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Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology

Date of Assignment: 28/11/2022

Date of Submission: 05/12/2022

English Language Lab (BAS155P)

Practical (01): Self Introduction

Activity: Formal Introduction: An Ice Breaking Session


 To enable a student to create network at meetings, college, or social activities.

 To enable a student to introduce himself to potential employers.

 To enable a student to answer questions related to future aims and ambitions

Activity Description:

There are many situations where you have to introduce yourself and talk about your company and

job, for example at meetings, training courses, workshops, and conferences. Introductions can be

very difficult, particularly in another language. Preparing a professional introduction ahead of time

will give you more confidence and will help you to be more successful in your networking. This is

an introductory statement that states the type of job or internship you are looking for, your skills

and your related experience. Communicating your goals and key points in a clear, straightforward
manner is very important. Don’t assume people will figure out what you want just by stating a job

title or the name of a company. Once you have a professional introduction ready, you can tailor it

to fit each situation.

Ice Breakers are an effective way of starting an interaction session or team- building event. They can

be interactive and fun sessions, which run prior to the main event or day‘s activity. The activities can

form a number of varieties including problem solving, facilitation, communication, leadership, team

building, sharing and trust and decision making.

Ice breakers are particularly well suited for beginning a speech or starting a meeting. As the name

implies, they ―break the ice,‖ help participants relax, and generally set the tone for the presentation.

They help to relax participants, and that makes them more receptive to listening and contributing.

An ice breaker can also serve to create a ―team atmosphere‖ and motivate participants to work with

others in a cooperative manner.

Our Ice Breaker Activities are aimed at adding some energy and fun, allowing your team to think and

look differently at how they can work together. Knowing when to insert an ice breaker requires

sensitivity and creativity. This will provide a unique opportunity for your team to develop new skills

that can be critical for success in the workplace


 Be specific--- communicate your focus or your goals

 Make your commercial conversational and not too heavy on the content

 Single yourself out from the crowd--- let your unique skills and personality shine

 Communicate enthusiasm and motivation


 Mute all the participants, or ask them to mute themselves

 Introduce the title of the activity to the students

 Ask the students to introduce themselves one by one

 Ensure each one will get certain amount of time

 Ask them to include parameters of introduction like-

 State your purpose

 Control your body language

 Explain why you are valuable

 How to Make a Great Impression

Activity (Occurred in the Lab):

Areas to improve in (Feedback given by batch mates):

 ---

 ---

 ---

 ---

Learning Outcomes (What did I learn in the lab?):

 Established myself as an open, friendly and professional individual

 ..
 ..
 …

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