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In reading this article it is understood that music is not always as positive and in return has
negative outcomes on the countries young people. In the article the author made mention of some
artistes and included some songs which they have sung, this is being portrayed as an eye-opener
that these dancehall music that are being played vehemently are gender degrading, a distraction
to adolescents and inspires negative behaviors amongst teens. The author in this article has
written in a manner where it educates us on the negative influences that dancehall music has on
our Jamaican teens, highlighting where teens have said that the music is distracting and is
marinated in their minds and causing a distraction to their studies, the author also made mention
of percentages of teens who are affected by these kind of music. The second artifact has opened
my peripheral vision and realizing that, even though there are positives to dancehall music on
teen, there are as many negatives as well. This article has made me realize that dancehall music
is very influential as the author had presented statistical data on sexual behaviors, teen pregnancy
and violence amongst teens. Dancehall music is predominant amongst teens in a negative way.
The third article has made me understand that, even though some acts were already around, the
power and influence these dancehall artistes and music has, have made teens act upon whatever
is being sang. Making reference to skin bleaching which is highlighted and praised in Vibes
Kartel music, teens want to be included in whatever their favorite artiste is doing and so, they
take it upon themselves to do these things to, in a way, be ‘closer’ to their favorite artiste. It is
clear from this article that whatever is being preached in dancehall music are acted out by teens
as their minds are easily influenced.

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