit and another.
C Baseline performance levels.
D Outline characteristics of the project outputs required to achieve the outcomes.
2 What should be included in the Benefits Realization Plan?
A A schedule for independent reviews of outputs to ensure that they are capable of delivering expected
B Transition activities required to ensure that the benefits are self-sustaining.
C Responsibilities for benefits realization.
D The techniques used to ensure confidentiality of financially sensitive baseline measurements.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Benefits Management 1 B 2

Using the Scenario, answer the following questions.

Remember to select 2 answers to each question.

1 Which 2 statements are appropriate entries for the Benefits Management Strategy?
A Achievement of benefits from the distributed training centres depends on the sale of the Southtown
B The dates when statistics on the take-up of distance learning training courses will be reviewed against
target levels.
C A key priority will be to increase the product knowledge of staff, which is a non-cashable benefit.
D The benefit of greater take-up of courses depends on the implementation of the new training methods.
E All shops will carry out customer satisfaction surveys after programme closure to identify the impact of
improved customer service on sales.
2 Which 2 events are appropriate milestones in the Benefits Realization Plan?
A When the new booking processes are signed off so that training of shop managers can start.
B Assessment of whether the numbers of staff members attending courses has increased.
C When the Southtown centre will be sold, Southtown staff redeployed and the temporary training centre
D Assessment of whether the new course syllabus is ready to be implemented.
E Comparison of customer satisfaction levels with those from previous years.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Benefits Management 1 C 6

Using the Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following question about changes that should be made to the Benefits
Management Strategy.

Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each
line identify the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once,
more than once or not at all.

Option Assertion Reason

A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
D False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 An appropriate entry for Section A would be BECAUSE The Benefits Realization Plan should
the business area of Facilities (property and detail when each benefit will be realized
accommodation). with appropriate review milestones.
2 It would NOT be appropriate for entry 3 to state BECAUSE The measurement techniques to be used to
if the management reports will be produced per assess benefits should be documented in
shop or per region. the Benefits Realization Plan.
3 Entry 4 should include a requirement to BECAUSE Checking against a baseline measure of
measure current levels of staff training. performance is appropriate where a
capability is changed.
4 The relevant BCMs should work with the BECAUSE BCMs should develop the Benefits
shop managers to ensure that the agreed Management Strategy on behalf of
target described in entry 4 is realized. the Programme Manager.
5 Add a representative from the shops to BECAUSE A Benefit Review should include individuals
entry 5. who are able to comment on the outcome's
impact on operational efficiency.
6 Add a Benefit Review to entry 6 to assess the BECAUSE Benefit Reviews should assess realization
success of the temporary training centre at of benefits as soon as the capability has
the time of its opening. been delivered. MSP-GB--

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Question Number 2
Syllabus Area Organization and Programme Office

Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks

Organization and Programme Office 2 A 4

Answer the following questions.

Each question includes only true statements about the programme, but only 2 statements are appropriate
when considering the appointment of the specified role.

Remember to select 2 answers to each question.

1 Which 2 statements should be considered when appointing BCMs to the programme?
A The programme has eight multidisciplinary projects.
B Project 6 (Temporary Training Centre) is divided into stages that are delineated by location.
C The capability for Tranche 1 is expected to be delivered at the end of month nine.
D The programme will have an impact on the Training Department.
E The shop managers will have new responsibilities to develop their staff, which may increase their workload.
2 Which are the 2 MOST relevant factors when appointing BCMs to the programme?
A An Independent Consultant is available and has a number of qualifications in project and programme
B The Southtown Training Centre Manager will be available to work on the programme on a full-time basis.
C The Facilities Compliance Manager reviews compliance with Buyitall's property management strategy.
D The Northtown Training Centre Manager is very familiar with Buyitall's training methods and operational
E The Facilities Director is a very experienced change manager, who has been involved in a number of
large, successful programmes.
3 Which are the 2 MOST relevant factors when appointing the Programme Manager?
A The Finance Manager has a reputation for delivering accurate financial reports on business performance.
B The Training Manager has worked successfully with senior managers in a range of complex programmes.
C The Purchasing Director has the ability to describe a clear picture of the new training culture.
D The Southtown Training Centre Manager is enthusiastic about the programme.
E The Northtown Training Centre Manager's training and management experience and ability to
persuade senior managers is well respected in the company.

Question continues on the next page

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Question continued

4 Which 2 risks would be MOST relevant when considering whether to appoint a Design Authority for
the programme?
A If members of staff use more than one centre for their training needs, benefits might be double-
counted, leading to poor benefits tracking.
B Because of the tight timescales, unsuitable properties might be purchased, leading to a large number
of inappropriate properties being acquired by Buyitall.
C Lack of experience within the programme management team might cause the culture change required by
the change programme to be poorly managed, leading to a delay in the take-up of training.
D Due to lack of knowledge, the Programme Manager might not follow Buyitall's purchasing strategy,
leading to programme cost overruns.
E Poor communication between regional training centres might mean that Buyitall is unable to deliver
a coherent business model, leading to a failure to be recognized as one of the top five internal
training providers.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Organization and Programme Office 2 B 2

Using the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the
following questions.
1 The Chief Financial Officer has been identified as a member of the Sponsoring Group.
Is this an appropriate application of MSP for the programme?
A No, because the members of the Sponsoring Group should have programme management experience.
B No, because the Sponsoring Group should demonstrate the values implied by the transformational change.
C Yes, because approval of funding for the programme needs senior level commitment within the Sponsoring
D Yes, because the SRO is likely to be a peer member of the Sponsoring Group.
2 Who should the Sponsoring Group appoint as SRO for the programme?
A The HR Director, because the HR Director is the accountable manager in the business area most
affected by the proposed changes.
B The HR Director, because business stability should be monitored to ensure it stays within acceptable levels.
C The Facilities Director, because project management experience is an important element in running the
D The Facilities Director, because the SRO should provide clear leadership during the life of the programme.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Organization and Programme Office 2 C 4

Using the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the
following questions.

1 Who should be considered for the role of Programme Manager for the programme?
A The Facilities Compliance Manager, because the Programme Manager delivers new capability on behalf
of the SRO.
B The Training Manager, because the Programme Manager should be a line manager with responsibility for
a key area of change.
C The Northtown Training Centre Manager, because strong technical knowledge of the products
being developed by a programme is a key attribute of a Programme Manager.
D The Independent Consultant, because a good knowledge of project management is a key attribute of
an effective Programme Manager.
2 Who should be appointed as a BCM for the programme?
A The Training Manager, because a BCM should have experience of bringing order to complex
situations during times of change.
B The Training Manager, because a BCM needs to have sufficient time to provide assurance and overview
of the Benefits Realization Plan.
C The Southtown Training Centre Manager, because a BCM should be available to work full-time with the
Programme Management Team to focus on successful process change.
D The Southtown Training Centre Manager, because a BCM should be drawn from the relevant business area.
3 Who should be a member of the Programme Board for the programme?
A The Chief Financial Officer, because the Programme Board is responsible for resolving strategic
and directional issues between projects.
B The Chief Financial Officer, because the Programme Board should include a representative of
corporate functions, such as finance.
C The Northtown Training Centre Manager, because the Programme Board should include the Project
Executives of the projects in the programme.
D The Northtown Training Centre Manager, because the Programme Board may be formed early in Defining
a Programme.
4 Who should be a member of the Sponsoring Group for the programme?
A The CEO of ABC, because the Sponsoring Group should lead by example, embracing the values implied
by the transformational change.
B The CEO of ABC, because the Sponsoring Group should include lead supplier representatives.
C The Facilities Director, because the Sponsoring Group should facilitate the appointment of individuals to
the project delivery teams.
D The Facilities Director, because the Sponsoring Group should include those responsible for defining
the direction of the business.

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Question Number 3
Syllabus Area Blueprint Design and Delivery

Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks

Blueprint Design and Delivery 3 A 2

Answer the following questions.

1 Which statement describes the relationship between the Blueprint and the Programme Plan?
A The Blueprint is created after the Programme Plan has been produced.
B No relationship.
C The Programme Plan is produced after the Blueprint is developed.
D The Programme Plan identifies how the Blueprint capability will be delivered.
2 Which document should be updated if the processes and associated operating costs identified in the
Blueprint are changed?
A Business Case.
B Programme Brief.
C Risk Management Strategy.
D Vision Statement.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Blueprint Design and Delivery 3 B 2

Answer the following questions.

Each question includes only true statements about the programme, but only 2 statements are appropriate to
be recorded under that heading of the Blueprint.
Remember to select 2 answers to each question.
1 Which 2 statements should be included in the final future state section of the Blueprint under Processes?
A Training is provided through a variety of methods including distance learning.
B The revised working practices for centralized bookings will be developed by a team of expert consultants.
C Staff will consider non-residential courses to be general practice and will have embraced the new ways of
delivering training.
D The Business Change Team will review the expected increase in the proportion of staff members
benefiting from training after completion of Tranche 3.
E 5% of training is carried out through outsourcing.
2 Which 2 statements should be included in the final future state section of the Blueprint under Information?
A Instructions for operating the new booking system will be presented in the form of a process flow.
B Statistics from customer satisfaction surveys will be sorted by region.
C Target operating costs for the training centres are planned to be below industry average.
D Results of analysis of training records (including training attended and appraisal scores) for each member
of staff.
E Peer reviews will be used to assess staff performance following completion of training courses.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Blueprint Design and Delivery 3 C 6

Using the Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following question about changes that should be made to the final future
state section of the Blueprint.

Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line
identify the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than
once or not at all.

Option Assertion Reason

A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
D False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 No change to BECAUSE The processes and business models can be expressed in a number of
entry 1. ways, including flow and process graphics.
2 No change to BECAUSE The Blueprint should describe the organization structure required to run
entry 2 the programme.
3 Delete entry 3. BECAUSE New business processes should be described as part of the Processes
section of the Blueprint.
4 No change to BECAUSE The Blueprint should describe equipment and buildings required for
entry 4 future business operations.
5 No change to BECAUSE The Information section should include any information required to operate
entry 5. the future state.
6 No change to BECAUSE Data required for ongoing operations after a programme has finished
entry 6 should be described in the Blueprint.

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Question Number 4
Syllabus Area Planning and Control

Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks

Planning and Control 4 A 2

Answer the following questions.

1 Which statement describes programme planning?

A An interdependency between two projects is UNLIKELY to appear on the Programme Plan.
B Changes in tasks in Project Plans should be reflected in the Programme Plan.
C The Programme Plan should identify tasks that implement responses to programme risks.
D Shared resources should be planned and managed by the project in which they are most utilized.
2 Which should be included within the Projects Dossier?
A Dependencies between tasks within each project.
B Benefit chains showing project outputs leading to strategic objectives.
C Transition plans showing how the project outputs will be embedded into business operations.
D Existing projects that are to be integrated into the programme.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Planning and Control 4 B 2

Using the Scenario, answer the following questions.

Remember to select 2 answers to each question.

1 Which 2 entries should be shown on the Programme Plan?
A Project 4 (New Training Methods) cannot start until Stage 1 of Project 3 (Training Design) is complete.
B Activities to develop distance learning training materials.
C The approach used by Projects 7 and 8 delivering the regional training centres to acquire the new
training centres.
D Buyitall's senior management team plans to hold a series of meetings with staff unions.
E When the planning of activities to support the change of culture from residential to non-residential
courses is due to commence.
2 Which 2 questions should be considered when producing the Monitoring and Control Strategy?
A What alternative plans should be agreed in case Project 2 (Outsource Specialized Training) fails to
deliver on time?
B What is the current customer satisfaction level within each shop?
C Is the decision concerning the future number of staff in Northtown important enough to be considered
a significant control point?
D Is there any flexibility in the three-year target the Training Programme has set to achieve its Blueprint?
E How will any objections to the proposed redeployment of Southtown staff be handled?

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Planning and Control 4 C 6

Using the Scenario, answer the following question.

Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line
identify the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more
than once or not at all.

Option Assertion Reason

A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
D False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 The Monitoring and Control Strategy should specify BECAUSE The Monitoring and Control Strategy
who has authority to lease or buy new training centres. should set out when audits and
health checks should take place.
2 The specifications and design of the IT network for BECAUSE The Programme Plan should include
the training centres should form part of the specifications for critical project
Programme Plan. outputs.
3 The Resource Management Strategy should identify BECAUSE The Resource Management Strategy
how Projects 7 (Lease or Buy Four Centres) and 8 should include the timing of activities
(Lease or Buy Five Centres) will use external to monitor when resource usage by
resources in the delivery of the training centres. projects will take place.
4 It would be appropriate for a new project to be BECAUSE Early tranches may be designed
planned, for delivery in an early tranche of the as pilots or proof of concept.
programme, to confirm if retail staff will use the
distance learning methods effectively.
5 The Project Manager for Project 7 (Lease or Buy Four BECAUSE The boundary of the programme will
Centres) should be given clear guidelines as to when set out the programme scope.
the first four new training centres must be delivered.
6 If, for monitoring purposes, a report is required when BECAUSE Projects should be given clear
the site for the temporary training centre has been guidance on reporting requirements.
identified, this should be stated in the Project Brief
issued to Project 6 (Temporary Training Centre).

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Question Number 5
Syllabus Area The Business Case

Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks

The Business Case 5 A 2

Answer the following questions about the development of the Business Case.
1 Which statement describes the relationship between Identifying a Programme and the Business Case?
A The SRO is accountable for approving the Programme Brief, containing the outline Business Case, at
the end of Identifying a Programme.
B The full (highly detailed) Business Case is approved at the end of Identifying a Programme.
C If a detailed Programme Mandate is produced, an outline Business Case is NOT needed during
Identifying a Programme.
D The Programme Mandate should identify how the programme is to support the strategic objectives and
may contain a suggested Business Case.
2 Which statement describes the relationship between Defining a Programme and the Business Case?
A The Programme Brief, produced during Identifying a Programme, can be used instead of a full Business
B The full Business Case is developed and approved during Defining a Programme.
C Once the Business Case is approved at the end of Defining a Programme, it must not change.
D The Business Case is the first document to be finalized in Defining a Programme.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
The Business Case 5 B 4

Using the Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following questions about the Business Case.
1 Which statement applies to Section A?
A No change to entry 1 because the objectives of the programme include re-designing the training provision.
B Move entry 1 to the Blueprint because the Blueprint describes the infrastructure required for the desired
future state.
C Move entry 1 to the Blueprint because the Blueprint describes the staffing levels required for the
desired future state.
D Amend entry 1 to include the expected reduction in residential costs because the Business Case
includes costs of the programme.
2 Which statement applies to Section B?
A No change to entry 2 because it is a business change/transition cost.
B No change to entry 2 because programme management costs should be included in the Business Case.
C Delete entry 3 because it is a corporate overhead.
D Delete entry 3 because redundancy costs should be included in the relevant Benefit Profile.
3 Which statement applies to Section B?
A Delete entry 4 because it is not yet agreed.
B No change to entry 4 because project costs should be included in the Business Case.
C Delete entry 5 because this is a programme management cost.
D No change to entry 5 because programme management costs will be sourced from the Resource
Management Plan.
4 The costs of measuring the increase in the proportion of staff receiving training have been included in the
Costs section of the Business Case.
Is this an appropriate application of MSP for the programme?
A No, because these costs should be documented in the Benefit Profiles.
B No, because these costs should be documented in the Benefits Management Strategy.
C Yes, because costs of delivering enabling outputs are described as project costs.
D Yes, because costs relating to achieving a benefit should be included in the Business Case.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
The Business Case 5 C 4

Using the Scenario and Section C of the additional information provided for this question in the
Scenario Booklet, answer the following question about changes that should be made to the
Business Case.

Lines 1 to 4 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each
line identify the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each optioncan be used once,
more than once or not at all.

Option Assertion Reason

A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
D False True
E False False

Assertion Reason
1 Delete entry 6. BECAUSE Only options that might lead to
programme benefits should be
considered in the Business Case.
2 Amend entry 7 to include reasons why this option BECAUSE The Business Case should be used to
was rejected. assess the continued viability of the
3 Delete entry 8. BECAUSE Information relating to the preferred option
should be given in the costs, risks and
benefits sections of the Business Case.
4 The Investment Appraisal should be reviewed once BECAUSE Reviewing the risks to achieving the
the following have been delivered: new regional benefits of the programme is part of
centres, new training methods, new working the test of viability that the Business
practices, and staff relocation. Case provides.

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Question Number 6
Syllabus Area Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement

Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks

Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement 6 A 6

Answer the following question.

Column 1 is a list of key messages and programme communication activities to be carried out as part of the
Programme Communications Plan. For each message in Column 1, select from Column 2 the role which should
be responsible for the activities.

Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Informing staff that they will be attending workshops that will explain A BCM for the Shops
how to arrange travel for those attending courses.
B BCM for Finance
2 Delivering a progress statement about the sale of the Southtown
centre to members of the Corporate Board at a board meeting. C Programme Manager
3 Presenting a formal statement about the expected programme D Project Manager for Project 3
completion date to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting. (Training Design)
4 Communicating with shop managers and staff to identify additional E Project Manager for Project 5
benefits that will arise as a result of the review of the training prospectus. (New Working Practices)
5 Delivering regular progress reports about the progress towards F SRO
delivery of a revised training prospectus.
6 Reporting overall progress about changes to job descriptions to Project
Managers within the programme.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement 6 B 4

Answer the following questions about communications relating to the programme.

Remember to select 2 answers to each question

1 Which 2 messages are MOST likely to be communicated to the shareholders?
A Impact of the programme on the pre-tax profit of Buyitall.
B Effect of the programme on Buyitall's property assets.
C Amendments to job descriptions for Northtown staff following the establishment of the new training centres.
D Details of contractual discussions about outsourcing some of the training courses.
E Updates to the training prospectus for Buyitall staff.
2 Which 2 communication channels are MOST likely to be used to communicate routine programme progress
to staff working in the shops?
A One-to-one discussions between members of staff and their line managers.
B Articles in the Buyitall staff magazine.
C Workshops with members of the programme management team.
D Displays on staff notice boards.
E Regular press releases to the local paper. .
3 Which 2 messages should the BCM for Training be responsible for communicating?
A The schedule for building maintenance at the regional training centres, to the facilities management staff.
B The process for administering course bookings, to support staff at the new training centres.
C Proposed locations of the new regional training centres, to the Sponsoring Group
D Progress on the development of the new training prospectus, to the Programme Manager.
E The plan for implementing each of the new regional training centres, to the Business Change Team.
4 Which 2 messages is the Project Manager for Project 6 (Temporary Training Centre) MOST likely to
be responsible for communicating?
A Revised terms and conditions resulting from Project 6 (Temporary Training Centre), to training staff.
B Escalation of a threat to the delivery of the temporary training centre, to the Programme Manager.
C The benefits of combining the new training methods with delivery through the new training centres, to staff.
D Decisions concerning the size and capacity of the temporary training centre, to the training centre
design team.
E Risk and issue status relating to the adoption of revised working practices in Northtown, to the
shop managers

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Question Number 7
Syllabus Area Transformational Flow - Identifying a Programme

Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks

Transformational Flow - Identifying a Programme 7 A 2

Answer the following questions.

Each question includes only true statements about the programme, but only 2 statements are appropriate
entries for the specified document.

Remember to select 2 answers to each question.

1 Which 2 statements should be included in the Outline Vision Statement contained within the Programme Brief?
A There are new terms and conditions for trainers.
B Buyitall is recognized as one of the top internal training providers in its industry sector.
C Other options have been considered in case of problems with the sale of the Southtown centre.
D Suitable locations are being considered for the regional training centres.
E New delivery methods make training more accessible to all staff.
2 Which 2 statements should be recorded in the Programme Brief?
A The programme will acquire the nine new training centres using Buyitall's standard procurement process.
B Sufficient progress must be made in the next month to be able to present a proposal to the Sponsoring
C A significant proportion of staff find it difficult to attend courses as they are mostly residential
and, consequently, take-up is poor.
D Tranche 1 will include the sale of Southtown centre and the outsourcing of specialized training.
E An increased proportion of staff is expected to receive training, which will bring about increased
customer satisfaction and lead to more sales.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Transformational Flow - Identifying a Programme 7 B 8

Answer the following question.

Column 1 is a list of true statements about the programme that might be found in the Programme Brief.
Column 2 includes a selection of Programme Brief headings. For each statement in Column 1 decide if it is an
appropriate entry, and select from Column 2 the heading under which it is MOST likely to be recorded.

Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Increased accessibility to training for all staff. A Should NOT be included in the Programme
2 The number of programme staff required at Headquarters in Brief
Northtown. B Outline description of benefits
3 An increase in staff productivity is expected. and significant dis-benefits
4 Floor plans for the planned training facilities at Northtown. C Estimated costs and effort required
5 The Chief Financial Officer is concerned that the Southtown D Risks to the programme
premises might not be sold as quickly as planned. E Options for delivery
6 The sale of the Southtown centre is expected to realize F Assessment of the current state, the current
about €75 million business operation and performance in the
7 Effectiveness of the delivery of training at the training areas impacted
centres in Southtown and Northtown.
8 Increased workload for shop managers who will have to do
much more of the administration (such as arranging travel
for those attending the courses).

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Question Number 8
Syllabus Area Transformational Flow - Delivering the Capability

Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks

Transformational Flow - Delivering the Capability 8 A 2

Answer the following questions.

1 Which role is responsible for aligning the costs of developing the training facilities with the objective of
cost- effective decentralization?
B Programme Manager.
D Project Manager for Project 5 (New Working Practices).
2 Which role is accountable for making sure that the revised working practices from Project 5 (New Working
Practices) meet the Training Programme objectives?
B Programme Manager.
D Project Manager for Project 5 (New Working Practices).

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Transformational Flow - Delivering the Capability 8 B 2

Using the Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following questions.

1 Which activity should NOT occur when starting Project 9 (Pilot Implementation)?
A Ensure that the Project Manager of the project understands the standards required for submission
of programme information.
B Update the Vision Statement to explain what benefits the project will deliver.
C Update the Benefit Profiles to show benefits to be achieved as a result of the project.
D Update the Programme Plan to show the dependency of the project on the timely delivery of revised
selected working practices from Project 5 (New Working Practices).
2 Which statement describes the impact of Project 9 (Pilot Implementation)?
A The project should be considered to be a feasibility study and, as such, has no place in the Projects Dossier.
B Actions taken in response to problems identified from feedback on the quality of the pilot training course
should be recorded in the Risk Register.
C The project should enable achievement of a shorter term (early) benefit.
D The project and its key objectives need to be identified in the Vision Statement before the Project Brief
can be authorized.

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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Transformational Flow - Delivering the Capability 8 C 6

Answer the following question.

Column 1 is a list of statements about the programme. For each statement in Column 1, select from Column 2
the document where that information should be recorded.

Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Guidance on the criteria to be used for review of the new training prospectus. A Blueprint
2 The capacity of, and facilities to be offered by, each new training centre. B Information
3 A proposed change to the training prospectus being prepared by Project 3 Strategy
(Training Design), identified during the preparation of the new working practices
in Project 5 (New Working Practices). C Programme Issue
4 How the revised training prospectus will contribute to delivering market- D Quality and
leading customer service. Assurance Strategy
5 General processes to follow for managing any legal difficulties that may arise E Risk Management
during the execution of Project 2 (Outsource Specialized Training). Strategy
6 The Project Manager of Project 2 (Outsource Specialized Training) has F Programme Risk
reassessed the risk that it might not be possible to find a suitable supplier. It is Register
now forecast that this is less likely to occur. G Projects Dossier

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The Practitioner Examination
Note: For Multiple Response (MR) questions, 1 point
is scored if and only if all correct options are
Marking Scheme
selected. Otherwise 0 points are scored.

Exam Paper: GB-LX21-1.2

Question Part Type Response A B C D E F G H I

1 (BM) A CL 1 1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0
B MR 1 0 0 1 0 1
2 0 1 0 0 1
C AR 1 0 1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 1
3 1 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 1 0 0
5 1 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 1

Question Part Type Response A B C D E F G H I

2 (OP) A MR 1 0 0 0 1 1
2 0 0 0 1 1
3 0 1 0 0 1
4 0 1 0 0 1
B CL 1 0 0 1 0
2 1 0 0 0
C CL 1 0 0 0 1
2 1 0 0 0
3 0 0 1 0
4 0 0 0 1

Question Part Type Response A B C D E F G H I

3 (BL) A CL 1 0 0 0 1
2 1 0 0 0
B MR 1 1 0 0 0 1
2 0 1 0 1 0
C AR 1 0 1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 0 1 0
4 0 0 0 1 0
5 0 0 0 1 0
6 1 0 0 0 0

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Question Part Type Response A B C D E F G H I
4 (PL) A CL 1 0 0 1 0
2 0 0 0 1
B MR 1 1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 1 0
C AR 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 1 0 0
4 1 0 0 0 0
5 0 1 0 0 0
6 1 0 0 0 0

Question Part Type Response A B C D E F G H I

5 (BC) A CL 1 0 0 0 1
2 0 1 0 0
B CL 1 0 1 0 0
2 1 0 0 0
3 0 1 0 0
4 0 0 0 1
C AR 1 0 0 0 0 1
2 0 1 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 1 0
4 0 1 0 0 0

Question Part Type Response A B C D E F G H I

6 (LS) A MG 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 0 0 0 1
4 1 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 1 0 0
6 0 0 1 0 0 0
B MR 1 1 1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 1 0
3 0 1 0 0 1
4 0 1 0 1 0

Question Part Type Response A B C D E F G H I

7 (FA) A MR 1 0 1 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 0 1
B MG 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 1 0 0 0
3 0 1 0 0 0 0
4 1 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 1 0 0
6 0 1 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 1
8 0 1 0 0 0 0

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Question Part Type Response A B C D E F G H I
8 (FD) A CL 1 0 1 0 0
2 1 0 0 0
B CL 1 0 1 0 0
2 0 0 1 0
C MG 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

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The Practitioner Examination


Exam Paper: GB-LX21-1.2

Question: 1, Syllabus: BM, Part: A, Type: CL, Syllabus Ref: BM0208, Level: 2
1 A Correct: The Benefits Management Strategy covers the scope and explanation of
which areas of the business will be covered by benefits management and
realization activity (Appendix A.4.2.2).
B Incorrect: The Benefits Map identifies the dependencies between benefits (Appendix
A.4.3.2 and Figure 7.7).
C Incorrect: Baseline performance levels are identified in the Blueprint (Section 7.4.3) and
Benefit Profiles (Appendix A.4.1.2 and A.4.5.2).
D Incorrect: Outline characteristics of the project outputs required to achieve the
outcomes and for the benefit to be realized are described in the Benefit
Profiles or in the Projects Dossier (Appendix A.4.1.2 and A.4.19.2).
2 A Incorrect: The programme should evaluate whether the users will eventually enjoy
adequate benefit value after bringing the outputs into business as usual
(Section12.1). The Quality and Assurance Plan should include schedules for
these independent reviews (Appendix A.4.20.2).
B Correct: The work needed to embed capabilities should be stated in the Benefits
Realization Plan (Appendix A.4.4.2).
C Incorrect: The Benefits Management Strategy describes functions, roles and
responsibilities for benefits planning and realization (Appendix A.4.2.2).
D Incorrect: The Information Management Strategy will describe any techniques
used to control programme information (Appendix A.4.8.2).

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Question: 1, Syllabus: BM, Part: B, Type: MR, Syllabus Ref: BM0301, Level: 3
1 A Incorrect: This refers to dependencies between benefits (short-term and longer-term
benefits), and should be shown on the Benefits Map (Section and
Figure 7.7).
B Incorrect: Dates for benefits reviews should not be included in the Benefits
Management Strategy and are more likely to appear in Benefit Profiles or the
Benefits Realization Plan, which includes appropriate milestones for Benefits
Reviews to take a forward view of the likelihood of ongoing success
(Appendix A.4.1.2 and A.4.4.2).
C Correct: The Benefits Management Strategy should include priorities for the
different types of benefits (Appendix A.4.2.2). Benefit categories can be
described as cashable or non-cashable (Section 7.3.2).
D Incorrect: This information should be included in both the Benefits Realization Plan,
which includes dates when specific outcomes will be achieved that enable
the benefits, and the Benefits Map, which includes dependencies on project
outputs (Appendix A.4.3.2).
E Correct: The Benefits Management Strategy should specify the measurement
methods and processes as well as how and when reviews will be carried
out (Appendix A.4.2.2).
2 A Incorrect: The availability of the booking procedures so that training of shop managers
can commence is the delivery of an output, which should be part of the
Programme Plan (Appendix A. The Benefits Realization Plan should
state dates when specific outcomes will be achieved (rather than outputs)
that enable the benefits as well as handover and embedding activities, not
dates for the delivery of outputs (Appendix A.4.4.2).
B Correct: Appropriate milestones for Benefit Reviews to assess whether benefits
are being achieved are part of the Benefits Realization Plan (Appendix
C Incorrect: According to the Scenario, this represents the capability for Tranche 1. The
delivery of capability and the milestone for an end-of-tranche review should
be shown on the Programme Plan (Appendix A.4.17.2).
D Incorrect: Milestones to assess whether project outputs are fit for purpose should
be carried out by the project delivery team, and the outputs should be
formally accepted by the Programme Manager (Section 17.7 and Table
E Correct: Appropriate milestones for Benefit Reviews to assess whether benefits
are being achieved are part of the Benefits Realization Plan (Appendix

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Question: 1, Syllabus: BM, Part: C, Type: AR, Syllabus Ref: BM0401, Level: 4
1 True: The business area of Facilities True: Benefits Realization Plan should include
should be included in the Benefits timing of benefit realization and
Management Strategy because milestones for Benefit Reviews
disposal of the Southtown building (Appendix A.4.2.2). The assertion is
will provide an early (short term) about which area is impacted upon
benefit. In addition, the facilities will (appropriate contents of the Benefits
alter significantly and there will be Management Strategy) but the reason is
changes to the use of the existing about the timing (listed in the Benefits
Northtown building (Sections 7.4.1, Realization Plan, not the Benefits
7.4.2 and Appendix A.4.2.2). Management Strategy) so does not
explain the assertion. Therefore, the
answer is B.
2 False: The level of granularity to be applied False: Measurement methods and processes to
in the Benefit Realization Plan should monitor and assess realization of
be stated in the Benefits Management benefits are in the Benefits Management
Strategy. It would, therefore, be Strategy, not the Benefits Realization
appropriate to state if measurement is Plan (Appendix A.4.2.2).
by shop or region (Appendix A.4.2.2).
3 True: The Benefits Management strategy True: Assessing the number of future
sets out the rules of engagement on attendees against the number of
how to identify, map, monitor and attendees currently using the existing
review the Benefits Management facilities (baseline) will enable the
Cycle. It would, therefore, be measurement of the scale of
appropriate to identify this improvement (Section 18.2.1).
requirement for pre-transition BECAUSE it is appropriate to measure
measurement since each benefit the improvements against a baseline
must have a baseline. (Section measure, it is appropriate to compare, 15.7 and Appendix A.4.2.2). the performance of the existing training
facilities with the new. Therefore, the
answer is A.
4 True: BCMs should engage with key False: The Programme Manager is responsible
individuals responsible for benefit for developing (being the producer of)
delivery to ensure that the Benefits Management Strategy on
measurement data on the number behalf of the SRO (Table 7.3 and Table
of staff attending training courses is A.3).
collected in accordance with the
Benefits Management Strategy
(Section 7.4, Table 7.3).
5 True: Benefits Reviews should involve True: For realized benefits, input from
stakeholders such as BCMs and stakeholders, including the BCMs
those who can provide realistic responsible for the changed operations
information and evidence of what has should be sought to provide realistic
been achieved to date (Section information and evidence of what has
7.4.4). been achieved to-date (Section 7.4.4).
BECAUSE a Benefit Review should
include individuals responsible for the
changed operations to provide realistic
information on operational efficiency,
Entry 5 should include shop managers
who are well placed to do this.
Therefore, the answer is A.
6 False: It is unlikely that there will be sufficient False: A Benefit Review should take place at a
benefits to assess, at the time of the time when the capability has been
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opening of the temporary training sufficiently embedded to assess the
centre, to warrant a Benefit Review benefits against the Benefits
(Section 7.4.4). Benefit Reviews Realization Plan (Section 7.4.4)
typically take place at the end of a
tranche (Section 7.4.4), which includes
transition activities (Section 8.3.3).

Question: 2, Syllabus: OP, Part: A, Type: MR, Syllabus Ref: OP0302, Level: 3
1 A Incorrect: Projects may be multidisciplinary or single discipline - defined by output,
location or discipline (Section 9.2.4), but it is the business area affected by the
outcomes that would be most likely to inform the appointment of BCMs (Section
B Incorrect: Projects may well be delineated by location (Section 9.2.4), but it is the
business area affected that would be most likely to inform the appointment of
BCMs (Section 4.9.2).
C Incorrect: The appointments of the BCMs will normally be carried out as part of Defining
a Programme (section 15.12), if not identified during Identifying a Programme
(Section 14.4). The duration of the first tranche would have little effect on the
D Correct: Each separate area of the business that is affected by the programme should
have its own BCM or Business Change Team representation (Section 4.9.2).
E Correct: Monitoring business stability and ongoing capability to cope with the level of
change is one of the responsibilities of the BCM (Section 4.9.1).
2 A Incorrect: Qualifications in project or programme management are not a key attribute of
the BCM role (Section 4.9.2).
B Incorrect: BCMs are not allocated to the programme on a full-time basis, as having
ongoing operational responsibility is a key attribute of the BCM role (Section
C Incorrect: Compliance with the property management strategy is more likely to be part of
audit or assurance and is not a key attribute of the BCM role (Section 4.9.2).
D Correct: The BCM should demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the business
environment and have direct business experience (Section 4.9.2).
E Correct: The BCM should have change management skills and enough experience
to bring order to complex situations (Section 4.9.2).
3 A Incorrect: Delivering accurate financial reports on business performance is not a key
attribute of the Programme Manager (Section 4.8.2).
B Correct: Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships is a key attribute
of the Programme Manager (Section 4.8.2).
C Incorrect: It is the SRO who has responsibility for creating and communicating the
vision for the programme (Section 4.6.1).
D Incorrect: Enthusiasm is not listed as a key attribute and by itself would not be sufficient
to qualify someone to be a Programme Manager (Section 4.8.2).
E Correct: Credibility within the programme environment and ability to influence others
are key attributes of the Programme Manager (Section 4.8.2).
4 A Incorrect: Ensuring that there is no scope conflicts between individually owned benefits
is a key element of the Benefits Realization Manager role (Section 4.13).
B Correct: The Design Authority can own a corporate function such as property
infrastructure to ensure there is appropriate alignment and control when
changes are being planned and implemented (Section 4.13).
C Incorrect: The BCM role (supported by the Business Change Team) is responsible for
communicating the change and preparing the business areas for the transition
(Section 4.9.1). The Risk Manager could be used to provide expertise
and management support for risk and issue management (Section 4.13).
D Incorrect: Procurement expertise can be considered as an additional governance role to
ensure compliance to corporate strategies (Section 4.13).
E Correct: The Design Authority can own a business model or corporate blueprint to
ensure there is appropriate alignment and control when changes are being
planned and implemented (Section 4.13).

Question: 2, Syllabus: OP, Part: B, Type: CL, Syllabus Ref: OP0402, Level: 4
1 A Incorrect: The Chief Financial Officer is a key decision-maker with regard to programme
funding and should be a member of the Sponsoring Group (Section 4.5 and
4.5.2). Also, there is no requirement for the Sponsoring Group to have
programme management experience (Section 4.5.2).
B Incorrect: The Chief Financial Officer is a key decision-maker with regard to programme
funding and should be a member of the Sponsoring Group (Section 4.5 and
4.5.2). The leaders of the programme do need to demonstrate leadership
(Section 6.3). Although the Chief Financial Officer is concerned that Buyitall is
trying to do too much, too soon, the scenario states that all of the members of
the Corporate Board support the changes.
C Correct: The Chief Financial Officer is a key decision-maker with regard to programme
funding and should be a member of the Sponsoring Group (Section 4.5 and
4.5.2). The Sponsoring Group is responsible for authorizing the funding
(Section 4.5.2).
D Incorrect: The Chief Financial Officer is a key decision-maker with regard to programme
funding and should be a member of the Sponsoring Group (Section 4.5 and
4.5.2). It is true that the SRO is likely to be a peer member of the Sponsoring
Group. However, this is not the reason why the Chief Financial Officer should
be a member (Section 4.5).
2 A Correct: The HR Director is the manager accountable for the business area most
affected by the proposed changes (from those in the additional information)
and will therefore be in the best position to ensure the correct resources are
available, and to influence and engage key stakeholders (Section 4.6.1 & Table
4.1). The SRO, chosen from the Sponsoring Group, should be the individual
with the most appropriate and required authority, credibility, experience and
skills to lead and direct the programme (Section 14.4).
B Incorrect: The HR Director is the individual with the most appropriate and required
authority, credibility, experience and skills to lead and direct the programme
(Section 14.4). Although the SRO has overall accountability for maintaining
stable operations (Table 16.1), the monitoring of business stability is a
responsibility of the BCM and while the HR Director is a very experienced
change manager, this is not a reason to select them as the SRO (Section
4.6.1 and 4.9.1).
C Incorrect: The delivery of training centres (facilities) is only an enabler to this programme
and therefore the Facilities Director is not the individual with the most
appropriate and required authority, credibility, experience and skills to lead and
direct the programme (Section 14.4). Although project management experience
is an important element in running the programme, this would not be a reason
for appointing the SRO (Section 4.6.1).
D Incorrect: The delivery of training centres (facilities) is only an enabler to this
programme and therefore the Facilities Director is not the individual with the
most appropriate and required experience and skills to lead and direct the
programme (Section 14.4). The SRO leads the programme, providing clear
leadership and direction throughout its life (Section 4.6.1).
Question: 2, Syllabus: OP, Part: C, Type: CL, Syllabus Ref: OP0402, Level: 4
1 A Incorrect: From the additional information, the Facilities Compliance Manager does not
appear to have the defined attributes of a Programme Manager including an
understanding of the wider objectives of the programme (Section 4.8.1 and
B Incorrect: There is no requirement for the Programme Manager to be a line manager
responsible for one of the key areas of change – this would be more suited to
the BCM role (Section 4.8.2 and 4.9.2).
C Incorrect: Strong technical knowledge of the products being developed by a programme is
NOT a key attribute of a Programme Manager. The Programme Manager needs
an understanding of the wider objectives of the programme (Section 4.8.2).
D Correct: The Independent Consultant has a good knowledge of project management
and this is a key attribute of an effective Programme Manager (Section 4.8.2).
2 A Correct: The Training Manager has 15 years' experience in change management, and
bringing order to complex situations during times of change is a key attribute of
a BCM (Section 4.9.2).
B Incorrect: It is the role of the Benefits Realization Manager, not the BCM, to provide
assurance and overview of the Benefits Realization Plan (Section 4.13).
C Incorrect: The Southtown Training Centre Manager would not be able to continue with
existing ongoing operational responsibilities and this is a key attribute of a BCM
(Section 4.9.2). The BCM must be 'business-side' in order to provide a bridge
between the programme and business operations (Section 4.9.1).
D Incorrect: The Southtown Training Centre is being sold so the Southtown Training
Centre Manager would not be able to continue with existing ongoing
operational responsibilities. As this is a key attribute of a BCM, they would not
be suitable for this role. (Section 4.9.2).
3 A Incorrect: The Chief Financial Officer is a member of the Corporate Board and it is
therefore more appropriate for the Chief Financial Officer to sit on the
Sponsoring Group in a strategic decision-making capacity. The Programme
Board is responsible for resolving strategic and directional issues between
projects (Section 4.7.1 and 4.5).
B Incorrect: The Chief Financial Officer is a member of the Corporate Board and it is
therefore more appropriate for the Chief Financial Officer to sit on the
Sponsoring Group in a strategic decision-making capacity. The Programme
Board could include a representative of corporate functions such as finance -
for example, the Finance Manager (Section 4.7.2 and 4.5).
C Correct: The Northtown Training Centre Manager is Project Executive for three key
projects and, therefore, should be a member of the Programme Board because
the Programme Board should include (optionally) the Project Executives of the
projects in the programme (Section 4.7.2).
D Incorrect: The Northtown Training Centre Manager is Project Executive for three key
projects and, therefore, should be a member of the Programme Board but the
fact that the Programme Board may be formed early in Defining a Programme
is not the reason for the appointment (Section 4.7 and 4.7.2).
4 A Incorrect: The Sponsoring Group is responsible for the investment decision, defining the
direction of the business and ensuring strategic alignment. The CEO of ABC is
clearly an effective business leader but does not meet these criteria in this
programme. The Sponsoring Group should lead by example, embracing the
values implied by the transformational change (Section 4.5 and 4.5.3).
B Incorrect: The Sponsoring Group is responsible for the investment decision, defining the
direction of the business and ensuring strategic alignment. The CEO of ABC
does not meet these criteria in this programme. The Programme Board may
include lead suppliers, but not the Sponsoring Group (Section 4.5 and 4.7.2).

C Incorrect: It is appropriate for the Facilities Director to sit on the Sponsoring Group in a
strategic decision-making capacity. Facilitation of the appointment of individuals
to project delivery teams is a responsibility of the Programme Manager (Section
17.2); the Sponsoring Group concentrates on how the programme aligns with
corporate strategic direction (Section 4.5 and 4.8.1).
D Correct: It is appropriate for the Facilities Director to sit on the Sponsoring Group in a
strategic decision-making capacity. The Sponsoring Group should include those
responsible for defining the direction of the business (frequently at Director
level) (Section 4.5).
Question: 3, Syllabus: BL, Part: A, Type: CL, Syllabus Ref: BL0208, Level: 2
1 A Incorrect: The blueprint, benefits maps and the programme plan are designed together,
with the emerging business case acting as the moderator (Section 15.6). The
Blueprint is delivered by the Programme Plan (Figure 8.4), which shows the
relative sequencing of all the projects in the Projects Dossier. The Projects
Dossier provides a list of projects required to deliver the Blueprint (Appendix
B Incorrect: The blueprint, benefits maps and the programme plan are designed together,
with the emerging business case acting as the moderator (Section 15.6). The
Blueprint is delivered by the Programme Plan, which shows the relative
sequencing of all the projects in the Projects Dossier. The Projects Dossier
provides a list of projects required to deliver the blueprint (Appendix A.4.19.2).
C Incorrect: The blueprint, benefits maps and the programme plan are designed together,
with the emerging business case acting as the moderator (Section 15.6). The
Blueprint is delivered by the Programme Plan (Figure 8.4), which shows the
relative sequencing of all the projects in the Projects Dossier. The Projects
Dossier provides a list of projects required to deliver the blueprint (Appendix
D Correct: The Blueprint is delivered by the Programme Plan (Figure 8.4), which shows
the relative sequencing of all the projects in the Projects Dossier. The Projects
Dossier provides a list of projects required to deliver the blueprint (Appendix
2 A Correct: The Blueprint informs the Business Case and the Business Case justifies the
Blueprint (Figure 8.4) - it is important to consider whole-life costs within the
Business Case (Section 10.3.2).
B Incorrect: The Programme Brief is produced during Identifying a Programme and is an
input to Defining a Programme but is not updated after the end of Identifying
a Programme (Table A2).
C Incorrect: The Risk Management Strategy provides governance controls to deliver the
Blueprint. The approach to risk management would not be affected by
detailed content of the Blueprint (Appendix A.4.24.2).
D Incorrect: The Vision Statement should be a constant and stable foundation for the
programme. A change to the processes should not require a change to the
Vision (Section 5.3). The Vision is expanded and developed into the Blueprint
(Figure 8.3).

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Question: 3, Syllabus: BL, Part: B, Type: MR, Syllabus Ref: BL0301, Level: 3
1 A Correct: Distance learning is part of the description of the new business model for the
training function (Appendix A.4.5.2).
B Incorrect: An explanation of how resource requirements will be achieved as well as the
need for subject matter experts belongs in the Resource Management
Strategy (Appendix A.4.23.2).
C Incorrect: Staff opinions and attitudes are part of the organizational culture or style and
so should be in the Organization section of the Blueprint (Appendix A.4.5.2).
D Incorrect: The process and timing for Benefits Review should be in the Benefits
Management Strategy/Benefits Realization Plan (Appendix A.4.2.2 and
E Correct: The outsourcing is part of the description of the new business model for
the training function (Appendix A.4.5.2).
2 A Incorrect: That the instructions will be presented in the form of a process flow is
possibly too detailed for inclusion in the Blueprint but, in any case, would be
included in the Processes section (Appendix A.4.5.2).
B Correct: An improvement in customer satisfaction is one of the objectives of the
programme. Analysis of results of customer satisfaction surveys is valid
information and data required to effectively manage future business operations
(Appendix A.4.5.2).
C Incorrect: The target or future operating costs should be included in the Blueprint,
but within the Processes section (Appendix A.4.5.2).
D Correct: Ongoing records of staff training will be needed as part of the information and
data required to effectively manage the future business operations. These will
be required to help to achieve the stated objective of being recognized as one
of the top five training providers (Appendix A.4.5.2).
E Incorrect: If included in the Blueprint, this information would be in the Processes section
(Appendix A.4.5.2).

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Question: 3, Syllabus: BL, Part: C, Type: AR, Syllabus Ref: BL0401, Level: 4
1 True: Specifying that most courses are True: Processes and business models can be
non- residential should be part of the expressed in as a flow or process
description of the new business graphics (Appendix A.4.5.2). Specifying
model for training (Appendix A.4.5.2). that most courses are to be delivered as
non-residential courses is part of the
content, rather than an indication of the
format in which the new business model
will be expressed. Therefore, the answer
is B.
2 False: The organization structure in the False: The Blueprint should describe the
additional information describes the Organization Structure required to
organization structure for the support future business operations not
programme and not for the future that of the programme organization
state of Buyitall's training function (Section 8.2.1 and Appendix A.4.5.2).
(Appendix A.4.5.2).
3 False: The IT network is an IT system and True: The description of processes to support
is therefore a valid entry within the future business operations should be
Technology section to support the provided in the Processes section of the
future business operations Blueprint (Appendix A.4.5.2).
(Appendix A.4.5.2).
4 False: Information relating to delivery (the True: Equipment and buildings for future
Southtown centre is to be sold) is business operations should be included
describing the 'journey' (how to get in the Technology section (Appendix
to the future state) and should not A.4.5.2).
be included in the future state
Blueprint (Section 8.1).
5 False: This is a risk and should be recorded True: Information and data required to
in the Risk Register, not in the effectively manage the future business
Blueprint (Appendix A.4.25.2). operations should be documented in the
Information section (Appendix A.4.5.2).
6 True: Staff training records are a type of True: It is correct that data required for
information that will be required in ongoing operations after a programme
the future state, and information on has finished should be included in the
staff training will be needed to Blueprint (Appendix A.4.5.2). Staff
monitor performance of the Training training records are required for ongoing
function (Appendix A.4.5.2). operations. Therefore, the answer is A.

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Question: 4, Syllabus: PL, Part: A, Type: CL, Syllabus Ref: PL0206, Level: 2
1 A Incorrect: The Programme Plan should include a dependency network, illustrating
project input and output relationships (Appendix A.4.17.2).
B Incorrect: The Programme Plan is not a master plan of all activities within the
programme. When constituent project plans are developed later, they will be
aligned to, but not embedded in, the programme plan in all their detail (Section
C Correct: The Programme Plan should identify any risk response activities that have
been made to mitigate programme risks (Appendix A.4.17.2).
D Incorrect: The use of shared resources is ultimately controlled by the programme by
means of the Programme Plan and Resource Management Strategy (Section
2 A Incorrect: The Projects Dossier contains a summary description of the projects.
Dependencies between projects should be included in the Projects Dossier, but
dependencies between tasks within each project would be contained within the
project plans (Section 9.2.4 and Appendix A.4.19.2).
B Incorrect: Chains of benefits (dependencies between benefits) are described in the
Benefits Map (Section and Appendix A.4.3.2). The Projects Dossier
contains high-level information and estimates for the projects and includes
the contribution the project will make to programme benefits (Section 9.2.4
and Appendix A.4.19.2).
C Incorrect: Transition activities are included in the Programme Plan/Benefits Realization
Plan, but not in the Projects Dossier (Section 9.2.4 and Appendix A.4.17.2).
D Correct: The Projects Dossier includes information on existing projects to be
adopted/absorbed by the programme (Section 9.2.4 and 15.10).

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Question: 4, Syllabus: PL, Part: B, Type: MR, Syllabus Ref: PL0301, Level: 3
1 A Correct: The Programme Plan should show dependencies between projects (Section
9.2.4 and Appendix A.4.17.2).
B Incorrect: Project plans are aligned to, but not embedded in, the Programme Plan, which
shows when the outputs will be delivered to the business. The focus is on
interdependencies between the projects (Section 9.2.4 and Appendix A.4.17.2).
C Incorrect: The procurement approach would be identified in the Resource Management
Strategy, not included in the Programme Plan (Section 9.2.2 and Appendix
D Incorrect: How the programme intends to engage with all stakeholders including
channels should be recorded in the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
(Appendix A.4.26.2). The schedule of communication activities should be
recorded in the Programme Communications Plan (Appendix A.4.14.2).
E Correct: The Programme Plan should include transition planning information and the
Benefits Realization Plan should include transition activities (Appendix A.4.17.2
and Figure 9.1).
2 A Incorrect: The Monitoring and Control Strategy defines escalation routes and controls,
but specific risk responses would be in the project or programme Risk Register
(Appendix A.4.25.2).
B Incorrect: Current customer satisfaction levels would be recorded in the relevant Benefit
Profile (Appendix A.4.1.2).
C Correct: The Monitoring and Control Strategy should describe what controls will be in
place, including project decision authority and tolerance (Section 9.3.1 and
Appendix A.4.11.2).
D Correct: The flexibility of the programme (or margin) should be reflected in the
Monitoring and Control Strategy (Glossary, Section 9.3.1 and Appendix
E Incorrect: The Stakeholder Engagement Strategy will describe how the programme will
engage with stakeholders and should answer the specific question of how to
manage stakeholder objections (Appendix A.4.26.2).

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Question: 4, Syllabus: PL, Part: C, Type: AR, Syllabus Ref: PL0401 PL0403, Level: 4
1 True: Project decision authority should be False: It is the Quality and Assurance Plan that
stated in the Monitoring and Control describes how and when the programme
Strategy and buying or leasing each will carry out audits, health checks and
training centre is a key decision which reviews (Appendix A.4.20.2).
may have to be referred from the
project to programme level. This could
be supported by the information that
is in the Resource Management
Strategy about expenditure approval
procedures which might state that any
expenditure over €x has to be
referred to programme management
(Appendix A.4.11.2).
2 False: The design and specifications of the IT False: Project Briefs should include high-level
network for the training centres is not descriptions for project outputs (Section
necessary information for controlling 9.3.3) not the Programme Plan
and tracking progress and delivery of (Appendix A.4.17.2).
the programme and resulting
outcomes. Details of the future
organization are described in the
Blueprint (Section 8.2). Project Briefs
should include high-level descriptions
for project outputs (Section 9.3.3).
3 True: The Resource Management Strategy False: The Resource Management Plan should
identifies how the resource include a schedule of activities to
requirements of the programme will implement the Resource Management
be achieved (Appendix A.4.23.2). Strategy and monitoring activities to track
resource usage of projects (Appendix
4 True: According to the scenario, the new True: Early tranches may be designed as
training methods capability is currently pilots or proof of concept (Section
planned to be delivered as part of 8.3.3). Hence, it would make sense to
Tranche 3 at the end of month 24. commission a new project in an early
Buyitall has not tested to see whether tranche to test out the validity of the
staff will use the new distance learning Programme Business Case. Therefore,
training methods effectively. the answer is A.
Therefore, it would make sense for a
project to be set up to test the validity
of these assumptions (Section 8.3.3).
5 True: Projects should be given tolerances True: The boundary is the scope of what a
set by the programme (Section 9.3) programme will cover (Glossary and
and a thorough Project Brief, including Table A.1). The Assertion is describing
how and when the project needs to project tolerances relating to the timing
escalate to the programme (Section of the opening of centres, whereas the
9.3.3). Reason is about the scope or boundary
of the programme, not when it is needed.
Therefore, the answer is B.
6 True: The Project Brief should state how, True: When the programme starts projects, part
when and in what format the project of the Project Brief explains when and
will report progress to the programme how the project reports to the programme
(Section 9.3.3). The identification of a (Section 9.3.3 and 17.6). It is because
site for the temporary training centre projects should be given clear guidance
would be a key milestone to be on reporting that it should be clearly
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reported. stated in the Project Brief. Therefore,
the answer is A.

Question: 5, Syllabus: BC, Part: A, Type: CL, Syllabus Ref: BC0209, Level: 2
1 A Incorrect: The Sponsoring Group is accountable for approving the Programme Brief,
which contains the outline Business Case, at the end of Identifying a Programme
(Section 14.8, Table 14.1 and Table A3).
B Incorrect: It is the outline Business Case, created as part of the Programme Brief
(Appendix A.4.13.2), which is approved at the end of Identifying a Programme
(Section 14.8 and Table 14.1). An approved Business Case is an output of
Defining a Programme (Figure 15.1).
C Incorrect: The Programme Mandate is the trigger for the programme and is confirmed
during Identifying a Programme (Section 14.1 and Figure 14.1). The
Programme Brief uses the Programme Mandate to flesh out the programme's
specific objectives, required benefits, potential risks, outline costs and
timescales, as well as options for delivery (Section 14.5). The Programme Brief
is the first indication of whether the programme has understood its remit
(Section 12.4.1).
D Correct: The Programme Mandate should contain the strategic objectives and might
contain a suggested Business Case (Section 10.2.1 and Appendix A.4.16.2).
2 A Incorrect: The use of a Programme Brief, rather than a complete, highly detailed Business
Case, in Identifying a Programme helps to avoid futile, time-consuming, work on
detailed cost analysis, investment appraisals etc., when the overall concept of
the proposed programme may not be viable for reasons other than financial
justification (Section 14.5). The final Business Case is confirmed during
Defining a Programme when the arrangements for managing the programme
are developed (Section 15.15).
B Correct: The full Business Case is developed during Defining a Programme (Section
10.6.2). In Defining a Programme, the Business Case should be developed in
tandem with the Blueprint, the Programme Plan etc. (Section 10.3) and
approved at the end of Defining a Programme (Figure 15.1).
C Incorrect: The Business Case is approved at the end of Defining a Programme (Figure
15.1). The Business Cases for the programme is constantly monitored,
reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to ensure progress remains
aligned to strategic objections (Section 10.3).
D Incorrect: In Defining a Programme, the Business Case should be developed in tandem
with the Blueprint, the Programme Plan etc. (Section 10.3) and approved at the
end of Defining a Programme (Figure 15.1).

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Question: 5, Syllabus: BC, Part: B, Type: CL, Syllabus Ref: BC0401, Level: 4
1 A Incorrect: It is true that the objectives of the programme include re-designing the training
provision. However, the design of the Northtown training facilities should not be
described in the Business Case (Appendix A.4.6.2).This information would be
more appropriate for the Technology section of the Blueprint (Appendix A.4.5.2).
B Correct: The design of the Northtown training facilities should be described in the
Blueprint, not the Business Case. The Blueprint includes a description of the
technology required for the future business operations. This is the reason
why entry 1 should be moved (Appendix A.4.5.2).
C Incorrect: The design of the Northtown training facilities should be described in the Blueprint.
It is true that the Blueprint describes staffing levels but entry 1 is describing
building capacity (technology) not the organization structure required (Appendix
D Incorrect: The Strategic Objectives section of the Business Case would not include the
benefits of using the training centre. It is true that the Business Case includes
costs of the programme under the expected costs and overall timescales
section (Section 10.1 and Appendix A.4.6.2).
2 A Correct: All costs of implementation should be included in the Business Case. The cost of
running the temporary training centre is a cost incurred to move/support the
operational unit until new practices are embedded. This explains why it should be
in the Business Case (Table 10.1).
B Incorrect: All costs of implementation should be included in the Business Case. However, the
costs for the temporary training centres is a transition cost not a programme
management cost (Table 10.1).
C Incorrect: Benefits realization and business change costs should be included in the Benefit
Profiles, which are then fed into the Business Case (Section 10.3, Table 10.1
and Appendix A.4.6.2).
D Incorrect: Benefits realization and business change costs should be included in the Benefit
Profiles which are then fed into the Business Case (Section 10.3, Table 10.1
and Appendix A.4.6.2).
3 A Incorrect: The Business Case is developed by iteration through stages of formulation and
analysis and should include information which needs to be further analysed
during later parts of the programme (Section 10.3).
B Correct: The Business Case is developed by iteration through stages of formulation and
analysis, and should include information that needs to be further analysed
during later parts of the programme (Section 10.3). It is usual that at the start of a
programme not all costs will be known. It is true that project costs should be
included in the programme Business Case. This explains why, when the project
costs become known, they should be included in the Business Case (Section
C Incorrect: Programme management costs should be included in the Business Case (Table
D Incorrect: The Resource Management Plan is a source of information for programme
management costs. However, these costs should be included in the Business
Case in order to test the viability of the programme, not because of where they
are sourced from (Table 10.1).
4 A Incorrect: The increase in the proportion of staff receiving training is a benefit. Any costs
of measuring this benefit should be included in the Business Case as benefit
realization costs. These costs would be included in the relevant Benefit Profile
which is a source of information for the Business Case (Table 10.1 and
Appendix A.4.6.2).
B Incorrect: The increase in the proportion of staff receiving training is a benefit. Any costs of
measuring this benefit should be included in the Business Case as benefit
realization costs. These costs would be included in the relevant Benefit
Profile not the Benefits Management Strategy (Table 10.1 and Appendix
C Incorrec It is true that costs of delivering enabling outputs are described as project costs.
t: However, these are benefit realization costs, so this is not the reason why these
costs should be included (Table 10.1).
D Correct: The increase in the proportion of staff receiving training is a benefit. Any costs of
measuring this benefit should be included in the Business Case as benefit
realization costs and this explains why these costs should be included (Table

Question: 5, Syllabus: BC, Part: C, Type: AR, Syllabus Ref: BC0401, Level: 4
1 False: The 'do nothing' option should be False: It is often beneficial to explore the
considered within a Business Case. impact of the 'do nothing' option-which
It should be first considered in the will presumably not lead to programme
Programme Brief (Section 14.5) and benefits (Section 14.5, Programme
then carried through to the Business Brief, Sections 10.2.2 and 10.3). The
Case (Sections 10.2.2, 10.3). Business Case should include options
and approaches that have been
considered (Appendix A.4.6.2).
2 True: Each option in the Business Case will True: The Business Case should be used to
be considered including likely costs, assess the ongoing viability of the
benefits and risks. Therefore, each programme as the programme
option should include the reason(s) progresses (Section 10.1). The assertion
that support why one option is better is talking about comparing options put
than the others in the organizational forward for consideration, BUT the reason
context (Section 10.3 and Appendix is referring to ongoing information about
A.4.6.2). the selected option. Therefore, the
answer is B.
3 False: Because this is the option selected True: The Business Case will give more detail
by Buyitall, it must be one of the on the expected benefits, risk profile,
options considered (Section 10.3, etc. for the selected option (Appendix
Appendix A.4.6.2). A.4.6.2).
4 True: According to the scenario, Tranche True: The Business Case does include the
3 delivers the listed capability and, information to show the balance
as a minimum, the Business Case between the value of the benefits and
should the risks to achieving them (Section
be reviewed at the end of each 10.1). The assertion is about the need to
tranche (Section 10.4). The review the investment appraisal against
investment appraisal should be actual expenditure, BUT the reason is
reviewed as more information referring to the balance between benefits,
becomes available regarding actual costs and risks. Therefore, the answer is
programme spend, as well as other B.
information such as revised estimates
for benefits (Section 10.5 and Table
Question: 6, Syllabus: LS, Part: A, Type: MG, Syllabus Ref: LS0305, Level: 3
1 Correct [A]: BCMs are responsible for engaging those operating new working practices (Table
2 Correct [F]: The SRO is responsible for leading the engagement with high-impact
stakeholders, such as the Corporate Board, and anticipating stakeholder issues
that may arise (Table 6.5).
3 Correct [F]: The SRO should be proactive and visible as the driving force behind the
programme, as well as engage key stakeholders early and at appropriate
milestones throughout the programme (Section 4.6.2 and Table 6.5).
4 Correct [A]: The BCM for the shops would be responsible for engaging with the affected
stakeholders (Table 6.5).
5 Correct [D]: Projects should report in an agreed format to help aggregate the information at
the programme level in line with the Monitoring and Control Strategy (Section
17.6.1). The Project Manager for Project 3 (Training Design) would therefore be
responsible for reporting progress on its development (Section 17.6.1).
6 Correct [C]: The Programme Manager is responsible for controlling and aligning project
communications (Table 6.5).

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Question: 6, Syllabus: LS, Part: B, Type: MR, Syllabus Ref: LS0304 LS0305, Level: 3
1 A Correct: Shareholders have an interest in how large expenditure impacts on company
profits. Key messages should be targeted at and consultations undertaken
with the relevant people (Section 6.6.1). Successful communications are
based on stakeholder identification and analysis - sending the right message to
the right audience (Section 6.6.4).
B Correct: Shareholders have an interest in how the sale of Southtown will impact on the
value of assets and, therefore, profitability. Key messages should be targeted
at and consultations undertaken with the relevant people (Section 6.6.1).
Successful communications are based on stakeholder identification and analysis -
sending the right message to the right audience (Section 6.6.4).
C Incorrect: Detailed changes to job descriptions are not usually reported to shareholders,
because shareholders are more interested in the impact on profitability than in
operational changes. Key messages should be targeted at and consultations
undertaken with the relevant people (Section 6.6.1). Successful communications
are based on stakeholder identification and analysis - sending the right message
to the right audience (Section 6.6.4).
D Incorrect: Details of contractual discussions are commercially confidential and not
usually reported to shareholders. Key messages should be targeted at and
consultations undertaken with the relevant people (Section 6.6.1). Successful
communications are based on stakeholder identification and analysis - sending
the right message to the right audience (Section 6.6.4).
E Incorrect: Information on project design issues is not usually reported to shareholders,
as they are more interested in overall progress than progress of individual
projects and their issues. Key messages should be targeted at and
consultations undertaken with the relevant people (Section 6.6.1). Successful
communications are based on stakeholder identification and analysis - sending
the right message to the right audience (Section 6.6.4).
2 A Incorrect: Given the numbers of staff involved, as referenced in the scenario (385 shops)
this would not be the most likely method of cascading routine progress (Section
6.6.4 and Table 6.4).
B Correct: Articles and bulletins in staff publications are an appropriate way of passing on
information about progress to staff working in the shops (Section 6.6.4 and
Table 6.4).
C Incorrect: Workshops can be a useful way of communicating with targeted groups of
stakeholders for a specific purpose, but are unlikely to be appropriate for
passing on routine progress information to large numbers of people (Section
6.6.4 and Table 6.4).
D Correct: Displays on notice boards are an appropriate way of passing on information to
large numbers of people (Section 6.6.4 and Table 6.4).
E Incorrect: Regular press releases would be unlikely to be an appropriate channel
for programme progress information because this could broadcast
sensitive information to other stakeholders (Section 6.6.4 and Table 6.4).
3 A Incorrect: According to the scenario, this is a facilities management operational function,
and the BCM for Training would be responsible only for engaging and leading
those operating new working practices through the transition in their
organization or area (Table 6.5).
B Correct: It is likely that the BCM for Training would be responsible for this, as
the administrative staff are a stakeholder group that is affected by the
new arrangements (Table 6.5).
C Incorrect: It is a function of the SRO to brief the Sponsoring Group and gathering
strategic guidance on changing business drivers (Table 6.5).
D Incorrect: It is not a BCM responsibility to communicate on project progress to the
Programme Manager (Table 6.5). This should be the Project Manager or
Project Executive for Project 3 (Training Design) (Section 17.6.1).
E Correct: It is a BCM responsibility to brief and liaise with their Business Change Team
(Table 6.5).
4 A Incorrect: The communication of operational changes such as changes to terms and
conditions as a result of the programme would be the responsibility of the
Business Change Team or, perhaps, the relevant line manager or HR
department (Table 18.1 and Table 6.5). In addition, according to the
scenario, terms and conditions are not part of Project 6.
B Correct: A Project Manager is responsible for escalating unacceptably high project
risks to the Programme Manager (Section 17.6.1).
C Incorrect: The Business Change Team is responsible for delivering key communications
messages to their business operations. At a higher level, the SRO, is
responsible for engaging key stakeholders (such as operational staff) early
and at appropriate milestones throughout the programme (Table 6.5).
According to the scenario, new training methods are also not part of Project 6.

D Correct: A Project Manager (Project Team) is responsible for managing delivery of

the project to the programme within agreed scope and tolerances, and
reporting progress to the programme as defined in the Project Brief
(Sections 9.3.3 and 17.2) and communicating with project teams. The
Programme Manager will need to ensure 'any departures (outside agreed
tolerances) from previously published project plans are assessed for impact
on the rest of the programme.' (Section 17.6.1).
E Incorrect: Responsibility for reporting operational issues and risks, and progress on
embedding the new capabilities belongs to the BCM and associated
Business Change Team (Table 18.1 and Table 11.2). In addition, according
to the scenario, revised working practices are not part of Project 6.

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Question: 7, Syllabus: FA, Part: A, Type: MR, Syllabus Ref: TF0301, Level: 3
1 A Incorrect: Vision Statements communicate the end goal of the programme, and should
not include lower level detail such as new terms and conditions for trainers
(Section 5.2). The Programme Brief contains an Outline Vision Statement for
the programme, containing a clear statement of the end goal of the
programme (Appendix A.4.13.2).
B Correct: Buyitall wishes to be recognized as one of the top five internal training
providers in its industry sector (Scenario). The Programme Brief contains an
Outline Vision Statement for the programme, containing a clear statement of
end goal of the programme (Appendix A.4.13.2).
C Incorrect: Options for delivery that are known about at this stage should be
discussed elsewhere in the Programme Brief (Appendix A.4.12.2).
D Incorrect: Specific locations may change and the Outline Vision Statement should
provide a consistent description of the desired future state even as details
change (Section 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3).
E Correct: Vision Statements should describe how the future is better than the present,
and describe a desirable future in terms of key stakeholders (Section 5.2).
2 A Incorrect: The Resource Management Strategy identifies the procurement approach
and refers to current contract frameworks (Appendix A.4.23.2).
B Incorrect: The Programme Preparation Plan contains a description of the deliverables
from Defining a Programme, together with the boundaries and margins
within which the team will work during Defining a Programme (Section 14.6
and Appendix A.4.18.2).
C Correct: The Programme Brief contains an assessment of the current state and how
the current business operates and performs in the areas that will be impacted
by the change (Appendix A.4.18.2).
D Incorrect: The Programme Brief contains an initial listing of the candidate projects or
activities required together with rough timescales and explanation of any
projects that will be terminated (Appendix A.4.13.2). It is the Programme Plan
that includes an explanation of the grouping of projects and major activities
into tranches (Appendix A.4.17.2).
E Correct: The Programme Brief contains an outline description of benefits and could
take the form of a Benefits Map (Section 14.5 and Appendix A.4.13.2).

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Question: 7, Syllabus: FA, Part: B, Type: MG, Syllabus Ref: TF0301, Level: 3
1 Correct [B]: According to the Scenario, an increase in the proportion of staff receiving
training is one of the benefits of the programme because it is advantageous to
all staff (Appendix A.4.13.2).
2 Correct [C]: Programme staff is a programme resource requirement and is included within
the term 'effort' (Appendix A.4.13.2).
3 Correct [B]: This is an example of a benefit. The benefit is an improvement (increased staff
productivity) perceived as advantageous by the corporate stakeholder
(Appendix A.4.13.2 and Glossary).
4 Correct [A]: The Blueprint is a model of the future organization and the technology that
supports it (Section 8.2). It is the responsibility of the projects to develop more
detailed designs and specifications to meet the requirements for the 'to-be'
model (Section 15.6).
5 Correct [D]: The uncertainty phrased in the statement indicates a risk (Appendix A.4.13.2
and Section 11.1)
6 Correct [B]: This describes an economic benefit (releasing cash from the sale), which can
be measured in financial terms (Section 7.1, 7.3.1 and Glossary).
7 Correct [F]: This is an assessment of performance of the current state of the training
(Appendix A.4.13.2).
8 Correct [B]: The shop managers will see the 'increased workload' as a measurable
decline resulting from the operation of the new administration processes.
This is a dis- benefit (Glossary).

Question: 8, Syllabus: FD, Part: A, Type: CL, Syllabus Ref: TF0303, Level: 3
1 A Incorrect: The SRO is responsible for leading the programme and providing overall
direction for the delivery of the programme. Therefore, they are accountable
for aligning projects with programme objectives (Section 4.6.1 and Table
B Correct: The Programme Manager is responsible for ensuring that the delivery of new
products meets programme requirements. Therefore, they are responsible for
aligning projects with programme objectives (Section 4.8.1 and Table 17.1).
C Incorrect: At most, the BCM role would be consulted (Table 17.1).
D Incorrect: The Project Manager is not responsible for aligning projects with
programme objectives, it is the Programme Manager. The Project Manager
should deliver the scope of the project within any tolerances set by the
programme (Section 9.3.3 and Table 17.1).
2 A Correct: The SRO is accountable for aligning projects with programme objectives
(Section 4.6.1 and Table 17.1).
B Incorrect: The Programme Manager is responsible for ensuring that the delivery of
new products meets programme requirements. Therefore, they are
responsible for aligning projects with programme objectives (Section 4.8.1
and Table 17.1).
C Incorrect: The BCM role would be consulted to determine if they believe that the
revised working practices output will contribute to the programme's
objectives (Section 4.9.1 and Table 17.1).
D Incorrect: The SRO is accountable for aligning projects with programme objectives.
The Programme Manager is responsible for ensuring that the projects
deliver the scope of the project within any tolerances set by the programme
(Table 17.1).
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Question: 8, Syllabus: FD, Part: B, Type: CL, Syllabus Ref: TF0302, Level: 3
1 A Incorrect: When briefing a Project Manager (compiling a Project Brief), the Programme
Manager needs to ensure that the Project Manager understands the reporting
requirements and configuration management standards to be applied
(Sections 9.3.3 and 17.2).
B Correct: The Vision Statement should be sufficiently flexible to encompass changes
in boundaries of this nature, without any change to the Vision Statement
being required. Furthermore, the Vision Statement is unlikely to show
specific dates for delivery of specific benefits (Section 5.2).
C Incorrect: It is likely that the implementation of Project 9 (Pilot Implementation) will lead
to the realization of some of the benefits earlier than originally planned. This
should be reflected in the appropriate Benefit Profiles (Section 7.4.1).
D Incorrect: The Programme Plan should include a dependency network illustrating
project input and output relationships (Appendix A.4.17.2).
2 A Incorrect: All projects should be listed in the Projects Dossier. Feasibility studies are
particularly relevant in programmes that are transformational in nature as
they are able to test the validity of new approaches (Appendix A.4.19.2 and
Section 8.3.3).
B Incorrect: Actions relating to poor quality are likely to be issues and not risks.
Therefore, they would be recorded in the Issue Register and not the Risk
Register (Appendix A.4.10.2).
C Correct: In this case, the introduction of a pilot project, early benefits should arise
because staff would be provided with earlier access to enhanced training and
development. It is often necessary to produce short-term 'quick wins' to keep
stakeholders supportive of the initiative (Sections 7.3.5 and 8.3.3). This should
result in early benefits realization in the region local to the pilot implementation.
D Incorrect: The Vision Statement should not include a list of projects (Section 5.2).

Question: 8, Syllabus: FD, Part: C, Type: MG, Syllabus Ref: TF0301, Level: 3
1 Correct [D]: The Quality and Assurance Strategy should provide guidance on the standards
to which the programme should conform and the quality criteria to be applied
(Appendix A.4.21.2).
2 Correct [A]: The facilities to be offered by the new training centres would be part of the
Technology section of the Blueprint (Appendix A.4.5.2).
3 Correct [C]: A request for change is a type of issue (Section 11.4.1). The principal areas of
issues in a programme include the management of interdependencies
between the programme and its projects, and between the programme and its
wider context (Section 11.1.1) and should therefore be recorded on the
Programme Issue Register.
4 Correct [G]: The Projects Dossier should show what contribution each project will make to
the programme Blueprint and benefits (Appendix A.4.19.2 and Section 9.2.4).
5 Correct [E]: The Risk Management Strategy should explain the programme's approach to
risk management i.e. for managing events which may or may not occur
(Appendix A.4.24.2).
6 Correct [F]: The identified risks need to be reviewed and challenged. Information relating to
a specific risk will be recorded in the Risk Register. This is a programme risk
because, if it occurs, it will impact on another project within the Projects Dossier.
The scenario states that Project 1 (Sell Southtown) is critically dependent on
Project 2 (Outsource Specialized Training) (Sections 11.1.1, 17.6.2 and
Appendix A.4.25.2).
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