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Answers and Full Explanations ‘Avavers efi eplnctons Unit 8 Position and movement 1. A. Distance = length of path a7 esate iplacement = change poston inal poston na postion sen) 2B Datunce=543-8m Dipacement=(-3)~(5) 2 Dieance=8412=20m Diplacement =(-7)~(-3) Displacement = (-3)=(-3) 5. B_ Diance=208 80 109m Diplicement the et change in positon which (0m domi e601. 6A. Thenet hapein potion ofthe ping ong bls dora Rest lament 04m 7. A Diane teed ~ circumference ofthe le wanxs—314m “The boy going back othe satig point Mas no we angen postion Displacement = 0 4 D_ ven though the boy has travelled to semicteles ‘the ne change in postin fom AC. opie of dpacement. radi ofthe bigger serie 9. Distance travelled =P + QR + + “Tet hang n poston ofthe piso Pro Te Gmlevar 2 Dapacanent=-6 Magid fe placement = (SO 207 +40 =50m stoteont \ Dyed ot (50 meve som ‘estat dsplacerent) Dadi, ‘Since D, and, ae vector, the alton shold be one secidig tothe uip-rall ue ‘The reste diplacement i obtained by ading together placements als done bythe method of ipo addon of eon Statements (A) and (B) corey define Saar and ‘Tyo phy quate having the same magnitude maybe dere they are tor unis they smayhavedilren diecions. —((C)iseet) Two phys quite having the same magetede ane the same they are scalar quantities a scalar oan ate magne ony. (D) sincere) Tue, volume and distance have magetude ony, they ae salar guaies,Dsplacemet having both nape and detonator gant. 16 © Scalar quantities have mageitude only. The don of wo wala guns (obeying common rie) wl give tl ig than eer of the ‘rogue (iseoret) ecor quis hae bth magitad pd diction. Theadaan of to vector quant (obeying the tipo ue) may ie ota sale than her of the wo gutter (Oviccoret) “Teadion of X and V flows he tp rae 4 The addition of ¥ and ¥ flows the poralleogeam rule whichis p= 24 scuinlettothe tpt ule, f Ca 7 9. A Theaddllon of and Ftolews 277 ‘he parallelogram rule which equialettothetprocailrle. 9/8 pa ? 20. D. RisthereatantotX and. Bitte renhaot Rand Zeanbalace le STF =a BK = 58 sal? pecnettaniew bY Here Siem gi finss-ts-2m Tip Tevet Apel by ieee due rot Bite restart placement ofthe boy Aoptcemen fa diac andes 4 JA eter igen (Find dpacement na placement «further dct inal dplacement iil dpacoment fina dlplacerent (-nta displacement) a a lca etal doce posite siete eit alco Displacement and velocity having both magoitade snd ieton re ecto Sect ony having gate acl, Aner and (leptin », a Distance teled~20 30-80 freag spd =| apace: Average lst [Resa dace (from A 0D) = 30m (Disncoerect) Average speed (O)seoneet) average ety = (scone) Letrbethe ad ofthe sem-cicl, ‘eth tine tomo fom Ato B sveonpets 2 Dre w= Averagerpecd Fiverage vlc [Resin apcemen| (rom Ato) = 40m UMoerage cy] 82 067s [Rent dipcemest|=501 30m Iain] = 52-042 ns! x“ won| /estan tant 28-3697 a Direction of by N36 Since velocity e+ vector, both magnitude and Airctian shoul be ge. “The object sod its shadow start from the same tion and ent the ee potion Tey het ne tal dplceent (iscoret) ‘The dtance ree bythe objet skier han he tance trv by th shadow the same ie ‘Average spd fost average pendofitndow (2) isicarect) Since the abe and i shadow have these ttl ‘alacerent athe ene ine average veloc of jet = average aac ft adn (@)iecorect) 6 Both end Aad en sten to thr starting point afer completing cic, Both often have tro ‘ielacement aod hence zero average ei ((D) simone) sven = at oe “ihn (Wee) inno» pacer Distance. [pleat Average spend > maid of erage veloty (2)isconect) [Pispacemen| = eng ofthe straight ine inking A and Distance = length ofthe curved pth rom Ao 8 s [Dipacanen| edstance (G3) eonest) Length of -ag path >> length of sag line betncen lanl tons of stoke partie = Disanc traveled by smoke parle > dnlcement fsa patie (i) seoret) sans rae by smoke parle > diplacement of smoke patie = Average speed osmoke partic > rerage lacy fsck parce (2) seorect) placement Resultant placement of smoke partic and svrage velco smoke partic ve he sae (G)scoret) By defition welcy Siretion Lethe the time Kent an len mest each tht Distance Keaneth har = 320-60 Lette theme the crete the bt Distance aed by theca = 20 Distance tolled y the bas = St Ditanc tele byte car =20> 10 = 2 locity uno, bath maga and detion ofthe webct dono change, ‘A objet moving with uniform veloc mast besmovng with univ speed and ia a sagt ie (2) apd) arecoret) However. when a objects moving wth uniform speed rection ey change may not be moving with wor velo. (Q)iseorea) Lethe the distance between Aad Tela peo move fom 4108 Tiere peo meve fom ena = swage -207094 Let sbethlengh fe sk he gute ABC Tine cinbup fom Att Time cinb down fom Bio = Tey ha at deme Ato Crinime + verge velocty of te boy How the nsantancous ped ofthe ca change with tie at pe. The stato speed the ct fer tev 25 uknowe, dite 16 ngs veae pce «HBR gn Note Taking erage spedas speed +l pd Average speed when i fills the ypper half he satin nome" hsm) Ane pe hn 8 hoe at sags oa03me* ht) Average ped when falls dow the whole bling OV scorct) () since) Instantaneous sped hen i athe mle ofthe sat» 0m ‘Aromas and fil expans (0.02 io short time interval that the window the mide of he bldg maybe read a Pot 20.5 ay be ede the states speedat the ot) Sntereat (1) comet define the average speed of ‘moving rom oe poston another Statement (2) corey defines the instantaneous sperdata potion. “The tre and the hare have the same stating pit ed Sinishing pot. ‘Therefe thy Rave the sane lspaceent. (U)ssinares) ‘he tare ad the hare have these dace However the tele ses iin sboter period te, Therefore the average vel ofthe tres bigger than thatof he bare (acon) When the are wakes yp om is sep tte to ea fat to catch op. At thi isa the santos velcy ofthe hare deftly bigger han tha theme (()isincorect) Statements (A), (B) and (C) ae corzect ony ‘the speed ofthe car changes linearly fom 0% Other, they may ot be cares Senet (D) must be cnet a i the defen ofoverage sped An object fa ufor motion moves with uniform sel ‘norm lacy = constant (nstntaneou) voc (2) iecoec) aoc constant = iteton of motion is contant, (Velocity is ath magntudeand detion) = Theobjctmovesinastagh hie (scone) When velocity is constant, average velocity is the ame ute wel (Ghsconee) Ae wey The boy has a velocy af 33” perpendicular the coast and also a veloc of m5" pall he ‘out (ae othe movement ofthe bal) The velociy ‘ofthe oy as seen hy a observe the out te rest ofthe above two vlc. Magitde ores locity = Sms nor and fl epanatons so. Dette oy wc sso ‘The swimmer has avo of 5" perpndiar to shore and alo» elocty of m paral vo shore (due ofa of rie Th eset Vly of the swimmers ebtaned balding the above to ‘elctier xingp tt meted let d be the distance the nan being cated desea, 495 gns0m a In nde to reach the opposite shore without being ‘i dower, the rest velay othe man shouldbe perpendicular tthe sore 13 The nan shoul avin in action at mange eth the shore whete corti 169 | an 35-410) “ome elo iscangingat constant ate (2) score. (2) correct) ‘An abject may accelerate from zero velocity ‘Therefore an acederating object may have 270 wei. (()isimeotet) ‘An object acrt fom er elo. (a) scorer) 1am object in unm velocy mon it has m0 scene, (2) seonect) Ian ojet with ghar veld i lowing does, ‘iasaletward acceleration (3) seer) ‘A eject wth potivescleraton means that the ‘hjet gig velo the postive. ‘An objec with nea aceetation mena hat he ‘let ning veloc the negate deco (ix icerece (2) correct) ‘An object with a negative acceleration may be ‘moving in the postive etn, This happens when sn ajet moving a he postive drection sowing dows (()isieonect) An objet an acceraon of -2 m+? mean that very econd the objet gains velo om sin ‘Benepe deton an objet moving inthe oeptvedrection asa ove acer, tlc decening, ()iscorect) an object moving in the negative direction as epithe selina veo isncreing (Q)isconect) an objec i moving with &ulform von, celeron ear bt velo nt 0. (@hisconect) fan jt ning vlc the rection that ‘moving eos ineresng (I) sore) an objec is gaining velocity ithe direction opposite to that Iti moving i, ts velocity ‘eran (@)iscoreet) Since both the vlocty and the acleraon a a the negative dtetion, the vac ofthe obec Incesingin the neve eto. (3) nore) Ian object is decelerating, the velocity and scaderaton ofthe bet aren oppose det, (Wisner) ‘An object with certain weocty may have any secseraon (2) pcoreet) 2 projectile ten constant aceeration motion Anos nd filexptions Cecdein =f Sommmh bah ee sayy lyn yLaset atom ‘eri le (risimonet) prea vlc = Sobacemer 65 D_ tfavelocy i constant, bth the agitude andthe oy ne rection fhe veloc ate constant Mion wth & ‘const tection mt bea stright line motion. 76 C Instantaneous welch» (vcore) suvet-O42n5-s10ms" Acceleration the rat of change of velocity. IE ‘elt constant scleraton mute 2. (@iscorecr) An objet moving witha constant speed can sill ‘changes dection of maton, Lethe loco the TC Pedtan objet a al cage. Tefen hrs ieee} veOr 25x10 66. © 6 ete ig ne he porta a ped lange tns hor tine darn clon. ee fe biger then ice pr ch gape z ‘prequel tans o=woxtebvant te equal a eo since ee change a voc. S Decertion=75 m4" 7. © vewsaretovaes~20ms" OB veusat Paw yaa = anAsxime > Declertion = 45 108m 7D Paws 2 =m +202) eee WA Pose TA veusat 0228 e125) x8 Treen eae ees 0425+ (125) 7D va +208 fesiaaa Capa i on ee Se er oeoebasne Rauieaaiarnarge cen Pada ee mo soured floeaxexa : = «toms nisnse beans! aan =100m mes = rs 3 sent esom Sropping distance ~ Gal ped)" O28 208 12208 2a Yau! e208 Qv'0428 2 a oF Fee Distance travelled by ct during reaction time of Dostance tae a dar deederation veut 208 Da50" + 201896 “etal distance av = 18+ 30 48 on Distance waved during acceleration, caeletcar diated etm Diaance toed wth conta ela “Time in whch Kenneth rs wth consul e cr) Let rete tine for car Bio cach up wth Ar fewedxt o-o = so-F 3 Poucanea (ane) ® w2KPaP (= Sisrecteay o 6 Yee te peste o La beth speed the a ater ithe ket frac Sih into, warheae er) FromOand®, = u-ime! Dstt Secte itas <5 Daneel den oe betn stn Ds neh nd 103.8 105.4 106.8 Arse nd fil espoato d=206(-980. seth When th bjt fuk aco the point of projection, ‘apace er caannreEacannne y=-20ms" (4206 erected) seats tae se ancee ame’ =-t6om Displacement = km “otal dance traveled sched 4-0 (c= Sesser) 10 (54+ 20 sierra) [At the highest pint, the objet stops moving up nd begs moving dows, At hs tant. te object ‘hanger its direction of tion a istantaneoasy re. The abet veloc remains canging 4d "ail as an acceleration. The acleratin te the tcccleton de to eat Aver anflexlanaton 108.A_ Dig he wp mtn tf oe a ‘pw depen an ped cy Howe Temoving ander gry, it hn» dowd tort de ey 110.6 Distance el hy he bjt he eth of the wad and dower path which i not 0. “lth eg edly iinet) Sine the object eterno he nia potion. Ghpncemen of the oj eae he serge othedctisea (@ coe) The abject moving ener ravi I hos an cto gal othe scertn dco gy Givens matin (ice) WG vena a mares popes ot Pow vaeeeae 3 Vici proprtin to ino Y > H ndieayropnion! oF (0) snort) (a sscomee seuts tat r 112, _Sivethe object turn he ogi postin. there eo placement (i) seoneet) en 0 > biel (O)scoret) othe up journey 0= 4, rhe da journey “=O (@)scoreet) mac seus dar “Temete refills 20m. 02-04 4¢omne = tase theta afar event ie acs NEC. Aan Cat thee dpm ticki and oe Le pce nena us.€ me RA w.6 92 =0421-9-0 =25 as TE Xace omega ws coracacy Sah) teat i. oy pee we figh * ey oe ve gh ve cov eae chore ae whe 4 ety be the acecemton duct rato the moon ascadegnis golsme Pave maser) ee E (@ stheaccertin due HEE a pravtyon the rion) 2G lshe dance the stone as lenin the fest wo sconde) Let and be the ne for he abject oil the tupand bottom ofthe window pectin me Bsa oor leone 2-0 leon! Tecan ido 03 eosin ae mee tewabagat a (wil velocy ofthe tons, acrton de a pity ofthe ane) Hewes shapes i. et de the length of AB et be he object fal fo At veurher HBB HP AIF oD smo Faser ar ah aoi0e3F Sab © ino, 4910 +80 491166 27-57 196041962 Avo ard explorers 125d. dayngdee gts dep ga tag (Cenc eLegaitel (ete ped ater the pt (ncn Datace trav n24 = icp = 2g tance train d=! xg? "ance tral in the ed second Distance reveled inthe toon Tos ot Wan svat Lat Datance moved daring tion of water ‘oct gind by oct ring ection of water sis2=30me" Frater tance moved ter ject of ater tom 3g axa “Mazar hight cached by rocket =30 + 46= 76m 128.8 Tecarisacelenting > Weboty siacesiog 2 Slope ofthe eeplacement-time graph ie ‘nerening (lope erst vel). ‘he carats rom re, > Sope ofthe dlsplacemeat-sime graph 20 a thebegining 129.6 The motreycesdcelerating unt speed becomes Velocity i decrensing nti becomes, = Slope of the displacement-time graph is decresng uni becomes, = Answers rfl epontans me Kena nd Helen run with nim ped = Thor dplacement tine gaps hve constant slope ie rai ies). Kenna un faster than Helen, SS Dilacemet tne rp of Kent as bier slope tan tha of een, doc increase for 4s => "Slope of dplaceentime graph increases or Alot constant rm 4510125 | Slope of displacemen-ime graph constant from sto 12 ‘The train goes through the acceleration sage the orm vel tage pd the deceration tage = The dplacemen-time graph ofthe ain goes hrm the ncrensing Hope stage the eons Apes ad the decesing pe sage. Slope ft gph (scorer) ishcement (@)iscoret) _yimerep ogra eth ial sy (simone) ‘rea under graph =v “Then i conan cceton mation ting from eo who oF The wlocitytime graph has «constant slope (lope represent aces) and sas fom hearin Initial welt of tone > 0 pore of gaph>0 ‘Aestleation =~ Soe oft gph “pla constant nea sop) vs dcresing ‘The bject a dclerting, = Yaoi indecresing ope ot dapiacement-tie graph ecening (i icoret) Desecration uniform. = Slope ofvlocy-time graph i negative and constant (()iscorect) “The abject i moving to the rght and deserting ory. = The object asa lead (Le negate) constant scoleion. (score) uc ‘he the object moving tthe highest point upward (postive pedis decesing. 1S” Spe ofthe placement ime rp postive and decreasing in apie, en th bjt fling fom the high poi ts owed neti) speed increasing, 13 "Soe ofthe dplcemertime papi eae andincesingn marta The object hasan ial upward (poste) velocity anda constant ceeration a= SS The vr pap has a postive ytewep and constant epee of magnitudes ‘At A the ball ats witha osiv (oped eo. [ACB the ball eaches the 4 highest pint and has zero ect [AVC the all also the ‘oor ad ba the manure dowowaré spe [Note that AC ie stright ine with lope equal to celeraton ofthe bal ig no ater tis moving up oiling down) From CoD the al eho om the ee, ety changes suddenly from negative (downward) to ove (op). CD snarl ere From Dip th motion repeats ie theball mover pa ist ( 10 sacs the highest pot at E fille down aervard(F 0,reaches he Hor at F sndthen rebound spin. Slope of DF elo AP, the bal jst bounces off and bein o moe wp fom the Bor sno eat he highest pint (apiscore) ALG. ris 20 The ball aches the highs olan ‘einsananeony tre (@hiseoree) rom 108, changes suddenly rom tegative to pouive. The bal bounces onthe Aloo, (@rscoree) ‘Wher the al ebounds, ts vlocky ching froma vgtive to pone in very short tine ner. ‘Toetall asa big pone acceleration. eter the bounds, he als moving under gait 0 mae [Rie moving up or moving down, The bal has an tection eal t'"g When water is ect, the rocket has x constant ‘ward acertion. 1S Therstgraph bt constant postive dpe uae us. When water ops esting the rocket move ely unde pai. tos an acelin of The grph has a constant negative slope of ‘The car asa westward veloc sce velocity ete. ‘The car hata estar aecseition since ape of ‘teach potive "The cari eclerating since the velacty andthe scleraton ae in oppose estos ‘The car has a westward duplacement sine ates sider rp legate. ote that slope oft raphe cdo 0-956 wfgaphhusa crstan postive doe S10 negraphass eo spe 1018s graphs a cortat native slope 0-558 isconaot and pote S154 “e ieconsantandoepaive 15-9208 '@ content and poste, Note tat slope of graph velo 0-954 vispostive and incre = Slope oft graphs ponte and tncresing 5510s vispestveand decrening "Spe of graphs pov and sre 104188 yisneate and increasing in maga, Slope of graph negate and ‘ncresing in agit. 15.5208 visnegatve ad decreasing ante, = Slope of graph is mepativand eceasiogn maga. aise the objets acceleration angst direction from positive to eguve bat the objet erie ‘moving he poste direction. (iio) From!=0t020s The object has positive Aisplacemeat since there is « pose aren under the» graph (2) ieicarect) Af=25e Both velocity and acceleration (lope) are in the negative 150. 1A ror and ot expnctone lcm he speed ofthe objet Is incresing in the negative econ. (G3) eines) AL1= 1 the acceleration of the abject changes lectioo the objet rein ving in the nepate (a) isinareet) placement of he bet 1 a thea poston (ln t= 36 the velo ofthe object changes rom veo vee he hj hanger crcton of mation) (8) isincorst) ANE Ls dspace ofthe objet At 5s dplacmer ofthe object, “hej nat the mime postion. (© tscorst) ‘Avt=3s dsphcement ofthe abjet= [Att=7 5 dsacemeat of abject Separation ofthe postions = 45 -(-3)=< 4m (()isincorect) Displacement i gien by area unr te graph, Atisandis Aiplcement of X > dplacrent of Y [and Fare at diferent postion (A) and (8) ae incorrect) ‘Ai tys placement of X= dplcemest of {and Yar athe ame potion, they meet ech ther gin (Oiscoret) ‘tts splicement of X< dapiceren of ¥ Xand Yareat deen postions (D) nore) Ang sand Apicement o> dplcement of and Yareat dierent potions, (a) and (8 areincocst) Attys dplcement of Y> dpacreit of X Xand Yaret diferent postions ((C) x insonest) ‘Somaine betes 45nd placernent of X= placement of ¥ and Fare at the ame postion, e they met exch erp. (Dy iscorest) Fromt=0t0 t=45 secretion = (yisconest) Displcrent ~ aes urbe raph “The rceina 60 mace 152.8 Distance betwen the layer an upper oe rea under the graph ven undergaph(a) > aevunder graph () > are ander raph) Displacement of ita dplaceren fi > duplacament of i C 154.D Woy yer20 10-205" 155,B- Maximum acderaon ‘masini slope ofthe raph Distance avd ding asi aeration ‘ea uaer the parftbe gah with maxim ope = 0+ aaa) = 125m (@iscoree) (sincere) ‘cts th bec ec he mani lh “fap =981 9 = 98a ms" Naight oct rane fom 01025 From {=2 10 1= 46 hoje al 20m en eh gph fom 36 t 30m) ot pcemen 0 par splacmeat = 22 Dover displacement = et phcement = 20 = > The ground ix 60 m below the sof af the ing Heit otbaiting = Belore = 4, velocity and aceentlon are in oppo srston (i postive and aie nese). the object i decelerating. Distance travel during eckertion ‘aes under the graph rom? = 0048 Slope ofthe wt raph fom = 01053 once) Int po ati gti he sipcengntetiesincin (Oot com aera eanee “Tet distance trate = 10-25 «125m (Gainer) 16D wee 165.8 wo The paph ow ght ie with lope equa Siope= #8 5ms rans “Tesope ofthe rp ischangng 1 Thescderton ofthe ct changing The motion isnot 3 constant aceteration Atte momen! when the tone eed I has 0 veloty and ence nose rentance atom i The stonesimpy als unde gery. (i) incorrect) ‘Te lope ofthe graph decresing and fly Secones em 5 The acederatin ofthe one deca ad aly becomes eo (()isconec) ‘Thefinavlocy ofthe seit. (Q) incor) Airrstanes incest the fll psd cee, ((B) isonet) Spec fthe sone eto when reas ‘Aicesstance athe moment era. (AY scott) ‘Alc esistance incense wil the sped ofthe sone teaces 4 txmial vale. At that leads, the speed ofthe sone le const, the aceleration of these zero and thea reitance eg the wef deste (stores (B) correct) The wc ofthe sone intense unt rece ‘oem value The eelention ofthe sone lope ofthe curve) Is equal to gat the beginning an scree nt it become 2 Answer nd fixate cy Average sped between Aan 8 “Tie itera teen and, = 4002 = 088 ‘Aeceraton = 353-5 ms Time interval between ro dts = 002 Tine eral coreponding each setion of ticker tape 63002-0126 y= sn YOA.6 oe Acronis tin fei ‘poder aly Ze creping mot of eeing spite poy Spe commpmdig nat win eed Bassey ote Arawes and flexes me Let wand be the ss ofthe aie at instants “=Fyagr"02me" Distance travelled gone ee italien dt, =103002=024 Aes t= 2 nasi “Time itera corerpondingo each section of ker fupe=5xo02=n15 “The average sea (a) corresponding othe short “The merage speed (0) coresponding othe loge Time for speed to increase om wio¥ a0 04s Accretion fale nal speed (9) comesponding tothe Sh scion “Time forthe sped once fom to 225-075 5 postion = 5 m Le. student 15m fom thesensor (ad isconeet) From f= Oto f= 6 the suet moves aay he sensor ora dance of(3~ 15) m= 15m The ident moves away fom he sensor a= speedo SB From = 6stor = the sade tay a distance ‘€3 fom the eso, > Testud stationary. (ie incarect) From #= 80 1~ [2 the sadot moves toads the sensr fr sane of ~ 1) m= 2m The sudent moves towards the sensor at aspeed 125s. (B) scoreet) of 22 05m (yiscoreat) ‘the vlc of the tly incest fom 04 ms? 0 Accletion ofthe trley Unit 9 Force and motion ‘The frst aatement sates Newtons is law of motion, (a scone) ‘An objec moving on 4 surlace eventually stope ‘becuse tonal axe stson (2) ie tcoret) tn ote space wit no unblanced farce ating on moving objet, he objet ees on moving with “uno vlc longa righ ine (3) catet) The vlc of an ebjet remain unchanged thee ‘sno ubslnced fre ating onthe objec (snort) The velocity of an object changes If there Is umbulanced ace acting the objec (@)seoneet) Anbjet rte no change n wel + Novnbalnced frceact onthe abject. (@)isconeat) The velocity of an object moving in circle ie hanging (because direction of moto cng. There sunalscd rce acting the ect Alter the engine hat of there bo abled fone sctiog onthe paca the spacecraft moves ith norm peed along staph ie A stones eter al with the mame aeclertion because the eeitational forces acting os them Sealy proportional thie aes ‘Athowgh the cin sin the oy ander ite ‘heowa upward us one rerains ove the ect ofthe train Therefore the col wl fl ack tobitaad ‘When the card fled off lel # horizontal fecuonal force ct o thee bet jt fra short ile. The horzontl speed gine by the coin it sal Therefor the cola dopo the gs. (Ciscoe) ‘he horton speed gained bythe coin al ao ecu ofthe fat thatthe tin as nen ad a ‘he tendeny to remain are ((2)and (3) ae comet) Anse ond ol expen ‘he inert fan objet ean nea property ofthe objec I remlas unchanged no mater eer he jet plc From!=4st0¢~ 65 no force stson the ajc. The speed ofthe objet rein equal 02m" Dinance teil rm 0510655 eats toe isance ave rom 410616) “ol dance travel in 6 Txt The Mock moves wth nif ei Wocy i at of dapacement doy irr = Rate ofpacement it constant ‘same diplacemet every scone iscort) Acceleration ite of change of veloc. ‘ers sunfrm, => ‘Change vlacty =D S Acederation 0 (@)iscorea) unbalanced fre) = Ma o> Unbalnced force =0 (8) Iscore) nove nd fil exertions Soferet — ag}—-sw Maca = Unb force actingon he mass = 0 (0) incre) Unbalnce nce 0 = fan (O)iecorect) sig} an Tash “The mas cna be moved by the 2N force becae + tonal freq in magne bt oppose a Grecionaczon thease. (3) iat) - aw. ion eT R005 Resisting force = 02 101=2. 10° 2D seweda? Fe Ma~ 150% 16-24 0008) np ams Tiscon sapere he N face removed, he as st sje tothe te, ‘The mas mone with a desler of Lm wox—+[ og 248 Themassaclerte or? = Thestadet has pled the mas fo 2. 28 C Toldapacemeat a A me acento © eaten go 28D Uader the action of both A and B move with an sccerton When the ring breaks, net freon A ineetes anderen ofA inert, 2. A When the string bres, et freon become 20 td A moves ith conta vey % Tein) Tc ~ 7 Tofu arafext Sa © ie, Syefel SLD Siace the kone sing up, no mae ton at on the soe. The fre erred by the workman the rete ating hese 52 A Aube lovet point he boys instantaneously ts a) {At the lowest point, the boy dtction of mation changes trom dowewardt ups = Theboyhasan upward eeleatin. (2) stncoret) = Teslonintherope> weight ofthe boy (G)timcoret) 58. A ‘The sccleraton af an objects irl proportions to the unbalanced fore (not the driving fore) ssngon the bec (ne diving force may nt be the only fre ating onthe bjt) 3 A Theebjea iemovngtn the ast = Theobject haan eastward velo (() core) “Te cbjt owing down = The object hea westward acderton, ()isiconest) The bjt as westward cca. The ajc cj too wentwned Gnblanced fo, (@)isincore) 35D. The acceleration of an object ad the unbalanced fore cing the object a the re drcton, cs Ans ana epootens Under the actor ofthe #N fore andthe 31 eee the block emt re > Thesurcecn produce riston ofS N on the Bock. ‘When the & N force Is removed the friction sutomatialycecreates to 3 Nand points in FeIN Fics (and sare vale, fand Marecnstan) ‘The graph of avs Piss seal with dope and ciercept =f ‘The graph of @ vs Fy is 8 steaight line with slope Jf and passing through eign Allbjects ave mass In outer space wih no gravitational fel, objects vena weight ‘The strength of gravitons ld i ferent in ere paces = Wight varie with cation. Me glo thesme or iret mates swe ‘Objects fil tthe ground Beane ofthe rational for ating on the eject by the earth (1) eat) fhconnanl Wek @)ivcoret) Tn caer pce with no gravitational Bel objets do fal (isnot) “The two apres ave diferent mass an ere weighs. They have the same acelertion de to ryan ech he ground wh the ae ped. Ma ian inti properyof the cj. snot change wth erton. ‘Gratin ldo he nn weaker > Theveight ofthe objet ecomes sale Weybrdecees = Acceleration de to gravy decrees an dot git in ron ak Acetone of ton ah © (@)iscorret) Te 14 ea 2. Aron nd fi expansions (6) inane) In cute space with no gravitaonal Fld the tone aso wight. isco) According lo Newtons tla 80 net force feqired to mlnain the uniform velocity ofan sje. (2) seoreet} ‘According to Newtons second lav, a net force requvedtoacedemtean objec (3) isinoret) In the aginary planet, Wi the sme fr bjs ih dierent mes wba at Acceleration de to rity ‘onthe lane, vet saan 0-102 (-25)xh = hmm ‘Untlanced fore =weght se evstnce < wight = ag cn) seonect) ‘Ai acts the unload ore acting onthe best Iutnot the weigtaeabjec (2) inca) Anon ond fal experts ‘Acceleration du to gravity isthe acceleration produced by the weight. Since ar doe not aflect ‘eight i doesnot affect the aceeraton de to oni. (G)isicaret) 58D Atdhemoment when the objet else, speedaf abject Accson = caniscoreet) ‘Wihen th object reaches the terminal velocity ely nom, SS peel = 0 (Orisconser) S Unbencd ce S Atresitance=weigt (scare) 59. A 3x9Ml-P=3x7 Le 60. Ctnalltre stustos voc union, > Acseaton 0 SUnhalaned fe 0 SF Fran ll have the same magtude the ‘eight and al are in oppose drection to the ih (1) comet (2) and (3) ae incre) 61, D The tree satements ae the content of Newtons hind ew 2 D__ Alle pas forces aration and recon pis 68. Candin (tae not aston ston pate ovine" est te yma The correc ston reaton pie are the wight of the lack and goitionl fore theblodk sctiogan the eats 1+ the force cing on the blk by he surface and these sting onthe surface bythe ack dfn (2) pd (3) are acon ad ection ue, (6A tn(t)and (2) and Fare action nd resco pi 1 (9) Fy and reat an seton nd reaction pie ee @. “Theses ation nd rexcton pal as + the weight of the patachatist and the staal ce the arch ating onthe eth + thee resistance acting onthe parachute by the airand he fore acting onthe a by the psachate “The thre pai of Frcs in (1), (2) an (3) ae al ton and ecto pi. yan Fae a ction ad ction pat They have ‘he same guide bat oppo directions (@)isconect) The time of contact is common othe at andthe tk 4 (@)seoneet) Fan Ma (G9) ieieorect) ‘Teblock in euro, Teron unr ina sing = Br {and Fae a ation and ection pe = Bh (and 3) ae comet) rand Fat on the same objec they cant be 30 ston an resin pi. (()isncoret) pte yeti The bloc sin equim, = The applied force is balanced by the fiction acting the Hacky the able (0) caret) The aplied force and he ction ating the lack Iythe tale ath aston he lock. They cannot bean ston reaction pir (Acton and reaction vay act, fmt diferent counterparts) (2) sincoret) The two fictions ae ah aton ection pe. They ave sql magne. 2 The magnitude of the ition on he table by theblodk =F (()iscore) “he Hck move with consat vec. > Aecdention=0 a + Unbalanced once = (i iscoreery 76 and Fa on the sare objet. they cannot be seton and reaction pie, (Q)isicoret) Fa the same ron, and Fama ea action tod ection pros ()ieiconst) "Te two pis force i (2) and (9) ae action and rescton pais Fyand Fare always equal in mageitude 0 ter aw the it mong ar and F, Consider the fee bey diagram of the sc RaReF, (iadoareincomead — fs =F because they ae am action and scone oman” [PY “The abject in equim, ® Horuontally isan Vertically W is balanced by p y ee = Fen “The tion acting onthe surface bythe objet ulin magitdebtoposte in dtction to Fe GNtotkeraht ‘The object I n eguibrium, ‘0 HoromalyPisblancs by | Neral Wis balanced yf mo Arosa fl enplntons 7 reebody diageam of bec, (i) conet) ree body diagram of ling [ heme) ee ody daeam of dace (G)seonect) ‘The tensions acting between te object andthe celing ara tion abd esto ue. The fore the object acting onhe Moor and the reaction the Mor acting on the abject are anathe ston and ection pai, ‘Theloc presses the or +The loor bs eto fore the ack. The loc des nt pres the al = The yall 20 reaction fre on the Bock inthe raviational foe acting the Macy the arth i emai unchanged no mater how he it 6 moving ‘When he it accelerates upd fom es the ack reses harder onthe Hoo, ince. Fand Rate an action ad econ Finer o> Rint romaine unchanged. ‘When the if accelerates down fom ee, the Hock premeth oor wth efor, Ader, Perens Rdecenen W remains wacange When the it moving wpa wt uniform weocty decelerate, the lock preset or wh es fe, decenes, —> Rdecene. Weemsing oncangs When the itt moving downward with wnform elt decelerate the hock preses harder on the ‘Answers and flexors Aloo inte. WD F-18623 FUlcestngon Force acting 09 we eles hand by the jet feton of) 256 downvard om setgen byetebn rw They moving wth norm vlc Unbalanced fn 3 R-W05N Consider Resting balance 9-Tata face acting the alin he Boy Consider *rxtloal fre acing he boyy thea () a) rn eae ae 2 aoc ee pe = DS Ta3e $C BB-T=3¢ nd Fa 26nd r-1960 2 Fron @and@, 42549me" ram Dane @, Teares7aN ‘Theor fice moth = The reading of the = Noficionl focus on & stengbalnce 7. N Bean be move by he eson whlch the et fereeon (i) iencorec) Tension inastngicuniom —(@)ivcorst) Ale seein Weipa tension (9) sincorst) m4 © 1-10-24. 9D W-R=3e nd From @ and, 3499" Rem B ~ nse the dowrwaré motion oA, From and, 7 mn- o a Po491=050...@ : From Dand@, 4 =491 ms" Daw ‘he mani of eeeatonrenins chang Baten 12N>R i “The fore acting betwen Aad inte. ‘Themagitude of scerain remains unchanged >The magnitude ofthe net forces acting on the a locks remains unchanged AF. ne2ehe sat nbalnced nesting on A sas of A xacserton ofA 100. on 03.4 08.8 105. Poot ma e2+ Dm cms mss mesmassof2, ‘acceleration ofthe whole yen) When the mp of plticine sticks on X and moves together with X, the mast ofthe whole system Increase, and the accleration ofthe whole stern decrees. Rema abs ad R-kama 3 ReReme abated = Rb Rema abe ad = haem abo Rt 3 haFome abs RT Roma eae ec nena Sane eacapseee (2s cone) Te=Wyann® (B)iszomect) From and T=My+m,— (Oiincoret) 1-190, - 106.0 ros ¢ noe “Theres no external ace ating om the boy tnd tele syste > Thespste emsinsat est “The two tenon an thet ton cing om the trey ad the boy ae wo action and eatin pols. Pa28x2-SNtothedeht ams a eae ‘The rctlonal force eng om the objec and the swole ae action and ection, The tonal foc cing om he tly 5 tothele, = Moshe When the block begins ona scetn) slp the retinal forces been the bck and the telly reich he mana ial = FMW ‘Aowes o fileponsons MAD Tyriserse-asen — eeececepaacecee 19,1) . pe ae Al: Prem Oa : 1181 ms" EA | Tepe inte np ere ine 119.€ Acceleration ofthe object i determined by the 123.8, relat oc acting onthe object. ‘Aoswes ed fi expats mse isthetypoteut ofthe ight ang tangle. 19,6 The force diagrams couesponding Sm (scorer) tw the oo wae a ping the force AoW (C)steomer) P are combined a8 shown. It cas Piainequltrie, wf be een from the combined force = Renan force acting on P= (o)iscomer) dinga tat 8 <0, a > T “The nce diagram ran equa angle ‘Te bjct sin glia Rent fore om thee =0 i Tyand Wom dosed eagle. Bota Wad Woo 2 Ha St $20 corbcomed Magne of eta fre = VF VF = 22 N = Wow, Diecton along OF Ws + Wing: = Www wa. tans» ‘imine cyan “THe horizontal component of F (Fy) eclrats the a tele horaotly. Ano rd expos y= Fo The object at ret oF moving with constant soi a R imes0N ow a enact the inclined plane, the inclined plane hes @ a aud resctional ce (B08 the ject The forces ating on w961N ‘he objet nla weg ” Nec orzo force (and the renctna fore 2233me" 134. Never fe 0 = Net rceon ley sro (0) ore) The verte conponcat of reduces the ce he trey actson he rae Hower the weight fhe toy emsinsundhanged, (2) since) Feost R= Weos® (They cancel each her) Nat face onthe Hck = Wid Foof)=Ma oe (@)isconec) 12.A Let bethe mse of wD ‘aban fee acting A ‘ =2igind is theangieotincnaion of he 2 YO nae ae) oy 5 =2cunbalnced free acing on B (scored) mestoe eatin fre actngon Ay te pine i Mg 9 teats 2 econ ean Blythe plane Theron oN points tthe sight (ton Gey vay opposes ton. aggd 9 teas recerton at = MEA 2 a 0s6ms onthe et re Acclaton of = MES sin WB Tin = a (ovina) Teo mgm 10.4. The block moves under the ation of onstat posing re 3 Theblokhaa constant deceleration Veloce ok decrene 5 Slope of dlaccmenttne gph dene (core) “he block ha cota desertion ‘i : ™ = Acceleration ofthe block Is constant and BRA Thesiger ae ia = Nonet fre aca the objet. = Sloe of veloiy-tie graph i constant and Aceon attest = an uae Arner ard fil explertions 96a 420 Re 190050 = 1699N a Ww.6 = FoNsine elie sllingocar the objet sin quam, = Fine “The graph of Fv sn is sragh line wih slope cqultow, 1s senna =24 = atoms" yptheplane sae ES ‘The runny ton compensated Sian, = TheBN force ithe net force onthe tee me 10.6 ‘When the 6 N force points upward the ton ot dowd = 9Btsinlo =f ‘When the block s pushed upward, the Hetion F ot dows ‘he miniam oe ee Selif Hao Sasin a ee) The maximum fon f 221-196" ai Lt isemoved the fction pois pwnd P= 196243 =O Nef >The lckremsne at re ey Upward ain Declerton=7 me asi er ee oe mtn: Datsnao fase = ae 98isinae 21-281 ms 184.€ During the upward motion, the object has « downward aceeration of ME8ME + “ Dring he downward matin, het ba sie dn si 15. Along indie plane, cop = 98a = 4 Rosana" + 98tco is oe » TA28.36039 Bon FOr 1842 29adaO" «Se ss wt Resww? 7-240 THO = fan FromDand®, e=391me? roan x 4 Pind f= Me FE tgsind Ly a Hp) The graph fF righ ine with ope and ites = Mf. 19 (2) manent south binge =F 12, moment aout the hinge = 2, hinge = FL ln), memen sou the hinge = i= FL In (, moment about the igs =0 (perpendicular dance tween Fan the Binge ‘seen (2) and (3) are comet) “Total moment ofthe thie faces aout the hinge eben 2e0n 308 Aver ond feos 165.8 166. Moment ofthe 2N fre sou the hinge -2e15 Nev lcwie Moment ofthe 3 fre about the igs 23 Nant ste (a seoreet) “Tota momento the thre orc abut the hinge 253-3405 (Clockisemomentis taken S22Nm tobe ponte antclockrise (@hisicorect) moment isan o be negative) “Toten abot the hing locke. + Thedoortarmactwie.—(Q)isconet) Inthe gen ira, moment sou the hinge {n (moment hoa the hinge = 9308 = 72m In (@) moment boat the bnge= 18 .04= 72m 1 Q).moment abo the hinge 24 O6sn30" Moment aboutthe ing the ie inal diagrams, Im (), moment bow the hinge= M12 Nm {n (@) moment bout the hinge = 1208 « 96N'm In @) moment abo the Ringe 10> On" =52m Moment (2) > moment n()» moment in(3) ed ‘Cochise moment shout the age saxoasn3" =2Nm ‘Ant locvte moment shout he binge =aNm Net moment bout the hinge =12-#=4Nendockwise Momento about he hinge = Fig docwse Momento about the hinge = Fin30"dockwise Moment of Fy about the hinge = Flsin60™ ant slokwse Netmoment fal the tre fra out the ings 1 Rng + Fin Fina” : =F acre (()iesncorec (21 and (8) ae comet) ra atk (isconee) resin (O)xineoret) ved (@)isconect) icon sting sehen “king moment sour F, Rue t25 Let Phe the fore appli atthe idle of he ane et Fe th minima ver free regard Feige 1am0%04 ae mon 1 Petenoxt = F=10N “arming ocursabout the an ofthe sree Minimim moment totam te sew = 400.28 12Nm Lec Re the tonal esitane acting om the sere 174.8 Let Fe the minimum ove equie Feoie=na 175.0 Lethe force actingn howe a by thei be e “aking momeot bout the aw contact pin = FaAsen 176. Let Tbethe tenon inthe string and we the weight ofthe poe Taking moment abet henge nay Te1ew ald = Tease ia, Pez =r oy Tee Tension in (2) < tenho (1) < tenon in (8) 1A rat os (lenght lnk) Mist 2a Invalid 9-07 Fe ostg Immedately erwaed saih@and 6 paren’ Sr 17A.C Let Sbethe stance of Keane om the pot 0045220033 + 300%, 179.4. Duet the movement cf Helen, ant lockwize smoment decrees for an 04 of 204 To eep the see-saw in ate of bance, sk momen shuld decree rth sume amo, Let be the aintance Kenneth mows toad the i. “0g ~ 200d os eH058 Ans ad fl epontons Due to the movement of Helen anti-clockwise omen dscns fan mount of 004. “To keep the areas in a sate of balance, ant clockwise moment should inctese for the same Led be the distance Mary mover sy fom the pot aod = 2004 Sa -06r Due tothe movements of Helen and Mary, st Clockwise moment increases oan anaunt f 300 * 4 20002 = 40Nm “To beep the seesaw in tte of alc, clockrise ome shoul ine othe ste ant, Lat be the aitance Kenneth ves ay rm he ve ‘0d = 80 ———— | wate igen 1 Mime = omxi-ooxt Yona pend dstance From the pvt in (1) > perpendicular dance of rom the pot in (2) > Moment of Pao the ive (1) > moreno Fou! the pat (2) ‘Sit omen aout he pit in) > momentofFabout the peti) Moment of Faboat the pt in (1) =F ott Fane ti) = Fae Moment of Fabotthe pot int) > memento about th pio) nn From ©, @ and ©, scam be deduced tht the moment f abot the atin) the mama, = Force actingon the nt in (1s the max (eng nthe moto # bout pvt) Arse fil exenotos vs oth ge ‘Taking moment hoa the hig r tocknite moment = ina Teel ities Ghote nent cee een Phaeton! okie omen about -Anti-hocke moment shou ‘Tx O8xsin6" = 270 (The ankisinequlbviom) = ra397N > FeaoN pts Let Fe the mice fore required = F-20N ‘hepkty these bees pt) “The plankinin equi 1. Netfoce acting the plik ier. Rand w are equal im magnitude but onpostein duction. ()isconet) 2. Net moment about any point onthe plank aera Since moment of Rabout Pi, 5 manent of abou Pe eo > sromnt pas though P (2}iecorect) Momentofwabosx=nd20 (3) simorect) Rana nce nnge Toeleery he pp a <. © some a oe xON ‘i e Let Fhe the horizon force ating on the ae ofthe Moment of sot A ‘alcove moment of abou pv FOI lockrite moment of weight fall sbut pvt “Tomove the lle he step, “Telever in cgi, = Nat moment of mm 4nd Rabo ay point on the leer io etoment of wand Rabout Pie > Net moment of, and, about Pi 0 08 oment of Rabost Pizeo). ()searet) (incre) Net nomen of wand Rose Bisse Netmanen fy ed about Bis not zr as moment of abut 8 ot 20). (3) 8incoret) 190, Theleverisin prim, = Netimarent of wm; and abou any point on thelever eae (iecorec) = Clocks moment of mand maha A = ss-ockwne moment of Raboat A (2) scone) danske nent fad boa B ‘ocse moment of Rabo (G)scoreet) eine ing) kw logo) Tikiag moment shout the mid-point ofthe metre sl, Tots clockwise moment = otal ant clockwise mon inte ing) Qi) hy ow lope) “aking moment about the pt of pein (P), Total ckie mene ot antlocvse moment sr ond fa explains “Total upward force = tl dower force 3 Tei 348-208 The planks quam. Ne momento and (these arethe force acing he plank) sot ty point the planks (2) eearect) ‘aking moment aout, Ant docs nomen fat Mt docks moment of abet i iscoreet) et fore tng on the lnk sera Total wpa fore = toed dovaard force Romtwew, (disconect) iD 14 aN se ete a “gman te Ci noes xt Aati-lockwie moment wseheaxdraty (Clockrine moment = -lodvie orent i ecm 195.D Taking moment aout the pine, ‘Clockwise moment eto the wight SN) =5x01-05Nm “Totep the beam i qulram, the 2 dowaward Foxe should produce an anticlockwise moment of 01 Nmabou the prot. > The2N dowrvad oc shoud be pled to the potion Sm onthe othe po Arse nd explorers cna ce scting ‘nteplankby8) a rating Taking momen abot, Rod 015 450% Senescing on the lanky, =200 8 y+ Ry= 1004 40 = Forceatingon he plank y 5, % ow 5 oN ‘When he plank begins 0 Taking moment bau sd 100515 isan ofthe boy mend Y " Cores or ‘ug memetioa wndimn anal athe boy vals twa the end Yb = RL ma. Rem tm RL SRT “Tot moment of nd about the mip of fhe plank i equa n magaitude (ot epposite ia lection) tothe moment af he weight he boy bouthe midpoint. [As the oy moves near the mid point, the nrnet leo the weight ofthe boy dereares. = Tox moment of Ry and abut thei point [As the boy moves say fom the midpoint the ‘moment due othe weight ofthe oy increases Tal moment fy nd & aout the mid pit ‘That a8 the Boy mover fom X10, the tt moment of fy and fy abot the mid-point frst Actes nd then nese, tthe ng f PQQ, RSand ST bem The wo 1N foxes acting at Qa Sore acoupleat nhc moment of 21N m (1 NC2. AN upward force acting at Q togeter with the 2 N wopht acting at wl fora coupl of dacvise emet of 210 9 2 Nt) “The abore wo coupe wl babe ach ter atthe length of PQ, QRS, ST; TU an UV bein, The two 2N forces acing abd form acouple ot clocise moment of IN m Nx 2) ‘To keep the rod i equilibria, there matt be snohe coupe of ant lockvise momen f Nm tctingon theo Appling vec downward force of Nat Rand verily upd fr af TN at Vea fer ater couple of ant-dockwse moment of IN (Nx ‘m)on the rod we yt ‘Thepulley has po wanton mation. + Netore setigonthe ple ize, (isco) = RIN The ply i under the action of couple of leche nomen 0.1 Non (2N 0.05) @scoaesr) = Thepley as ational meson = Thcpley snot neque, (@)ixncorect) 23. The beam han ations motion 20.8 26.0 1 Netenorsent ba the binge ie, The moment ofthe weight ofthe block about the hing anced by seme opposing moment eto other re ‘Both he weg of the Ream nthe reaction ce a the hinge at trough the hinge They cannot Produce any opposing moment about the hinge lowers the tonal force the hing ot around the hinge can produce opposing moment about thehinge “The two 1 N faces Fu a couple of ant-dockwise semen of05 Nm (1m 38030) (is icorect) Avery fore of Nap a taper vith the weit (2) ofthe mete ule atng a form x coupe ef clacrise moment of 05 Nan (2 xh Thi coe il leh cml ene bythe wo 1 aes. (2)sconect) A vera apd fore 01 appt to Qtogetse veh ert downoad force of 1 Nappies 10S Foe coupe ofclocrise ment of 03 Nm (UN Lm) this couple wl lac the oul ome by the wo 1 forces given in the diagram ofthe ‘question: However the mete ral stl under the ‘on a ts weight and tot nella (3) incre) Tiesnin he tg) vera component gone roby = Thebngd)| arnt thei) Let Bethe length ofthe od “aking moment about the ings, Aron end fl explo (i) conest) Net orzontal fe ation the rod er = maT=35N) (O)sconect) Net vet foce acting on he ois 20. oS Remeightofred=s0N ()ieconect) Rtn ct eet Hegemon one, Town rote (ima) ators wingntn tse ann (hee) valle igo eli orate Tela Bowe esr cate (o wsoret) et be helen ofthe od. “Taking moment about the ings Tins =x inst r “The rod is in equbrium under ., ‘eaction of, TandR "Aéding the three Fores by ‘he tipo method forme ‘cowed ingle ‘The closed triangle Isa eight sage angle Aver ond fl epontens Ce Te05w= ws med=s011-4) Romina 5 d=06m= 60m ms mo mm, = — x Ressler em Moki net ‘the wall) bi ae = ‘ingen bot ep oo Nemes dette? gman eee ong ant cose men rt hegre * telecon reign nce Hisense wince af bam mat en he gh ae he ore aing the Show nthe ete pt tha he wet fe banc ape prod cement sent te pet ee athe Copa nents Taking moment abcut the end ¥ of the rod, (2) incorrect) ; Ladteie dante tom he pe ine = Seed rapadte tent oars oO iNem ether ocacg ote ra tiem (@ysconee aie ithe ad te 3 mses eres he tomes dc oe weit feb oil se he ILA. (steam dken of heeauet yey of Beam dns te pe tea oer) “sees ie nt of abet not unr he cae of ity and geometric centre of an obec may not 213.6 aN ne (omer) Te cee of pvt fn jt my Beet ‘ipa gostei) (nhc) ane ‘Lethe perpendicular distance Deween the edges AB ‘snd DC bean that betwee the C.. and he cage ABbed. Taking momen abou AB, saxd=20%1 = at Let dete dance of the. fom end X Diaance afend ¥ fm CG. == (eng ofth bea = m) “aking moment abo the CO. Perel ee Perpendicular distance of her he ge DC ‘ekg moment abot DC Patasact = Feo auc . 7 Latte ott the. the plate 9 “aking moment about the dg, “aking moment about he PQ, = ya tem The C6. the plate at he tention of PT and (QU. When the plate sspended tthe verte line sould pus throgh tbe CO, = RW inthe vert, ‘Aros oe fl empanting 216.8 When the wire sumpended at A, AP verti + TheCG won AP By sme the CG. aloo WZ = TheCG tsatthenesction of AP and WZ, I “The plate iin elim, Net force sting the ei. >The enson in the sting andthe weigh ofthe Pinte ae gual in magaitade bet opposite a ‘ection (score) |Netmoment about any pont on the plat ier Te CG. af (otherie the weight andthe ‘ens wil om «couple having net moment onthe plat) ((2isconeet) Ite plate no hang atthe CG. the pate wl ben quill wth the CG, vet Blow the pin of suspension = Theplne ofthe pte wil come vet (G)iscoret) ‘The clclarlscroo the ght The crcl der under the action of couple of docks moment. c+ The CG. Isom the right of the veri ine ping though th cents (so that the weight tend the etonal force frm couple of Arar fil eplnaon: lois mame. mA ‘When the block bein to crertrm about AB, the pln ARGH vera won fet beth minum ang be ued roping Te main re Fi perpen to he plane tooxeursbow at ert = 22 eng =m Tig ome about ee BC 3 ote etre the eight othe Cabo the bate Wien overturning begins to cut the CG. 6 ect ove these ofthe base as shown In the = 7 ae saves stand = 9 075 oN 10N ea “aking moment about, ed 30em 0 Fram @ and@, _ dj=@cm.d,=24cm 5 The CG. ofthe comport rd i em from the joint ie the CG. of he copes rod eat Unit 10 Work, energy and power Work done = force x diplacement rary a5) =) Work dane = face daplacement =) Tea work doe = 532 +15 x08=22) force an placement aren oppose directions, 16. © ork done bcos negate. Work done by P= 5 Feton=143 ra ficion = F=3=5-3=2N Weck doe friton 2d (ate besa ction and 8] dspacement arin opposite tdrctons) ma ‘Unbalanced face = 3 a Workdoe by anbalinced force 3412) weg oftheobect — Gieetbedbjet® ag, a fang at constant secs) Work doneby F635 (mate besa Fad plement arin oppaitediretion) ay, py Holding an objet test has no wrk dave ects ees no diplcenent ork done by apie free = 135 irk done guns to (Postini force gas fietion inthe sme decane dplcement) cs Work done again praia farce Unbalanced fone = 19-10-26 Wir done by anbalanced fre = 63212) Ans nd fl explains Wor one opal up the objec and work done to leer down the sbject hee equal mapnitade but ‘opposes he fzmer spose and the inter i ete Therefore the tot werk done 20, emit Work donb jsut stat =1e2 x3! = 9m Workdone = 23918) Gratton! potential energy ca be patie the round istaken a he revo reference fr potest ‘energy hen objects Blow the pound evel have gave potent neg. tet exergy uh = 200 (50.3) » 300) Potential eergy os = mph=05 x98 2a = 491) Poti ergy lot bythe > mg nal recary he ume ie sier dwn the same height (Lem and haze Ue same). Therefore the tential energy aes tthe ss ‘Work don agaist gai by defntion seu to ‘he pin ngravttonal pot energy. @)iseoret) ent energy = work done spin pray sweh (GQ) eoree) ‘he amout of work doe bythe mas onthe abject ‘equal oh mount of energy tranlered rom the man totbeobect. (Griscoret) ain teal energy os = mgh =03 98 «(05 ~ Osos") =013) Mechanic energy comerted to other forms of cxeay ™ poentilenergy os Aasvers ond flexors we = otal poe ergy of and Bho cason toil penal energy cand ter calison 198) x04 (04 0981003 102981 om) as) Poentiatenergylose= mgt (isco) Aicesiance™ mg (ace fe betaling conta velocity) Worden apis i restance eance meh = potential energy oss (a)iscoreat) ‘he work done agsnet a estance i egul the mount of potential neg ing converted to aber forms erry (G)iseoret) Pooler gin =k) iscoect) The wok done by Fequalsthe ttl gain in potential ergy nd net energy othe bec. (@)isinoret) The wk done ag rity by Seniton eg totbepsininpotetis ene. (S)iscoect) Phy =m 98131 98) (athe masse PhyematIx5-85m) bjt) P= 26405 = 1320] PE PEy> Peg The mass m ofthe objet emalns unchanged no rte the abject is hearth aon the pane magn? 100 > me Ie he objet I cae for a hight of 7m on the ane ota energy si = gh Basen =2810) ‘inet nergy ony has mapitude but no decton, (isco) inet energy rst proportional tothe gue sf loi (isnot) The amount of kinetic negy an ojet poses can ony be postive (Ghiscorect) int egy os tec cy = inane onengy nec ney WD. bythe 5 fore Lerey darnatesxos 2 2 x= to = 00) (sconce) ‘WD gst ction = KE oe = 300000) (Oscorect) {ction x sopping distance = 300000 20000 upping dsance = 900000, = Soppingdtance= Sm (G)itcomeet) Kal WD pining Seasae-smox01 “The amount of energy requed to pentate hough ‘ne wooden bord = on? KE poem bythe ballet aeling st 9h 309? “Toren the ule can penetrate ough 9 wooden boards Unbalanced force = 5-2-3 Work sdone bythe unbalanced force =3%6=18) (ny isconect) une bythe Hock ‘Wythe antlanced fre (@isconeer) (sconce) nbn fest onthe lock Eun bythe ock bythe ondanc e Legey 10408 ‘The energy requied to penetrate through one wooden bard = bc01 «(40-3809 = 780) “The maxim umber of woe Bod he lle can peneetethrogh (cgay ena) Saray Lean can'n ‘he kinetic energy los bythe objet in pang over the rough section odo? Aan = re Forthe Meme objet uaveingat 2, the Ainetic energy afer passing ove the rough teases peta — B= a! seer Let bethespeed ofthe jeter pasting over the rovgh ection Jr =a? Anon do explains KE lonby theca Joan ton? nes biger [Dagens icon Rloatbythecse —— éUimesbiggr Stopping dca naa agg Same tien = sme deceleration Sopping time eaerion 2 ime bigger Unbalanced force scting othe bet =8-9aisn30"=31N KE aia bythe object = WD. bythe ulinced force vee = Bela =lore epi Spears Reba 5 Decrease n = WD. ast rion By-Bak — (EaistheKE ofthe obec when peste crocs potion Piste fiction acing onthe yet) st 6 Increse nF ~ WD. by the unbalance force S R-unbalnced forces =& Nove sre 20 (athe con acing on S ran thebloc) Are ote tad portion WD bythe unbalance farce nF ofthe bjet (I) and (2)are cot) Uniti wea = N= (G)scoret) ise wth the dace fallen (Y= 2) Acclerton cont. el ergy is deren = KE = Puke (ope me) Loony s0aKosted = vo8asme! Jxosxy 03298103 KE lst y the all = 03981 (6-3) =2967 Wxhe1x9slxs > hedm = KEMaKEMC-KEMEKESD a KE pu PE tos x98 x51) 912 ssn “Togooverthe hump, XC ofthe parle = PE, aed the pare atthe topothamp doo + x90 Leone soneaaiena S v-7mms" hse = WD. galt fiction Loans KE ou = BE in + WD put ae esitance Sos et= 05941 166 MD apt a ‘WD apis airrexitance= 115] ‘he acceleration ofthe object i equal tothe scserton duet provi ich isconstart. (scone) ‘The velocity and hence the Kiseticenegy ofthe bt sncenng (@)sncomet) Without air resistance, there Is no way forthe mechani nergy of the objet te converted 1 ter ors fener (G)eeoret) ‘When the objet ills back tothe ting point the ison of motion changes rm verily spar toyerticaly downvard “Therefore velo has changed. ‘ota mechanical energy at B= total mechanical Now, PEt aA S Thematlecan Hehiger tha 66D terhbete beh othebuling ont 8 6. A. Wath air essen, mech ene need Fcc + ttl a= cnt F Ringe con Pe einare 6 Retest cal nee cone feng eon) oc 8 -% 981 «(1 ca") a eons nd expats (ithe ig fan) (iodependet of) (score) Since there i 20 WD. apsos ai eistance, he mechanical energy ofthe pendulum constant. (2)seoret) Tis always perpendieular tothe motion of the penal SP wp by rise (@)seoret) Late eat tedane fog Jen) ch Frm, ney oe snag ee pote eam tal ‘hamp.) = vedi KE gun=PE bose Ah win” = (wands (wl the weight of theblock) Slope = wns" = 75 PE Lot by A= ttl KE. piney Aa peamatebaer bane 3 easme lo by A= tll KE une by A and B+ WD. gait ion on 8 1 axsarxiaharsw eae vosame? x02x3'=09) PE lon =02%981 <1 = 196) Mechanical energy converted to other forms of ‘Answers nd flexors 8 energy = 196-09 = 106) Friction length ction plane = 1. “ol WD ga ton lon $2189) =16) Lette the asin Atancethe bck har moved pte incline Fron 24 =o WD. aginst fon Since the lock Is lowering is level ts PE is secre (hiscon) Since the block acelin, soy an ence KE increasing (sconce) Since the icine i rough theres W.D. agaist fit, echnical energy i converted other Toms of sony “Therefore, chanical energy Ie ectesing (9)is moet) abalone ating on the stone - Thestone ili with constant elo > Thekineticenry ofthe stones const (()isicoret) “These towering ve = Thepotntl energy of hesone isdecensing (O}seoret) “Tere WD, asin esac = Mechanical energy ofthe stave converted to afr of nergy Mechanical energy ofthe tones decreasing (econ) “Tere eto acting on the le The tions ata bythe ley weight camponentalbag he slope (isso. (2) core) Since thet i fetion ating os the telly, the mechanical energy ofthe wale ders (vis invert) \Veociy KPA and mechanical energy of Helen weal nrenig ‘Acselerton of Hen icon > nbalznced force acting Helens constant Toal mechanical energy lost by the pellet = WD, int resting force SS R-LON (Rieter fre) Mucanicl energy ofthe stem icons > Total mecha ery hss al chal energy gla = sea he eight A has file Is bigger ha the height & herr The Pont by A ie mre thn he PE pind bys. (isicoret) Aan Bays ve the same sped we kEota-KEoe “Treinclne moat Theres no Wapiti = No mechanical energy is contested to other forms energy. Mechanical beg fhe sytem conserved (@riscorerd (2hiscome WD. bythe force = mechani energy ued the pre biek 198 tat 2 (hen the Bock mons up the plane fora dtance of ite ors hight of sn) = yesmme ore the stem sensed Avnd Barestren => KEof Aad B=0 Bonite pound > RE ofB-0 Mecanialeery ofthe system =P OfA= Wh (ay sconce) “Tere is orton ace ating the se > Mechel energy ofthe sytem conserved Mecha nergy of he ster emai eq toms (2) 6incoret) Mechanical energy of the sytem at lore Ass the round = mecha energy af the system when. lessee rom et 2 KE of A+ KEOf8 + RE ofB=PE ofA 3 KR ofAs KE OP = PE of APE she (riscone) Since ther sno fection force ating on the ste, the chica energy ofthe whole stm ost. Hower, the mechs energy of lok A ‘hich oly pat ofthe stem so costa (is eat (2) scare) W.D. by the tenson T i equal to the energy transferred to block B, hence is equal to the mechani energy gin ofbodk (9) score) (4 the inet teach Gatatheacelersion of "he wo paces) (lst tne 0 rec o seo 1 PE, ((isincotet) Wien he wo parties rach PE bssofP, =2PE lst P, 5 KE ginofP,-2*KE gunofP, dont = 2h (aan ate the peat of = evan 2 Mand Rat Crepectely) (2)sieoect. (9) scores) 2, and P have dre! mae but hae fle he smelt PE lwo and PE oe of ae deren, KE pun and KE pin of, are erent. (Wy sieorect) ae The speed of P, at B = the speed of P, at B= Jgh (icon) Time oP toad fom Ato = PAE the aceseton of dow AB Time for P,oslde from A tC PAC «sth acceraton oP, down AC. Ue for Fo ide for At C> tne fr P e9 se from Ato (G) since) % Answers od ft eponatacs vk dove Unitopome Nina '=18"=W gms! = Nisnotauntof poner 1 dfntion, power = Ke pine! 1030-800) 135000 W = 135kW PE, pin = 900x981 x5 = 44145] romero orrsye PE. pnd by 80 pasenges =f0%4O0 5 = 2400007 Egan ~2000%3~ 600) 2-131) Ke gined Tete mast 2 vera oup power f machine 100 165) sso62W s6kw PE. pine bythe rk =1500« 981 10nn30"= 735750 W KE ned he rack 0 000 e150 2 Aver poe Since he Toad is moving at constant loc, nba orc acting he ier, esion of rope = weight of lad = CON (i isconeet) ate ofain of PE, (@)isconect) Ouputpower of machine = tof un of. = 1800 =A (@yiscorect) Power Pr= mg = 40% 981 an" 2 pont = tha me Anon nd explains oD (ethyl component ofthe boys wl.) = 400981 2a = 24 W ‘Vera componeat ofthe pasenges veloaty 0030" 04m" ato gain of PE a he passengect 935004 = 1800 W Pay (Ristheairrtance yisthespeed ofthe vehi) tthe while alata dau ped, spend = Ds tance = 28 Foc ting onthe od by the che 09 030+ 100 4924 N Power = force x veocy = 92:02 = 9848 W Poet eergy gan = 50% 981 9 = 44145} (seoneat) bythe machine $03 = 5400} (@)isconect) ‘Average pone developed bythe chine MDL he machine Mechanical energy sa W009 w (risinoret) (ass theaceleraton of ‘heloadinthe 3 T-mg= me seconds) 9 To$K9816 518 Crs thetensionn T8655 ye arngin the fit 3 3EA8 75m onde) aT (oithedpiacement ofthe wots Toad othe est 3 seconds) 56555675 isthe work done bythe 2381713) or inthe is 3 second) Average outpt power ofthe motor inthe firs 3 seconde imasew From! =3t01=6 seein of helo ir, tenon inthe string = eg = 5982 uput pore ofthe meior fx v= 4805445 2220725 W 106 wore rin ecg eld ba ibs381- aN per acetin = 88 -s19 me" pd leplceent in om Lysigea'-63tm Wy the machine in 252605638 165887 Average poner devsoped by he machine mo4w ‘Unslanced fore acting onthe oad Acceerion of theoad = 20° 1.5m" Diapacement ofthe loads wedot dis d= tam iby the machine = 800% 12= 8007 Aves per veloped bythe machine Answers nd il explains Unit 11 Momentum Morena = mats x elocty "Momentum isa rector having the same rection athe vl, ((A)and @) ae comet) ponent) MM The net rce acting ona objec ie tthe rateof change of momentum othe bet (orem) (raion) 2. © cpt eee as gas! Teche tmmenon opal ig mone a ane mo an@,v=3m 4. & Mani ange= 180-1 3(-)= 086 Piemonte 4D deem Moment of hte os lo ing he aren 6B Ans ving on itis ny onsen speed only, ts direction of motion may ‘change Hene, may havea charging moment ((C)iseonet) ‘an object having a constant momentum has a estan veloc, ts Rinetc energy mest also be constant (yisincoect) Momentum = mass relay = "Momentum and velocity have the same sti, ange of momentun Net fore an change of momentum have te merce (G)ixcorect) Momentum and change of momentum may have {iret aetions (2) isincotet) (sconeet) Memes ined by astationary objec, etfoce tine Since th ro stationary jects are acted on by the me ne fre for the same time they hae these omentum gi. iti energy goed bya ttonary object work done byte nt ce Set ore dla Siac the wo sationay objets ate acted on bythe same et ce forthe same displacement they have the same inti energy go Change of momentum = frie > ial momentum intl omentum foresee Momentum ofthe object when i reaches the pound =8%3-24kgmns" Net force ating an the objec = 20 -8= 12 Moment of th obec foe tie = 125 = gms" 0 Aa" st0n Aadlope= Dring 004s the momentum-time graph hat # constant nepteope, 2 the objec acted om by constant re 1 the ee the objects constant scl thee During 44 5, the momentum changes rom negative to postive, = thedliection of motion changes fom lef to ih During 4105s ope ofthe momentum tine raph = theobjet acted on by ant nce of 3 Daring 98x ope =, netfee onthe object =O 15 A- These gap at eu eters tebe pt feta thatthe Ue 16. Unaned fre icontt 3 healer etre Momettn=avcnat Okenet ect, proper ine) tienen =<) Sten ray = r= rt | sed daplacement oe estat 17. A. anf the mast of he son ang on the bec be the momentum othe bjtat = 0 oe Se sfmonn (Prcionsin oppote ‘recstonto momen) pact Momentum decrenes nary with tine (ope S spss 418 A. The weight ofthe object is balanced by the ae 5 Unbalanced force sting on te objec sea (in iseonect) Moment fobs mi recy (2) score) = rae ochang of momentum -0 (incor) rors ard explncons rege Sneek momento average force fl manent Intl momentam osxc19-03028 oo Le ON tothe «00 Average ce ata on the bal bythe wall By Neon: lm average foc acting on the wall, vytetal AEN se 2 Nether erp oe «of amen “he mentum changes are the same for bth eases It hey have diferent with the wl. Hence they ae subjected 0 aie force by he ll, Mags of the amet change ofthe diver 6020 1200;¢m+" rate of change of momentum of deer = 10%0N Mone ang othebles ns SNCarcam sage" Ire gon ety al - 22.29% own sign alli ete vas Fore acting on thes ate of change of momentum ofthe gas ‘he devin fre acting onthe spacer sao 6 IN bt in oppose drecon, 10th Average xc atng othe bulls 155200 sey tothe sight Aros end explntons Recling frceactingon the alder (Dt thle Since the solr is atlonry on the round, the recolng force mut be balanced bythe fiction ‘tng he sli byte ground RON thee Net fre ting onthe sphere 163-03) pon o 5 Reston force sting onthe sphere by the round — eight of phere = 320 Rescind force actog onthe sphere by the pound = 12040 DN Face acting ce the ground bythe mere = 360 N (Ge S00 downward) Reston fore sting onthe bal by he cling + weight ofthe bll=-25.9 Reston fv etng om the ball by the cling + (i =-25 = esetina force sting othe ball by he cling =-ISN (le 18 N downward) As canbe sen fom te graph he net fore varie seth ie, (ipiscone) Nevlorce tine = change of memeatart Ares under et rce-tne graph seus tthe momentum change oot he fil meme) the objet (@)ssincoret) ‘Area under at force tine grap has the unt of momentum. (G)iscoreet) Moment ange ofthe al ‘rea under the Ft gph sy 04x(-9)=12 ‘Area unde te rah = PAE AS ules, momentum change ofthe ballet = 5s Momentum hinge of = momentum change of 8 = Ate unde the Ft raph ofA ea ue the Fgh of (Concrete ls ater than wall mounted with so ae Colson def A Aand have the sre momenta chang They have he same aen under the force tine eos. Since ha cllpsible ont section an as har bump, > colson tine of > clision tine of 8 3B Letyand be the speedo Aan © 9 2 mt on OF mee emg 0" Bos amem = Meat Giz mem = Beat A> etm and be the masses of the two objects snd bethe speeds he two jer. ee) (6) score) Gan nomena = force tine From@and®, m=She Aecteston = Ba Sai me? |A-- Momentum th bal blr lig wih he wall 190x03=+30kgms “Momentum ofthe alae cling wth the wall =-0kgms ore acingon theta bythe wall (30-(30, Force cing onthe wally the ball D__ Momentum of he paste Just before ting the pound eoecgon eine fen tpn = 208 Kocinl ce eng he pice by se fuisvorsesen Fecscigon he grt yee + 208 moment chang [os (3) 042] [ajn2kgas! (nv iscoreet) ‘Mechanica enngylos = KE os Sroane Laan? =) Bhiecoreet) Average ne Force on tell ‘rate hang of momentum ofthe all = dean (Chicora) ‘Average et fceomball (Rather fre =R-04g tetngon the bly the 20 pound) = 20+ 049-20 43926225920 Average fore tng on he oun bythe ball =nauN Dy ietcoret) mh one Moment os by B= Pt Since an nly have the sme mamentam, aR Let the iil speeds of A and Be uy andy pec work done guint icon 8d, Sin KE bby B= Fd nn ©, dyna byA 2ut @ 7 4 ebnbya” ae Sut Seb Onto, Since the smooth surfice anno provides orn fection, ransing, jamping and rolling al cannot ov him horizon. By threwng hs belongings orlontaly none arto, he an move his -orzoatly ithe opposite dieton “Total mentum er cllion =2.¢2 65 lore colon (comer of omentum) Dad 5Hp= 16 ‘tl momentum before cso = 04 1S = SN “wal momenta aerellsion 32 ¢ 14 er (onservton of momenta) SS spm-me® be: Brmoves to the left with + specdofime “Tet momentum before clison 432453 (6)=-10N8 “ot moment er clon = 4(-175)+ ry 4178) 31> 10 (conserion of moment) = tynalms! ie Reamer arn athe “ot momenta ae clson = (1000 +150)» 25007 6500 (conser of moment) “oa momestam before clin =m 4 m7) Tal meme ae clisin = m2) +m (eonsertion of momentum) Although the sandbag ls verily thas zero horizontal momentum, Tota momentun of the truck andthe sandag ir contend horizontally. ‘Annes and flexes 50. D Doing alison the fre acting betncen Aad se me sic sec ‘re action and vention, Hence, hey ree it Image bt oppose ection. Te bls are i ‘tact forthe ave ine. Therefore, the impulse {tg on A and Bae ale eal in rage bat opposite indirection. tps ic equal to change of tore. Therefore the momentum change of A A that of Bare ulin agit ba opp in Cdrection However, A and may not change bee ‘tion of motion te clleon Let Mb the mast of Pater adh bot be the nats of Keoneth ad hs boat, Vb the speed of Peer and his oa ad ye the sped of Keath ad histo MV mien =0 (coneration of momenta) The two forces A and B acting on each ater are seton and reaction which are eal magne, ‘ppoitein detonator the sane tine (a) and (8) aeconect), “the momentum change of A (= mpl on A= ore (on ine) sequal to magne ofthe momenta tine) bt they have oppose drcone (ign) Hen, tbey ae roteua (ch isiaconet) Momentum change of and tat of Bar eal a smagotude bt wth oppose ir. omentum change of A's momentum change feo ()iscorect) = Tolmomentum of and Bis conserved. Moment hang fA = mpl on A Some) = Fae (() is ieorect) Momentum change of B= impale oa 8 = mdi 9) Fa (@)iscoret) alee =v) min) =0 (scone) Far the momentum of sytem to conrerve, the system canbe composed of any number of eject, ‘here can Be trl forces acing win he yen, there an be energy dsption but here mast ot te any eternal foe ating on the ste, Fores eerpectv oftheir nature alway xi a scion and econ pu Ineach pi the tion an ‘he reaction ae always equal a mga, oposite In isin an act on ifn oanepat fr the saetime (A) and) arecorect) ‘he actos an sacton ince the ment of individual object to change but due tothe ‘momentum hanes of ech pi of objec gel tn mapntade bat opposite i direction, the ttl omentum hanes ofall the objects, ((Csincorect (D) iseoret) Since total momentum is conserved, the tot ‘moment here ay ime Bf, er ad daring calision. Rate of change of momenta fhe allt 15100-01430 a Average force acing on the bullet during the eneeation = 1000 N "eh nb cen Eeabcw= 10) otal mechani energy afte clison Lrancatelesxe: Mechanilenery les = 3950] O45 04-0) +P Yale the ealson) = peaxe=24kgme" (pi the momentum of cage fnceon = 06H in of Y cals ine Hoan anxen24 (ste ot of Yate we yedms" ——theealision) Mecniaenergy ne =KE bos Leoans' doses bases 2 Let, ete speedo ae the bay has jumped of abe (2) 4207-0 (onsen of momentum) 1 be the commen sped of # andthe boy ater thebay as eed on 8 (20230) -y)=30%(-2) (Conservation of momenta) = yetamet {LC When the loa eof the tally al has the horiontl speed of 2 ms Since the horizontal ‘remetn ftelnd het hae he ment ‘ofthe tlle remains the seme ithe rlley remains movi th th poo 2 8 (6B Teal momentum ate clison (sincere) Daring he cilision foes of qu mgd act forthe same ine 08 25d 8. Therefore, A and ve moment changes of gil ogee (@) scoreet) Shce maisaf >> mae of 2 ely chang of >> wlocy change ofA Moment change of ever of >> momentum change diver af A (Oisiecereet) >efore ating on dveraf (D)ietcaret) 7 66.8 Let vyand vy be the ped of and ater the cern Seyeten —Gonermton of momen) Keneecrempota 7" 3, ap aa Kineceneyat 8” Fang 2 © D_LetmasesoCAand Bem, andy seco Aad Brera moviman” (cmeratenot even) Kencaomres toga ae inicio A mas ofthe wale = Dect ofthe boy deedetionafthetaley (3) 4 incest) Sect othe boy er running 2s Ley bethesped of he pation 160r=3 Gomera of momentum) (0) and (2) comet expan ny the momenta of the fre scting between heb ed the ground are {eton an rection Tavisinoret) etree jt bf iting with 2 Sereveneioeoa a (conservation o mechanical energy) {ete the ommon speed Aa er the beaedeny Meal entiation Contre of moment) ‘Aoswes on fil epee (consrvton of esha ener) 1 Vibe the common speed ofthe sana andthe tat 11 100 (01 1 99) Gomerationatmomesta) the elise, (craton of ech e) = be005m Let bethespeed of Devs3x2— (Coasrntionofmaentum) 62, ‘oa hintic nergy ined by A and Let be the eon pd ofthe can 500%y=8%250 (conservation of manentum) “Thc opr inadatance of Sm Kinetic emery lot bythe cannon is equa tothe wrk done gat he essing free F BD Peaselisae = Peta ety be th rc ped ofthe pun ()eoee) Pe eee Riots” Tyygocasd (@)iswmonea) 85. D Average fe sting othe ballet ions = 100% (@ixconect) ety and Vb the speed ofthe boy and the Bost respec (ccoservatin of momenta) (ithe ine forthe bay tomnetathe oat othe oat) Fram Dad @, Bs ‘The cannon eecls with moment of the same nage tn oppose recto, orizontlcaponeat of the ecoling momentum fhe cannon atone" Forisontal recoding speedo cannon 2008 “ual na momentum = toni marin = 0 te to fragments move at choice (D) the estat momentum cannot eer. or choices (A), (C) and (D), the resultant momentum ofthe two fragments cannot bein he fame drction fhe mentum of he mas ele explosion. This wolts the hw of conservation af (Choice () alls thereat! momenta of the to fragment oe isthe sme diction a the omen of the befor exon Bycomentin of mement, ‘otal horton moment of Xan ¥=0 total eral momentum of apd ¥ ‘vera momentum athe objet lore exgoxon SY mut aves borizontal momentum 4 the right ana verily downwaré moment, Yorn direction). Fors perfect east cllston, Kinetic energy it conserved 'S) Kinetic energy and sped remain unchanged afer the colison ‘he abject reverie drection of motion afer the = Momentum ofthe eet changes dieton = Mometum ofthe objet a constant Let whe the common speed ofthe oles fer the calito, Pel isxal=0 +15 (conseration of momentum) = veame! iti ener lot bythe tls wate sbatsea)daasere7sy Let vhe the common sped ofthe tele afer the calison Dx3=G+ DW Mechanical energy converted to ater forms af rey netic energy lot inthe clon (omzratin of momenta) ‘The forces acting om A and 8 daring the alison are ston ad eston Hence the es hive ea age ()iscorea) ‘Teta momentam of and Bai the clistn momentamf ble the colon > Dieection of motion af A and B afer the calsion ithe same athe decton of meen ofAbetrethecolsion. (2) scene) ‘he colson sina Kier gins by 8 total KE before the cals “hide tea ofooeratio of neg = Colson is imponbleto happen. Total KE. befor cals Tea KE ar elision Mechanical energy st daring the clon (posse) 8 ® Pete 1x-2)4 30 Teel KE, afer calson chert ebapey't > Beh ()isincorect) ‘The calsion between the two patie perf ela oly mesos ht he otal Kine energy of he ‘wo prices isconserved. ‘he kei energy finda parte may no be conserel (yisincoreet) Since the collision is perfectly elastin kinetic nergy from any ofthe to putes is converted 10 tthe for of neg, (@)iecoect ‘The total momentum af the two particles is conserved bt he momentun of nia parte ‘enatemeerved, (@)isinortet) Answers nd il experts The collin entatie > KE ae clision < KE. bef cision Sree (secre) ‘he minum momentum change creiponds 10 4 completly ines colson Le thee m0 rebound oo) The mininacn moment henge =0-05-8)-3Ne ‘Amores change les thn Nos not poste (histor) drosn=05x10%h (conservation of mechani ene) sim (O)iscomer) Athoug the plan as vere spend of m= thse seriznt momentar, Let Vbethe common speed ofthe wally and the paste 2e3=04 1 —(comeraton of memetum) Tl inc energy ose Lares! 143 ‘The fire above show the deta ofthe elastic calor. rom (1162), the Ball changes shape the KE of the ballicconverted othe PE ofthe al ind of PE. doe change in shape), ‘A(t KE-ofthe bal becomes a0. rom (21 (3) the al eis sphere shape the PE the balls cnmeid back tothe KE ofthe tal TheK# ofthe baa) isthe sume a tata. ere) toe tetutandv be the pede ofthe all before and aie the colon respecte. xiey=05 9 yelms! oD The colin nt 05 Average force on the bl daring the ison etvbe the speed of Baer he fist case HCH +39 onsen of nonentam) etme caiscomet) KE; of A before the ist calson =x La" 2) Total Ko and ater the fre clison “tert no KE lo inthe first ction 5 Theft caso pect late (@)ishcomet) of bare te cond calison aBesertenst “oll KE of Band Caer the second clon shaser=s) “There no KE loin the second clio, = Thesecond collision i pert at (G)eeonet) 2.8 we (acoustic, arcades” Sect ie) Sent thn Wet 08 aby eny satan tet Compared wih 2. ae ‘ual moment ofA and Baer elson (otal moment Aad ef coion 0 55 band more nappa drectos slong, ‘igh ine er the alison, thes thie {otal momentum anno beer, {(iand 2) corect) the speed ofA decrests (increase) after the collision, the speed of B must also decreases CGoceesses) ater the collision, othervine total ‘momentum cao be 0 Ths wil ake the ta KE. decren nce) Bt he calito psy elatithe toa K,dos mi hing. Terfor the ‘pees ot A apa Basra uncanges (G)sconest) 6.6 By conservation of moment ll st ast ‘move to the eight Ify 2 atl KE. of he ball afer the clio > total Kf the ball blr he Colson, which vats the of onservtion of mae mio ms? (ate tse) =: St) oft ofa ert cision apres jm thaw nt «mas ) Meysm, Jove () > bie Tora KE ofthe lls he collsion > ta KE. ofthe balls before the collision, which ones the wf conseration of ener. + mom (2) mate corrst) cs \ ete ison stor slison When an objec nero an lt ue olson ith another siatonay objet ofthese asthe ath ofthe wo object ate the olson ae aay perpendicular o cach the. The flowing pou is ony or those whore ners, ot uid (By conseraten of moment, teal moment ar cise rota moment before cllson Arar ond fa explroere By conservation oer, total KE ate cllsion = tl efor clision {ihe calision lat) due bat (Pythagoras these) 104.8 Afr the colon the drction of maton of X and are perpendar to cah ter (se Question $3). 8G ea0" 105. D After the clio, te directs ff motion of X and ¥ are perpendicular tech ther sascog0"= Come" von Sanath 25 m8" “The stepe icine shorter athe parte sing conithas ge aeration (= gn Oe the ange ‘incioaton. 87 => a) ‘Tie teach the bottom srr, Gofet shat = eb “hate <8, conservation of eer, (is teoree) pw =m te height ofthe inclines) Sonne di (2)isconest) The particle knock on the bon pane. The noma ection of he econ plan lite (che vertical momenta compenent i imine), ‘nly yen andthe price conines otro ‘on theheriznta plane with ven ost ots ctl = wt that ex? (@)isicoret) 35 Aver an fl eponins Unit 12 Projectile motion [Extension] 1A. Horizont no foc sets onthe tone = Horizontally, the tone moves ith «constant lec + Theshadw ofthe tone moves wih constant ‘eli onthe hoon ground 2. Vert he sone ewer the ation of constant rv oc (he weight ofthe stone) SE Vertically the stone mover with «constant downardsclerton the acdraton du 1 won't) = The shadow mover eth 2 constant downward celeron onthe etal wall 1. B Consider the wert moon ofthe poke Int eral voy 4)» in = Acceation(a)=~g=-981 ms invert oy when he jel races the ighea pont) = Pewatee 4.8 Considrthe eral mson afthe poet Ina etal ety (0) = Aeclerion (a) =-981 m5 from Pia RU) =0 sour dee 3 on Bee dcome 5. © Atthe highest pin the project has no vert ‘elo nly is oreontl veloc eal tthe Ina erin veloc which css" ms Le 6 A Horionally the projectile moves wih 8 constant ‘doy of eon 5 “Te forthe proj o move fam Pts R ne of fight) = 144 (see Quation 4) 2 Hoxigntl rangePR= cos 144 = 1021 No orizotl fac at onthe projectile, Horizontally, the projectile moves with = const vel (i iseoree) ‘Te projectile is woder the action ofa constant etic is weigh). The projectile moves with a constant verted secretion (2)iscorect) ‘Since hae no a resitance, the ata mechs ‘nergy ofthe project reais constant (risconec) “The stone is under the action of « vertical petal forces wight). ST tne stone hae verte eceeation The vera component ofthe velocy af the stone incre, ()iecoree) eerie rpenst serene) (angie vocty Sea dy reel compat Peon) ete velo) + isincessing (2)scorrecty “Theo mechanic energy ofthe one scons, orem energy L oe Kintccnenyt (o)seoreey ae Ini etl vec =O Vera celeron a= 881 3° Vert diplicement = -s00-coane deat hha iii constinpendn a) dan ale mie teb oie a Fa F sont depends on which AF toni seaman) ( Inia vera way w= Ver aceeration a= 981 ms ‘Tne eight = 34 powey tae (an rae 1S Heiphtofhe ci 441 m Hosaoaaly the stone tavls with constant velar of Sms for atime a3 (() eco) Siow eate 9813-2945 me" = 828036 sm (oy scoret) ()isteoneet) Let and be the horuomtal and the vert cennpeen of v expect. nial eral eloty a= 0 Verte acceleration Vere displacements wi -w=tas 5 Weacoancan ant ‘Ansers n fal exparoers > 6-78 ‘Aer trveling fo 2 the Baron component of ‘he welt ofthe objec (4) temas eal 15 ‘andthe vert component (7) becomes 1942 The wloky ft ot) ATTA =249 6" oizntlly he projectile atl with a constant ‘ela of 3m, Horizontal alice in D042 (core) ‘Vertaly, the projectile travels with «constant downward acceleration of 941 ms” aceeration fiero pty) (EB) ecorret) ‘Vera componeat ofthe vba afer 4456), nattat= 981 x04~392me orion component ofthe velo) = 3m ¢* Woy afer 045 AEG = VSR 490m" (© incor) Verte dpcement ater 04) wars ata Legt 104-0785 m score) “Xan Yhave the sae iil etl vey of em “Xand Yhve the ute vert aeclerton a. [and ¥hve these vera plcenent elo the bight above te foo, and Y wl reach the or at these tne 6 = ane le amen ends X and ¥ have the sme inital verte velocity component) of {and Y have the ume vert acceleration of (O)scomet) S Arany intent, (0) and ¥ have the same verti vlocty cemmponen, (ov2ss at same uy aandt = sane) (score) (i) X and Y have the same vertical ‘placement component Gea Sat same uy cance = vmesd (cere) Ina veil veocy w= 0 Vera acleraton a =-¢=-98 m5 Vera ceplcement = “500 ete theme forthe or each the ground -s00-becoan x? 3 1108s Fons diame thon tine LePemassiit (isthe trina ey Mectes vinta?) Siete xox (esther of ihe) 98107! 2 sole ute sean dt gt sent esate pnd) ee ats F 0h Oat @,4=4, © tot hand wate inetd fr times, = dvitbeincresed for 8 tines Let vy and vy be the horzotal and the vertical components ofthe velocity ofthe object when a8 2 © sees the gn ta “Te legs andthe smal ie the bigest anke ‘his the height ofthe cit) - (only depends. bande 7 yd Independent ofa) inconstant > Hinconsant. (scorer) : (oie te ant ‘eta component of) (@)isimaret) Zo =mgh (stems ofthe sone) Be aaah Sa econ hiscontan) (9) ico Distance ofthe sren rom he un i dob ‘Time forthe bl to each the ren ao oubled (Horizontally the but tes eth tonsan velo) Verte depcement ofthe bul gen by tiadonted, + sie quadepld Dinance below Pthe screen wil be stuck f the serene fom he gan X and Y will always have the same vertical Alplacement component ater projeton = They wil eventual cole wih eachother ecto the ine X and Y wllcalide with ach ther fer projection, Yer placement component of and Yin ine oe {At the highest point the cannon ball moving toatl, = The borizontlcomponett ofthe veloc is 5 reo, wile the veil component ofthe loiter (0) iene 2) comet) ‘The cannon balls moving ur gravity shat 2 constant acceleration of g (acceleration dt 0 ‘gry daring tg. (G)sincoret) ‘When the block is moving up the icin, thas ceeation of magnitude gs (i the angle of Inctinton)- When he blk ying as scederation of magute g ‘The object move with consent velocity inthe arsenal dro = The objec the same orn diplacement component in eqal time interval PQ, QR and RS have equal horizontal Alsplacement component. (C)#coret) “Thecjetisdeccertng nthe vel decton. + The vert dpacement components of FQ, (Qed RS ar deresting (A) and(D ee incor) Displacements PQ, QR and RS ir dectestng, but otata cone te (8) incor) orzomally the projectile mows with constant elo of uso Verily, the projectile ha an init wlacty of sin and moves witha constant elerton of 1 wind x1- bg baat 39 (Le ‘Consider the vert motion ofthe projet fom ‘he poi of ejection oP [A Peta vlc eo 0 amis =21-989 = best > ThehghtofPaboe the ground 51m, (i) iconect) Conidr the vet maton ofthe project fom ‘he paint of rojctan to -10- eons! = 4905? 101 40=0 10) (oF aS, . 2a 905 2 ejected) (scone) ()isiweanee) wont airing 400 = mon 4-693 m ALP. the projectile sil hs hovzatl velo of 20e080" m= REKE iano ea (1) incoret) When the projet fsb to he lee of the op ofthe it a change in PE Hence, itso has change n KE eeclezemt-aes — @econet) When he projectile sre the ground it hss ose ‘OFPE. of 785 J (RE lose = mgh~ 2% 981 x 40). Hence thas gua of KE. ofthe sae amon. 5 KE ofthe pose when tate the ground 400 +785 185) (Chicora) © Letvybethe orzo omponeet of vy Meo me Ley be the vert component of 1? = (@oans07=2(-941)-40) S we287ms" Sov renee fl eponetns 31, BKB pin PE bos 38, C There mmentam change in the vera deton but nt inthe horizontal dietion. (Vertical he ject ated upon by gravitational tore, Hut ovina ie notacted ep by any oce) aD ea : = mis Fl verti momentum component iad = Change in moment Theojet ave with onsant oceontal elt. ee a4 (eco) aa Theo as no vert dace. Magara o he change a moment oye = Siow = (@)isconect) ‘e 36 C The pair otpartices wa the same vetlel veloc a emponert will remain inthe same level afer ot (@)isconect) projection They wil eventually collie with each 133. D Consider the eral motion a the poet In dara (0, the vertical vel component of Ina verily = Aan" = 20 = thetwo pices are2 mand Ana? m (= 2 AP, ete velcy = 0 They ete sane vewser In dingrr (the vertical veloc component of 3 0-204 (9801 ‘thet panier Sain mand 63" me = 1720895 ca seorwet) Sims") Tey ardent Postar In diagra (0 the verte velocity component of 5 oa -axcsanxh the two pst ae 2m (=P mand (ietheeight of P above te ground) Paints” («Emus They re these = bem (Circo) The pie of parties in dlagrams a) an () “he poet tes st reach the ple vellewntl cold wih ech othe. sours ae : jl i ao Lemead Lame +mx9sie2 = wenoxsetesans 2 2 i Gn nas the al pend fhe Ball when iting shee) (Wi the eight ofthe platform above the wound) HS (@risconet) M.A. Let ay and ue the horizontal andthe verical 3% A Lat beth lacy ofprofton. somponets sal Conse th orient motion, ‘Atheist poi the projectile has horzata Conse th vert mation caveyxtseasne fea OTE = 77105 59, D)Total mechanic energy conerved ene nn ital PE Tre hop PE pat = Beosd eens atest rt = e=Ss60" a8 PE athighest in (the Sntial vrtcal ae (A) ks incorrect.) 4 ae ‘ (he tial orwomta onponet of he piles veloc) a (ay sinconer) va veil dpacenct i) (U= mh) f= horiootldephcement @ ano Variation of U with ti simile the variton of & rh d which he protic ath CO score) (ite tal KE. oF he projectile and sao the total mechani nergy of : the pretle) 7 ute KL I However, even when the @ arte tthe highest pstion (Us maxima, sllhas KE. (K 0) vek (histones) Sic sn, te ea ety {Tor yi eo ee sera Sn ens tha Se a 1.5 be the conde, , ad be the owed sadeedd = Pyand Pe wil code with each ober afer 2 imeot + 100 of are sma Tine fort bul te eta te, When the ble rks the target, vet igceneat ar hay 098 “The illeman shoul ain tthe poston 186 can shove the wget ue Conse th veri motion fhe projet, ‘pref=mx9811 (comervaton of nergy) os . 4 S asVms'=40m Fromdede, er AaSeon = 384 m8" _ Conse the maton ofthe mbes ees the «7B Comderthe ere mation ofthe arm Vm anes etre the me of gh w= 269800-8) devane untaehat Letube the horiaetal wel ofthe mae tang = 2 = 298, uxt = ane 3 urbe t arom Conder the motion ofthe male fom Xt, : ae (oseraton of energy) - ome weed When the bet acer he mata gh serial veloc —_——_——— ae scafeaxe sane Wen he ea pacer of the al 02m : (03sm=015m) he bon! dplcmen 1 wee — 02-1981)? (ie the time forthe ball drop cam) Fr the horton motion, ‘Arse feos OB eee 52 The path ofthe pate the same at the path of roel wh ey acing the *ateton. 58. C nl verte vey component sins = Vertical sy component height pon = 2 Pee 0-($) a0 a 3 et. <0 io entre lene— ceshetneotihe 3 Wevanger Horaonally. dat 0 (2th of fight) Verily v= Suh. a0. Let the verte component ofthe bl ast Before king the floor aX be vn and hat as afer ebounding be 5 ye138eme! =n = 1ABms* —(Sincethe bal hounds slaty) ‘Conse the ert ion the bl fm Xt Y, Vert dilacement=0 onus }f (tetincltihion 207) 5 edly, Dea ‘Conse he horzotl moto ofthe bl fom 0 Let uy be the horizontal velo of the bl afer rebounding sma" (Sette oa isrooth) APenpet= 3283-849, Answers nd fl explorations Unit 13 Unitorm circular motion [ Extension] Angular veocty = Anse dpcemen = = x and Yun the smeange inthe same tine 13 "and Yin the ame ang elo 0 = A crear motion i a 0 be worm when the ngaie velocity and the sped ofthe motion are {() and 2) ae const) ing uniform circular ely sl eps When a particle sce matin he deton ot ie onchanging The linea velocity ofthe particle ie not (Gs oat constant) voc Iestatancous velocity at pot tangetal tthe int The aerge soy from Xo isin the same threction asthe dspcemen rm X10 ¥ Fork, 7-005 fo=20rads* (Cand Yaw the same en) vero (@iscomtart) 5 "vise propionate graph of 7 Isa tlght ine using hough the org. 050 (oistheangulr voy ofthe rot) yen 030 Angola velcy ofthe ath sound the san (0) Seance -2107 nds” Pra (152102107) =3 10m" Piartatingina cc ofradusr = 64310 co Angular vec ofthe erth abot he aie mame speed val? =o eos ie) 0 19055; th objet srs trough a ange of 05 Change of cy = Aixoms naiems* (eer) Seema y-—— In sce putea trough an ange of Displcement in =2K05-1m (2)istmcoret) Change of oc in sd arn oppsitedietons) (risconeet) (is ieoret) seri OIE ea (arkear) Average acceleration = Sects 2D inst ()eoreet) Spy intent Aes df eponatens ng wy = beans Angular dpacrest nos 68 (a scomesta (2ecoeced Gn the sume direction athe dlcement) (9) xine) oe afenet (icone (Seete igram above) ‘erage aceceraton ange at weedy (@)iscorst) (inthe same direction a7) (G)iscoret) Uniform teal motion refers to ceular motion seth costar speed 5 The magna of the vac ofthe object i constant. However, the direction ofthe welcy ofthe eject si hepson changing. The deetion af the veloc of an objet describing ‘norm crcl mtion changing > The objcrhasachang of lot. ‘The object hasan aceceration (cde is rae of change of veloc ‘owes ad flexes 20, B Wher A855 very sl oer (G)seoret) WA WolX-wolY=wolthedic (2) isco) vstr (oiscontant) rot ero 21. A When 0 very smal (480, S vdxerott (yscoreet) ie perpendicular to 3, and ¥ which are eo ebony rotXerol ae Kad 2) incor + Fonts aly towards the cete of he aaeeeeeatt o 2 (disconect) “The acceleration is centripetal (plating rly tear thecente) (Qhisicore) vo? (O)seomes) Eeams? (risconect) 23 haethesame directions =F points radially towards the cente ofthe 30, sie (@piscomet) Te detion of hops on changing @ sot conn (incor) me, on ane" a) seoneet) Co) score) 23. A The deton ofthe velo ie tangel whe the Action ofthe celeron sadly toward he (o)secomee) 2 Tie we dresion raves perpen o 2 cher reper yo ante Zasme “The wcleraton (hich centspetal mt be 24, 8 The acceration ofthe patil points adly perpendicular tothe incr veloc (which towed he cn be cde tg. ote clean mut herb northward of seal 25, B The magntude of he waterton (= v= ar = ) is coast, wile the dation ofthe aclerton (ainays puns towards the ene of he ie) keeps onchangig- 26, C When patcle Is describing wniform circular notion, spend vicomstant. (ay seoneet) The KR ofthe pri = iscostan, mews the eto ofthe velo acaeraton (@)6inconect) nd morentim are changing The veloc, aceleration and momentum are 27, DT di rotates uniformly about P0 = wiscontant (()isicoret) voor (isconsant) Ser (@) scone) 33D Power aor na cle wih Yas the centre (oisconsant) “The ucerton cenept (virco) =

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