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Social Studies Class 4

Detailed Answer Questions

1. What do you know understand by the term smart phone?
2. Art was a means of communication in ancient time. Describe in few lines.
3. What is difference between a letter and an Email
4. What are the basic characteristics of the 1973 constitution?
5. Write the difference between state and government
6. Why do you think that it is important to safeguard human right? List few fundamental
human rights?
7. What it means by a digital citizen What are the responsibilities of a digital citizen?
8. Explain functions of political parties?
9. According to 1973 constitution state any three rights of the citizen of Pakistan
10. Mention the qualities of a leaders?
11. Why did the world’s early settlement establish on the banks of rivers?
12. Write down the reasons for the decline of Indus Valley Civilization.

Good Citizen
Arts and Handicrafts

Structure of Federal Government

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