Gr6 Notes Chem Sept

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Topic: 5.1- Metals And Non-metals
5.2- Comparing Metals And Non-metals


➢ Most of the elements around us are either metals or non-metals.

• It is important to know whether a particular element is metal or nonmetal.

➢ The slanting yellow line has elements called metalloids. These have the combined
properties of both metals and nonmetals.
• The elements to the right of the metalloids in the periodic table are non-metals.
• Elements present just to the left of the line are termed as metals.

➢ Physical properties of metals

• Shiny (lustrous)
• Good conductors of electricity and heat.
• High density.
Exception- Lithium, Sodium and Potassium
• High melting point.
Exception- Sodium and Potassium
• Malleable and so can be beaten into sheets.
• Ductile and so can be drawn into wires.
• Solid at room temperature.



• Sonorous.
• High tensile strength.
• Found in a combined state. Only Noble metals are found in a free state.

➢ Uses of metals
• Sodium
Used in orange street lamps
• Magnesium
Used in camera flash bulbs
• Aluminium
Used to make air crafts and power cables.
• Potassium
Used in dyes and inks, fertilizers and as a weed killer.
• Calcium
Used in cement, concrete, cosmetics, toothpaste, Insecticides and paints.

➢ Physical properties of non-metals.

• Poor conductors of electricity and heat

• Non-ductile
• Brittle solids
• Mostly gases. Exception- Carbon, Sulphur, Phosphorus
• Low melting and boiling points.
• No lustre.
• Do not have tensile strength.
• Non-malleable.
• Non sonorous
• Found in a free state and in a combined state.

Uses of Non-metals
• Hydrogen
Making products from oil.
• Helium
Party balloons and airships and MRI scan
• Carbon
Diamond- used in making jewellery.
Graphite- used with clay to make pencil leads.
• Nitrogen



Food storage bags and aircraft tyres.

• Oxygen
Welding and cutting metals, life support system in hospitals.
• Sulphur

➢ Comparing Metals and non-metals

Property Metal Non metal

State Mostly solids Mostly gases

Density Generally high Generally low

Surface Shiny Dull

Melting point Generally high Generally low

Boiling point Generally high Generally low

Effect of hammering Shapes without breaking Breaks easily

Magnetic A few None

Heat conduction Good Very poor

Electrical conduction Good Very poor


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