Software Engineering Mcqs Set1

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Software engineering mcqs, introduction to software engineering MCQs set 1.

Software engineering (SE) is the branch of computer science which deals with the
construction of complex computer software according to end-user needs in a systematic
way. A software engineer analyze the user needs, design the initial plan, construct the
required application, test the produced product and then implement the required
application at user premises.

This is the first set of software engineering MCQs series. Our aim is to provide all the
software engineering MCQs which might possibly MCQs for your next job test. We
collect the MCQs from different authenticate resources for our readers so they can
prepare their exams 100%. In this set of software engineering MCQs, we provide the
MCQs related to basic software topics such as introduction to software engineering and
different software related terms. Any jobseeker in the software engineering field,
lecturer, or educator can follow this MCQs series to pass their jobs test.

Introduction to Software Engineering MCQs Set 1

1. What is Software?
A). Set of computer programs, procedures and possibly is a collection of instructions
that enable the user to interact with a computer
B). A set of compiler instructions
C). A mathematical formula
D). Things which we can touch
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Correct: A

2. A Software consists of ______ .

A). Programs + hardware manuals
B). Set of instructions + operating procedures
C). Set of programs
D). Programs + documentation + operating procedures
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Correct: D

3. Which of the following is not the characteristic of a software?

A). Software does not wear out
B). Software is not manufactured
C). Software is always correct
D). Software is flexible
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Correct: C
4. Select the most appropriate statement about software engineering.
A). Has been around as a discipline since the early 50’s
B). Is a set of rules about developing software products
C). Started as a response to the so-called ‘Software Crisis’ of the late 90’s
D). Is an engineering discipline concerned with all the aspects of software production
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Correct: D

5. _________ is a piece of programming code which performs a well defined task.

A). Computer Program
B). Computer Software
C). Both A & B
D). None of the above
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Correct: A

6. A system can be defined as _____?

A). A collection of people, machines, and methods organized to accomplish a set of
B).An integrated whole that is composed of diverse, interacting specialized structures
and sub-functions
C). A group of subsystems united by some interaction or interdependence performing
many duties but functioning as a single unit
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

7. A person who writes a program for running the hardware of a computer is

A). System designer
B). Data processor
C). Programmer
D). System analyst
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Correct: C

8. The main activity of the design phase of the system life cycle is to?
A). Replace the old system with the new one
B). Develop and test the new system
C). Understand the current system
D). Propose alternatives to the current system
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Correct: D
9. The advantage of using pre-written software packages is?
A). Eliminates writing program
B). Saves time and cost
C). Eliminates program testing
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

10. The condition outside a system is called?

A). Interface
B). Boundary
C). Environment
D). All of these
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Correct: C

11. The item of documentation added to the description of the new system is
A). Problem overview
B). I/O analysis
C). Control review
D). Feedback
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Correct: D

12. The main purpose of the system investigation phase is to produce _____?
A). A requirement report
B). A feasibility report
C). A design report
D). All of these
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Correct: B

13. The name of programming technique which emphasizes breaking large and
complex task into successively smaller sections is _____?
A). Structured programming
B). Micro-programming
C). Object orienting
D). Scrambling
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Correct: A
14. System implementation phase involve _____?
A). Parallel runs
B). Pilot run
C). System checkouts
D). All of these
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Correct: C

15. A feasibility study is?

A). Considers a single solution
B). Includes a statement of the problem
C). Both (a) and (b)
D). None of these
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Correct: B

16. At the time of system study, flow of charts are drawn using _____?
A). General symbols
B). Abbreviated symbols
C). Specific symbols
D). Non standard symbols
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Correct: A
17. A graphic representation of an information system is called?
A). Data flow diagram
B). Pictogram
C). Flowchart
D). All of these
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Correct: A
18. The systems which can preserve and reproduce the knowledge of experts but
have a limited application focus is:
A). Applications
B). Expert system
C). Benefits and limitations
D). knowledge base
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Correct: C
19. Top-down software design scheme is:
A). Is the process of designing a program by first identifying its modules
B). Decomposes major components into lower level components
C). Both (a) and (b)
D). None of these

Correct: C
20. A system analyst does not need to consider _____?
A). Technical feasibility
B). Economics feasibility
C). Operational feasibility
D). None of these
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Correct: D

21. Software deteriorates rather than wears out because _____?

A). Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments
B). Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interactions
C). Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often
D). Software spare parts become harder to order
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Correct: B

22. Software engineers shall _____?

A). Act consistently with the public interest
B). Act in a manner that is in the best interests of his expertise and favour
C). Ensure that their products only meet the SRS
D). All of the above
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Correct: B

23. Most software continues to be custom built because _____?

A). Reusable components are too expensive to use
B). Software is easier to build without using someone else's components
C). Component reuse is common in the software world
D). Off-the-shelf software components are unavailable in many application domains
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Correct: D
24. Component level design is concerned with _____?
A). Flow oriented analysis
B). Class based analysis
C). Both of the above
D). None of the above
View Answer
Correct: C
25. System Study involves _____?
A). Study of an existing system
B). Identifying current deficiencies and establishing new goals
C). Documenting the existing system
D). All of the above
View Answer
Correct: D
This is the second set of software engineering mcqs series. This mcq set includes the
multiple choice questions with answers which covers the basic topics of introduction to
software engineering. Software engineering multiple choice questions are the
compulsory part of any job test such as computer lecture test, computer educator test,
software engineer jobs test, software developer jobs test, software quality insurance
jobs test and others test related to computer science fields. He/she should prepare the
software engineering mcqs before appearing any of above jobs test.

Introduction to Software Engineering MCQs Set 2

1. Structured design methodology is an approach to design that adheres to rules
based on principles such as _____?
A). Bottom-up design
B). Data flow analysis
C).Top-down refinement
D). All of these
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Correct: B
2. Software compatibility means _____?
A). Being able to connect machines together
B). Being able to transfer data between the old and new machines
C). Being able to use existing programs with the new program
D). Both (b) and (c)
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Correct: C

3. User documentation consists of _____?

A). Descriptions of the program logic in the form of flowcharts and the program listings
B). Training manuals, operations manuals, and reference manuals
C). Flow diagrams
D). All of these
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Correct: B

4. The document listing all procedures and regulations that generally govern an
organization is the _____?
A). Personal policy book
B). Administrative policy manual
C). Organization manual
D). Procedures log
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Correct: C
5. A statement by statement description of a procedure is detailed in a _____?
A). Procedure log
B). Record layout
C). Systems flowchart
D). Written narrative
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Correct: D

6. A systems investigation may result from _____?

A). An analysis investigation
B). A manager's formal request
C). A scheduled systems review
D). All of these
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Correct: D

7. On the feasibility committee, department representatives serve as _____?

A). Liaison to their departments
B). Direct users of the new system
C). Ready source of information
D). All of these
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Correct: C

8. Which of the following is generally not contained in a feasibility document?

A). Project Name
B). Problem descriptions
C). Feasible alternative solutions
D). Data Flow Diagrams
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Correct: D
9. Which of the following tools is (are) used in modelling the new system?
A). Decision Table
B). Data Flow Diagrams
C). Data dictionary
D). All of these
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Correct: D
10. Which of the following tools is not used for process descriptions?
A). Pseudo codes
B). Decision tables
C). Data Dictionary
D). Structured
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Correct: C
11. What part of documentation offers both a pictorial and written description of
A). System's narrative
B). Problem definition
C). System's overview
D). System's abstract
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Correct: C
12. Compilers, Editors software come under which type of software?
A). Application software
B). Scientific software
C). System software
D). None of the above
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Correct: C
13. Which design identifies the software as a system with many components
interacting with each other?
A). High-level design
B). Architectural design
C). Detailed design
D). Both B & C
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Correct: B
14. Software process and improvement are assessed by ____?
A). ISO 9000
B). ISO 9001
C). SPICE (ISO/IEC15504)
D). Both B and C
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Correct: D
15. CASE Tool stands for?
A). Component Aided Software Engineering
B). Computer Aided Software Engineering
C). Constructive Aided Software Engineering
D). Computer Analysis Software Engineering
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Correct: B

16. Which box specifies the behavior of a system or a part of a system?

A). State box
B). Clear box
C). Black box
D). None of the above
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Correct: C
17. Desk chucking is involved with?
A). Coding the program
B). Running the program
C). Compiling the program
D). Debugging the program
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Correct: D

18. FAST stands for ______?

A). Functional Application Software Technique
B). Facilitated Application Specification Technique
C). Facilitated Application Software Technique
D). None of the above
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Correct: B
19. Which metrics are derived by normalizing quality and/or productivity
measures by considering the size of the software that has been produced?
A). Function-Oriented
B). Object-Oriented
C). Size oriented
D). Use-case-Oriented
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Correct: C
20. Which document is created by system analyst after the requirements are
collected from Various stakeholders?
A). Feasibility study
B). Software requirement validation
C). Software requirement specification
D). Requirement Gathering
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Correct: C
21. Efficiency in a software product does not include _____?
A). Responsiveness
B). licensing
C). Memory utilization
D). Processing time
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Correct: B
22. The nature of software applications can be characterized by their information?
A). Complexity
B). Content
C). Determinacy
D). Both B and C
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Correct: D
23. The software _______ of a program or a computing system is the structure or
structures of the system, which comprise software components, the externally
visible properties of those components, and the relationships among them.
A). Process
B). Requirement
C). Design
D). Architecture
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Correct: D
24. The primary tool used in structured design is a _____?
A). Data-flow diagram
B). Program flowchart
C). Module
D). Structure chart
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Correct: D
25. Which question no longer concerns the modern software engineer?
A). Why does software take a long time to finish?
B). Why does computer hardware cost so much?
C). Why does it cost so much to develop a piece of software?
D). Why can't software errors be removed from products prior to delivery?
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Correct: B
This is the 3rd set of software engineering mcqs series. This mcq set covers the basics
of software engineering. This set may helpful for PPSC computer lecture test, computer
educator test, software engineering jobs test, software developer job test, software
quality insurance job test and others test related to computer science fields. A candidate
must prepare the software engineering mcqs before appearing any of above jobs test.

Software Engineering MCQs Set 3

1. Software Engineering _____?
A). Has been around as a discipline since the early 50’s
B). Is a set of rules about developing software products
C). Is an engineering discipline concerned with all the aspects of software production
D). Is now a mature discipline on par with other established engineering fields
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Correct: C
2. Which of these does not account for software failure ?
A). Increasing Demand
B). Increasing Supply
C). Low expectation
D). Less reliable and expensive
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Correct: B
3. Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers?
A). Process
B). Methods
C). Tools
D). Manufacturing
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Correct: D
4. Which once of the following is not a software myth?
A). Project requirements continually change, but change can be easily accommodated
because software is flexible
B). Once we write the program and get it to work, our job is done
C). If we get behind schedule, we can add more programmers and catch up
D). If an organization does not understand how to control software projects internally, it
will invariably struggle when it outsources software projects
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Correct: D
5. Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities?
A). Communication, risk management, measurement, production, reviewing
B). Communication, planning, modeling, construction, deployment
C). Analysis, designing, programming, debugging, maintenance
D). Analysis, planning, designing, programming, testing
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Correct: B
6. What are attributes of good software?
A). Software functionality
B). Software maintainability
C). Software development
D). Software maintainability & functionality
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Correct: D
7. Compilers, Editors software and operating system come under which type of
A). System software
B). Application software
C). Scientific software
D). None of the above
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Correct: A
8. The process of developing a software product using software engineering
principles and methods is referred to as _____?
A). Software Engineering
B). Software Evolution
C). System Models
D). Software Models
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Correct: B
9. Which of these software engineering activities are not a part of software
A). Software development
B). Software validation
C). Software dependence
D). Software specification
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Correct: C
10. What are the signs that a software project is in trouble?
A). Changes are managed poorly
B). Deadlines are unrealistic
C). The product scope is poorly defined
D). All of the above
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Correct: D
11. Which one of the following set of attributes should not be encompassed by
effective software metrics?
A). Simple and computable
B). Consistent and objective
C). Programming language dependent
D). Consistent in the use of units and dimensions
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Correct: C
12. _____ are applied throughout the software process.
A). Umbrella activities
B). Framework activities
C). Planning activities
D). Construction activities
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Correct: A
13. Lehman has given laws for software evolution and he divided the software
into ________ different categories.
A). 2
B). 3
C). 5
D). 6
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Correct: B
14. Where is a need of Software Engineering?
A). For Large Software
B). To reduce Cost
C). Software Quality Management
D). All of the above
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Correct: D
15. The individual or organisation who wants a product to be developed is known
as _____?
A). User
B). Client
C). Contractor
D). Initiator
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Correct: B
16. Which of these is not a characteristic of personal software process?
A). Emphasizes personal measurement of work product
B). Individual practitioner is responsible for estimating and scheduling
C). Practitioner requires careful supervision by the project manager
D). Practitioner is empowered to control quality of software work products
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Correct: C
17. Which design identifies the software as a system with many components
interacting with each other?
A). Architectural design
B). Detailed design
C). High-level design
D). Both B & C
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Correct: A
18. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
A). Software engineering belongs to Computer science
B). Software engineering is a part of more general form of System Engineering
C). Software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and
delivering useful software
D). Computer science belongs to Software engineering
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Correct: D
19. Which of these are objectives of team software process?
A). Show managers how to reduce costs and sustain quality
B). Build self-directed software teams
C). Allow better time management by highly trained professionals
D). Accelerate software process improvement
E). Both B & C
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Correct: E
20. The aim of software engineering is to produce software that is _____?
A). Fault-free
B). Delivered on time
C). Delivered within budget
D). Satisfies users’ needs
E). All of the above
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Correct: E
21. Software engineering is the systematic approach to the _____?
A). Development of software
B). Operation of software
C). Maintenance of software
D). Retirement of software
E). All of the above
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Correct: E
22. What is the essence of software engineering?
A). Managing complexity, Managing personnel resources, Managing time and money
and producing useful products
B). Requirements definition, Design representation, Knowledge capture and quality
C). Time/Space Tradeoffs, Optimizing Process, Minimizing Communication and
Problem Decomposition
D). Maintaining Configurations, Organizing Teams, Channeling Creativity and Planning
Resource Use
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Correct: A
23. Brooks’ view of the essence of software included _____?
A). People, Quality, Process and Productivity
B). Performance, Robustness, Maintainability and Reusability
C). Complexity, Conformity, Changeability and Invisibility
D). Efficiency, Reliability, Usability and Robustness
E). Accuracy, Testability, Visibility and Changeability
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Correct: C

24. Explain what is meant by PRODUCT with reference to one of the eight
principles as per the ACM/IEEE code of Ethics?
A). The product should be easy to use
B). Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications satisfy
the client
C). It means that the product designed /created should be easily available
D). Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet
the highest professional standards possible
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Correct: D

25. Which of the following is not viewed as a primary mover in improving the
software process?
A). Increased effectiveness
B). Better product quality & reduced costs
C). Tighter managerial control
D). Improved staff satisfaction
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Correct: C

SDLC consists on seven phases named as Requirement collection and analysis,

Feasibility study, Design, Coding, Testing, Installation or Deployment and Maintenance.
This MCQ set includes SDLC first phase multiple choice questions with answers.

Software Engineering MCQs Set 4

1. SDLC stands for _____?
A). System Development Life cycle
B). System Design Life Cycle
C). Software Design Life Cycle
D). Software Development Life Cycle
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Correct: D

2. The first step in software development life cycle is _____?

A). System Design
B). System Testing
C). Preliminary investigation and Analysis
D). Coding
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Correct: C

3. System analysis and design phase of software development life cycle includes
which of the following?
A). Sizing
B). Parallel run
C). Specification freeze
D). All of these
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Correct: D

4. The 2nd step in SDLC is _____?

A). Coding
B). Feasibility study
C). System Testing
D). Maintenance
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Correct: B

5. The detailed study of existing system is referred to as _____?

A). Feasibility Study
B). System Analysis
C). System Planning
D). Design DFD
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Correct: A
6. The 3rd step in software development life cycle(SDLC) is _____?
A). Coding
B). Maintenance
C). System Design
D). System Testing
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Correct: C

7. In which step of SDLC project termination could be done?

A). Coding phase
B). Design phase
C). Feasibility Study phase
D). System Maintenance phase
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Correct: C

8. The fundamental objective of system analysis is to _____?

A). Run simulation programmes
B). Understand computer hardware
C). Train managers in mathematical analysis
D). Study and understand a complex system and modify it in some way
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Correct: D

9. A descriptive and diagrammatic representation of software life cycle is called

A). Software life cycle model
B). Software plan
C). Software phases
D). Software descriptive model
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Correct: A

10. Which one of the following is not the phase of SDLC?

A). System analysis
B). Problem identification
C). Feasibility study
D). System Design
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Correct: B

11. A documented life cycle model helps to identify _____ in development

A). Omission
B). Inconsistencies
C). Redundancies
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

12. Feasilbility study in SDLC model is carried out to _____?

A). Check if project is technically feasible
B). Check if project is financially feasible
C). Both of the above
D). None of the above
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Correct: C

13. System implementation phase entails _____?

A). System checkouts
B). Parallel runs
C). Pilot run
D). All of these
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Correct: A

14. A feasibility study is carried out _____?

A). Before the final requirements specifications are drawn up
B). After final requirements specifications are drawn up
C). During the period when requirements specifications are drawn up
D). At any time
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Correct: A

15. The main objective of feasibility study is _____?

A). To assess whether it is possible to meet the requirements specifications
B). To assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints
of budget, human resource and hardware
C). To remove bottlenecks in implementing the desired system
D). To assist the management in implementing the desired system
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Correct: B

16. It is necessary to carry out a feasibility study as _____?

A). Top management can not ensure that a project is feasible before calling a system
B). Top management is not sure what they want from the system
C). Even though top management is in favor of the system, technology may not be
mature for implementation
D). All organizations do it
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Correct: C

17. Feasibility study is carried out by _____?

A). Users of the proposed system
B). Managers of the organization
C). Systems designers in consultation with the prospective users of the system
D). System analyst in consultation with managers of the organization
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Correct: D

18. The phase of system development associated with creation of the test data is
A). Logical design
B). Physical design
C). System analysis
D). System acceptance
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Correct: D

19. Which of the following is a true statement regarding the SDLC phases?
A). The life cycle may be thought of a circular process
B). The SDLC is not iterative
C). The life cycle is always a sequentially ordered set of phases
D). It is not possible to completed some activities in one phase in parallel with those of
another phase
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Correct: B
20. Which step of SDLC performs cost and benefit analysis?
A). Analysis
B). Design
C). Feasibility study
D). None of the above
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Correct: C

21. Which of the following is the most important phase of SDLC?

A). Requirements analysis
B). Coding
C). Design
D). Testing
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Correct: A

22. In the first phase of the system development life cycle, which of the following
aspects are usually analyzed?
A). Input (transactions)
B). Outputs
C). Controls
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

23. Which one is not considered during technical feasibility?

A). Expandability
B). Human resource to use the technology
C). Suitability of technology
D). Existence of technology
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Correct: B

24. Which phase of the SDLC is known as the "ongoing phase" where the system
is periodically evaluated and updated as needed?
A). System design
B). System maintenance
C). System implementation
D). Preliminary investigation
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Correct: B
25. The final step of the system analysis phase in the SDLC is to _____?
A). Analyze data
B). Gather data
C). Propose changes
D). Write system analysis report
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Correct: D

This software engineering MCQs set 5 contains agile software development

MCQs. Agile software development refers to software development methodologies
focused around the idea of repetitive development, wherever requirements and
solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross functional
groups. Scrum and Kanban are two of the foremost widely used agile methodologies.

Software Engineering MCQs Set 5

1. Agile software development is based on _____?
A). Iterative development
B). Incremental development
C). Linear development
D). Both incremental and iterative development
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Correct: D

2. How do you create agile processes to manage unpredictability?

A). Software processes must adapt to changes incrementally
B). Software increments must be delivered in short time periods
C). Requirements gathering must be conducted very carefully
D). Risk analysis must be conducted before planning takes place
E). Both A and B
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Correct: E

3. Select the option that suits the manifesto for agile software development.
A). Working software
B). Customer collaboration
C). Individuals and interactions
D). All of the above
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Correct: D
4. How is plan driven development different from agile development?
A). Iteration occurs within activities
B). Specification, design, implementation and testing are interleaved
C). Outputs are decided through a process of negotiation during the software
development process
D). All of the mentioned
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Correct: A

5. Which of the following traits need to exist among the members of an agile
software team?
A). Decision-making ability
B). Competence
C). Mutual trust and respect
D). All of the above
View Answer
Correct: D

6. Which of the following does not apply to agility to a software process?

A). Only essential work products are produced
B). Eliminate the use of project planning and testing
C). Uses incremental product delivery strategy
D). All of the above
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Correct: B

7. Which three framework activities are present in adaptive software

A). Analysis, design, coding
B). Feasibility study, functional model iteration, implementation
C). Speculation, collaboration, learning
D). Requirements gathering, adaptive cycle planning, iterative development
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Correct: C

8. Agile Modeling(AM) provides guidance to practitioner during which of these

software tasks?
A). Analysis
B). Design
C). Testing
D). Coding
E). Both A and B
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Correct: E

9. Which of the followings is a characteristics of agile development?

A). Implement the simplest solution to meet today's problem
B). Shared code ownership
C). Continual feedback from customer
D). Test-driven development
E). All of the above
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Correct: D

10. _____ is not an agile method.

A). Waterfall
B). Crystal Clear
C). Scrum
D). Extreme Programming
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Correct: A

11. Which of the following is the type of aglie methodologies?

B). Scrum
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

12. Which of the following is the disadvantage of aglie methodology?

A). In agile methodology, documentation and designing take a back seat
B). Speedy and continuous delivery of the software ensures customer satisfaction
C). It facilitates close interaction between business people and developers
D). All of the above
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Correct: A

13. What does an aglie approach value?

A). Process over people
B). People over process
C). Plans over people
D). Plans over process
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Correct: B

14. _____ is a characteristics of an aglie leader.

A). Disinterested
B). Process oriented
C). Supportive
D). Task focused
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Correct: C

15. Which one of the following is not an agile method?

A). XP
C). 4GT
D). All of the above
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Correct: C

16. Some of the aglie framework are ______?

A). Scrum & Kanban
B). Feature driven development
C). Test driven development
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

17. Which of the following methodology advocates the use of problem domain?
A). Extreme programming (XP)
B). Feature driven development (FDD)
C). Scrum
D). Evo
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Correct: B

18. What are the four framework activities found in the Extreme Programming
(XP) process model?
A). Planning, design, coding, testing
B). Planning, analysis, coding, testing
C). Planning, analysis, design, coding
D). Analysis, design, coding, testing
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Correct: A

19. On every how many weeks the increments are delivered in XP model?
A). One
B). Two
C). Three
D). Four
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Correct: B

20. User requirements are expressed as _____ in Extreme Programming.

A). Functionalities
B). Scenarios
C). Implementation tasks
D). None of the above
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Correct: B

21. How many phases are there in Scrum?

A). Two
B). Three
C). Four
D). Scrum is an agile method which means it does not have phases
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Correct: B

22. Is a customer involved test development and validation in XP?

A). No
B). Yes
C). It may vary from customer to customer
D). None of the mentioned
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Correct: C
23. Which of the following is the responsible of sprint meeting?
A). Product owner
B). Scrum team
C). Scrum master
D). None of the above
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Correct: C

24. What are the responsibilities of scrum master?

A). Improving the performance of the team
B). Work to obtain the project properly
C). Tracking and monitoring project development
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

25. _____ is delivered at the end of the Sprint.

A). An increment of done software
B). Wireframes designs for user interface
C). An architectural design of the solution
D). A document containing test cases for the current sprint
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Correct: A

26. Which is not one of the key questions that is answered by each team member
at each daily Scrum meeting?
A). What did you do since the last meeting?
B). What is the cause of the problems you are encountering?
C). What do you plan to accomplish at the next team meeting?
D). What obstacles are you encountering?
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Correct: D

27. When is a sprint retrospective ceremony performed?

A). At the end of each sprint
B). When the product owner suggests then
C). When the team suggests then
D). When the scrum master suggests then
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Correct: A
28. Burn down chart represents _____?
A). The velocity of the team
B). Project Progress
C). Amount of remaining work with respect to time
D). The capacity of the team members
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Correct: C

29. What should a development team do during a sprint planning meeting when
they have realized that they have selected more than the items they can complete
in a sprint?
A). Work overtime
B). Get more developers onboard
C). Get help from the other scrum team members
D). Inform the product owner & take a call to remove some of the sprint backlog items
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Correct: D

30. In Scrum, when is a sprint over?

A). After completing all the sprint backlog tasks
B). After completing all the sprint backlog items
C). When the time box expires
D). After completing the final testing
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Correct: C

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