Python Unit I Flowcharts

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enpNordA FLOW CEST FOR VARIOUS ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS ON NONBERS- ptm + Oe4velop o flow chart for the various arithmetic operations On NUMELTS- ALGORTTHN:- Se Irs tort ar Read a and b values Si Add a and b values oon store that value en odd: H+ print the ackdition volue: 6 Subestract a ard bo Volues and Store that Value ifv ulttplication folue ened Value «prt wm Reprint the vomd S Sub 6: print the Pusuosttaction value- ‘ 4 muityty a amd b values and Stove hat value an welt’ | and © votue q. Bivision % in dive b values aa ne b values amd enodu lus: < a = o 3 7 | == gadition of anumbers cS | “subtraction Of Qnumbers is : I Seared with ComSeanien — Multigdication 1 Division of soe is 220 Modulus of mumboers (8: 1Q5 : 4 numbers {gst Rest $ {ow chart for vosious ortth kom 5 ony Successfully enecuted emetic 0 sper number sy is \ fash Seared with ComSeonnen FLOW CHART: ———s Start) Center a vatue’/ / Gre o a —y “enter b vaue 7 Get b / add =a+I Pat “adtition of a / numbeyS igs". acy, Put “eubtracion of @ numbers ($1 "4sup put “division of a numbers iS ¢4+-DIv Scanned with CamSeanren __{ / Put “Modutu, Of 2 a numbers 16 ta ttndaliss / / Scanned with ComSeonten FLOWCHART TO CHECK THE NUMBER IS postr: EL p NOVAB SETIVE OR NEGATIVE ee itm | [Develop e $ {ow chert 4p. check whether the number is positive oY megative- 1 start + Read a snermber- a df umes 16 equal to ge70, then print emteted umber 1S eno" He Else it aurenber 1S greater than 410, shen print entered number iS positive, umcey: H Else pent entered squrnber 1S megative qurmnber sequins amb sty tu amd 7 or7= Sh 2QWUINY 0 pr129.42, wd ? ® Scanned with ComSearnen tint Ot OS 0 a a ee eXP-NOs-AC —— ————— pals | Po Loevelop flow chart P f art for_finding whether the ive aumber 3S ever OF edd + a ALGO RETHM * \- stare a» Read oO numbet: | 6 df numer US divisille PY gond ge emaindet zero , then print eye NAMPEY” HH Else pan oF qumet 5 rend: a —— NPUT: : enter * amulet #12 e 1S Fhow CHART: : | “enter a number”, Get P i : Pat nt “Ts ever, number" Put nts odd __nurn bers? Scanned with CamSeanren EXP: AL@ORLTHH :- He else ft Entor & vi ae oe low chow" im %S succastbly executed: IS ) eviesfornal Senmted with ConSeorsen Ahree numbers FLOWCHART FOR FINDING BIGGEST NUMBER NO;-4D ANONG THREE NUMBERS “AM a Develop a flow chort among three MUMELTS « 1. Store a Read ov andc values: fan “b' ond ‘o’ 5: Ho is greeter vl Aen print bi! 15 Biggs than Ye /ythen, print “bo is biggest [eget Breve poate’ G exe JENPUT ‘dts greater piue : 10 yalue ¢ 20 fina ny bi ot] for finding Biggest num 4 [largest is biggest [rarest ait reumber OM0Ng .! is. greater than’c || | | | | | | | i | AS FLow CHART a —— “enter a value Geta ——y/ “enter b value” Getb Put ay eg oiggert” put. c+ is Biggest Scanned with ComSeonten | | FLOWCHAR . FOR DISPLAYING ReyERs oF A Given NUMBER - AL AEM I | Develop a flow chort for displaying nevesal OF O given num ber ALGO! {start 2 Read canumber: 5 -Genioliae seve © He By wing Lor check “the conaition (n= =) 5+ Compute the faulow'nd ag above cneition is false | @) remainder = 710 Ub) veve rev #10 gromaind er tc) n=? finer (7/0) 6) print the veverde Of the qurnkeT ta end lr Neur ne entey & ne 2 123 OUT PUT 7 ase oF tne giver number {S 7 3a! given nursery! RESULT: Q for displayint neversal OF © is FLOW CHART? 42 (HID 1337.10 ee. ea Sya0 1Qe 043 wey = YeVIO tremainder n= stoor (N10) w Put “Reverse OF the given qumber ts“. yev Scanned with CamSeonren A NUMBER UST NG FUNCTION foH —— pevelop a How chart to print factoria opa —— numbet USING - -fanction: Ee MATN | \- Start la" Read athe nummer ne 3 BY using atl Sy mbol gives input n° weate o proce dur and He end: istart a Gmtioliae fel fete using 0? ition fr 5: By | our put #~ ————— = . Factovial of 6 'S 27120 , ‘ny funckon '$ i | ResueTer flow chart to print ust = executed Success fusly - Scorned with ComSeomen | Nasis "+f PAU Erin IU CIEE K RIE rere ruyruens expNO'-br SERIES OPTO N usING euNncTrow A 1 I pevelop - & flowchart to gerevote prime number. : number Series upto N using function: par CrORITHN !- \ | MpIN 1 Stort \| | |o- Ret a number 9 i } | lis GntialBe Ter sete cP i Ny. By wing cat Symbol create a proedeue |) a enact | (car omnia |} and ive Cis oe , | | | | 5 end: i | \ | proc EDURE | \ crenanciaial \| | i| iestart nation «19 | condition Salisfies, } | | | tt the emnaition q+ else fncvem &egf C==Q, ten print 1. grtidise c=° Logmerimente 7 value byt | i \\ end | | Scanned with CamSeanren Scanned with ComSeonten gene EMERY Series upto pri pevele number AK GORE 1+ Stort 2- Read ||s- Gntic! Sg FLOW CHART 7 T TO CHECK Gave NUMBERS 29 to check given number 15 procedure and cxonoratl PALINDROME oR NoT USING Func tron vel develop a stow chart palinchomne OF not using Function | | MAIN | ~ | jistort |g. Reo a number | 5. Tdmalie ven =O | u By easing, cot “syn ee : ee outa | give inet ne |G. end- PROCEDURE eee 'b else not ited Scanned with CamSeanren INPUT s- [a enter a number : 1232) OurpuT ‘- 12321 is a Patindrone- RESULT :- |. Flows chart to check the, hen number CS ig executed palindyYone Or not a Junction ques sup Fuge Scanned with CamSeanen Ger 0 Put Mt" 75 falindrone | n= {oor(n /10) Scanned with ComS conten BME NONT FOR CONVERSTON OF exp nova KILOMETERS To MILES AIM f- = plexra Aravelltd 150 krns by train - How much d wstang jio miles She actualy. epvered: i | PLGORTTHM |e gtart a Reod Kilometers as k Js. Miles =O°62#K Heprint rites send: 2 . ‘entey Kilometers = 180 OUTPOT:- Mites = 93 Result sess Lometers. 0 oils flowchart oh ea sofa fap conversion OF xi is ese Scanned with CamSeanten “onter Kilometers" Get K piles = 0°62®K put "Miles etl Scanned with ComSeanen

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