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TIME. Solutions for LAHO1031314 ‘Solutions for questions 1 to 20: 41. In each faure the element is rotted by 80° CW and is soitea ny 4 se Ow, t sido cw, 12 ss ow, 2 sas cw a2 ee OW sn rey, a8 He soproprate answer fgure0). Choice (0) 2 To surat 5 sia by 10 AoW, ee Aw alternately and the elemant § is shied by 1 side in the ‘RCW aacton in each rare. «Tho appropiaio answer foureis (©). Cheico (C) 3. The central element i olaed by 45° ACW and the bttom right elements rlaied by 90 CWVin each Faure “The appropriai answe fue s (C2) Choice (0) 4. Tho external clement is rotated by 45° In clockwise ection. The intrnal lement isolated. by 00" {ockaise drecton. Choice (0) follows the pattorn, ‘Choce (0) 5. The elements trom each layer staring trom me top layer ate mowing upwards in steps. So choice (B) folows the Siar pater Choze (8) 6. In every faure one elements of ype sf deleted and one Is replaced wan X. Onco the elements are replaced from the front ond and in the next step the clements ao Teplaced ftom tho back end. Figure (B) follows the similar patio Chace (8) 7. The element °® * shifts ona sda in anticlockwise diction and i rotates by 46° in anticlockwise diection. The other lament isolated by 180° in antiockwise direction and ‘moves half step and one step alternately. simiar patter 'sfolowed by igue By Choe (8) 8. In each figure, the cerizal element is substituted by @ new clement and the botom left element in the frst foure Is shifted by 1 side in the antclocuiso direction. The new figure atthe centre of each figure isthe foure thas at @ comer in the previous figuie Tho appropri answor figure (0) Choe (0) 8. The number of sides of te conta lament is weaasing by ‘one. The eloment which sa the top lel inthe st Ngure antes by 2cen On, 2 sae Ac 1 asks ow + ctv nt 2 a ew aac pty ne simutanoously the eloment is subsituted by @ now ‘tment to get the appropriate ancwer fgure (C) Choice (c) 410, In the first step the mor image of the gven element is taken. In the second step, eco again the mior image is taken anc is rotated by 135° in clockwise drecton, The above to slops ate ‘opoated alternately A simiar patter 's folowed im foure (0) Choice (0) " 2 B 4 8 Lettne elements in te each igure be The fst and the 2nd element are swapped to get the second ngure. The 36 end he 4 element ae swapped 0 {get he third tque. The Sn and the GIN elomonis are Swapped to get the foun tue. The above process 1s cyceally repeated fo gel the approprate answer gus (6) ‘Chace (3) Let the element inthe fst figure be rearranged as shown below Fist figure Second fawe The elements fom the 2nd figure to tne Sid figure are \witln in ta reverse order The above process Is continued alternately and the sting of element Is rotated ty 45° ACW and the element within the sitg are rotaled by 90° CW The appropriate answer figure (C). ‘Choice (C) Leto damon tne st ou be earangod a sno sa Frattoue second Doue Let the elements in the second figure are rearranged 3s shown below Second figure Third fue The above said process is continued alternately to get the poroprate answer igure (0). ‘choice (0) The entre fame is totaled by 00° CW, from the fist gure to the second foure and is roiated 45° ACW from the second figure to third fgure. The above process is repected for the entre figure. The element In each previous FgUre fare rearranged as shown below To get ine net AQUTE F shew bE Fistfigue Second figure The above process is continued alternately to get the appropiate ansver figure (8). ‘Choice (8) ‘The olemenis in each figure ste rearranged as shown below to get the next figure 72 3 ea 2 45 of |r 1 4 7 5 First gue Second figure ‘The epproprite answer fguie's (8) Choice (A) © Thummphant Instiuts of Managemont Educaton Pv. Lid. (ME), 955, Siddausetty Compan, Pak Lane, Secunderabad ~500 005 Allsihts reserved. No part ofthis material may be reproduced in any fom or by any means, vihout permission in vt ‘This couse material s¢ only forthe use of tomaide students of Tumphant Insitute Gf Management Educaion Put Ltd. and ax lbcensesfanctuoos and ist fr eae. 2 pages) asc arc) LAHOUOS1314-S0l1 416, Lot us number the elements as shown and observe heir movement Choice (A) follow the simdar pattern. Choe (A) 17. From te fist fgure tothe second fgure the elements re shies 25 flows a3) FF la sfol_yfo t}7 7s) Ess Fistfowe Second fowe From the second figure to the thd figu, the elements ae shied 28 flows r pays la sjel_s|s t]7 7a ol zs Pigue — Sigue The sbove process is continued altemately to get the appropriate answer Faure (C) ‘Choice (C) 418, The intemal element is moving fo one side in clockwise rection Let us number the external elements and observe their movement t ‘Eds 2 Next step “Vand 3 + water images are considered 2 and & mor images are considered inthe stop 2 the exterel elements are moving fo one side In clockwise drecton Option (A) flows the same pate Choe (A) 18, The top lef, top midcle, top right, bottom right, votom migdle, boom let Faure rotate tse by 45°C, 45°ACW, S°eW, SOTACW, “ISS'CW end 135ACW ‘drectons respectively in the subsequent steps. In each square, foeve steps ate felled in CW drecton "Choke 20, The element T is moving tothe cher side of the ine and shring by ha aside downward. n every Step appears inverted. Next fgure in the soes is bau (C) Choice (C) ‘Solutions for questions 21 to 40: 21. The diference batween the total umber of elements ‘@! ‘and the total numberof elements x sone inal he gules ‘except in nour (0) ‘Choice (©) 22. a a % 2m. a a 30 m. Es 33. 3 38. 38 7. cs 22. 40 ‘The cifrence behwoen the ttal number of laments and the foal rumber of elements" represented by he gt each igure This nt flowed in fgure (0) choice (0) Inalline fgures except (8), the area common for tnangie and crcl shaded. ‘Gnoice (8) In all figures except (C), the geometrical igure stands on its base, ‘Choe (C) ‘The ena element atone cones the outa lament inthe next comes in a ockwse dvecton Thi ptr followed imal foures except mB). Choice (8) Each figure contains an element and its mittor image except infu (C) ‘choice (C), In allt figures except (0), each tne inside the fqure joins ‘wo points on the Boundary ofthe figure. ‘choice (0) In cach figure, two simar elements are placed opposite ach other except n(C) ‘Choice (€), By observing the given figuies we can understand that umber of elaments in each figure ss one more than the umber of sides foreach inside igure except in figure (D) ‘cnaice (0), In each tgure thee curves are bent in one direction and cone is inthe opposite drecton But figure (C), all the Gives are bent inte seme diecton Choice (C) In each figure except in igure (D), the number of ices is ‘qual f the number afin in tha igure, Chace (0) Except in figure (0), all he other fgures have six ines whereas toute (0) nas seven ines. ‘chai (0), Except in igure (0), in al the otter figures both the arows, fa rotating in the sae direction ‘Choice (0) Except in figure (A), inal tho other figures the same haves ofthe square ate shad, ‘Choice (A) In every fque, the total number of elements is 14 excep in Fue? Choice (8) The number of elements of each type is equal in every figure exceotin figure 5 ‘Choice (0), By observing the gWven Ngutes we can understand that fever let clement “has its mcr image fos ght Figure ve the frat element snot changed choice (0), By observing the gven figures we can understand thatthe angle betwoan tia hands s 125° except igure Wo Inngure two the angles 90 ‘Gnoice (8) In each figue the element "is insida the excle excagt in fue hace (0) Except in igure (1), n all ho ater gues, ma miror mage ofne respective ngue is same as that taure ‘choice (A) “Trurmphantinsttite of Management Education Pv, Lid, (THAME) HO. 955, 2 Flow, Sdansclty Complex, Secunderabad 500 005 “Tel 040-2789810S Fax : 04027847326 email: inf Gemadedaetion com website: yr timetedeation 2m LAHO1031314:S012

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