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IKDSE anics) fultiple(cho Vith)Eull|Explanations|toyAnswers) (© Solar Edueational Press Lud 2016 lar}, 13/F, Houston Industrial Filing, 32-40 Wang Lung Sree, ‘Touen Wan, NT. ek 2409 7818 Fax 2409 8116 ‘Website war Allright reserved. No pare of ti peblication may Ibereprodaced in any maceial foun including Photocopying or storing in any wedium by electronic means nd whether or noc wansienlyorincidntall to some ‘thereof thi publication without dhe price permission ‘of Soar Educational Press ed publ Oxebr 2008 Sond dion Ags 2014 Reponied August 2016 Printer: KWONG KEE PRINTING COMPANY 9/P, Wah Yuee Indus Bldg, 14m Steet, Kowloon ‘ra 2598 1182 ISBN: 978-988-13438-7. Preface HKDSE COMPREHENSIVE PHYSICS Multiple Choice Questions (20 Edition) consists of four volumes, covering fully the newest HKDSE Physics Syllabus implemented in 2013/14 onwards. The books are written to hep students co master basic concepts in Physics and co prepare chemselves forthe Hong Kong Diploma oF Secondary Education Examination from 2016 onwards The books have the following main Fearures + The books can be used as an eal supplement call Physics course books. Infact, the questions in every unica sycemacicaly classified according to the sequence in the newest Physics syllabus. + Questions of different varieties ate collected in the books. They are carefully set to enable seudents to have a comprehensive grasp of basic physics concepts + To enhance effective letning, questions related to similar concepts are put together and are arranged in order of level of dificuley. More difficult questions are asterisked (+) and challenging questions are doubly asersked (**). Questions belong tothe extension part ofthe syllabus are marked with a symbol @. + Full explanations are given covirtlly ll questions Every effore has been made co give detailed analysis foreach question, Step-by-step solutions ae given to all numerical problen It is my sincere hope that students would find chese books useful in learning Physics aswell as preparing for Yung Cheung Ching Auuguse 2014 Contents Section 3. Mechanics Unit 8 Postion and movement 8.1 Postion. distance and diplacement 12 Sears and vectors 83 Speed and velocity 84 Acceleravon 185 Equations of uniformly accelerated motion 86 Vertical motion under gray 87 Graphical anaysis of moron Unit 9 Force and motion 9.1 Newtons fst aw of motion 9.3 Mase and weignt 9.4 Newton’ thed aw of motion 9.5 Free body diagram 9.6 Addon and resolution ef forces 9.7 Moment of force Unit 10 Work, energy and power TO.t Mechanica work 10.2. Gravitational potential eneay 103. Kinetic energy 10:4 Law of conservation of energy 105 Power Unit 11 Momentum 11.1 Linear momentum, change in momentum and net force 11.2. Law of conservation of momentum 11.3. Elastic and inelastic cotsons Unit 12 Projectile motion Extension} Unit 13. Uniform circular motion [Extension] Unit 14 Gravitation [Extenslon} Answers and Full Explanations Unit 8 Postion and movement Unit 9 Force and motion Unit 10 Work, eneray and power ‘Unit 11 Momentum ‘Unit 12 Projectile motion [Extension] ‘Unit 13. Uniform circular motion [Extension] u 36 a7 13s 148 7 193 27 226 236 204 52 Unit 14 Gravitation [Extension] 2 Mm Unit 8 ‘8.1__ Position, distance and displacement ‘Questions 1-4 “The position on a straight road is specified by a coordinate system as shown in che diagram. The coordinates of postions P, Qand R are ~7 m,-3 m, and +5. respectively 1, Ifaman walks from P to R, find the distance traveled and the displacement ofthe man. Distance Displacement A Re “2m Bom “12m GC Be sm D7 “Sm a 2. fa ran walks from K to Q, find the distance travelled and the displacement ofthe man. Distance Displacement A 8m 8m Bam “8m C8 3m D. 3m Sm o 3. Ifa man walks from Q to Rand then back to P find che distance travelled and the displacement ofthe man. Diseance A 4m Displacement “4m Position and movement a Rm am c 20m “4m Dm 20m Oo If man walks from Q to Pand then back co Qagain, find the distance travelled and the clisplacement ofehe man. Distance Displacement A am 4m BR 4m 4m © 8m “8m D. 8m ° o s__. ‘An object is projected vertically upwards from che top of a 60m tall building. fe reaches a height of 20 m above the building and then falls straight down to the ground as shown in the diagram, Whac ate (1) the distance eravelled by the objece? (2). thedlisplacement of the object? (Taking the upward divection as postive and the downward direction as negative) (1) Distance travelled (2), Displacement of by the object the object A. 8m “80m 8 8m 100m C100 +80.m D. 100m 60m Oo 6. A ping-pong balls released fiom a height of 2 _mabove the ground. [falls vertically onto the ground and then rebounds werially upwards reaching a height of 1.6 m above the ground Whac isthe resuleane displacement of the ping-pong ball (Taking the upward direction as positive and the downward direction as negacive) A -O4m Bo -2m c +16m D. #36m Oo > _ A boy walks from point P along a circular path of radius 5m, He finally rtuens to the starting point P, The diseance travelled by che boy and ‘magnitude of the displacement of the boy ate respectively A. S4mandom. BL 314mand 10m, © 157 mandom, D. 20mand 10, "3, “0. A boy walks ftom A to B along a semi-ctcular path of radius 10 m. Me shen walks ftom Bo Calong another semi-circular path of twice the radius of the former path, What is the magnitude ofthe displacement ofthe boy? A 76m Bom 40m D. 20m, o A girl travels from position P ca position T following the route P-> QRS Tas shown in the diagram. Ie is given that PQ = QR RS = ST'= 2:m and QRS is an equilateral triangle. Find the distance travelled by the itl and displacement of the gis. (Taking the rightward direction as positive and the lfeward direction as negative) Distance Displacement A am “10m Bo Bm om 8m “am D. 6m 6m oO A giel walks 20 m cowards the east, then 40 m cowards the north, and finally SO m coward the west. What is the magnitude of the net Aisplacement of the ge? A. 20m a 40m 50m D. 110m ao 11, Which of the following statements about the lifferences between distance and displacement, isfare correct? (2) Distance is w scalar gua lsplacemenc isa veetor quantity Distance and displacement have different jcy white Cy “The distance tavlled by an object would never be smaller than the displacement of the object. (a) only (2) only (a) and (8) only (@)and 3) only ° poe Oo +12. A bay walks 40 m due west (dxplacement D), and then 30 m due south (displacement DIF the displacements of the boy are eepresented by veecors drawn in a scale of 1 em to 10 m, ‘which of the following vector diagrams best represents the above two displacements and the resultant displacement (D) ofthe boy? 2 B o. Pet 1 ane i Rae area NS Z Neth Re Oo 13, 82 14 1s. A boy walks 100 m due east, then 40 m due north, then 80 m due west and lastly 70 m due south, If che displacements of the boy are ‘represented by vectors drawn in a sele of I em 10 10 m, which of che following vectors best ‘represents the resultant displacement of the boy? A B K \ \ D. \ TH. o Scalars and vectors Physical quantities may be scalar or vector ‘quantities. Which of the following statements isincorrect? ‘A. Aphysical quantity having magnitude without direction isa scalar quancicy B.A physical quantity having both magnitude and direction is a vector quanciyy Two physical quancities having the same magnitude may be diferent. D. Two physical quantities having the same magnitude muse be the same if they are vector quantities, Which ofthe fllowingis vector quantity? A Time 1B, Volume © Distance Oo D._ Displacement 16, Which of the following statements about the total of two sealar/vector quantities is/are correct? (1), The cotal of ewo salar quantities must be bigger than ether af the two quantities, (2) The total oF wo sector quantities may be smaller than either ofthe cwo quantities (4)is correct and 2 is incorec. (A)isincorrec ad (2) is correc. Both (1) and (2) are core Both (1) and (2) ar incoreect. pose o Questions 17-19 ‘Vector ¥ and veetor Fad up to form a resultant vector, Which of ee following diagrams coreecely ive? mA Questions 20 and 21 Jn which of the following diagrams can vecror 2 balance che reulane of wectoe Hand ¥2 20 aL v2. A A girl walks 7 m due west and then § m due north, Which of the following correctly gives she magnitude and direction of her resultant lsplacement? Magnitude Direction A 86m Nassw 2 a6m Nsasw cfm Nass w D. 94m Nsw im) -23, Atboy walks 4 m in a direction N 30°, then 2 rade wet aid Bally 1.5 ode south, What ise resltane displacement ofthe boy? A Amduesouch B. 2maduenorth © Smdue couch D. Smduenorth i) -24, A gitl has a displacement of 4 m due east. Which ofthe following diagrams correctly gives the Further displacement she needs so thar her final displacement is 3m due south? A © a 83 and veloc 25, Which of ee fllowing are vector quantities? (2) Displacemene 2) Speed @) Velociyy A. (i)and(2) only B, (1)and@)enly . @)and(a)only 2, 28, D. (),@)andQ) Qo iF tone et A boy takes 10 sco walk from A co Band 15 5 to walk from B to [FAB = 20m and AC~ 10 what ate the average speed and the average velocity of the boy? (Taking the rightward Aliection as postive and the leftward direction asnegative) ‘Average speed Average velocity A osms? -oams" Bo lams" o4ms” clams! n12ms" D. 2ms" O4ms" oO ABCs an equilateral triangle of side Sm. A boy takes 2s to walk fom point Avo point B, and ‘hen 3s o walk from poine Bo point C. What is the magnitude of che average velocity of the boy? AL dams! 2. 20ms" C17 ms" D. Lome" a ‘ cakes 105 to ran From poine Aco point 28, ry 8B, 20 sto run from poine B co point C, and finally 30 5 ¢9 ran from point C to point D. ABCD is square, the length of each side is 301m, Which ofthe following srarements are correct? (1) The magnitude of the resultant displacement of the man is 0m. (2) The average sped of ehe man is 15 ms" (@) ‘The magnitude of che average velocity of the man s0.S ms" A. (1)and @) only B. ()and@) only ©. Q)and ) only D. (1),@)and@) o abe {An objece meves from A co B along a semi circular path, The ratio oF its speed to the magnitude of ts average velocigy is At Boma, com Do awit o ‘Acarmoves from Ato B, and then from BG, along ewo semi-circular paths of adit 20 m and 40 m respectively. The spec of the ca i kepe constane at mms, What is che magnitude oF the average weacty of the ea? A. 033ms" B. 067ms" © ams" a +2. os. a D. ams A boy takes 1 min ro walk 40 m towards the north, He chen takes another 1 min ro walk _30-m towards che east. Which ofthe following best gives the average velocity ofehe boy? 058ms" 02ms* 0.58 ms" north 365" east 0.42 ms" north 365" east pose ‘An abject is projected from the ground. Ie dlserbes a parabolic path and finally falls back ‘othe ground a shown in the diagram. Sunlight shining vertically from above casts a shadow ‘of the object onto the ground. Which of the following statements concerning the motions of the object and its shadow are correct? (1) ‘The otal displacement of che object is the same asthe total displacement of the shadow. (2) ‘The average speed of the object isthe same asthe average specd ofthe shadow, (3) ‘The average velocity ofthe object is the same as the average velocity of the shadow. (a) and (2) only (i) and (3) only {@) and (3) only gas @),@)and @) Oo —————— ‘A cod AB pivots at point P with Pa longer than PA, The rod turns through 360° about P Both ends A and B describe a citcle with P as che entre, Which of che following statements about the motion of end A and end Bis incorrect? ‘Ay The dance raved by end A saler than the distance travelled by end 1 The displacements ofboth ends A and B ©. Theaverage sped of nd Aissmallerthan the average ped fend .. The average velocity of end A smaller than he aeage velocity ofend 8. L_] 3, { An object moves from poine A to poine B along «curved path with a uniform speed, Which of the following starements are correct? (The direction ofthe average velocity of the ‘objec and the direction of the resultant lisplacement ofthe objeceare che same. (2) ‘The magnitude of the average velociey of the object ie smaller than the speed ofthe object. () The magnitude of the resuleanr lisplacement ofthe objece i smaller than the diane travelled by the objec. A. (and@2jonly B. (and@)only Cand (3) only D._ (0, (2)and(3) o ore Ci 136 +37, Asma particle sspended inthe air moves in a iguag path as shown in che diagram, Which ‘ofthe following statements are correct? (1). The distance cravelled by the smoke parcicle is bigger than the displacement of the particle (2) The average speed of the smoke particle is bigger than che average velocity of the particle () The direction of the resuleanc displacement of the smoke particle is the same as che direction of the average velocity ofthe particle AL (X)and (2) only B. (H)and(3) only © @)and(a)only D. (,@and@) oO y /—"—" Kenneth and Helen are 100 m apart on @ staight road. They run towards each other at uniform speeds, Kenneth runs a a speed of 3 ms" and Helen runs ara speed of 2 ms When chey meet each other, Kenneth has run a dliseance of A 80m. B 70m © 60m. D. 40m, o hae ie +38, os, ‘Aus is 50 m in frone ofa car on a straight road. They are moving in the same direction at luifoem speeds. The speeds ofthe bus and the car are 15 ms" and 20 ms" respectively. The car finally overtakes the bus, When overtaking ‘occurs, the car has travelled distance oF A S0m. BR 150m. C. 200m. D. 250m. a Which of the following statements about tuniform speed and uniform velocity are (1) An object moving at uniform speed may not be moving a uniform velocity (2) An objece moving at uniform velocicy must be moving at uniform speed. (8) An object moving at uniform velocity smuscbe moving in a straight line, AL (Hand 2)only B. (H)and(3) only © Qhand(3)only D. (and) o A particle moves from point A to B at a ‘uniform speed of 2 m s" Ie then returns from point B to A immediately a a higher uniform speed of 4 m 5°, What is che average speed of the particle forthe whole journey? A. 300ms" B. 267s" c 133ms" D. zr Oo 40, A boy climbs up from point A to poine of @ ladder ata constant speed of 1 ms". He then climbs down from point B co point Cat a constant speed of 2m s". ABC isan equilateral triangle. What ie the magnitude ofthe average velocity ofthe boy? A. 150ms" B 133ms" © 075ms" D. 067 ms" oO Questions 41 and 42, an Acar starting from rest reaches a speed of 6 ms" afer raveling fora distance of 16min atime of 4s. 41, Which ofthe fllowing statements about the motion ofthe ar may not be correct? A. The instantancows speed of the car is changing. 1, The instantaneous speed ofthe cara che beginning i zero. The instantaneous speed ofthe cat afer scaling 4sis6ms" DD. The instantaneous speed ofthe ca after cewelling2sis3 ms" 42, Whavis the average speed ofthe car? AL amet B ams" © ams" D. Sms" o Questions 43 and 44 1 Icom LS A scone is released fiom rest ar the cop ofa building 200 m cll. 1 falls down the building against air resistance. It reaches the middle ofthe building afer falling for $s. At the mile of che building, there is a window 0.6 m tall. The stone passes in Front oft in aime of 0.02. The tone takes 3 more seconds to fll From the middle ofthe building to the ground, 43. Which ofthe Following starements about the average spoeds of the stones incorrect? |A. Theaverage speed ofthe stone when i falls thewpper half ofthe bung is 20.m BL ‘The average speed of the stone when it falls che lower balf of he building is 33.3 CC. ‘The average speed of the stone when it falls down the whole building is 25 ms. D. The average speed of the stone when it passes che window is 20 ms" Which of the following isthe bes estimation ofthe instancaneous speed ofthe srone when it isa che middle of the building? A 23ms" vas, +46, B 2sms © 28ms" D. 30ms" oO ° “ e b}——— os ——— ‘An object moves from X to ¥ of separation A as ina cme interval tv i defined equal to al ar vis defined equal o 2 ag &, (e485 which of dhe fling statemencs about visfate correct? (1) isthe average speed of moving from Xo x @) IAcisan excemey shor time interval 30 that X and Ybecome one position, vis the snstancancous speed at the position A. ()iscorrece and (2) isincorrect B. ()isincorrece and 2) is comet. Bots (1) and (2) are correct. D._ Both (1) and (2) are incorrect: a In che turde and hare race, ehe turtle won the race, (They ran From X co Y along the path shown. Boch of them finished the race, and the turtle finished in a shorter time.) Which of che following statements about the performance of the wo creatures are incorrect? (1) The displacemene ofthe turdle is bigger than the displacement of che hare (2) The average velocity of the cute is bigger shan the average velocity of che hare var. “48, 10 (8) The instantaneous velociey ofthe curd is bigger chan char ofthe hare throughout the race. A. (and (only 1B (and (3) only C @)and(3)only D. (1),@and 3) o Fe ‘car moving with an initial speed u reaches final speed » after craelling Fora distance « ina time ¢, Which ofthe following searements about the instantaneous speed and average speed ofthe car mast be corzece? A. The instantaneous speed of the cat at the middle ofthe journey (ie. after travelling for a distance ) is equal o the average speed ofthe car, The inscancaneous speed of che car ae the ‘mide ofthe time (ie afer eravelling for time £) is equal to che average speed of the car C._The average speed of the car is equal co 2 D. ‘Theawnagespend ofthe cari o ‘An object is in uniform motion. Which of che following seatements about the motion of che objectare correct? (1). Theobject muse move in a straight line, @)Theinstancansous velocity ofthe object ie (0). Theaverage velocity ofthe abject is always sql co the instantaneous velocity af the objec. (Q)and 2) only (and (3) only @)and (3) only (),@)and@) pose Instantaneous and average speed “49, ‘About is moving parallel to the coast ata speed ‘of 4 ms" A boy on board of the boat runs across the boat ata speed of 3 m sas shown in che diagram. What ate the magnicude and dlirection of che velocity of the boy a8 seen by an observer on the coast? Magnitude Direction A Sms! 90" with the coast Bo ams? parallel co the coast cams" 3° with the coast D. sms* 37 with the coase {_] Questions 50-51 +50. man swims across a river 100 wide with water flowing ata speed of 0.5 ms" He sims in a way that he can reach the opposite shore 38 quickly as posible. He can swim ata speed of I'm sin still water, How far has the man been carted downstream when he reaches the opposite shore? A. s00m B 667m ©. 1000m D. 200m, oO If he man wants co reach the opposite shore withoue being cared downsezeam, in which Aivestion shoul he sim? A. 30° with the shore B 45° withthe shore 60 withthe shore D. 90 withthe shore 84 Acceleration (For the following problems, for horizonsal motions, ake the rightward direction as poseive and the lefeward divection as negative; for vertical ‘motions, take the upward direction as postive and the downward direction as negative.) 52, A car moving to the right increases is speed in 2 seconds. What is from 2m §! to 10 ms" the average acceleration ofthe car? A 4s? Bo -tms? cass D. Sms? o 53. An object falling verccally increases its speed fiom 5 m "to 35 ms" in 3 seconds, What is the average acceleration ofthe objet? A 00ms? 1B -100ms* © +7oms" D. -133ms" oO S54, Aboy running co che sight aca speed of 8 ms reduces his speed until he comes to rest. The slowing down process lasts for 4 seconds, What is the average acceleration of the boy? A s2ms B -2ms? c -8ms* D. oms* Oo ss 56 37, +58, A girl eonning to the left decreases her speed from 7 ms" to L ms" in 3 seconds, What is the average acceleration of che gel? A. 200ms" B -200ms" c. -267 ms? D. -233ms" o Aan object is thrown vertially upwards. Initially thas an upward speed of 10 ms te sses up co the highest point, and then falls dows afterwards. In 5 seconds’ time, the object hhas a falling speed of 35 ms. What isthe acceleration ofthe object? A “toms 1B, sSms" © “Sms? Doms" oO ‘An object isin consean acceleration motion. Which of the following statements concerning the motion ofthe object is/are correct? (1) The objece is moving with a constant velocity (2) The wlosity ofthe objec is changing aa ‘The objee canst have zer0 velocity. A. (only 5. Qonly (and (3) only D. (and (3) only a Which ofthe following statements concerning the motion ofan object are correct? (1) An object with no velocity can have acceleration, @) An object with velocity can have ro acceleration, (9) An objece with a vigheward velocity can have leftward acceleration. A. (i)and Q)enly n B. (and Glonly C. @)and Gjoaly D. @,@)and a) oO *59, An object has a positive acceleration. Which ‘of the following statements concerning the motion ofthe object is correct? A. The speed of the object must be increasing The objeer must he moving in the positive Aivestion, The objece must be gaining velocity inthe positive direction, 1D. ‘The object cannot change the diectin of "60, An object has a negative acceleration, Which ‘of the following starements concerning the ration ofehe object are incorrect? (1). Theobjece must be decelerating (2) The objece must be gaining velaciy in the negative direction, (8) The object must be moving inthe negative Aiection, A. (and 2) only B. (1)and(3)only C. @)and(Q) only D. (1), @)and(3) o “61, An object has an acceleration of -2 ms Which of the following searements must be A. The velocity ofthe object decreases aca rare of 2m every second, 1. The object gains velocity in the negative direction aca rate of 2m s* every second, C._ The object is moving in che negative direction D. The object has a velocigy of -6 m 5” af 3 seconds. “62, +63, 68, Which of the following statements concetning the acceleration motion of an objece ate (1). Aa objece with positive acceleration, its velocity may be decreasing An objece with negative acceleration, is velocity may be increasing, An object with zero acceleration, its velocity may nt be zero, A. ()and Q) only 1B. (and 3) only © @)and (3) only D. (1),2)and 3) ® Which of the following statements concerning the motion ofan object are career? (2) IF the velocity and acceleration of an object are in same direction, che velocity ofthe object is increasing @) If the velocity and acceleration of an object ate in opposite directions, the velocity ofthe objec is decreasing 9) Ifthe velocity and acceleration of an ‘object ate both negative, the velocity of the object is decreasing A. (and @) only BL (1)and (3) only @and (3) only D. (1), @)and (3) Oo Which of the following statements are (1) Thevelocty direction and the aceleration direction of an abject must be the sme ‘The magnitude of the velocity and the magnitude of the acceleration of object are directly proportional ro each othe. ‘An objec in constant acceleration motion ‘must be moving ina straight line ()and @) only B. @)and@)only C Q)and 3) only @ oy} 2 D. (,@andQ) Oo 65. Which ofthe following statements are correct? (41) An object travelling with conseant velocity suse be moving ina staight line (@)Anobjece travelling with conseane velocity cannot have acceleration, (6) An objece eavelling with constant speed can have acceleration A. (and @) only B. (1)and@)only CC. Q)and@)oaly D. (),@)and@) a 66. Compate the magnitude of the acceleration in the following cases. (1) A sports car accelerates ar full power from 2) Abusaccelerates a full power from rest 3) Aspores car traveling at ics maximum speed makes a head-on collision with a containertruck and stops afterwards (4) A parachutist falls ara constant speed in the aie Let 4), 4y, 4s and a, be the magnitudes of the acceleration in cases (1), (2), (3) and (4) respectively, Which of the following is eorreet? A aaa? as Beara. as> ay © atarate Di ararara Oo 8.5 Equations of uniformly accelerated ‘motion For the following problems, assume all motions are ona straight line) Questions 67 and 65 Avan has a speed of 10 m s* cowards the right, The ier presses che petrol pedal which causes the ear ‘to accelerate towards che righ with an aceeeration of2ms 657. What isthe speed of dhe van afters &? AL ro Bo 1oms* © 2ms" D. 30ms* Oo 158, What isthe distance travelled by che van in $3? A 75m B som c28m D. 20m a Questions 69-72 ‘A yacht has a speed of 10 ms cowards the right Wind blowing in the opposite direction causes the yacht to have an acceleration of 2 m s" towards the left. 69, How long does it take for the yacht to come 10 A 10s B Ss G 4s D. 2s Oo “ 70. 7. n 73 4 |Whar distance has the yahe travelled before coming co rest? A 75m B s0m © asm D. 25m o How long doss it take forthe yache co ge the speed of 10 msi" in the opposite direction? A 10s Bo iss cms D. 255 oO What isthe displacement of the yacht when it gets the speed of 10 ms" in the apposite direction? A. 150m Be s0m asm D. 220 ao ‘A car with a leeward speed of 30 m 5° has a rightward acceleration of Sm s%, What are the speod and the direction of mation of the cat 8 later. Speed Direction of motion A. 70ms" lefiward B 7oms* sightward c ms lefeward D. ms rightward ia ‘A speed boat cavellng with a speed of 15 ms accelraces in che same dimection at arate of 2 -m "for Ss Find the distance travelled by the ‘boat during these five seconds, 125m 100m 75m 50m pose vs, 176 7 m ‘An object mowes ftom rest with an acceleration of +S ms, The displacement and the average velocity ofthe object in the firs 4 seconds are Displacement Average velocity A 20m 20s" B +80m 10ms" 40m 20 ms" Dd. 40m some! OC) _An object moves From ses with an acceleration of +2. ms", The instantaneous velocity of the abject after § seconds and the average velocity of the objec in the first S seconds are respectively Instantaneous velocity Average velocity ia afer S seconds the ies Sseconds A Sms" sms" Bo Sms" 0m" © 40ms* osms* Dd. Home noms? O A car starts moving from rest with an acceleration of S ms", What is the speed ofthe car afer it has travelled a distance of 10m? A. 100ms" 3. soms* © 10ms" D. sms" a ‘A carmoving with a speed of 40 m sis braked for 4 seconds. During braking, the car moves a distance of 100 m. Whar are the average deceleration of the car daring braking and the Final speed of the ca? ‘Average decsleration Final speed A Sms? Sms" Bo 6 Sms" toms" c 7Sme" Sms" D, 75 ms? wms' LI 79, ie A buller pencteatesa wooden board which is 4 em chick. The speed of the bullet is reduced fromm 100 m ¢"to.80 ms" during dhe penetration, Find the average deceleration of the bulleeduting the penetration. A. 50% 10'ms? B 25%10'ms? C45 x10'ms* D. 45x10'ms? i ‘Acar is moving at «speed of 25 m The driver applies the brake, che braking force causes the car to develeate ata race of 12.5 1m”, What are che stopping distance and the stopping time? ‘Stoppingdistance Stopping time A 280m 2s B 250m 4s 00m 2s D.— soom a O ‘Acar moves from zest with an acceleration ofS sms. Find the time it takes fr the car to travel, 40m. A 4s RSs GBs D. 10s a A kungei fighter can accelerate is fist from rest co a speed of 4 ms' in a distance of 10cm. ‘what is the acceleration he can give to his fist? 83, 34 "85, ogms* 200ms* 400ms* 800ms* por A bullet moving with a speed of 100 m9 penetrates into a stationery block of wood And embedded in it If the penecation process lasts for 4 10", whae dep does the billet penetrate into the block of wood? (Assume thar che bullet undergoes a consane deceleration during penetration.) AL 40cm B. 20cm 166m D. Bem Oo Acar moving with a speed of 80 km han be braked ro stop in a distance of 32.m. In what distance can the car be braked to stop when its speed is 100 km"? {assume char the braking fore is the sare in ‘both cases) A 256m B 400m c s00m D. 64om a ‘Acar moving wich a speed of y ms" cen be braked to stop in a distance of sm. If he car is moving with a speed of 2# ms, in what stance can the car be braked to stop? (assume the same braking force acts on the 1s "86, ow, 738, 16 ear) Aa Bow cm Des oO ‘A car slows down fiom a sped of 12 ms 40 4 speed of 8 m sin a distance of 5 m. IF he cat contioue co decelerate ac che same rate, what Further distance does che car travel before coming ta stop? A 10m Bam c 6m Dd. 4m o A-car moves From rest with 3 constant scceeration Fora distances fethen slows down witha decaeration of ewice the magnitude as the aceleration until it comes toa stop. What isthe stopping distance? Am Bo og De Oo By applying the brake, the speed ofa cat is reduced from 30 ms vo 20 ms" in a distance ‘of 25 m. If the same braking force continues co acton the car, what futher time is required for thecas to come toa stop? A ds Bas © 4s D. Ss i +89 +90. 91, AA bus moving from rest with an acceleration «can reach a speed v after travelling a certain, distance. A sports car moves from rest with an acceleration 2 can reach a speed 2u afcer travelling the same distance. Find the ratio of the acceleration of the sports car to the acceleration of the bus & A 8 c. b. gree = 4 “The diver ofa car moving ata speed of 30 m $ applies che brake when he ses the traffic lamp ‘uens re, Howover, reaction takes time. There is a delay of 0.6 s before the braking force actually acts on the eat, The braking force can produce a deceleration of 1S m s*. Find the clstance tavelle by the eat from the moment when the drive ses the trafic lamp tusns red ‘until the car comes to. stop, A 18m Bo 27m © 30m D. 48m o Kenneth participates in 100 m race In the first 4 seconds, he increases his speed with a constant acceleration of 2.5 ms“, He then rmainains his speed until e Snishes the race. Kenneth can finish the 100 m race in aime of A. 1308 Bass © 120s D. uss a Arolley witha card of width 4 em attached co ‘runs down an inclined plane. At positions Aand 8 on the inclined plane two pairs of light source and light sensor are installed, The light sensors are connecced co timers. When. the card blocks the light sources and the timers can record. the blocking time. At positions A and 8, che blocking time recorded are 0.05 $ and 0.02 5 respectively. The distance besween and Bis 0.6m. Find the acelertion othe eolley down, the inclined plane the erolley passes the senso A. 28ms° Bo 2ams* c 20ms* D. 16ms* a ‘At che instane ¢= 0, eo cars A and B pass a 94, sos. reference line with the same speed x. Car A emains moving with this uniform speed while car Bis accelerating ata rave of ¢ ms", Five seconds later (= 5's), car B is 20 m ahead of, cat A What is the acceleration 4 of ar B? A. 08ms* B L6ms* © 20ms* D. 24ms* Oo [Ac the instant ¢= 0, cat A and car B are both just behind a reference line, Car Ais atest while car Bis moving aca speed of ums, Both care are accelerating at a race of ¢ m s*.Five second later (¢» 53), car B is 20 m in front of car A, What is the initial speed « of car B? A 40ms° 5. 20ms" © 16ms" D. o8ms" o 7 nod 297 Car A moving with a uniform speed of 3m # {40min front of cat B which iat rest, Wea B scceerates with arate of 2m how long does iecakeforcar B to catch up with car A? A Rs Bis © Rs D. 8s a The speed of a caris reduced to half in a distance + by applying the brake. What Furcher discance does the car travel before coming to ‘op if the braking force remains che same? As 1 3 1 3 1 4 Oo Acar eravelling with a speed of w m 5 can be braked co stop in a distances Find the speed oF the earat che moment when ie has been braked fora distance of A va a oF ne a ‘A-car with an inieial speed u is moving at 2 a constant acceleration 4 In the first second, it travels a distance of 2 m, Inthe next second, ie travels a further distance of 4m, Find the ins speed w and the aceleration «ofthe cat Initial speed w Acceleration « A isms? 1sms? Bo 1Sms? 20ms* coms 20ms? D. 0sms" zsms -An objecestarcing from rest moves along a seraght line with a constant acceleration I reaches a speed of 20 m safer travelling fr $& Find the datance ie ral i che ith second. Adm Bem 32m D. som a 8.6 Vertical motion under gravity (Por the following problems, take g= 981 ms" and assume thae there sno ar resistance) Questions 100-108 An object is projected vertically upward with a speed fof 20 ms" Ie moves up to the highest point and then fale downward, Assume the object is free to (Take the upward direction as positive and che downwatd ditection as negative) 100, What is the maximum height reached by che object? A 288m B 204m © Sim D. 103m a 101, How lang does ie take For the abjece to reach the highesepoine? A 10s B. 1Se © 208 D. 30s oO 1302, How lag docs tahe Ror ee objer eo Fallback to the poiar of projection? A. 20s B 33s © ats D. 528 o 103. What isthe velocity of the object when i alls back to the point of projection? A. -2sms" B. -20ms" © isms" D. -10ms" Oo 4304, What are the distance teavelled and the displacement of the object 6 s after the projection? Distance Displacement A 300m +300.m B. 807m 807m © 807m 566m D. 974m -ssom 105. A stone is released from rest atthe top of a building, Ireakes 4s for the scone ro reach the ‘ground, Find the height of che building. A. 785m B 607m C503 D. 405m 106, 107, 108, = A marble at a height of 100 m abowe the ‘ground is given a vertically downward speed of 'S ms", How long does i ake for the matbe to reach the ground? (take g= 105") A 3s B 4s css D. 6s o Perea ENERO If the marble in Question 106 is given a vertically upward speed of S ms" how long, doesit take Fo che marble to reach the ground? (Takeg~10m=") Aas Bo 4s © Ss D. 6s Qo [An object is thrown vertically upwards. When the object reaches the highest point, wy 09. “uo, mn, (1) ichas ze0 velocity. (2). iehas zero acceleration. (3) it changes its direction of motion A. (Hand) only 3. (1)and@)only CC Q)and@) only D. (,Q)and 3) a ‘Ae objects drown vertically upwards. Which ofthe following statements are corree during the object's upward motion? (1) The objec has upward displacement. 2) ‘The object has upward wslociy (3) ‘The objece has upward acceleration, A (1)and 2) only 8. (i)and@)only C. @)and@) only D. @),Q)and@) Oo ‘An object is thrown vercically upward from point P. Le moves up to the highest point and then falls back ¢o P. Which of the following (2) The average speed of the abject in the ‘whole journey i ero. (2) ‘The average velocity of che object in the whole journey is ero “The acceleration ofthe object chroughout the whole motion s constant. (and @)only (and 3) only @)and 3) only (),@)and@) cose a ‘An object fille Frely from rest under graviey. Which of the following statements are (1). The speed of the object is directly pro portional to the time for which the object has fallen. 2) The speed of the object is directly oun Tey proportional othe distance for which the bee has fallen. The distance for which the object has fallen is directly proportional eo the time for which ehe object has fallen, (1)and (2) only (21) and (3) only {@)and @) only (1,@) and @) ° paee a ‘An object is projected vertically upward from ‘he ground, I rses up co the highest poine and then falls back co the ground. Which of the following seatements ae correct? (1). The total displacement of the abject is ‘The speed with which the object strikes the ground is the same as the speed with which che objects projected upward ‘The time for the objec ro eise from the ground co che highest point is the same asthe time for che object co fll from the highest point back to the ground. A. (1) and (2)only 1B. (1)and(3) only C. @)and 3) only D. (1), @)and 3) a 8 oO Helen holds a meize rule vertically: Kenneth places his Fingers clase go the 30 em mark, Helen suddenly leases the metre rae without giving any notice. Kenneth tries to hold the mecer rule as quickly as he can with his Fingers onee he finds the metre rule iling. He ‘manages eo hold the metre tule at the SO es ‘mark, Deduce the reaction ime of Kenneth A 0285 B 025s C0208 D. o18s o 2» 114 Marbles 4, B and Care at the same height bow the ground, Marble Ais gen an upward speed ofa, marble Bis given a downward speed cof wand marble Cis released fom: rest. Marbles A, Band C finally fall oneo the ground with speeds vp and tp eespectivey: Which of che following is correct? Arty te Bem erte Comte Do erHe Ma Qo “IS. Objects A and B are released fem rest atthe top of buildings X and Y respectively. Building is 4 times as tall as building ¥. Objects A and B strike the ground with speeds and 1, respecte in he to 2 poner ajewee Questions 116-117 Suppose there exists a planet where ce acceleration diue to gravity is 4 cimes chat on the earth, Two objects, one on the earth, the other on the planet, both at the same height above the ground, are released from rest. Both of them fall onta the ground. They reach the ground with differen speeds and in different time. +116. 1F the object on the planec and che object on the earth reach the ground with speed and repeat wars the aio 2 2 1 cq eH a o “+117. 1F che object on the planet and the objece on the eacth ceach the ground in time fy and respectively, what is the ratio of Aa Bo ety 2 1 nite a "118.4 stones released from rest at che rop ofa cliff fn che moon, The cif 20 m tal, The stone fallsa distance of 0.8 m in the Ist second. Find the speed of che stone when ie reaches the botwom ofthe cliff. AL ams BR 2ms" © isms" D. 20ms" a "119, An astronaut on the moon releases a stone from rest. The stone falls with an acceleration due to gravity which is less than that on the att. Ihe stone falls distances of, and in the Ist and the 2nd seconds espectvely, find 2 more co fal from Q 0 , fd the ratio of PQ to 2R(PO: 08) A 32 Bo 9:4 c. 9:16 o D. 9:25 Oo 77122. Let and be the time for the stone to fall From Pt0 Q and from Q oR respectively. PQ OR~ 16:33, 8nd ty ara AS B co 43 D538 ao ons, » 20! lam A building ha a window ed ara distance of ts 5 m below the top. The window is 22 m call eae An object eeleased fom rest a the top of the i building falls pase che window. How long does + the object appear in one ofthe window? gue A 02s B 03s eetaar ‘A stone fling near the surface of plane. D. oss o Te takes 2 0 fall 12. and then 1 10 fall another 12 m. Find the acceleration due «9 vi ofthe plane. A ams? Questions 121 and 122 Bo ams? pe © ams? D. 16ms* Oo ° oi A ‘A scone is released from rest at Pe passes Q and ‘then Ras shown, Assume thet iso air resistance. "121, IFthe stone takes 3 sro fall rom P co Qand 2s i 2 “12s, “126 “127 ABC is a vesscal line, The length of BC is 80 tm, An objec released from rest a falls freely under gravity along dhe line. The object cakes 2.5 ofall from B 0 C Find the time ictakes ro fall from Ato, AL 258 Baus c 36s D. 43s oO Astonetelease from rest falls under gravity In the first second, i¢ gains a speed Ae, and travels distance dy, In the second second, ie gains a speed Ao, and travels a distance dy, Which of the following corredy give() the ratios of Ar, toAsnand d tod? ant Olas 41 Cary AL Boch (1) and (2) ae correct. B, (pis corneee and (2) is incorrect. C. (isincorrece and (2) is conect 1D. Both (1)and 2 are incorrect. a An object falls Feely ftom rest. Find the ratio of the distance cravelled in the 3rd second to the distance travelled in the 1s second. Aon Bot © si Doda ao A water-rocker moves verti ly upward from rest with an acceleration of 15 ms when wate is being ejected. The ection of water lasts for 2s. leehen moves feely under gravity What fs the maximum height reached by the warer- rocke? A Sim 2B 46m c 6m D. 76m 8.7__ Graphical analysis of motion. 128, A cari acelerating from rest along a straight road. Which of the following displacement. time graph best represents the motion of the ox? A. Dipocarent B.Dasacemen 129, A motoreyle is moving along a straight road. Te decelerate uniformly until ies speed becomes zero. Which of the following displacement rime grapk best represents che motion of the mocoteycle? [Aiea 2, Depisorent 28 , Dilcsrant 130, Kenneth and Helen both are cunning with uniform speed on a straight road. Kenneth runs faster than Helen, Which ofthe following graphs bes represents their motion? A. Diplonent B, Dapacomant| C. Dilacement jay +181, cunnerin a 100 m race aceleates from rese for 4 seconds. He then maintains the speed tuntl he reaches the finishing point, He can finish the race in 12 seconds. Which of the following displacement-time graphs best represents che runner's motion? 8 Delaaent mm "132. 4 train moves along a straight railway from ‘one sation tothe next sation, Starting from rest, it goes through the acceleration stage, the ‘uniform velocity seage and che deceleration sage, until finally ie seops in the nexe station. Which of the following graphs bese gives che Alisplacement-time graph ofthe train? Adee Eanes i) eet Ee emai m= ™ 133, Which ofthe fallowing statements concerning the velocty-cime graph of an object moving slong asraight line ate cotrec? (1) ‘The slope of che graph represents the acceleration of the object, (2) ‘The area under the graph represents the displacement ofehe objec. @) The intercept of the graph with the vertical axis represents che initial position of the object A. (Hand @)only 136. An object moving in the rightward direction BL (1)and (3) only along a seraigh line is decelerating uniformly, ©. @)and(3) only Which of the folloving graphs correctly D. (),@)ands) Oo describes the motion of the object? The rightward direction is taken tobe postive isnot ehoty A body released from rest falls Freely under gravig: Neglect the airresistance and take the downward direction as positive. Which of the following velocty-tims graph best shows che motion of the body? AY By © A. (and (2) only B. (and (3) only . @and(3) only D. (1)@)and@) oO 7137. An object is projected vertically upward from pine A. Ie rises up to che highest poine and ‘hen flls back co point A again, Which of the following graphs correty shows the variation ofthe displacement ofthe object with time? A. Dislcemert B, Dilan ‘A stone is ehrown vertically upward. Due ¢o ‘ravigy che stone decelerates, but ie remains ‘sing until ie reaches the highest point. Which of the following velociey-time graph best represents the motion? AY By , Oo , 138, APB is a vertical straight line, An object is projected vertically upward from point P. Te then moves up to point A and falls down to pine B under gravry. Which of th following veloityscime graphs bes describes the motion? Ay Be fh \ cy be \ mt + 7159, A ping-pong ball is given an upward velociy. Ie moves up ¢o che highest point flls back to the floor and ehen rebounds. Ie rebounds for two times on the floor. Assume that cere is 20 aie resistance and takes the upward direction as positive. Which of the following velociy-time raph bese represents the motion? Ay By 140, coe ‘A tennis ball is released from rest above the Floor and bounces several times on the Moor ‘The following graph shows the variation of | velocity of the ball with eime, The upward direction is taken tobe postive. Which of he following satements are corect? (1) At poine P, che ball reaches the highest point. @) At poine Q, the ball is instantaneous at rom point R to point 5, the ball bounces con the floor. ()and 2) only (and @) only @)and @) only (,@ and) ° pose o ‘A table-ennis ball is released from test above the ground. Ie drops to the ground and then rebounds. This happens several rimes. Which of the following graphs correctly shows the variation ofthe acceleration ofthe ball with ‘ime? Assume thae theres no ai resistance and acceleration pointing upwards is taken to be positive. Aa 142, A water-ocket accelerates vertically upward ftom res when water starts jcting Te continues to accelerate vertically upward until water Finishes ejecting, When water stops ejecting, the rocket moves frely under gravity. Which of the following velocitytime graphs correctly describes the motion of the rocker from che tmomenc water starts ejecting up tothe moment the rocket reaches the highest point? Assume that che upward acceleration is constant duting na. ‘The graph abore ia velocitytime graph showing the vatition of he velocity of +e from met Oot fy The xr rection islam to be poste Which of the allowing stamens itncoeect? ‘Ay Thecarismoving towards the west 1B Thecaitaceleingcowans thes, ©. “Thecarisdeeeaing D. Thecarhasanestvard displacement] the ejection of wate. Ay i An object starting from rest travels along a ro scraight line. The variation of the acceleration Te of the object with time is as shown in che ' : acceleration ime graph above ‘Which of the Fllowing graphs carecly shows the variation of the velocity ofthe objec with ay time? a AY By V\ LIF . ' os of ea of ee \ oO cy Dy Lo 4 43, of swe of se eee 7 Questions 148 and 146 ‘An object travels along a straight line. The graph bow shows how its velocity () varies with ime ( "14S. Which of the following graphs correctly shows the variation of the objec’s acceleration (¢) wih time? As Be ree” of Ree +146, Which of the following graphs correctly shows the variation ofthe object's displacement(s) with time? The displacement of the object at # = is caken tobe zero. AS Be 28 sur 8. ‘An object raves along a straight ine. les motion is described by the velocity-time graph above. Whi ofehe following staremenes concerning the motion ofthe object are ineorveet? (U) The object changes direction at = 5s (2) The objec runs to the staring point at 2205, “The object i decelerating a = 25s (1)and 2) only (and (3) only (2)and (3) only (),@)and@) poses An object intially a rest stares moving along straight line. The figure shows its velocey- ‘ime graph. Which of the following starements bout the motion of che abject is corest? A. Ave=11, che objecr changes it direction of motion. B, ArE= 35, the objec returns co its initial position ©. The positions ofthe object at r= f sand $ sare che same. 1D. ‘The positions ofthe objectat¢= 3 sand 7 sare Sm apart Questions 149 and 150, Two particles X and Yate at rest at the same position. They then start moving along the same raight line. 49. ime" Fen I the velocty-ime graphs of X and ¥ are as shown in Fig. (1), at whac time woul they most each other again? AL Aterns B. Attons C Atras. D. Atrns. a Fa the velocty-time graphs of Nand Yare as shown in Fig 2), at what time would they mest cach other again? A attnhs B. Atrens Cc Auegs D, Sometimeberweeng sands L] 151. 182 A gil cakes pare ina race on the sports day of her school. The following velocie-time graph describes her motion during the race. Which ofthe following tatesentsarecorect? (2) The git hasan aesleration of LS m sae the star oF he race (2) The girl rans past che finishing point with speed of 6m" (8) Theraceisa 100 m race A. (i)and(2) only Band 3) only © @)and 6) only D. (),2)and (3) oO ‘The lift of a building moves from + lower oor ro an upper floor The following telocity-cime graph shows its motion, What isthe distance berween the lower floor and the upper floor? A 100m B 75m c 50m D. 15m a 1» Graphs (a), (0) and (6) re velocieytime graphs showing the motions of three lifes A, B and respectively. If #4 and #e are dhe average speeds of lift A,B and C respectively, which of the following scorrec? AL mo > He Boysrot Comet D. Oo “+154, erain travels from station A to station B along. straight railway les motion is described by the vlocirysime graph below. “The erin accelerates at arate of 2 ms for 10 «when it leaves station A and decelerates at arate of 4 m+? when it approaches station B.The whole ourney cakes 100 s, Find the distance between the two stations. A. 200m B. 1950m 156, © 1900m D. 1850m ‘Acar eavels on a straight road, Its morion i recorded bythe velocity-time graph above, Find and alo she distance craveled by the car when ithas the ‘he maximum acceleration of the c Distance travelled ‘Maximum during maximum acceleration acceleration A ams? 200m Bo 6ms* 125m c. 6ms? 100m D. 2ms* 25m oOo ‘An object is thrown vertically upward. Is “subsequent motion is corded by the velocity time graph above. Take dhe aceleration due 0 rovty co be 9.81 m 6, The maxionaen eighe reached by the object and the toal displacement of he objec are respectively Maximum height Total displacement A 392m 392m BR 39am ° © 196m ° D. 196m 96m LO) 30 1s7. c 20m 139, « ‘An object eravels along a straight line, The x staph above shows how its velocity (0) ‘aries with rime (9. Which of the following » statements about che motion ofthe object are ‘Aboy onthe roof of a building stands near the (1) Theacceleration ofthe object in the First 3 ‘edge and throws a stone vertically upward. The eee rane finally fills onto the grounel. The motion iirc ‘of the stone is described by the velociy-time pres ieaerpesiearelirteitupreen raph above. Whats the height of the building? ea foie A (and @) only Banal B. (i)and(3)only ted © @and@) only See Ob weno Oo 's8, "160. car stares From rest and travels along a tight road with a constant acceleration. The displacement () of the carat different time (0 is ecorded. A graph of s vs ¢ is plotted as ofre shown below: The graph above shows the variation of the velocity (») oF an object with time (9. Find the distance travelled by the object when i is decelerating. A Sm Be 1sm ar 161, 162, 2 What isthe acceleration of the ar? A 125m" B 250m c 375ms" D. S.00ms" oO ‘An objece moves from res along a straight line with constant acceleration, The variation of its velocity (0) with displacemene (is recorded anda graph of vss plotted, ene Find ehe acceleration of the abject from the sph A Lasms* B 250ms? ©. 375ms" D. s00ms” Oo "The graph below shows the variation of the velocity (0) oF a ar with cime (2) when the car accelerates from rest along straight road until fc reaches the maximum velocity Which of the following statements concerning, the motion ofthe eat is incorrect? ‘A. The car has the maximum acceleration when it starts moving BL After «the car moves with uniform velocity, Cis the masimum velocity of the ear 1D. The motion is a constant acceleration motion. a ‘Questions 163 and 164 +163. The pilot of helicopter high inthe sky eeleases 1 scone from rese. Due to air resistance, the sone is noe falling with constant acceleration 2 {aeceleration due to gravity). The variation of the velocity (0) ofthe stone with ime (2 is 45 shown in the graph below. (The downward tection is taken tobe positive) Which ofthe following statements concerning che motion of the stone are coreect? (1) The acceleration of the stone at the ‘moment when itis released is qual t0 x (@) The acceleration of the stone decreases wih time and finally becomes zero. (3). The velocity of the stone increases with, time until it reaches a terminal velocity (1) and 2) only (1) and (3) only (2) and (3) only (),@)and 3) a pase Which of the following statements about the sir resistance on the stone is incorrect? A. The air resistance at the moment when the stone is released is zero, B. The ar resistance depends on the falling speed ofthe stone. ‘The air resistance keeps on increasing after icis released. ° DD, ‘Te ai resistance causes the acceleration © 40ms" ‘of the stone to decrease to a terminal D. 33ms" o value of zero, 167. Whar is che acceleration of the objec? 165. The pilot of «helicopter high in the sky AL 167m" releases a sone from rest. The tone then falls B 200ms* sind gravitaionlatracion. In the following ©. 250m" diagrams, the dotted straight lines show the D. 300ms* Oo variation ofthe velocity of te stone if cere is no ar esstanee. But infact, ae resistance acts ‘on the stone. Which of the following graphs (che solid lines) bes shows the variation ofthe velocity of che stone in realty? A.Velecy B.Yoaty 168, ‘The above tape chart represent a uniform velocity motion. What is che velocity? The ticker tape timer makes 50 dots per second. A. a12ms* B ot7ms? ©. 0soms" ° Te 0 Tne D. o6oms" oO 169, Questions 166 and 167 5 Fi TEREST we imine, me ‘The chee tckertapes above are produced by The tcker-tape above is produced by a moving poe yaar one ee ee a object. The ticker tape timer makes SO dots every uniform velo. Trolley i accleraing and sate trolley Z is decelerating, Tapes A, B and C are 166. What isthe average speed between Aad BP produced respectively by alleys A. 0ms" A XYZ. B soms" BZYx 33 © nZx si, BD. xZyY. a ‘The dickereape above is produced by a telley running down an incline. The vickereape timer vibrates ata Fequency of SO Hz. What isthe acceleration ofthe eoley? A 17s" B 23m" ial © 25ms7 D. SOms? Oo lace ealae ie o ramet Sas ie Ta a a =| The diagram shows an experimental set-up for q finding te aceleradion due co gravity. The ee a aa fling motion of 0. kg objec is recorded on 7 oi the paper tape. The tape chare shown is made 27 Tale from the paper tape Estimate the acceleration |_| ele due to graviy ofthe Fee aling object. Ca eae A. 88ms° B 94m" coms ‘The above tape chart shows 5 successive ae a sections of atickertape produced by a ctlley running down an incline. The tckertape timer ‘makes a dat every 002 s. Find the acceleration 173, A. 067ms* coe B. 080ms" ‘eaten © 100ms* = D. s00ms* o ® 34 » Te) A motion sensor connected to a datalogger and a computer is used ro analyse che motion ‘ofa student (Fig. (a). The student moves in Front of the motion sensor. The sensor emits ultrasonic signals which are eefleted by the student. The reflected signals are detected by the sensor. From the time difference becwesa sending ouc and getting back the signals, the positions of the student ate located. The dara collected by the sensor are processed by che computer. The position-time graph of the seadeat is generated and displayed on, che compuier screen (Fig. (B)). (Note thae che position of the student isthe distance between the sensor and che student) Which of the following statements about the motion ofthe student is incorrect? ‘A. The student is 1S m from the sensor at she beginning, ‘The studene is moving away from the sensor with a speed of 0.25 ms" from rime 0106. a The student is moving aveay from che sensor with a speed of 3 ms" From time 6 sco8s, 1D. Thestudentis moving towands the sensor witha speed of 05 ms” From time 8 s ra 12s, 174, 00 9 a ‘nsconpust = ==. =, o \loty im) © mes) The motion of a trolley down an inclined runway is investigated by a motion sensor connected to a data-logger and a computer (ig. (a). The computer based on che daca collected produces the velociy-cime graph of the trolley on the computer screen (Fig. (b)). (Note chat the velociy of che tolley is taken, ro be positive when ie moves away From the sensor) Find the scceleration of the trolley and the distance wavelled fiom time 00 5 Acceleration Distance travelled A osm? am B. 032s? Sm © 02tms* 3m D. 024ms? sm Qo 35 Unit 9 Force and motion ox Newton's first law of motion Which of the following stacements concerning the motion ofan objece are coveecr? (1) An object remains in a state of rest or ‘uniform velocity along a straight ine unless itis acted upon by an unbalanced force 2) An object moving on a surface eventually stops afer calling some distance because there is no unbalanced force maintaining (@) In outer space with no atmosphere and no neacby planes, s moving object continues its motion wich unifosm velocity along a straight Fine (Q)and (2) only (1) and @) only 2) and (3) only (),@)and 3) o pore Which of the Following starements concerning the motion of an object are correct? (1). A minimum anbalanced fore is required ‘co maintain che veloiy ofan objec. (2). An unbalanced force is required co change the elocigy of an object, (3) "There sno unbalanced force acting on an object at rest. (and @) only ()and @) only @)and (3) only (D,Q)and 3) o pase If there is no unbalanced force acting on an ‘object, which ofthe following is nota possible state of motion of the objec? ‘A. Moving with high uniform velociey B, Moving wich low uniform speed along a straight ine CC. Moving with uniform speed ina circle D.. Seaying aceest A spacecraft in space out of the influence of any planets moving ina cice. Ihe engine of the spacecraft is then shut oF, what will be the subsequent mosion ofthe spacecraf? A. Moving with uniform speed along a sernigh ine BL Moving wich decreasing speed along a seraight ine until coming toa seop C.-Moving with increasing speed along a seraight ine 1D. Continue moving ina circle with uniform speed Which of the following phenomena eannot be explained by Newton's fis law of motion? A.A passenger in a bus is pulled backward when the bus accelerates forward from B._ Ifa boy jumps co che platform from a smeving train, he lone his balanec. C.When a cari earning a bend, a passenger inside the ear sips tothe side. 36 1D. In-vacuum,a store and a feather fll with the same acceleration oO A boy ina rain movieg with uniform velocity ‘throws acoin vertically upward From his hand. Which ofehe folowing coreecely cells wha will happen? A Thecoin will ll back to his hand. B. The coin wil fillehind him. CThecoin will fll ia front of D. Ne definice answer, ie depends on the ‘magnitude of the velocity of the train, [_] A card is placed on the mouth of a glass and 2 coin in turn is placed on the card as shown above, The card is flicked off suddenly with a finges. The coin is found to drop into the glass instead of moving off gether with the ear Which of the following can explain what has happened? (1). The force acting en the cain by dhe card only acts for a very short duration. This cannot appreciably change the scare of rest ofthe coin (2) ‘The coin has the sendeney to remain at (8) Thecoin has inertia, A (1)and Q) only () and @) only (2)and 3) only (), @)and (3) poe Oo Which of the Following staemenes concetning the inertia of an objects incorrect? A. Inertia ofan objectis a salar quantny B An object of mass 2 kg has more inertia ‘than an object ofmass I hg, ‘An objec with more inertia has a stronger rendency to ema at restoriginaly iis, ae resto to remain moving with unifocm velocity if originally itis moving wich uniform velaciy D. The inertia of an object changes with ° 9.2__ Newton's second law of motion Questions 9 12 [A2 kg mass a rest on a smooth horizontal surface Is acted on by a horizontal force of 1 N, The force acts for 4 sand is then removed. Take sime t= 0 ‘when che Force begins ro act. 9. Wharisthe speed ofthe mass at¢~ 45? A asms" B 10ms" © 20ms" D. 40ms* oO 10. What is the speed ofthe maseat¢= 632 AL 0Sms" Bo 1Sms! © 20ms" D. 30ms" Qo 11, What is the distance esvelled by the mass from P0149? A 8m Bam 3m D. am oO a7 2. 1, 14 1s, ‘What isthe distance travelled bythe mass fom, P= Ot0!~ 63? A Rm Bam © 6m D. 4m Oo AS kg mass accelerating at2 ms" has a velocity of 3m sat a certain istane Find the unbalanced force acting on the mass ac this ASN a 10N © SN D. 25N Oo A force of 4 N is required to keep a block of mas 2 kg moving ata uniform velocity of Sm "ona horizontal surface, Whatis the icconal force acing on che block bythe surface? A. 10N a aN c aN D. on a [An object is moving with uniform velocity. Which of che following statements ae coreect? (1). ‘The objece has che same displacement very second, (2) “The object nas ne acceleration. @) There is no unbalanced force acting on the object, A. (and @jonly B. (1)and (3) only C. Q)and(3) only D. (),@)and @) oO 16. “7, 18, A.2 kg mass placed on a rough horizoneal surface is acted on by a horizontal force of SN. “The mass moves with an acceleration of 1m Find the frictional force acting on the mass 2N BN an sw one Oo Lo {AS kg mass is placed on 2 rough horizontal surface, A force of 2 N is then applied on the mass. The mass remains a¢ rest on the surface, Which ofthe following statements are incorrect? (1) ‘Theres an unbalance Force of N acting con the mass “There isa fictional fore of 2N acting on the mass ‘The mass cannot be moved by the 2N Fouce because the weight of the mass is bigger ehan 2. (and @) only (and @) only @)and @) only (,@)and 9) 2 o pose A block of mass 4 kg placed on a rough horizontal surface is acted upon by two horizontal forces pointing in opposice ditections. The two fosces have magnitudes of 19, 31 and 9 N respectively If the fictional force bbecween the Block and the surface is 2.N, find the acceleration of che bloc. A. Zero 5 10ms* c isms? D. 20ms? o \ Se a A girl oF mass 25 kg moving down a slide reaches a speed of 4 m s* when she comes to the bottom horizontal part of the side. She continues travelling for a further distance ‘ofS m before coming to a stop. Whae is the fictional force acting on the gil when she is slowing down? A 40N B 3sN © SN D. 20N o Abuillec of mass 002 kg travelling at «speed of 100 ms" penetrates inca a wall fr adepth of cm. Find the resisting force ehe wall acts on the bales A 20N 8. 10008) 200088 va om. "23, D. 100000 ona ‘Acar of mass 1500 kg accelerates from rest with a constant acceleration for $ seconds, Ie covers a distance of 200 m during the acceleration. Find the nee driving force acting ‘on the ear during the acelration A 12000N, B. 18000 20000) D. 26000 ag a A horizontal force of 8 N acts on a mass of 2 kg placed on a horizontal surface, The mast accelerates aca rare of 3m s”.If the 8N forces removed, what will be the subsequent motion of the mass? A. The mass will continue accelerating a a rateof 3m BL ‘The mass will continue moving wich a uniform velocity C.The mass will top immediatly D. The mass will continue moving wich a deceleration of lms" 'A.1ON horizontal force can cause 22 kg mass testing on a horizancal surface to accelerate at 3.m 7. Ifthe 10 N force is replaced by a 20.N force, what will the acceleration ofthe mass be? A toms" 39 BO ams? © 6ms D. 4ms? Qo Questions 24-27 tocatreaaer Fel \wbetys* Fa) £403 kg mass a rest on a rough horizontal surface is pulled by a student with a eubber band (Fig. (2). ‘The mass starts moving and the student skillflly keeps the length of the rubber band constane so that aconstane force acts onthe mass. The seudent pulls for a while and then stops, ut the mass continies travelling for some further distance befote coming 0 rest again. The whole process is monitored by motion sensor connected to a date-logger and a computer. Based on the data collected, a velocity: time graph is plotted on the computer screen (Pig. @». 24, How long has the student pled the mass with the rubber band? A 10s B. 20s © ass D. sos a 25. Whatis the real displacement of the mass? A 4m B 6m © 10m D. 20m oO 26, Whats the frictional force acting om the mass by the surface? A OAN B. O6N © 13N D. 20N go 27, Whac is the force acting on the mass by the rubber band? A 20N BR 13N © 10N D. 06N Oo Questions 28 and29 In the diagram, ewo blocks A and B placed on a smooth horizontal surface is Linked by a light inextensible sting. A horizontal force Fis applied to block A. Afersulling fora while at ime fy, the steing breaks. The force F continues acting on Block Aafierthe breaking ofthe string. +28 Which of the following velocity-time graph correctly describes the mosion of black A? Aaa B, Veoaty 29. Which of the following velocty-cime graphs correctly describes the motion of block B? Aves 2, velocty YL ope ie oes on roo >= ot S- eee Rares cine ne is ; AL kg erolley can be kepe moving on a horizontal surface with a uniform velocity by a rubber band kept at a constane extended length (Fig. (a). IF the tolley is pulled by two $31, +32, similar rubber bands also kept at the same extended length, che trolley accelerates a 1 im s* (Big. (Find the Fietion acting on the rrolle. Assume thatthe friction is the same in both cases A 30N B 20N © 10N D. OSN a A big piece of stone of mass 1000 kg lying ‘on the ground can be pushed to move by a bulldozer exercing a Force of 4000 N on it. The stone is then hung up vertically bya rape and. 4a workman pushes ie with a horizoncal force £100 N. Which of the following comments is correct? A. The stone can never be moved by the workman since its mass is much bigger than the mass ofthe workman, The scone remains at rest since the force ‘exerted by the workman ses than 4000 N. ©The scone remains arrest since the force ‘exerted by the workman is less chan the weight of the stone. D._ The stone moves horizontally with an acceleration of 0.1 ms A boy plays the game of bungee jump. He is ‘ied to an elastic rope and he jumps down fiom high placform. He falls vertically and reaches 4 the lowest point without touching the ground. Which of the Following statements is/are () At che lowest point, che boy has no velocity, @) At the lowest point, the boy bas no acceleration (@) Ae che lowest point, the tension in the rope is equal tothe weight of ehe boy. ()only Q)only ()and (3) only @)and 3) only pose o 133, Which of the following statements doos mot follow from Newton's second aw of motion? A, The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the deving force acting ion the object B. If the same unbalanced force acts on different objects with different masses, the acceleration produced is inversely proportional to the mass C. To produce the same acceleration on different objects with different masses, the unbalanced force requited is direcly proportional to the mass D. The dtection of aceleration ofan object is thesameas the direction ofthe unbalanced face acting oni. "34, An objec is moving towards the east along a straight line bur i is slowing down, Which of the fllowing statements is/ate correc (1). The object hasan easeward velocity (@) ‘The object hasan eastward acceleration. @) There is an eastward unbalanced force ating on che objec. A. (only B. Q)only C. (i)and 3) oaly D. @)and(3) only +35, 136 In the above diagram, vis the velocity of the block and F isthe unbalanced force acting om the block. The acceleration of the block is in direction A 0). B®) c D. @). o ‘Two horizontal fores of magnitude 8 N and 3 act on a block placed on a rough horizontal surface, The 8 N Force points to the right and che 3 N Force points ro the left. The block remains at rest on the surface. If che 8 N force is then removed, which of dhe following, starements isan incorrect description of what will happen? A. The friction acting om the block will ‘remain unchanged, B, The Block will remain stationary. “The sesuleane force acting on the block will main 20. ° D. The friction acting on the block will ‘become 3 N o che right. Questions 37-39 A block of mass 2 kei placed on a rough horizontal surface. I is acted upon by a 10 N force and 2 4N force as shown in the diagrats, 37. The block stationary under te action ofthe forces I the 10 for: is suddenly removed, which of che following will happen ro the block? (1) The fctonal forse acting onthe block will decrease in mapniude The fictional forse acting onthe block wil reverse direction. (6) Theblock wll tan moving. A. (and(2)only (and (8) only (2)and 8) ony (,2)and@) @ pos a 8 ane The block is moving to she lefe with aconseane velocity of 2 ms" under the action of the Forces. IF dhe 10.N force is suddenly removed, which of the fallowing statements correctly describe the motion ofthe block immediately afterward? AL The block stares moving to the right with anaccleration oF 2m" B. The block continues moving to the lefe with a deceleration of 2 ms C..The block continues moving co the lee witha deceleration of § ms" D. The block stops meving immediately. [] 139 40, sai ‘The block is moving cathe lefe with a constant acceleration of 2 m ¢* under the action of the forces. IF the 10 N force is suddenly removed, which of the following srarements correctly describe the motion ofthe block immediately afterward? AL Theblock stars moving to the right with an acceleration of m The block continues moving to the lee with a deceleration of 2 $2. C. ‘The block continues moving to the left with a deceleration of 3m" D_ The block continues moving to the loft witha deceleration of § m3 : ‘A.3 kg mass ac rese on a horizontal surface is acted on by a horizontal force of § N. The force acts for seconds and the mass gains a speed (ofS ms"! The fore is then removed, How long does the mass take to come co rest after che force is removed? A 75s B60 c. sos D. ass a 19 . ta a A horizontal force F acting on a 1 kg mass 4a ‘causes the mass to accelerate at I ms" on a Ihovizoneal surface. The force is then doubled 0 2F the acceleration is found exiled co 3 m Bind F A 10N B ISN © 20N D. 30N wa, : ‘A horizontal force F aeting on 2 block causes the block ro move with an acceleration « on ‘horizontal rough surface, The force is then doubled to 2F, the acceleration becomes a’. Which of the following statements correctly describe the magnieude of 4? Assume that the friction acting on the block remains unchanged. AL ali greater than 2a B. @isequal 02a. Cais becween aand 2 D. There cannot be any conclusion on the mais of snc te so so on the blocks unknown. ‘Questions 43 and 44 A block placed on a rough horizontal surface is acted on by a variable foree FF increases and the acceleration «ofthe block inceases correspondingly. os aaa a Which ofthe following geaphs corectly shows thevariation of with F? Be a IF Fis the resultant force acting on the block, which of the following graphs correctly shows thevariation ofa with Aa Ba 9.3 Mass and weight 48. Which of che following comments on mass is A, Massisa scalar quantity BB, Massisa measure of inertia of an object. CC. -Mass of an objec: is independent of the location of the object. D._Anobjec can have weighe but no mass 46, Which of the following comments on weight is incorrect? A. Weight is vetor quantity, 1, Weight isa gravitational ateacivefsce C_ Weight causes an object falling eo the round with an aseleration, 1D. Weight of an objec is independent ofthe location of he objet. 47, Which of the following statements concerning ‘mass and weight is corre? ‘A. Mass and weight both are measuted in kg. B. Aca particular place weight of an object is diveedy proportional wo ies mass CC. Mass and weight both have ditections pointing to the ground. D._ Mass and weight both do not change with location 18. Scientist discovered char in vacuum objects ‘with differenr masses fll to the ground with the same acceleration. Which of che following deductions are corect? (1) There exist gravitational arteactive forces betwcen the object and the earch, (2) The gravitational atractive Force acing ‘onan object is direty proporcional ro the mass of che object. ) Objects possess the property of falling swith the same acceleration in the universe A. (i)and Q) only B. (1)and (3) only © @)and (3) only D. (0,@)and (a) Oo “49, Two steel spheres mae of che same kind of tec] have different sires, They are released from rest atthe same beight above the ground Assume ar resistance is negligible. Which of the following staremerts is incorrect? [AL Thetwo spheres ave different masses B Gravitational ores of the same magnitude act on the wo spheres, C. The two spheres fall wih che same acceleration 1D. The owo spheres have he same speed wien they reach che ground. 50, [Fan object is brought from the earth ro che moon, which of che following physical quancities of the objet will charge? (2) Mass 2) Weighe 8) Acceleration due gravity A. (I)and 2) only B. (1)and (3) only ©. @and (3) only D. (1), (2)and 3) Oo 151, The weight ofan objec on a planet i equal ro cone chied of the weight of the same objec on the earth. Which of the Following statements (1) ‘The mass of the abject on the planet is ‘qual to one chisd ofthat on the earth, 2) The acceleration due to gravity of the object on the pare i equal to one third ‘of tha on che earth (3) ehe object is certain height above the ground on che planer, the speed ef the object on reaching the ground is one tied ofthat ifthe abject, sased from rest at 45 82 "53, 4 fs released under the same conditions on theearh (and (2) only ()and (3) only @)and 3) only (2) and) pore Qo Consider stone in ote space with no nearby plane. Which of the following statements are conse? (0) No force is required ro suppore the stone ro prevent from aling (2) No force is required to keep the stone ‘moving with uniform veloc (3) No Force is required to accelerare rhe (1)and@) only {1)and @) only {2)and 3) only (0),2)and 3) pose Oo In an imaginary planer, the gravitational attractive forces acting on objects with diferent masses are the same. Which of the following stacements concerning the acceleration due t0 gravity ofthe objects in this plane is comer? Assome that all other mechanical laws are still ‘ue this imaginary planet. A, An object with a bigger mass falls with a bigger acceleration de eo gravity: Am objece with a smaller mass flls wich a bigger acceleration du co gravity. All objects with different masses fll wih the same acceleration due to geviy. D. Objects in che planer do not fll Averically upward force Facting on a block of sass hg cases to accelerate upward a 3m Assuming that air esseance negligible, find F (Take g= 10m") A 2N +55, +56. +37, BN ©. 28N D. BN Oo (Om an unknown planet, a2 ky mass is Found whave avweight of SN. Ifan objece is projected vetically upward with a speed of 10 m 3" on ‘his planet, how high docs cise? A Sm BR 10m © 15m D. 20m Oo (On a planes the acceleration due to gravity is ‘equal to 25 m $7. Am objec on the planet bas 4 weight of 100 N, Iris acted on bya vertically ‘upward force of 120 N, What is the magnicude ofthe acceleration of che object? Assume that ‘he planet has no atmosphere. A Ome? B cc D. o When an objec falls in vacuum, ic falls with the acceleration due to gravity g. When an ‘object falls in ai, i fall wich an acceleration 4: Ie is found that is smaller ehan ¢ Which of the following statements age not correct ‘explanations of the phenomenon? (1) Ai resistance causes che unbalanced force acting on the object to become smaller (2) Air causes the gravitational force acting ‘on the abject to became smaller. 9, (3) Air causes the acceleration due to gravity tobecome smaller A. (and @)only B. (1)and@)only C. @)and@)only D. (1), @)and@) QO A spherial object of mass M is released from rest from a helicopter high in the sky. The jobject falls i che ait and air resistance acts fon the object. The falling speed and ehe air resistance increase until finaly che object falls with aerminalvlocigy. Which ofthe fllowing statements ae correct? (1) At the moment when the object is ‘released, i falls with an acceleration equal tothe acceleration due to gravity. 2) When the object reaches the terminal velocigy, ts acceleration becomes 700 (3). When the object reaches the terminal velocity, the air resistance and the weight ‘ofthe object have equal magnitude A. (and Q) only B. (and @)only Q)and(3) only D. @),Q)and (3) o ‘An object of mass 3 kgs falling in the at. Aca certain moment, ie has an acceleration of 7 ms Find the air resistance acting on the ‘object at that moment. Take g= 981 m5" AON BRN c uN D. 30N o Js. force Kenneth applies on an objece of ‘mass M to keep it moving vertically upward witha uniform velociy js force Kenneth applies on che same object co keep it moving vertically downward wich a itor velocity F sa force Kennets applies on the same object co keep it moving horizontally with uniform vwlociy ‘Assume tha che weight and the Forces applied by Kennech are the only forces acting on the object. Which of the following stacements concerning F,Fyand Fare incorrect? (2) has 2 magnitude of Mg and points werially upward @) Fy hasa magnitude of Mg and points vertically downward, (3) Fyhasa magnitude of Me and points orion, A. (and (2) only BL (1)and (3) only . @and (3) only D. (1) @)and(3) Oo 94 _ Newton's third law of mo 61. Which of che Following statements concerning sction and reaction ar ee? (1). Action and reaction are always equal in magnitude, (2). Action and reaction ate always opposite in Siestion (@) Action and reaction always act an two AiFerene objec A. (Hand @)only B. (1)and(3)only ©. @)and (only D. (1),@)and,3) oO "62. Which of che following pairs of & and F, are action and reaction pairs? (1). is che magnetic force acting on che north pole by the south pole. Fy isthe magnet force acting on the south pole by che north pole. ” 63, 48 (2) F) is che weight of the person. F; is che _ravieational force the person aets on he carth (8) -Fand Fare the eecerial repulsive Forces the two positive charges acting on each, other —o A (and 2)enly B. (1)and (3) only © @and (3) only D. (1),@2)and3) Qn Oo Which of che following pairs of P, and F, are action and reaction paits? (). Fis the weight of the block. Fis the supporting force acting on the block by the surface @) Fy is the force acting on the ball by che soccer player's Fooe during kicking, Fis the force accng on the soccer player’ foot by the ball daring kicking “64, (3) is ehe frictional force acting on the rough surface by the moving block, Fi ‘he fictional Fore acting on the moving block bythe rough sueace mierhitienei~ (1) and @) only (1) and @) only @)and(@)only (,@)and@) pore a Which ofthe following paits of F, and Fy ate action and reaction pairs? (1) Fis the downward force acting on the air by the blades of che helicopeer.F, isthe upward force acting on the blades of the hicopeer by the air. (2) F) is che downward force acting on the cshaust gas by the rocket. F sche upwate fosce acting on the rocket by the exhaust as. (8) F isthe weight of the parachutist. Fis the supporting force acting on the parachut by cheaie 5, 6 (Hand @) only (and 8) only Q)and (3) only (),@)and) pne> Determine whether the pats of forces involved in the following sieuations are action and reaction pairs. (1) The force we push the ground backward. land the force the ground pushes us, forward during walking (2) The force we push the ground downward land the force the ground pushes us upward during jumping (8) The force we push the water backward and the force the water pushes up forward during swimming A. (1)and 2) only B, (1) and (3) only Q)and 3) only D. ),@and@) QO = A ‘The driver ofa ear stops his car when he sees a traffic lamp turns red. Fowever, a concainer truck flowing the er fil to stop and knocks the carat the back. Fs the force the truck acts fon the car and F; isthe force the ear acts on che truck during the collision, Which of the following starements concerning the collision ace conret? Ove. (1). Frand Fy both have the same magnitude (@)_ Rand F both act for thesame time, @) The acceleration of tie car and the aceeleration of the nce both have the same magnitude A. (and (2) only B. (1)and(3) only . @and(3)only D. (a), (2)and 3) Oo A block of mass is hung verccally from the ceiling by an inelastic sering as shown in the diagram, ZZ F isthe weightofehe block. Fis the cension acting on the block by the string. Bis the tension acting on the ceiling by the seving. Fis the force acting on the string by the ceiling ‘Which ofehe following statements are corect? @ Reh BeK (2). Frand Fyisan action and ceation pair. (@)_Frand Fisan action and reaction pair. A (i)and 2} only DB. Can) only C @)and(3) only D. (1),2)and,3) Oo 9 68, a 50. Ahotizontl force of magnitude Fis applied on block placed on 3 horizontal tough table. The block remains at rest. Which of the following (1). The applied force is balanced by the Fricion acting om the lock by the table “The applied force and the fietion acting fon the block by the rable are an action- reaction pair A friction of magnitude Fis ating on che table by the block (and @) only (and @) only @)and 3) only (),@)and@) ® poe A force F, acts on a block of weight F, to keep ie moving on a rough horizontal surface with 4 constant velocity. and F, are respectively the frictional force and the reactional force the surface acts on the block, Which of the following staremencs are incorrect? () ‘There is no unbalanced force acting on the block, F and Fisan ation and reaction pat and F, an action and reaction pai. a % A. (i)and Q) only B. (i) and (3) only © @)and (3) only D. (1),@)and 3) a tan on, ‘An objets placed on the floor of i Fis the weight ofthe object. is te force acting on the floor ofthe life by the object F js the force acting on the object by the loot of thei is the gravitational force acting on the earth bythe objec. Which of the following pairs of forces are always equal in magnitude no matter how the liteis moving verically? () Hand, @ Hand, ©) Rand, A. (Nand 2) only B. (1)and (3) only . @)and(3) only D. (),@)and (3) a ‘A block of mass is placed on the floor and at the same time i is suspended vertically from the ceiling by an extended spring. The aerangement is as shown inthe diagram,

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