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An operating system is a collection of programs that acts as an interface between the user of a

computer and the computer hardware. In fact, it provides an environment in which a user may
execute programs. Operating System is a Master control program that runs the computer. In
olden days lot of time used to be wasted in setting up computer and everything was
supervised by an operator. An operating system is an important part of almost every
computer system that comprises three main components: The hardware (memory, CPU,
arithmetic-logic unit, various storage devices, I/O, peripheral devices, etc.) Systems programs
(operating system, compilers, editors, loaders, utilities, etc.). Application programs (database
systems, business programs, etc.)

Functions of an O/S

1. Schedule jobs: An operating system can determine the sequence in which

jobs are to be executed.
2. Manage hardware and software resources: Operating system first loads the
user’s application programs on to the computer’s primary memory and
executes it. It makes various hardware units to perform as per the
specifications of the application program.
3. Maintain system security: To maintain security, operating system maintains
a system of passwords in the organization. To enter into a system the user has
to enter his password.
4. Enable multiple user resource sharing: OS can handle the scheduling and
execution of application programs for many users at the same time. This is
called multi programming.
5. Handle Interrupts: An interrupt is a technique used by the operating system
to temporarily suspend the processing of one program in order to execute
another program. Interrupts are issued when a program requests an operation
or when the program exceeds some predetermined time limit.
6. Maintain usage records: OS can record the amount of time used by each user
for each system – the CPU, secondary storage, input and output devices.

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