Composition Gioconda

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It was the most incredible night of my life! I had organised this robbery months ago.

I have never felt alone

in this mission and the motto of our group has always been “art for art’s sake”. We didn’t have any bad
intentions, we only wanted to restore the former glory of Italian art. We had established to steal Leonardo
Davinci’s Gioconda on 28th May. I and my group pretended to be part of the cleaning service of the French
museum Louvre, which had to work during the closing hours. Clearly, the whole museum was under
surveillance, but we managed to infiltrate into the digital system that controlled the area. One of my
henchmen had provided the guard screen with a fake screenshot of the room where the Gioconda was
hanging. The cleaning service only did their job for a limited span of time, so we had worked out a plan that
could fit within these limits. Once the electricity system of the museum would have been knocked out,
alarms from everywhere would start beeping and so it happened. At that point, we only had a couple of
minutes before the guards could restore the power. We entered the room, substituted the picture with a
fake Gioconda and we put the original masterpiece in a rubbish sack, with all due protections. Then, we
waited that everything would return to usual state of affairs. We managed to escape from the museum
with doors opened and we travelled a long way through Florence to reach my caveau, where Gioconda is
shielded against every kind of dangers.

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