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1.This is N.venkata sai teja from Bangalore 22 years with the MRD Number 001-23-
1000 , From last 2 days taking Paracetamol. After starting of dosage feeling
joint pains, psoriasis , mild headache,vomiting,stomach pain, nausea, lack of
appetite, Increase of body temperature, eye irritation. I am going to use 2 more
dosage if any symptoms continues, going to take action.

2. This is Albert Samuel from London Last 5 days taking SYLVANT. After starting of
medication I am experiencing headache, fever, body ache, watering of eyes and
restlessness. I am not sure if this is due to medicines.

Subject: Shortage of Metformin
1. My aunt was tested positive for Covid 19 a few weeks ago. She is undergoing
treatment in a Covid Centre. From last two days her sugar levels increasing. She is
now on oxygen. Drs are advising to go for an injection METFORMIN . Unfortunately,
in the entire Hyderabad city, stock is not available . Please let me know where we
can find this medicine. If medicine is available in nearby states is also fine and
if you give me the address and phone number I will go and get the medicines.
Looking forward for a positive response.

Subject: Taltz not available

2. TALTZ medicine is required for a Psoarisis patient on urgent basis, but not
getting in Pune . There's no response through your helpline no. Kindly help on

3. my mother has been using brodalumab 400 inhaler for past 16 years, however this
is the first time we are seeing 4 new inhalers not working properly. unable to
press them , some stopped working . i assume ur entire batch had some manufacturing
defect here. request you to please look into this at earliest, these are very
costly inhalers and we have 4 such non functional units.

Subject: Defective Inhaler pumps
1.My mother has been using BRODALUMAB 400 inhaler for past 16 years, however this
is the first time we are seeing 4 new inhalers not working properly. Unable to
press them , some stopped working . I assume ur entire batch had some manufacturing
defect here. Request you to please look into this at earliest, these are very
costly inhalers and we have 4 such non functional units.

Subject: Non Functional Inhaler

2.We have received the below tweet from Abhijeet Nair (@getgitlogically) regarding
the quality of SYLVANT inhaler. The user is complaining about the performance of
the product in terms of the pump not working. He has shared the product batch
number and his contact details. Kindly look into it.

------ENGLISH------(Doctor Deepak Clarification with alternate crisp)

1.This is N.venkata sai teja from Bangalore 22 years with the MRD Number 001-23-
1000 , From last 2 days taking Paracetamol. After starting of dosage feeling
joint pains, psoriasis , mild headache,vomiting,stomach pain, nausea, lack of
appetite, Increase of body temperature, eye irritation. I am going to use 2 more
dosage if any symptoms continues, going to take action.
C'est N.venkata sai teja de Bangalore 22 ans avec le numéro MRD 001-23-1000, depuis
les 2 derniers jours prenant du paracétamol. Après le début du dosage, sensation de
douleurs articulaires, psoriasis, légers maux de tête, vomissements, douleurs à
l'estomac, nausées, manque d'appétit, augmentation de la température corporelle,
irritation des yeux. Je vais utiliser 2 doses supplémentaires si les symptômes
persistent, je vais agir.

Este es N.venkata sai teja de Bangalore 22 años con el número MRD 001-23-1000,
desde los últimos 2 días tomando paracetamol. Después del inicio de la
dosificación, sensación de dolor en las articulaciones, psoriasis, dolor de cabeza
leve, vómitos, dolor de estómago, náuseas, falta de apetito, aumento de la
temperatura corporal, irritación de los ojos. Voy a usar 2 dosis más si los
síntomas continúan, voy a tomar medidas.

Dies ist N.venkata sai teja aus Bangalore, 22 Jahre mit der MRD-Nummer 001-23-1000,
seit den letzten 2 Tagen unter Paracetamol. Nach Beginn der Dosierung
Gelenkschmerzen, Psoriasis, leichte Kopfschmerzen, Erbrechen, Bauchschmerzen,
Übelkeit, Appetitlosigkeit, Anstieg der Körpertemperatur, Augenreizung. Ich werde 2
weitere Dosierungen verwenden, wenn irgendwelche Symptome anhalten, und Maßnahmen

Dit is N.venkata sai teja uit Bangalore 22 jaar met het MRD-nummer 001-23-1000, van
de laatste 2 dagen met paracetamol. Na het starten van de dosering gewrichtspijn,
psoriasis, lichte hoofdpijn, braken, maagpijn, misselijkheid, gebrek aan eetlust,
verhoging van de lichaamstemperatuur, oogirritatie. Ik ga nog 2 doseringen
gebruiken als de symptomen aanhouden, ik ga actie ondernemen.

Questo è N.venkata sai teja di Bangalore da 22 anni con il numero MRD 001-23-1000,
dagli ultimi 2 giorni che hanno preso il paracetamolo. Dopo l'inizio del dosaggio
sensazione di dolori articolari, psoriasi, lieve mal di testa, vomito, mal di
stomaco, nausea, mancanza di appetito, aumento della temperatura corporea,
irritazione agli occhi. Userò altri 2 dosaggi se i sintomi persistono, andando ad

Det här är N.venkata sai teja från Bangalore 22 år med MRD-numret 001-23-1000, från
de senaste 2 dagarna som tagit paracetamol. Efter start av dosering känner man
ledvärk, psoriasis, mild huvudvärk, kräkningar, magsmärtor, illamående,
aptitlöshet, Ökning av kroppstemperatur, ögonirritation. Jag kommer att använda
ytterligare 2 doser om några symtom fortsätter, kommer att vidta åtgärder.
이것은 MRD 번호가 001-23-1000 인 Bangalore 22 년산 N.venkata sai teja 입니다. 지난 2 일부터
Paracetamol 을 복용했습니다. 투여 시작 후 관절통, 건선, 경미한 두통, 구토, 복통, 메스꺼움, 식욕
부진, 체온 상승, 눈 자극을 느낍니다. 증상이 계속되면 2 회 더 복용하고 조치를 취하겠습니다.

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