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Class 7 Chapter 13

A spinner with eight numbers when it is spun may land on any of the eight numbers In the diagram
Below the spinner landed on 3

a. List the sample space S of the spinner and state n(S)

b. If E is the event that the spinner lands on a prime number list the outcomes of the event E and
state n(E)

A group of people was surveyed to find out their favorite fruit juice. Each person could only choose type
of juice for survey

Type of juice Orange Melon Mango Guava

Number of people 7 10 15 3
a. List the sample space S for the survey. State n(S)
b. If E is the event that the person pics guava juice, list the outcomes of the event E and state n(E)

There are eight equally likely outcomes on the spinner

a. Find the probability of landing on red

b. Find the probability of landing on blue or yellow

An ordinary six sided fair dice is thrown Find the probability that the number shown on the top face of
the dice is

a. Even
b. Less than 3

A bag contain 1 red 2 blue and 4 green balls A ball is thrown randomly from the bag What is the
probability of drawing

a. A red ball
b. A blue ball
c. A green ball
d. Comment on likelihood of drawing a red, a blue , or a green ball

Determine whether following events A and B are mutually exclusive

1. A telephone number is selected at random from a phone directory

A={The number starts with 6} B ={sum of resulting numbers is 10}

There are eight equally likely outcomes on the spinner Find the probability of not landing on red

A standard pack of 52 playing cards consist of 4 shapes hearts diamonds clubs and spades Each shape
has 13 cards ace two three four five six seven eight nine ten jack queen and king A card is drawn
randomly form the pack of cards Find the probability of

a. Drawing a king
b. Not drawing a kinh
Mahad has a bowl of red and green apple he picks an apple at random from the bowl and he records its
color and replaces the apple He then picks another apple at random and record its color List all possible
outcomes of picking two apples

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