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Purp Ay Gn__8 He wo Todusdos ame O whether yen Sago Cone oF Sugar bel, Productton 4 Atgor Js Gn extremely dle Challenging Pracess a0 palo loden jue ges Condensed cand Converted — fo mndlosseo and «dB daterded with hob aol stream 40 exact Seger © — Rolo Pumps ave depigned — fo Cony handle tough jo drongfy highty Viscouw —medin dike malas s 00 syrup malt, magma , mud, massecule ede. @-__ es Lovge Coonctly “Ri Serrign Ramps _=— © Viscosiliw ~—- Upto. - 15000 est Temp. = — Up) 1806 /aa0F Sold Heandling Capabidity — Upto 79% © These Wavy uly Cost affective pumps use qe @tended —Rotey Stolor — Greamohy ond ove deal for He Sige dadotey and Ses off been Aatmont applic ohms © ~ _—Piedium_To_lenge Capacity ‘RM Sontns Pumps. +— @ Viscositiex Up 40 30,000 Cet © Temp. Up Iso C/300F © Sold handling Cape bility J Updo Fh © Fine Gpolitey range q Medium To lo vge Gpocity Rm? Seren pumps + @® - mull Gapscidy ‘Ro Benita amps — po.cidy © Smal Capectly "RO! Sento Poms - Tle pumps Cre mamaecdaved vats Supreme qpality ew — medevel | Theat pall Capercty heanty duty Pumps art desing Cone Cewvt |, Various eapplicahiona Li it be Conbnucay it dent doming ov Faonafer dda. j O Viseosilion ~ Up to 3d, 000 cst oO Up to soe [302 F Upto #% Temp - Balid hendbing Capabilidy : idelbroat ‘lym! Genin Pumps —— © Vireasitiv ‘- Upto (2000 est © Temp-.— Upto 180 ¢ 309 F O Solid Hondlig — Capabrlidy - Upte i-4 © widethvoat — tune val edlows — gravily fee af hriyhy Viseoud —(ploateo— Vis cou) metal on dp Pagar —on Coupling Rod which — puoheo dlr substonce to Gla pumping dlement + 7 Llossipfeation a Pumps =— © Pumps Clessifretion done on dhe bosis of is Mechanical Configuera hin and — dheiv working Porireiphe, O Cessidico lin of (umps mavinly divided Joto twa Meyor Colegovies im D Pynemic Pumps a” Kinekie Pumps ® Aisplevene md Pumps a Pasitive Dis plement Pampa wnie__Pumpe — © A aynemic pump Js a form a Vilocity pomp Dect Uses — Jineveered fie velociy do impart —hinetie energy do fle iss: When flu Veloaty 4 loo dp flowered pwot do ov as bt depots dix Pump dnto lu dice heer ge pipes fluin increase Jn eneegy Jk trains formed ino ow ge in Potente) energy (Prewre) O TH is alo cdet Called —Rinehie Pumps» Qy nomic Pumps l__Pamps_| Dine Shelf Poms Based on Mejor divin af Flos Aeop well Redie\ Flow Axel Flaw Mixed Flow Short Selling cored > i 0 — Oa Ceotrifuge! Pamp SB 8 Gnd — pressuv ave generated dy narme ably « The nergy a Vivdue 4 dso main parts 7] fle loting Muchine JO which, EE Chonges Ocewv by pump, fhe dinpeer ond Ste olele or casing. The Fal colle! a Liggid —dinchavga d by Conver? Some 4| 4 Jnlo prasurt energy | Casing tgdo dhe drmpelle” Ond fo Rametie — ( velocity) Crews GQ A Cenbifogel pump 9 a | | roletimel energy frm ane of mow driven volorg ealkd | Umpellere. They wim Jf to Grom lev fut Trough Jnevease in an : 4 ». Dull] Oigobare mechanical. device dh ‘ih i to move Tale!) guetion 0 whieh Flos z Cnergy arts af Me 9g: The Furetiy yd by | d.. "a9: ee desig med Yong fey 4 ators called / hough on Seborge , Jude chor bed 4+ Rodiel Flow 2— The impeller disehovges Fluid cd aight aurgo 40 Me shaft cis. The Appleston gf db vediel ype pumps ere high heed Gnd low dicheege« 9 Med Elo The Flow dtvectin jp portly ewtel cmd pordly redial hence hes @vaaull fle flees i Alagonal- Mo und pr de exppleatton af medism Wad end high discharge. 3. 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The are — Needed 40 Balecd generally Measuved dn gollons per mor dflantaneous Flow thet will bg entering the pumps bastin Neege 4a be dedevmminod 80 thet —& yremp cone -—geleeded do aficiendy mointan da Sapien . i fo O O Pressure — is wre qpind do move the deign f 0d rule thorough Ayolem: M ip commonly referred to 09 dolol dynamic ited (TRH) The Unit Commonly tad AO meatune §=—TQH as et df weder. r h MZM0. pump Jia dhe OQ Another — ke feder when 3g : Was teu ater 3 Indust Js wale velocity. when fl. fomp shotr aff &nd dle toler clups Fosse, ; gle pipe. the alide can being to Belle in © MM is snperlon! 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